
Journey Of Ben Tennyson

This Is The Story Of Ben Tennyson. He has become bored of his life in the Omnitrix Multiverse. And then he decided to travel to different Multiverse. But there is a surprise waiting for him, because there he is going to faced many situations. Will he able to overcome the situation, for k knowing it, please read it. This Is The My Story, which is little bit linked to Beginning of Multiverse Saga.

Sharky_Monster · Anime und Comics
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Chapter 79 - Resolved


As the shooting stars painted the sky, casting a magical glow upon the team of mutants, their relief was short-lived. A deafening explosion shattered the tranquility. The ground shook violently, and from the rubble of the Sphinx emerged Apocalypse.

His towering presence and menacing aura sent chills down their spines, realizing the gravity of the situation they were about to face.

Apocalypse emerged, bleeding but unbroken. They had hoped this battle was won, but it seemed their greatest foe was not so easily defeated.

"Did you insects think you could defeat me so easily?" his booming voice echoed across the desert plains. Before anyone could react, he thrust his hand forward and a massive shockwave erupted from his palm. "Now you will witness true power!"

Charles looked to his students and said, "We must give it everything we have. Fight well, my children." He took the lead, his calm and collected demeanor contrasting with the chaos that loomed ahead. He telepathically reached out to his comrades, urging them to remain focused and prepared for whatever Apocalypse had in store.

He looked to Erik beside him. "Together, my friend. For the future of our people." Magneto nodded, and the two unleashed their abilities in unison.

Magneto pulls every scrap of metal from the surrounding desert. He shaped it into a whirring storm of blades and levitated metallic debris, while hurling it towards Apocalypse, turning the very environment against their formidable opponent.

But Apocalypse simply laughed, knocking the projectiles aside with casual waves. And in a display of menacing force, raised his hand, crackling with energy, and unleashed a pulsating wave directly at Magneto.

The sheer magnitude of Apocalypse's energy surge overwhelmed him, rendering his defenses useless, enveloping Magneto in a blinding surge of energy.

Erik staggered, his formidable form collapsing as his body disintegrated under the overwhelming force.

Wanda, witnessing the devastating demise of her father, unleashed a primal scream of grief and rage. She channeled her chaos magic, summoning an array of mystic bolts and ethereal shields in a desperate attempt to avenge Magneto's fall.

Apocalypse, unaffected by the chaos magic, calmly raised his hand, countering Wanda's onslaught effortlessly. With a simple gesture, he nullified her magical assault.

Apocalypse directed a concentrated surge of energy towards Wanda. The blast struck her directly, her body convulsing in agony before succumbing to the overwhelming force, falling lifeless to the ground.

The tragic scene unfolded amidst the debris of the Sphinx, a grim testament to the unrelenting power of the ancient mutant.

"Kill him," Peter shouted, he charged forward in a valiant attempt to engage the malevolent entity. But before he could reach Apocalypse, a sudden, swift burst of energy struck him. Peter stumbled and fell, the light in his eyes fading as he crumpled to the ground.

Amara Juliana, conjured searing pillars of molten lava, aiming to overwhelm Apocalypse with her fiery onslaught. However, Apocalypse effortlessly absorbed the heat, redirecting it back towards Amara with intensified force. She staggered, the scorching energy overpowering her abilities, her valiant efforts proving futile in the face of Apocalypse's might.

Tabitha, unleashed a barrage of detonations, creating a chaotic display of concussive blasts in a desperate last stand against Apocalypse. Her explosions filled the air, but the villain countered with a surge of energy that neutralized her abilities.

The force sent shockwaves through her body, before she too succumbed to the overwhelming might of Apocalypse.

"We need to escape from here," Angel thought of rescuing the team seeing someone dead. His wings shimmered in the moonlight as he attempted to rescue mutants.

In a heart-wrenching moment, a surge of Apocalypse's energy tore through the sky, striking Angel in mid-flight. Angel plummeted from the sky, life slipping away from him.

Kurt tried to teleport people to safety, but Apocalypse, perceptive to Kurt's movements. The blast struck Kurt as he reappeared, overwhelming him before he could teleport away.

