
Journey of Demonic Author: Path of Supremacy

In a world full of immortals, celestials, spirit, devils, demons and many more beings. This was a world, where strength gives one an identity. Where Stronger beings decide the fate of the weaks. A place, where wicked beings were worshipped as heroes. In this chaotic word. A normal human was mysteriously transversed, a system in his aresal. He soon understanding this world was something. He himself had written! And, moreover he realised. He was only villain in this world. That was only fated to be a stepping stone of Protagonist. So... He now with his identity being that of a villain. Which, he well-knew the fate of. He began fearing about his future, that was extremely dark. So, clenching his fist, claiming his mind and hardening his heart. He formed his resolve for the survival. He refused to die from his very own written character. He decided to light up his dark future. ’I will survive. Even if it means I have to defy fate. I will! I won't die by the fate. That, I myself have written. I shall reign supreme above all the Heavens, Hells and Plains that exist since the dawn of creation! I will use, my knowledge as the author of this world! To achieve my goal' He resolved himself. He will use everything he have, to lighten up his future. Hence, using his limited knowledge as the author of the world and a system to his support. He now will strive for the supremacy, the true immortality. That everyone seeked or dreamed off. He won't let those petty protagonists interfere in this journey of his. And so begins the journey of the Demonic author! Path to Supremacy! -------------- The Pic above isn't owned by me. I'm new author, with a new book.

Larvender_Knight · Ost
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Chapter 6: The First Protagonist

Chapter 6: The First Protagonist

Author: Larvender_Knight


Next Day….



"Welcome! Everyone, to our Grand Selection Competition…!" The host shouted, his voice roaring through the Stadium.

"We will be continuing this Selection Competition for a total of six days." The host explained, as they were in the National Stadium of Tang Kingdom, used for special events.

Today being one of those special events…

"Today, we have three Honourable Envoys of Ten Thousands Saint Sword Sect, which is one of the Five Main Sect here to judge our Kingdom's talents and take them as a Disciples to their Sect!" The host exclaimed, raising his arms to the crowd. He carried on an excited smile, further increasing the excitement of the crowd.


The crowds cheered in joy, all of them turning to the highest seat of the Stadium. Four people seated there, the first man was someone everyone recognized as he was the King of their Kingdom, His Majesty King Tang Dingbang himself!

Today, wearing a golden robe, with his crown on his head. He showed his majesty to all his subjects, blessing everyone with his presence.

Three other younglings seated by his side, all of them wearing grey robes, all of them carrying a dominating aura.

Many men gulped down a mouthful of saliva, looking at the beautiful fairy. Who was seated among one of those four higher beings, giving a beautiful smile with their delicate lips to the world.

The females presented in the Stadium couldn't take their eyes off Feng Jiao-long, who carried an otherworldly charm, his red pupils pulling every woman's attention on him. His flawless skin and refined body gave many women's sinful thoughts.

As, Dong Jin himself was also charming in his own aspects. But sadly, sitting beside Feng Jiao-long, he was just too pale in comparison. Hence, being ignored by the crowd.

"Then, without any delay! Let's call for our first contestant!" The host announced with a loud banger, quickly shouting out the name of the contestants.

The fierce competition began, each young talent fighting against each other to their best.

[Broken Immortal Tavern]


"Oi, trash! My Young Master wants this seat. Hurry up and scram!" A stupid looking man, his teeth sticking out of his lips shouted slamming the table near the balcony of the three storey tall Tavern.

"What do you mean! I was seated here first, I won't scram! I dare you or that young master of yours to make me scram!" The lonely young man who was seated in the seat exclaimed, in a clear tone.

He wore a light blue robe, his brown hair neatly tied in a long ponytail. A mysterious pendant hanging by his neck.

He had crystal clear eyes, with sword-like eyebrows. He possessed fairly skin. As, He would be said to be relatively handsome, his two bangs falling to his eyes.

"You dare go against this young master. It seems, you are courting death!" When an arrogant tone echoed through the tavern, everyone's attention turning to the voice.

"Young Master Mo! You are here." When the stupid man spoke, quickly running at the Young Master.

"What is happening here? I clearly said, I wanted that balcony seat. Why is there trash sitting in that seat?" Young Master Mo asked, giving a death glare at both the young man and the stupid man.

He wore a red robe with a black jacket, he carried a fan in his hand.

'Mo' written in the fan. Young Master Mo had a bulky build, his spiky hair let loose behind his back.

He was being followed by his friends, all of them also wore luxurious clothes.

"This… Young Master. I told that bastard that the young master had booked that seat, but that arrogant bastard didn't move. Even after he heard your name." The stupid man said, rubbing his hand. He bowed his head for apologies, the young man dissatisfyingly glaring at both of them.


Young Master Mo then turned his attention towards the seated young man, checking his cultivation base. A smirk appearing in his arrogant face.


"A mere Golden Core trash dare cause trouble for this Young Master. Are you courting death!" Young Master Mo threatened, walking infront of the man with heavy steps.

'Heh! I'm in the Mid-level Earth Realm. Could this mere Golden Core be able to take my fist?' Young Master Mo thought, giving a death state to the young man.

