
The Start

When I realized that I couldn't properly understand what it meant to be important, I had already drifted away. It wasn't my intention as I thought it was normal since no one told me what I was doing was wrong. But at the same time I hoped someone would notice me. It never happened so I never learned I just watched and did what I could on my own. After a good while I just didn't see them and when I did they had said one thing to me and left, "Oh, your still here." Why would they say something like that how could they say something like that, was I only just a hindrance to them a being that was still there even though they expected it to be gone. It's hilarious at how that man was able to say that so easily it really showed that I had no place if I stayed there. Yet I wonder what would that man do if I were to leave, would he even notice? Would he even care or would he say that "the nuisance is finally gone."But I am still young and all I want is affection from those who gave me life. Though I shall not wait and just leave.As staying and waiting for that moment to come is stupid especially when you can tell what would most likely happen.So there's no point in daydreaming about it. Where would I go? I need a plan to leave a plan that would help me live on in the outside world.