Apocalypse reached back and, with a meaty crunch, grabbed Nightcrawler by the skull. "Let's see how your spirits hold!" He began slowly crushing poor Kurt. Ripping Kurt away, he flung the teleporter bodily into the combined assaults. Raven caught Kurt's broken form.

Mystique, observing the broken body of her son Kurt in a blind rage, transformed her appearance into an array of fighters, attacking Apocalypse with unparalleled ferocity, with a singular purpose - to avenge her son.

But in a tragic turn, Mystique was struck down by the very forms she had taken, her anger unable to match the overwhelming power of Apocalypse.

"We need to act together," Storm shouted. Amidst the chaos, the remaining mutants unite in a desperate plan to overpower Apocalypse. Sam transformed into Cannonball, activated his kinetic energy field, bracing himself to be launched with incredible force.

Beast, with precision and determination, hurled Cannonball towards the malevolent entity, aiming to strike Apocalypse with unrelenting power.

Simultaneously, Spyke gathered an abundance of spikes, transferring them to James. Each spike that is given to multiple James to become a weapon, ready to be launched at Apocalypse.

Storm summoned a powerful tornado infused with crackling lightning, surrounding Apocalypse, attempting to disorient and weaken him.

In a synchronized assault, Cannonball and James clones scattered, attacking Apocalypse from multiple angles, overwhelming him with their sheer numbers, took their turns attacking Apocalypse, hitting him with a combination of kinetic force and piercing spikes while the tempestuous storm raged around him.

For a brief moment, the combined efforts seemed to stagger Apocalypse, causing him discomfort and disruption within the vortex of the tornado.

Meanwhile, Spyke, using his ability to generate bone spikes, unleashed a barrage aimed at Apocalypse from time to time.

However, Apocalypse, displaying his unparalleled strength, shattered the tornado, abruptly ending the mutants' brief advantage.

Storm conjured tempests, whipping winds and torrential rains

momentarily succeeded in containing James and Sam, attempting to shield them from Apocalypse's relentless assault, but it again broke.

Sam and James, drained from their extraordinary efforts, plummeted from the sky, their bodies failing them as they crashed to the ground.

Apocalypse directed a focused energy beam towards him. The blast struck Sam with brutal precision, disintegrating him in mid-air. And he unleashed an energy surge that swiftly eradicated James and his duplicates, leaving no chance for defense or escape.

Witnessing the demise of his allies, Beast's fury ignited. His rage surged as he charged towards Apocalypse. However, before he could reach his target, Apocalypse retaliated with a surge of power that incapacitated Beast, leaving him lifeless among the fallen mutants.

Apocalypse, fueled by a malevolent determination, turned his attention to Spyke, brutally breaking through his bone armor while delivering a fatal blow. Witnessing the loss of her nephew, Storm's grief transformed into seething anger.

She unleashed a tempest of her powers, summoning winds and lightning in a furious assault on Apocalypse. However, the malevolent being, redirected her own elemental forces back towards her.

Storm too fell victim to Apocalypse's unstoppable wrath, leaving a chilling silence amidst the remnants of the battlefield.

Ray summoned arcs of crackling electricity that surged through his body and he directed bolts of lightning towards Apocalypse, each strike carrying immense power.

However, Apocalypse, unfazed by the electrical onslaught, absorbed the energy effortlessly, redirecting it back towards Ray, leaving his body convulsing before he collapsed, the electrical energy dissipating into the air.

Iceman, known for his ability to control and manipulate ice, seized the opportunity to freeze Apocalypse in a desperate attempt to subdue the powerful being. His icy tendrils wrapped around Apocalypse, encasing him in a frozen prison.

For a brief moment, there was a glimmer of hope as Iceman's powers seemed to momentarily restrain the malevolent entity.

Sensing an opening, Sunspot tapped into his solar-powered abilities. He surged forward, gathering and focusing his fiery power to break the ice encasing Apocalypse.

Yet, to the astonishment of the mutants, Apocalypse summoned a surge of energy that shattered Iceman's icy hold and dispersed Sunspot's scorching assault.

