
Judgement of Demon God

In the modern world, two realms coexist - the divine Gods from heaven and the Demons from Hell. Long ago, Zeus and Hades signed a peace treaty when there was magic and sword, kings were ruling the land, but as time pass and human became more advance in science and technology they started to forgot about the Gods then Zeus created a plan in secret to gain lost faith of human once again by betraying the King of hell Hades. Disclaimer: This web novel is a work of fiction. All characters, events, and settings are products of the author's imagination. The story is intended purely for entertainment purposes and does not aim to offend or hurt anyone's feelings. Reader discretion is advised.

Promezus · Fantasie
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19 Chs

Chapter 2 - Ruin of Calamity Part 1/2

Story start after the end of war between Zeus and Hades, Millennium year has passed and now our journey begins in modern world.

After Zeus's defeat, slowly, as time passed, the power of the gods on Earth started to vanish, and humans slowly started to forget about them. After millenniums, the world changed so much; now, humans have knowledge of science and technology. They made many breakthroughs in science and technology and invented so many machines, which made the life of humans easy. Now, instead of Magic, humans use machines for their daily life routine.

But still in the modern era, stories of Demons and Gods exist as legends. In those legends the cruelty of Hades and his desires for the throne of Olympus are mentioned. Legends says how he led millions of armies to Mount Olympus and fought for the throne, but in the end he was defeated by the Zeus and banished to Hell.

Someone altered the history of war between the Zeus and Hades and portrayed the Hades as the Villain in Legends.

"Story set in the modern era but 10 years ago from present timeline"

Location : Ruin in Athens capital of Greece.

There was a new ruins discovered by the humans and team of archaeologists arrived at the scene they entered the ancient ruins in search of new artifacts and to uncover the hidden secrets of bygone era.

After wandering in the ruins for quit some time archaeologists entered into mysterious room. The air was thick with dust, and the walls crumbling under the weight of time, you can hear the echo of every step you take, it was a place filled with darkness and eerie silence. As they ventured deeper they arrived at a place where in the middle there was a artifact radiant like a gold, but brighter than gold, like a glowing sun, Its luminous glow can kindle a greed in your heart.

One of archaeologists blinded by it's greed took a step towards a artifact. His body was drenched in sweat as he nervously wiped it away with his hand, taking hesitant steps toward the artifacts. When he finally reached towards the artifact.

"Stop! Do not touch the artifact! We do not know what it might cause. We need to first examine it with the machines and check the surroundings for any traps," one of the archaeologists exclaimed, her face filled with worry and concern.

"Yes, yes, you are right. Can you pass me the tool? Let me examine the artifact first," he replied with a hesitation in his voice.

"Here you go" She passed the tool.

"While I examine the artifact, how about you guys look for any traps and explore it further," he replied with a greedy expression on his face.

She sensed his greediness and started to doubt him, but she ignored it, thinking it was just her imagination. It is more important to check for any traps, as she believed he wouldn't be able to escape with the artifact from there alone.

"Desirest thou the power and riches of the world? I can grant thee any wish, any desire," the artifact spoke with a heavy and eerie voice.

He was shocked and scared he took a step back as soon as he heard the voice coming out from the artifact. He immediately start calling his team.

"Help! Help! The artifact... it spoke," he yelled, his voice faltering, his face filled with fear, his whole body drenched in sweat.

He started to look around, turning his head in every direction, but could not find his team.

"Fear not, for I can grant thy every desire. The whole world shall be at thy feet. Dost thou wish for power?" the Artifact spoke again with a heavy and eerie voice.

"Anything? Can you grant me anything?" He inquired, his voice faltering.

"Aye, thou hast but to consent," the artifact replied in a heavy and eerie voice.

"EVERYTHING, EVERYTHING! I shall possess power, boundless riches of the world, and then I shall show them all! I shall take my revenge!" He yelled with a sinister grin on his face, and the room echoed with his menacing laughter.

"What was my mother's fault? That she had to die. Was it my mother's fault? That I am poor and could not deposit the money to the hospital in time, why? Why? Why does this world weigh a person's life with money? If only I were rich, I could have saved my mother's life," he yelled with deep hatred in his heart and a sad expression on his face, tears welling from his eyes, while he was on his knees in a room filled with darkness.

He stood with determination in his heart to take the revenge and wiped his tears.

"Yes, I consent, Grant me every riches of this world" - He answered with fully determination in his heart, burning by the desire of vengeance.

After hearing the consent from him, golden aura started to enter in his body from the artifact, which suddenly transforming his body, every bone of his body crackled and reshaped, He was screaming in pain, his body could not bear the pain of transformation, and he could not even understand why instead of wish of riches his body was undergoing a mysterious and unexpected change.

After the transformation finished... "Huff, huff," he lay on the floor, out of breath, trying to figure out what had happened to him. After a few minutes, the pain seemed to be gone, and he began to focus on recovering from the transformation. His body felt different, stronger, and more powerful.

What have you done to me? You promised to grant my wish and grant me every riches of this world," he asked, his voice faltering as he struggled to catch his breath.

"Thou hast been granted thy wish - the power thou didst seek. Thy desire was to seeketh revenge against those responsible for thy mother's death, and with this power, thou canst possess everything, every riches of this world," the Artifact answered with a heavy and eerie voice.

"Power? Do you mean swords and magic, the stuff that only exists in fantasy?" he inquired with a surprised expression on his face.

"Yea, verily! The world shall undergo a transformation, and naught shall remain a mere fantasy. With this power, thou shalt possess all thy heart doth desire—riches, vengeance, and more," the Artifact replied with an air of mystique.

"What do you mean by the world undergoing a transformation?" He inquired, his face reflecting confusion.