
Journey to You

----- There are secrets never meant to be disclosed. A mystery never meant to be solved. Questions that never meant to be asked… But things will just naturally unfold... ----- Little Oracle Eu's identity is always shrouded in mystery. A mysterious man dropped her off to the Oracle Clan Grand Elder's house, saying she is his granddaughter. Divine Lord Foeni of the Mystic Spirit Realm found something familiar in her. The Silver-haired stranger even mistakes her for someone else. Even the Divine Witch Circe of the Middle Realm seems to know her too. She can wield the forbidden element and knows forgotten Ancient spells at ease. Break Seals without restrictions. She is someone like totally out of place. She is over talented to be an Oracle. So, who is she exactly? What is her connection to all the things that are happening? How is she intertwined with everyone's fates and destinies? The story is set in the Fantasy World of Astra~ ------------------------------------------------ Content: Fantasy World, Adventure, Slow Romance, Drama, Comedy, Action, etcs~ ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ *I know my grammar needs improvement, and I am working hard on it. ^^ (and typos too...) *I'm using Grammarly to proofread my work. *I am currently slowly rewriting the story and fixing errors. I'll update as much as I can, hoping to finish this book again. *English is not my first language, so my vocabulary is not very comprehensive. Still, I'm trying my best to widen and learn. I do hope you understand. Despite my flaws, I hope you'll enjoy and find my story interesting ~ ^^ Thank you ------------------------------------------------

Lumiciere · Fantasie
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90 Chs

Chapter 76: He Simply Won't Buy It!

The Divine Lord Foeni looked around the room and witnessed how they interact with each other. He can easily assume this group are old friends and celebrating a reunion.

How can they easily have a good relationship after their first meeting?

He simply won't buy it!

He fixated his gaze at Haru and remembered asking him what is he doing in Mystic Spirit Bordertown with the Holy Guardians Tiger and Vermilion that night. He accepted his 'coincidence excuse' but now disregards everything he said.

Meanwhile, Haru's face is drained of color, and his drunkenness quickly subsided. He also clearly remembers lying years ago to cover their cooperation agreement with the Holy Guardian Lords.

"It's not what it looks like..." Haru mumbled as he gulps.

He can feel Lord Foeni's oppressing aura currently directed at him. He can't believe always finding himself in such a predicament because of his drinking habit.

'Darn... I should have considered quitting a long time ago... Drinking is the root of all of my misfortunes!' Haru thought as he sweats profusely.

Cold beads of sweat roll down on his spine as he feels the Divine Lord's oppressive aura. He is beyond terrified.

It all started ever since he accompanied Lord Tiger to drink at the nearest bar. He should have considered parting ways with them and go home instead.

"Is it?" Lord Foeni coldly responded.

On the other hand, the Holy Guardian Lords seem unconcerned of his wrath. Why is he so angry?

Lord Foeni narrowed his eyes as he thought of the Tanuki twins. They have done an exemplar job since they affiliated themselves with Eu.

Then he started to assume Eu is also behind the Holy Guardian's achievements.

Lord Azure's quick recovery.

Gwyddien and Lord Vermilion's counterspells against Themis restrictions.

Lord Turtle's rescue from Themis.

He knits his brows as he enumerated every incident he could remember that might involve her. He thought they have a clear understanding they won't hide any more secrets from each other.

He can't help feeling disappointed as he looks at Eu.

Why did she omit the fact she is involved with the Holy Guardian Lords?

Meanwhile, Lord Azure mischievously smiles as he observes at the Divine Lord Foeni actions. He has long suspected him hiding his feelings and can't help poking on him a bit.

"My adorable little Eu, my hair is a mess. Could you braid it for me today?" Lord Azure suddenly spoke.

Meanwhile, the Divine Lord's face darkened as the room suddenly dropped a few degrees colder more. An awkward silence filled the room.

Why did Lord Azure throw more gasoline into the Divine Lord's wrath?

Eu's comrades genuinely wanted to disappear as an impeding battle seems to commence in the room. How can they even survive the catastrophe if they start attacking each other?

They can't even handle the pressure from the Divine Lord's aura, how much more an attack? Just being in that room is a mistake.

Meanwhile, Lord Foeni has different concerns. He started drowning in contemplation regarding everything that is happening.

My adorable Little Eu….?

Braid my hair…?

The Divine Lord's face twitched as he recalls every word Jin uttered that moment.

Since when did they start cheating on me?!

Eu and Jin?! That is utterly preposterous!

Then he shifted his attention at Gwyddien as well and recalled the Winter Festival incident.

That witch tightly clings to her and disturb his time with her.

Then there is also Di'Anon, Seig, Eirwen, and Haru as well.

He can't help suspecting he found himself with so many rivals.

"Little Eu, you meet with Lord Azure often to braid his hair?" he calmly asked.

He controls himself from acting impartially without hearing her explanation. Though, his jealousy is into the brim.

He will surely burst in unreasonable anger once provoked.

"I occasionally have done it when but we are busy, and we haven't seen in a while..." Eu calmly explains.