The overwhelming force of Apocalypse's power surged forth, overwhelming both Iceman and Sunspot in a relentless wave of energy. They fell victim to the villain's indomitable strength. Iceman was broken into many pieces, while Sunspot, fiery form, extinguished as he fell to the ground.

Logan drove his adamantium claws into Apocalypse's leg, making the tyrant pause. For a moment, hope sparked in the remaining mutants' eyes. But then Apocalypse smiled, a smile that would haunt their nightmares forever.

"Is that all you have, old man?" He taunted, and with it, he threw him far.

Rogue absorbed the powers and memories of her teammates, enhancing her own abilities. Kitty, using her phasing abilities, attempted to phase Rogue directly into his chest, bypassing him, hoping to drain his essence.

But Apocalypse merely laughed, his sheer strength of energy rendered their efforts futile. "Your puny powers are nothing to me!" He grabs both Rogue and Kitty, with a merciless squeeze, it is over. All that remained was ash on the wind.

Alex Summers utilized his control over energy and plasma blasts. He unleashed powerful beams of concussive force towards Apocalypse. Cyclops took aim, unleashing the full force of his optic blasts. "For our future!" he cried. At the same time, Jean amplied the mental assault, desperately probing for any chink in his psychic armor.

But with a casual flick of his hand, Apocalypse deflected it all. Jean tried to assault his mind but cried out, clutching her head as he invaded her thoughts instead.

Wolverine's adamantium claws again clashed against Apocalypse's impenetrable armor.

"Is that frustration I sense, old man?" Apocalypse taunted. "There is no hope for any of you."

"As if we'd give up so easily," snarled Wolverine, unsheathing his adamantium claws. He rushed at Apocalypse, ducking a haymaker and scoring deep gashes across thick flesh. But the wounds sealed instantly before Logan's eyes.

"My X-Men...it has been an honor," Charles Xavier shouted.

The X-Men fought on valiantly, but it was becoming painfully clear that even their combined efforts could not stop the unstoppable force of Apocalypse.

Still, Apocalypse shrugged off each attack with contemptuous ease. It was then that Professor X sensed the others' hope beginning to waver.

Reaching out mentally to his students, Charles said "Do not lose heart, my X-Men. As long as even one of us draws breath, there is still a chance. We must believe in ourselves and our cause - mutant and proud!"

Meanwhile, Jean redoubled her psychic attack, aiming to overwhelm his defenses. "Help me!" She cried. Charles joined the mental onslaught.

Apocalypse howled, genuinely troubled for the first time. But then he grinned sinisterly and delivered a blow that sent Wolverine crashing through the stone Sphinx. "You insects are starting to annoy me," He rumbled.

In a moment of brutal intensity, Apocalypse focused his wrathful gaze upon Alex and Scott Summers, the brothers poised to confront the malevolent entity. As they prepared to engage, Apocalypse unleashed a devastating surge of his energy, a force beyond their own abilities.

With a ruthless and calculated strike, a surge of indomitable power surged forth from Apocalypse, engulfing the brothers. Alex and Scott, despite their formidable powers, were unable to withstand the overwhelming force that bore down upon them.

In a brutal and tragic turn, both Alex and Scott succumbed to the unrelenting might of the ancient mutant. The battlefield fell into an eerie silence, bearing witness to the chilling outcome of the Summers brothers' battle against the unparalleled strength of Apocalypse.

Jean again attacked Apocalypse. But even her power was no match for what they faced. With a mere flick of his wrist, Apocalypse sent Jean flying after snapping her neck like a twig.

Charles sensed the end was near and tried desperately to connect with Apocalypse's mind, but there was only darkness within. As the telepath focused his power, Apocalypse grabbed Charles by the face and crumpled his skull inward, killing their leader instantly.

Horror and despair gripped the hearts of the mutants as their friends fell one by one. One by one the lights went out across the blackened sky, until only Logan and Sharky remained. Logan was blinded by tears and rage, but Sharky looked at everything calmly.

With grim finality, Apocalypse turned to the feral mutant. "Now, at last, this pathetic world will know true power."

A snap of his fingers engulfed everything in nuclear fire.

