
Journey of the Unrivaled Mage

A youth seeks out answers, and power to save his father and by extension, keep his family safe. But the journey takes him places beyond his wildest imagination, and lands him at the center of a universal scheme. Targeted by enemies horrific beyond measure, he must also face treacherous humans that wear the same skin but act against that very humanity. But his abilities and allies grant him an edge, as he navigates the daunting challenges, aiming to emerge victorious. Watch the journey of this unrivaled mage as he starts from nothing, and aims to get everything!

Mister_Overpowered · Fantasie
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5 Chs

Chapter 1: Father's Sacrifice

"Cassian! My time is running out. Go! Build up your strength! Don't forget to take care of your mother and siblings."

The sound of the old man's cough echoed through the room as he expelled a mouthful of dark, viscous blood while lying on the wooden bed. As they sat side by side, a few drops of blood splashed on his eldest son, who clung tightly to his arm.


Cassian clenched his father's hand tightly, seeking comfort in their familiar touch. 

Hatred burned in his eyes as he cast a long, lingering gaze upon the captivating green-blue lotus-shaped magic herb, shimmering with a soul-stirring light. The pot sat beside the bed, containing their cherished possession.

'He ended up poisoned and disabled just because he wanted to get this for me. What tuition fee? What Magic Academy? I have no interest in any of that. I want him to live!'

"Doctor, how long does he have?"

A soft voice emerged, hiding deep sorrow and suffering. However, it evoked potent emotions in anyone who heard it.

The elderly physician observed the distraught young woman in her thirties standing next to her devastated son. Despite her true age, she gave the impression of being the older sister of the young man. The doctor briefly glanced at the elderly man lying in bed, his hair white with age.

'To think a frog like him ate this beautiful swan.'

Setting personal feelings aside, he solemnly said, "Ma'am, he has only a few days left. We can suppress the poison by using medicine, but he'll have to be put in an induced coma. But I don't..."

"How long?" She cut him.

"A few months."

"Do it."

The doctor's eyes widened. "But.."

"Just do it."

The woman gazed hopefully at her son.


She got down on her knees, grabbed his face, and made him look at her.

"He did it for you. It is not only for you, but for all of us. Knowing his end was near, this was his sole means of hope. You understand, right?"

Cassian opened his mouth, but no words came out.

'Of course I understand. Of course I do! But… him getting poisoned shouldn't have happened!'

"I understand," he relented.

His mom had a little smile, and his dad let out a sigh of relief.

"Good. Say your goodbyes to your siblings and go on your way."

As Cassian left the room, she gracefully took his place, intertwining her fingers with her husband's.

"Who knows, you might bring back a miracle and my darling won't die."

Grinning with satisfaction, the old man who got poisoned showed no remorse. Despite the excruciating agony he was in, he mustered up a smile, determined to hide his suffering.

"Honey, you understand me the best!"

As he gazed at a potential father and daughter, a chilling sensation ran down the old physician's spine. With urgency, he swiftly administered the medicine, witnessing the old man's eyes slowly close and his breaths becoming more shallow, before promptly exiting the house.

Cassian's mother looked wistfully out the window, watching her son's retreating figure.

"Now, what great fate do you have? What is it that's so special about you?"


"This stupid Soul Nourishing Flower!"

Gritting his teeth, Cassian's striking blue eyes stared intently at the clay pot, the water inside simmering gently. The mutated rose, with its vibrant green-blue petals, emitted a playful glow. Clutching it tightly, he carefully balanced it in his hands as the carriage continued to jostle.

'I hope they accept it as my admission fee. How can I bring 100 Crowns otherwise?'

Through the window, he saw the forest come alive with an explosion of vibrant hues, each leaf and flower adding to the kaleidoscope of colors. The noon sun beat down relentlessly, intensifying the heat of the day. 

A primitive forest surrounded his gaze, with tall trees flanking the muddy road. The inviting scent of fresh nature filled the air, beckoning him to explore. It did not fill his gaze with interest, but with a sense of caution.

"I hope no magical beast attacks us this time."

The imperial guards mercilessly hunted down and slaughtered the magical beasts in the forest. However, the travelers making their way to the capital of the Ascendria Empire often encountered occasional monster attacks. 

No matter how many magical beasts were crushed, more and more continued to emerge, their onslaught never ceasing.

"Don't worry, young master Cassian. I'm the best coachman you can hire around these parts! I can get you to the capital safely in one piece."

"I hope so."

Leaning out of the window, Cassian's blue eyes were met with the sight of a mud road that appeared to stretch endlessly. Despite his best efforts, the straight road gradually faded into a hazy blur, concealed by a thick blanket of mist.

"Why were the cities made so distant? We've been on the road for days! Our food supply is almost over and we've only got enough for one day."

Cassian brought his head back inside.

"Can we make it to the capital within a day?"

"No, young master. We are still three days away from reaching there. Why do you say that?"

"Food? How can we sustain ourselves with our current food reserves?"

With a swift motion, the coachman struck one of the two horses, their hooves pounding against the ground as they galloped ahead. He grinned and replied, "I know a great place. We can restock soon. Don't worry about it!"

"Restock?" Cassian frowned. As far as he knew, this road was the direct route to the bustling capital city. The route was devoid of any other cities, towns, or villages. Did he mean…

"By any chance, is your restock point in the forest?" Cassian gulped and hoped for the best.

"Exactly! I know that place very well. In fact, it's like my secret hideout. I'm only bringing you there because I trust you!"

"Aha…" Cassian's oval face softened, revealing a hint of relief. 

Amidst the countless dangers lurking in the Evernach Forest, he was aware of the bountiful treasures that awaited those brave enough to seek them. It was common for adventurers and frequent travelers to seek shelter by creating hideouts.

It's likely that they kept valuable treasures or necessary resources hidden away in that place. Another possibility is that it could be situated close to a rare and coveted resource, like a magical herb.

'Does Frank's high charge of 1 Moon as a coachman in Embercroft Town explain this? Why build a secret base when we could have brought enough food for two extra days?'