"This is bullshit! I was seated here first. Now, you just come out of nowhere and claim this seat to be yours! This is pure bullying!" The young man said, standing up from the seat. He made eye to eye contact with the young master, clenching his fist.


"So what? I'm the young master of the Great Mo Family. My father is the Marquis of this Kingdom. I can do whatever I want, who are you to call me a bully?" Young Master Mo said, his sidekicks cheering him from behind.

"How arrogant! Let me teach you a les—"

'Careful, Disciple. That man in front of you is in the middle level of Earth Realm. You have to be careful dealing with him.' When a voice shouted inside the young man's head, halting him in half step.

'Earth Realm.' The young man exclaimed, claiming his mind.

"I will leave you for this once. I promise the next time we meet. I will kill you that time." The young man said, backing away from the fight.


"You damn arrogant prick! You think, this young master will let you go. After threatening to kill me!" Young Master Mo exclaimed in fury, tightly gripping his shoulder.

"You! You have chosen it yourself! I gave you a chance, but it seems like you don't want to cherish it." The young man said, quickly grabbing the wrist of Young Master Mo who grasped his shoulder.


Slamming him to the ground

'What! How did he slam me?'

"Cough!" The young master coughed, his back smashing to the ground. He was left off-guard. As…

"You dare harm Young Master!" The sidekicks of Young Master shouted, all of them rushing to the young man.

"You all are trash to the society! I will kill you all." The young man said, giving a hateful glare at the ones charging at him.

"AHH! Run a fight is breaking out!" The normal customer. Who weren't that powerful in cultivation shouted, running away from the Tavern.




The young man skillfully punched, kicked and blasted the sidekicks of Young Master Mo. As the Young Master soon got up from the ground.


"You damn ant, dare sneak attack me! I will rip you from your very existence!" He shouted, releasing his Earth Realm pressure.

A huge pressure descended in the Tavern. His killing intent leaking from his body.



The young man grunted in pain, feeling his movements being restricted because of the increase in the pressure.


"Die!!!" Young Master Mo shouted, charging at him.


"What is happening!" A loud shout halted everyone in the Tavern. Even the Young Master Mo halting in his steps.

"Lord Duke Zhang?!" Young Master and everyone present in the Tavern surprisingly exclaimed at the same time.

The young man alittle clueless, as he had entered this city just a day ago.

"I ask, What is happening here! What is all this turmoil for?!" Duke Zhang shouted, as he was wearing a luxurious white gown.

He was calmly attending the Selection Competition, when a sudden burst of killing intent leaked around the city.

Most inside the Stadium didn't sense this killing intent. As, the killing intent of Earth Realm couldn't cover the entire City.

But, how could an expert of High level not notice even this slight amount of killing in the City they were presented with.

So, King Tang noticing this killing intent. He immediately ordered the one near him to go check it at once, as he didn't want to cause any displeasure to the Envoys.

"This…? Lord Duke, This trivial matter doesn't matter a man of your posture could need to worry about." Young Master Mo said, trying to calm the raging Duke.

"Trivial matter? This matter isn't trivial. You as the son of the Mo Marquis should know, today we have Envoys of a Main Sect presented. We don't want anything to displease them. And, here you are leaking your damn killing intent! You think they didn't notice it." Duke Zhang roared, staring at everyone in the Tavern.

He noticed the young man, who was huffing near the Mo kid.

"You, are you new in this City? Quickly tell me who you are and what happened here." He then said, pointing at the young man.

The young man immediately stood up, bowing his head and cupping his fist.

"I greet the Senior. This junior is called Luo Fang, and I just entered the Capital City yesterday… " The young man, who claimed himself to be Luo Fang, greeted explaining about what happened.

'For a mere seat. Such disgraceful acts were played. What a shame, for a son of Noble. I need to talk about this with Marquis Mo.' Duke Zhang thought, not trying to make a big deal out of this currently. As, the Envoys were still in the city.

"Okay, then all of you go your own way from here. I don't want any trouble, especially as the Selection Competition is still going on for six more days." Duke Zhang said, strictly glaring at Young Master Mo.

'Selection Ceremony? I heard about it on the street yesterday. I think it was for the recruitment of the Ten Thousand Saint Sword Sect…'

'...Master, what do you think? Should I also take this competition? If I can pass, I can enter the Main Sect. And, I may even get a chance to meet with her.' Luo Fang asked, looking at the pendant in his neck.


'Entering a Main Sect is good, as it will provide you with many great opportunities and resources. I think you should try it.' An ancient voice then replying, the spirit inside the pendant suddenly frowned.

'Royal Sense? Why is a Monarch-level figure spying on a Golden Core junior?' The spirit thought, alittle displeased. He couldn't find out the user of the Royal Sense, as he was gravely injured from his battle.


'Heh. The first protagonist has entered the scene.' Feng Jiao-long smirked, retreating from his Royal Sense.


"Senior Brother, what is that smirk for? Can you tell me?" Yige Li Hua asked, giving a mischievous smile.

Feng Jiao-long just looked at her, before turning to the arena. Where the young talents were displaying their power.

'Hateful! Ignoring me like that!' Yige Li Hua thought, and she also turned to the arena.
