
Journey towards the end.

[Warning: This book is dark and is about revenge so it will contain mature and dark scenes, if you don't like this type of books, you can skip.] Scarlett Rose, known to the world as the raven haired beauty who has been dominating the modelling industry since her debut. A smart, charming woman in the world's eyes but holds a dark past. The fire inside her drives her towards her path of revenge and she will stop at nothing till she satiates her burning heart. Along her journey she finds herself being claimed by a possessive mysterious man, who is morally gray and will not even bat an eyelid while setting the world on fire, if his beloved asks him to. [Sneak peek] The door of the hotel suite opened with a loud thud l, a couple entered the room tangled in each other's embrace.. they were kissing as if the next moment the world would end and this is the only time left.. the man pushed the girl against the door and she without breaking the kiss locked it... with the sound of the click of the door..she pushed away that man away.. there was a hint of suprise in his eyes but also desire was visible...they were both panting as if someone cut off the oxygen supply...The girl pulled the man closer by the collar of his shirt... he looked down into her eyes..she tiptoed and kissed him hard again just as he tried to grab her waist..she held his wrist and broke the kiss again.. and wishpered in his ear "Keep your hands to yourself..I am the one who will be in control tonight.." He slowly lifted her face and made her looked into his eyes.."I am all yours baby."he wishpered... She tore his shirt off his body and he did the same with her dress, the reached the bed but before he could kiss her again, she spoke " Aren't we suppose to hate each other?" He smirked and wishpered in her ear, " We can continue doing that tomorrow again." (under editing)

not_your_barbie · Fantasie
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18 Chs

A Night To Remember.

I look into the mirror , checking myself, I was wearing a burgundy floor length dress with a long slit reaching upto my mid thigh, thin straps and a plunge neckline, exposing decent amount of skin, my lips were painted in a dark shade of maroon. I tightened the holster around my non exposed thigh and put on my earrings with an inbuilt microphone, I put on my contacts and secured the small quantity of midazolam, a mild sedative in my purse and...done, just in case. Today is a laid back day, there are no kills on my schedule today, after all you should all devote your time to your potential alliance.

" Hey Scar, are you ready?" -A

"Yup. Never been this ready."- S

Alex came forward and linked his arm with mine, " My lady."

"Gosh Alex, you suck at this." I said rolling my eyes.

"Dude, I am trying!!" Alex spoke dramatically, this boy.." Let's go."

From the last few years, the only goal that kept me alive, the only dream that will erase all my nightmares.. tonight I will reach one step closer towards my goal. Killing Anthony was somewhat satisfying but he was never on my main hit lists, Well lets say in this game of chess, he's just a pawn, the queen, king and knight are the ones I keep my eyes on. What can I say, I happened to make some enemies on my way, some old, some new , these 4 years was not a cake walk for me, I have reached here after much dedication, pain and suffering and tonight..well let's say tonight's ball will be like rubbing some salt on my old enemy's wounds and ice on mine.

'Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned' a very famous quote by Shakespeare, many people know what these lines means, but a very few lucky people gets to live these lines.

We arrived at the hotel, the ball was held in the most luxurious hotel in town, Alex got out of the limo and opened the door for me, just like the gentleman he is,he held out his hand for me to take, a gracefully got out of the car and proceeded inside, the whole place is decorated like a new bride, from all I heard about our lovely host is that he takes his parties very seriously , my eyes roamed around the hall , searching for the one man who can help me reach my goal. The lights turned off, the whole place was buzzing with the sound of confused guests, then the spot light fell upon a man in his late twenties, his tall and musculine figure covered in a rich, black tuxedo, dirty blonde hair, perfectly styled, he radiated an aura of dominance and power, " Ladies and gentlemen, I welcome all of you to be a part of my celebration, I am here to share this great news with you all that now we are a part of the top 15 MNCs across the globe, this has all been possible with the equal contribution of each and every person standing here, thank you and enjoy the rest of your night." the lights turned back on, and soon everyone started mingling. 'Ezaz Al- Abadi', a famous name in the world of mafia, not many people know his true identity, to the world he is a top class business man and is doing great in his career and is a major icon in the corporate world. His forefathers were among the most influential people in the middle East, but down the generation their influence in the mafia world diminished, the last three generations tried their luck in the business world and here he is now, not an active member of the underworld, but his elder brother Nawaz Al- Abadi is a known name in the middle East. He got settled in the west and now is looking for the' perfect wife'.

I am just waiting for the right opportunity, I helped myself with a glass on red wine, and looking around for the man of the evening, I saw him talking to a few gentlemen, I was getting bored, Alex disappeared among the crowd just as I wanted him to. As I took another sip of my drink I felt someone looking at me, him, I locked eyes with him, his brown eyes staring me with such intensity, I averted my eyes and looked down to the glass in my hands. Just once, please.. please... "A beautiful woman like you shouldn't be alone in my party." bingo!!. Let's get where this night leads.