As the blinding light faded, Logan slowly opened his eyes. Around him, nothing remained - just endless ash and cinder stretching to the horizon.

All at once, a vibration ran through the ruined earth. Logan leapt to his feet, claws unsheathed, as a massive form emerged from the debris. Apocalypse, unharmed by his own power, smiled down at the last mutant.

"You still live? Impressive. But futile." Apocalypse lifted his hands, crackling with energy. "Now you will join the others."

As the last echoes of battle faded, the mutants lay defeated, their powers extinguished, their strengths overpowered. Apocalypse stood amidst the fallen, a grim silence enveloping the once vibrant and powerful team.

Apocalypse now looks at Sharky with pity and disdain, "Now only you are alive," Apocalypse taunts him, so will I also end your life.

"I was gathering my powers, also your fight has weakened you, so you know what my power is," Sharky looked calmly at him.

"I have seen, you can pause anything, so what, I will kill you like others," Apocalypse answered, but he didn't take tension for just one.

"Ha, ha, ha, Now I will show you my power," Sharky said as he started to reverse the Time.

With a resolute determination, Sharky concentrated his time-altering abilities, channeling an incredible force to reverse the flow of time itself. A powerful surge emanated from Sharky, a ripple that transcended the laws of nature, rewinding the sequence of events.

The fallen mutants, one by one, began to reemerge, their forms slowly materializing, their expressions a mixture of confusion and relief. Their hearts beat once again as life returned to their bodies. Each mutant's emotions surged forth—grief turned to relief, fear shifted to determination, and sorrow transformed into hope.

Charles Xavier's face revealed a mix of astonishment and gratitude, his mind connecting with the inexplicable turn of events. Erik, Wanda, Kitty, Ororo, Logan, and all the others, resurrected by the reversal of time, showcased a myriad of emotions. Relief, disbelief, and an overwhelming sense of gratitude radiated from their revived forms.

The mutants, brought back from the clutches of death, expressed their astonishment and gratitude in a wave of heartfelt emotions. Tears welled in some eyes, while others simply gazed around in bewildered disbelief, their near-escapes from demise flooding them with a profound appreciation for this second chance.

Their emotions filled the air, a testament to the overwhelming relief of being given a new opportunity.

"How can you do it?" Apocalypse was shocked, "But I will kill them again," He shouted at Sharky, while everyone looked at Apocalypse.

"I will revive them again," Sharky calmly replied, but he stood weakened, gasping for breath, time manipulation has exhausted him from the immense task of reversing time to revive the fallen mutants.

"So, I will kill you first," Apocalypse shouted, he seething with rage at the resurrection of the X-Men, seized the opportunity to strike at the vulnerable and fatigued Sharky.

"Leave...him...ALONE!" Her voice boomed with demonic fury.

Apocalypse was shocked who shouted, then he noticed, it was Jean, her red hair flowing behind her like a flame. But her eyes...glowed with an unearthly light, brighter than any star in the blackened sky.

But before she could do anything, the malevolent entity, recognizing the moment of weakness, he deployed his own unique power, energy manipulation coupled with an understanding of temporal disruptions. Sharky attempted to invoke his Time Pause to freeze the impending assault,

Despite Sharky's power to pause and reverse time, Apocalypse's manipulation of destructive energy caused an irregular disruption, disturbing the flow of time in Sharky's immediate vicinity, rendering his time-altering abilities momentarily ineffective, since he was tired also.

Apocalypse's attack bore down upon Sharky with ruthless force, taking advantage of this momentary vulnerability. Striking him before he could muster the strength to reverse or pause time, leaving him defenseless against the devastating energy.

The assault overwhelmed Sharky, the sheer power of the attack incapacitating him as he fell victim to the malevolent force. As he vanished from there.

"Sharky!" Jean screamed as her psychic abilities flared in grief and rage. Followed by Storm, Rogue and Kitty angers.

Everyone was gone, a moment of shock and grief, because the person who had saved them now was gone. Everyone looked at Apocalypse.

"Ha, ha, ha, ha, who can stand in front of me," Apocalypse laughed maniacally.

