
Journey Though The Gate

What happens when you obtain a book that grants you a system and allows you to travel through different worlds?

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5 Chs

I Survived My First Attack

I woke up early to wait for my report card to come. Around noon a truck comes by and delivers the mail. Running down the driveway and I get the mail from the mailbox before I making my way back to the house.

If I'm being completely straight with you, I use to dread this day as opening most of my previous report cards only brought me disappointed but today is different, I was actual confident in my grades for once. I spent most of the semester growing my stats, completing quest, and I even learn that by meeting special conditions you can unlock skills. Here's what my stats look like now.


Name: Ash Harper

Title: None

Job: None

Race: Human

Age: 13

Level: 9

Exp: 96.2%

HP: 45/45

MP: 0

Strength: 14 (6)

Dexterity: 13 (7)

Constitution: 15(6)

Intelligence: 20 (7)

Wisdom: 16 (5)

Charisma: 10 (4)

Luck: 15 (14)


Stat Points: 0

System Points: 620



- Novice Drawing Skill LV 16

- Competent Programming Skill LV 23

- Novice Observation Skill LV 43


- None


I had asked the system when I got my first skill why the skill had novice in the name and was inform that skills have a total of seven stages Novice, Advanced Beginner, Competent, Proficient, Expert, Master, Grand-Master and that you can only upgrade to the next stage by reaching level one hundred in the previous stage.

Here's what my skills look like now.


Novice Drawing Skill

Level: 16

Exp: 27%

Description: Increases your ability to draw.


Competent Programming Skill

Level: 23

Exp: 94%

Description: Increases your programming ability.


Novice Observation Skill Level: 43

Exp: 89%

Description: Allows user to glean information from a person or object.


Back to the matter at hand when I get back in the house, I grab letter with my name on it before tossing the rest of the mail on the counter.

Carefully opening the letter, I pull out my report card, unfold the paper, and read though the report I saw I got all A's. let out a breath I didn't even know I was saving I laid the report on the table and as soon as the report left my hand, I got a notification from the system.


Quest: End the Semester as a Straight A Student

Difficulty: B

Reward: Random Ability Token - 1280 Experience


I accept the rewards but as soon as I do everything goes dark and when I can see again, I'm in a forest. Looking around all I see is trees in every direction.

Not having any better ideas, I decided to question the system, "Where am I and why am I here?"

"User had been transported to random world as you have met the required conditions. The user can only return after a year has passed in this word or the user complete five quests. If user doesn't complete the quest before returning to his home world the user will lose access to this world permanently on the other hand if user does complete the quests you will be able to travel form this world and the user's home world and back freely."

"What happen in my home world when I'm here", I ask the question I really wanted to know the answer to.

Before long the system replied, "One day in this world is equivalent to one minute in the users home world. If five quests are completed user will be free to modify the time ratio to make traveling between this world and the users home world more convenient."

Letting out a breath of relief I pull up the available quests.


Quest: Discover what world the user is in.

Difficulty: D

Reward: +1 10% discount coupon

Penalty: None


Just seeing the reward made me want to complete the quest but first I need to find fresh water.

As I'm walking, I remember that I still had the random ability token. Asking the system to use the token a giant carnival wheel pops up looking at it I notice it is divided into over twenty different sections each section was labeled with a ranking form common all the way to godly. I ask the system to start spinning the wheel and when it stops, I see that it had landed on the bonus ability section before I starts spinning again and it stops in the legendary section. A few seconds later the system gives me a notification.


Space (Bringing the Farm to Live in Another World)

Level: 1

Upgrade Condition: Analyze & Incorporate 375 New Plants (0/375)

Rarity: Legendary

Functions: Increased Crop Growth, Analyze & Incorporate (Resource Only Version)

Description: Personal dimension of user. Currently the Space and only be exited from the location the user entered the space.


Library (Library of Heaven's Path)

Level: 1

Upgrade Condition: 100,000 System Points

Rarity: Legendary

Functions: Book Storage, Compile

Description: Any book read by user is added to the library. Information stored in the library can be accessed at any time.


