
Journey To Being A God

the god is tired of being a god, so over 1,000 people from all over the universe have been picked. only one can be the next god.

Itachi101 · Anime und Comics
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48 Chs

demon king


A massive explosion was made as beams bit the ground. The ground my destroyed as all 10 of them were on the ground, almost died.

"creation is a bit overkill," seth said as he jumped towards the and continue absorbing them using his domain.

Although they were healing, they were getting slower as seth was absorbing them. Slowly seth got stronger as they got weaker.

After completely absorbing all to the point, they were nothing more than bones. Seth got up as he grew black wings. Slowly turning towards a faraway place, seth disappeared.

"he is coming." a golden-haired man holding a Crystal ball that was showing the fight between seth and the other

"meliodas?!! He can't." a girl with Silver hair said as she started crying.

"We got to get going." a man with a scar on his neck said.

"we leave? the fun just started," seth said as he landed behind them.

"damn you." the man with the scar yelled as he ran towards seth. But seth quickly grabbed his neck and started absorbing him.

"so weak... but you can't deal, let's take that from you," seth said with a smile as the man started turning into a skeleton.

"Ban." a little girl yelled as tears ran down her face.

"dont worry, you will join him soon." setg said kindly as he made a domain that started absorbed everyone.

"big daddy Sunshine are you sure," seth asked as Big Daddy Sunshine was in enlarging in size as the night got bright. Pointing his finger to the sky, a small sun was made.

'This will hurt, But its Big Daddy Sunshine.' with thought as he was hit by the sun, sending him flying backward.

Big Daddy Sunshine then fell to the ground, as he was trued. With slight Difficulty, he looked towards seth. Who was standing in front of him.

"You way sleep now," seth said as Big Daddy Sunshine turned to a skeleton.


'I was merin was here.' seth thought as a woman appeared before him.

Before the woman could even comprehend what was happening, seth grabbed her by the neck.

"what do you want." merin said as she tried to get out of seth hands.

"you can stop time on your skills, making them last forever. It's really cheating. Let me take that off you," seth said with a smile.

With wide eyes, merin turned into a skeleton, as seth let her go.

'...' seth looked at merin bones for a moment before did appearing.

"so you are the demon king," seth asked with a smile as he looked a the large guy before him.

"a human? To be able to survive, here you are something." the demon king said coldly.

"Stop it, I right blush," seth said as he jumped towards the demon king.

"you dont know your place." the demon king said, but he didn't move and just watched seth. The demon king had a special ability called the ruler...

seth seeing the demon king wasn't even going to block, yelled as he punched his stomach.

"fist of healing," seth yelled as the demon king coughed up blood as he fell to the ground.

"how do you know." the demon king asked.

"I'm just that amazing," seth said as he continued healing him. The demon king seeing that if this continues, he could die, quickly turned off the rulers' ability.

seth seeing this went on to absorb him.

"you!" the demon king yelled as he turned on his ability. only to cough blood.

"I hear you as I absorb you. So what will you do," seth asked with a smile as he stopped absorbing him.

"go to hell." the demon king yelled as threw seth flying backward, only for seth to disappear and reappearing behind the demon king.

(he is using his wishes to do this.)

Tree grow underground as they wrapped around the demon king. Just as the demon king was about to break out of the tree, he suddenly started coughing blood.

"it's as if you dont want me to heal you?" seth said as if he was baffled

"Who are you." the demon king asked with gritted teeth.

"I'm god," seth said as he began absorbing the demon king who turned of his ability.

"no human can be this strong." the demon king said as he was getting weaker.

"you can die now," seth said as the demon king breathed his last.

'I'm going to fuse the two ruler ability together later.' seth as he did appeared.