Apocalypse was tired now, so he didn't decide to fight now. "I will kill all of you, but not now, it will be later," He gave them a warning and went to fly away from them.

But before Apocalypse flew away, a chain captured his neck. And following it a crackling laugh sounded, an Interstellar Harley was coming from the sky.

Everyone turned towards the owner of the chain, and the person sitting on the Interstellar Harley shocked them. Because the person was none other than Sharky. Although they were relieved that Sharky was alive, they were also shocked how he was alive.

"Sharky, you are alive," Jean, Rogue, Kitty, Wanda and even Storm run towards him.

"You, how can you be alive? Just now I killed you," Apocalypse was more shocked than anyone.

Sharky looks at Apocalypse with a funny expression. After all, the first person he killed in his life was the Apocalypse of a different Universe.

"Well, how you liked to die, I will prefer your choices," Sharky asked him.

"You can kill me, how can you even think about it, what a joke. From the 5000 years, I was alive, no one can kill me, you can only capture me," Apocalypse looked at him with a mocking expression, he just can't run away due to the fire chain in his neck, or he has already flown away.

"Anyone can give me a choice, how should I kill him," Sharky looked towards the X-Men.

Sharky's question made them confused, although they were happy with seeing him alive, but also confused. They only knew he had Time Power, so why is he asking with different types of choices?

"Sharky, just capture him, we are X-Men, we don't kill anyone." Xavier said, he was after all a good person.

"Hello Charles," Sharky looked toward him, "I know you are a merciful person, but I am not you, so my decision is mine, you can sees from it," He said to him, then he removed the magic from his Interstellar Harley, which now shows five Thanos's head on the handle.

It makes everyone shocked, even Apocalypse became shocked, why Sharky carries five purple heads. And all of the heads were bigger than the human head. The faces were the same, with some age differences, but it confirmed they were alien heads.

"You, you, who are you?" Apocalypse shouted, now he was shaking from inside.

"Well, since you have not decided, and I am in a happy mood, so I will give you a merciful death," Sharky laughed as he looked at the Apocalypse, he held his head in front of him. "Now see in my eyes, and pay for your sins," He shouted as he activated Penance Stare.

Apocalypse started seeing all his sins he had done till now, and as the sins done by him he sees, he started burning from the inside, and in just a few seconds, and then he turned into ashes.

"What have you done?" Charles became more shocked, it was the first time he has seen someone by just seeing another person, he can kill them.

"If not I killed him, he died by his sins, I have the power of Cosmic Holy Rider. Which work is to punish the sinner. If anyone has done bad things, they will be punished," Sharky explained his power, leaving the Professor shocked.

Charles now can not say anything, just by getting an answer the sinner will be punished, he can't say, that is decided by court.

"Well since everything is okay here, I need to know who you really are," Charles looked at Sharky, he still didn't know about his origin.

"First we need to return the X-Mansion," Sharky said. Everyone agreed with it, and they went inside X-Jet and flew back to X-Mansion.

Back at the X-Mansion, Xavier is sitting in front of Wolverine and Sharky. He started giving his heartfelt thanks, "Thanks to you all, we have averted catastrophe. But it was not without its price. But steel is forged through fire, and like it we have been made stronger. We are prepared for what the future brings."

As everyone noticed on the TV Screen. A lot of protesters outside the white house with signs like "Mutants Go home!" and other unfriendly things like that.

"Many challenges still await us. But I have seen some; who were our enemies become friends." Charles Xavier explained as he pointed towards the Danger Room.

Where Magneto was training the group of some students. Magneto moves a ball around. Rhane leaps through the air and catches it, then slides down an ice slide to the other New Mutants. Wanda, Sam, Bobby, Robert, Amara, Jamie and Jubilee are all present.

"And with a heavy heart, I saw the dearest of friends become the most terrible of enemies." Xavier said as pointed towards Jean. She is ripping some metal apart. She screams and transforms into the Phoenix.

Charles Xavier continued, "I saw my X-Men grow and change." He pointed at Beast, Colossus, Nightcrawler, Cyclops, X-23, Shadowcat, Rogue and Storm, all in awesome new X-Men uniforms.