Reading though the abilities to say I was surprised would be an understatement the characters who used these abilities both became super overpowered using them. Reading the functions though I became confused because I know that both of those abilities can do a lot more than what was listed in the functions page in fact it wasn't even the tip of the iceberg of, they could do in their respective series.

Asking the system, I learn that as the abilities level rises so will the abilities functions and strength. I was also told that the main difference between abilities and skills are that to upgrade an ability you need to fulfill certain conditions while skills on the other hand can be leveled by experience. In other words, the more you use a skill the more experience you get.

As I'm walking, I hear a howling in the distance and it sounded like it was coming closer. Worried I spend five hundred points on a spear so I would at least have some kind of defense I really wanted a gun but I didn't have enough points to get a decent one. It had a wooden shaft with a steel point. I take a defensive position as I hear the howling coming getting closer and closer. When the creature finally came into view an emergency quest popped up.


Emergency Quest: Survive until help arrives

Difficulty: B

Duration Remaining: 5 Minutes

Reward: Unlock Inventory – 10,000 system points

Penalty: Death


I don't know what I'm more surprised about the quest that popped up or of the creature heading my way. In font was a creature over twice my size it looked like a werewolf with bones sticking out of various parts of its body with pitch black fur, massive sharp claws and on its face was a white mask with red lines on it. However, what scared me most was I know this creature it was a Beowolf one of the Creatures of Grimm which means I could only be in one place the World of Remnant. I was in the RWBY universe.

When that thought crossed my mind another notification popped up.


Quest: Discover what world the user is in.

Difficulty: D

Reward: +1 10% discount coupon


"Not the time." I said in a low voice.

As the Beowolf comes into range of my spear I step forward and stabbed my spear forward with all the strength I could manage straight toward the Beowolf's heart. It must have been surprised because it didn't have time to put up its guard before the tip of my spear penetrated its flesh and it crumbled to dust the ding of a notification from the system.

I was about to celebrate my victory that was until I heard a growl from behind me. Before I could even turn around, I felt a Beowolves claws break flesh. I hurry create a portal and to enter the Space right as another Beowolf tried to make a slash at me I dived into the portal leaving my spear behind as the claws just missing head.

Inside the Space was a grassy field with a clear blue sky I might have appreciated the scenery if I wasn't currently bleeding out. Checking the quest, I notice I still have a little over two minutes left before help arrived and if I don't leave the Space, they might not notice me and I would be stuck here bleeding out. Trying to stand up I feel a sharp pain in my back but I force myself to stand up and open a portal back to Remnant as soon as the portal opens a Beowolf jumps through swinging its claw right at me.

Fighting off the pain from my wound I jump out of the way resulting in the Beowolf jumping right past me. Running through the portal I'm back where I started looking around, I see my spear on the ground the problem was there was another Beowolf between me and it.

It didn't take long for the Beowolf to notices me but as soon as does it charges. Barley dodging its slash I, make a dash toward my spear. As soon as I grab it though something hits me from the side hard barely keeping my grip on my spear, I'm sent flying and hit a nearby tree. The pain from my wounded back hitting the tree causes my vision to blur. Using all my will power I try to sit up and raise my spear the best I could.

By the time my vision cleared I noticed I was surrounded by over fifteen Beowolves and I knew that as soon as they attacked that I was going to die but I wasn't going down without a fight. When the first one charges, I was able to stab my spear into its chest. Unfortunately for me the blow wasn't a killing one and the Beowolf made a slash at my head. I close my eyes and brace for the pain to come but even after a few seconds had passed the pain never came opening my eyes I'm able to make out the silhouette of a man holding a sword no a scythe.

After he kills of the rest of the Beowolves he makes his way toward me allowing me to get a clearer view of his face and to my surprise I recognize him. Qrow Branwen he had graying black, spiky hair, dull red eyes and slight stubble along his jawline. He was wearing a grey dress shirt with black dress pant and a tattered cape.

When he comes closer, he asks, "You alright kid?"

"Your Qrow, Qrow Branwen Ozpin's follower, right?" Was all I could muttered before everything went dark.