"You promised not to keep any more secrets from me." Lord Foeni responded.

"It's not Brother Jin's fault. We never had an opportunity to discuss it since we are busy talking about something else." Eu continues to reason out.

It's true that last time they talked, he was fixated about her identity as 'Eunomia.' What happened to her and why is she here as a different person.

Still, what agitated him was how close they become over the years. He even suspects the Holy Guardians spends more time than him.

Brother Jin…? Are they really that close?

She even braids his hair!

That is ridiculous! How dare they?!

Ravikanth started to be selective about the things he heard. His jealousy continues to intensify.

"Why are you acting as if we are together? What is your problem if we met before or we occasionally spend time with each other?" Eu asked.

She bombards Ravikanth with questions. Eu can't help herself finding him weird every time other men were involved.

She can only assume that he is being eaten away by his jealousy or probably insecurity.

Then again, why?

'Our relationship, you asked? I've been trying to tell you that, but there is always someone getting between us! You suddenly ask me now?!'

Ravikanth thought as he tries to suppress his feelings. He needs to act more calmly and maturely as he regulates his emotions.

Meanwhile, Lord Vermilion is looking at Eu and the Divine Lord back and forth. She can help sigh as she understood both their sides.

After all, she was there as the Divine Lord's witness when they had a Blood Contract.

On the other hand, she understood Eu for not able to speculate the Divine Lord's side.

How can Eu know how to refrain from making the Divine Lord jealous without even knowing she is in a relationship with him?

The Divine Lord Foeni is simply to blame. He should have told the truth a long time ago and stop blaming Eu for not having a single clue.

"Are you truly that ignorant in regards to my feelings?" the Divine Lord asked.

He was drowning on his grievances as he tries to calm himself.

It is his fault for not clarifying their relationship. After all, Eu is old enough to understand.

It was his fault for secretly getting her engaged to him.

Everything is his fault that she doesn't know why he is acting like that.

How can he continue to blame her for everything when he is the only one who knows?

The temperature continues to drop as Lord Vermilion sighs. It was pretty evident that he still wasn't able to clarify their status.

It is understandable Eu is confused by his actions. Even if Eu suspected it, he should just tell her straight away as well.

Though, what kind of man would like their betrothed to be close to other men aside from himself?

Even Vermilion is confused just thinking about their circumstances.

Meanwhile, the Holy Guardian Lord Azure had long suspected their relationship. He just didn't expect that Lord Foeni is on a one-sided affair with her.

How can Lord Foeni be diffident in regard to this matter?

Right now, he just had a craving for pushing the Divine Lord more and agitate him. He hides his naughty smile behind his fan as his eyes shimmer in delight.

The room seems like in a standstill while everyone remains silent. Some even forgot how to breathe amidst their terror.

"What is happening? The Divine Lord is angry. Why did you offend him?" Lord Tiger suddenly spoke.

She is groggy as she narrowed her eyes, trying to understand and figure out the awkward scenario. She drops in silence and falls asleep again soon after no one responded to her.

They remained silent.

Lord Turtle doesn't want to interfere and get involved with their personal issues. Others just wanted to run out of the room and hide from his wrath.

"Vermilion, explain this whole scenario to me." Lord Foeni said as he shifted his attention to her.

The small girl hovers in a grimoire and clinging to Eu. He didn't want to admit his mistake and started to push the blame away from him.

"What is there to explain? We are friends. We hang out. Why are you so angry?" Vermilion replied straightforwardly.

"You didn't inform me." the Lord responded indifferently.

He stole a glance at Eu, who is looking at him quizzically.

"Why are you so upset? Is it so bad to have friends? Should I report to you every single person I met?" she asked.

Ravikanth is in total distress as he thinks about it. Hearing about it seems absurd.

It is normal not to know everything about someone.

It is normal if she met people without his knowledge.

Though, he can't help being upset knowing he was left out by everyone. He should have clarified their status a long time ago.

Why is he hesitating now? This is the time to clear things with her.

He really should grab this opportunity or else.

"Little Eu, we really need to talk." he began. He turned to Freya as he continued, "You, come with us."

"I don't want to get involved. You settle your own problems." Vermilion nonchalantly responded as she started to leave.

Lord Tiger chimed in groggily as she suddenly woke up, asking again who offended Lord Foeni. Like the first time, she falls out unconscious after saying her piece.

Everyone quickly shifted their attention to her as they heave a heavy sigh. They can't help commending her timing and envied her obliviousness of what is happening.

Meanwhile, Lord Foeni chased Vermilion and grabbed her arm. How can he let her leave without helping him clear things out?

"How can you say that? You are involved since eight years ago. You are our witness." the Divine Lord reminded the little girl who halted from leaving the scene.

"And now you wanted me to get involved? I thought you told me to stay out of your business?" Lord Vermilion asked.

The Divine Lord Foeni didn't expect her to answer back, rendering him speechless. Still, he didn't dared let go of her as he wanted her to help him explain.