"And of course, I saw that some people never change." Xavier smiled as everyone nodded, when Quicksilver was standing in front of a S.H.I.E.L.D. sign and then Avalanche, Blob, Toad and Pyro crows around him.

"But one thing was clear," He said and pointed at the screen, which shows. Hundreds of Sentinels are flying through the sky and even a Nimrod Sentinel is there! "That no matter what awaits us, terrible or wondrous, the X-Men will always be there, ready and of that, I am proud."

"But, now I want to know your history for the future danger," Xavier looked as Sharky, Wolverine was already there, followed by Magneto entered, then Beast, Storm, Jean, Scott, Rogue, Wanda, Kitty, Kurt and Raven.

"It is a long story, and it is a very time wasting topic, so I didn't want to tell you about it," Sharky replied, then he noticed everyone's strange expressions.

"Well it is like that, there are many types of Universe, so I came from a different Earth from a different Universe." Sharky explained in simple terms, which made them more confusing.

"Different Earth, if you said that you are an Alien, then our question is over. But in a different Universe, it is a topic we didn't even think about," Beast said, looking at Sharky with an amazing expression.

"There is a reason, so I don't want to tell you, this is a very long topic so forget about it," Sharky already wants to escape from telling the Universe theory, it will take a whole day to explain to anyone.

"How can we forget about it, now tell us about the different Universe." Raven said to him.

"Just tell us about you, how can you come to our universe," Charles asked the different questions. He wants to know how Sharky can come from a different Universe. Or can many people also come from a different Universe.

"Ok, I can explain it, I am Sharky Tennyson, the Multiverse Traveller. So, instead of telling you about a different Universe, why not come with me, you can see them by yourself," Sharky said, this was the easiest way than telling the function of a different Universe.

"What, we can go to a different Universe," Kitty shouted, she will become happy easily.

They have many questions, Sharky gives them the limited answer, after getting their answers, everyone goes back to their room to adjust the new information, which they gain from Sharky.

While Sharky was in the room, with the Rogue, Jean, Kitty, Wanda and Storm. Kitty was easy to handle, he can give some gifts and promises, she will become happy.

About Rogue, she was just like an obedient wife, she didn't ask more questions.

Wanda was a little bit angry, but Sharky with his gentleness was able to calm her down.

Main tension was Storm and Jean, both of them wanting to squeeze all the information from him.

"So Sharky, if you are so powerful, then why do you fall asleep all the time after using a little bit of your power?" Jean asked, it was also a question for all four girls.

"It was because I have the power to divide my body into many. But each one will make my power divide themselves. So after dividing myself 1000 times, the one I left was there, rest of merge back. So this is the reason, you have found me weak," Sharky answers the Jean question.

"Okay, now my question, since you are a Multiverse Traveller, so you will leave us alone." Storm asked about it, after all she is wife of him, she has the right to know.

"No, I don't leave all of you, but for a few months, I need to leave," Sharky quickly hugged her, "I am going somewhere unknown, and don't know what is happening there, so you all need to wait for me," He replied, he wants to live with them, but there's something important happened, which why he has taken over each of his multiples from all over the Universe, only one extra multiples was left.

"Why?" Storm asked back. Tears were falling from her eyes, "Why will you leave us?" She asked while she continuously hit him in the chest.

"Ok, please don't cry, I will explain everything," Sharky hugged her, he noticed everyone was looking at him with tearful eyes. He tried to first calm everyone.

Lemon Warning

And he knew how to first calm them down, it all depended on his Dragon performance. And yes, his Dragon was able to calm them down.

Sharky then activated the Echo Echo powers, then his body was divided into 10 Sharky. And each two of them picked one of the girls.

Jean in a few seconds became nude, and then she found her body in the middle of two Sharky. One Sharky pushed his Dragon inside her Sacred Forest, the other pushed inside her Nether Region.

And just like her, Kitty, Rogue, Wanda and Storm also found their both holes were filled with Sharky's Dragon.

And with Sharky each stroke it reached deep down inside them, their G-spot was hit every time, when Sharky pounded them. All the girls' moods started calming down, they started moaning with pleasure.

Just in two - three hours, all five of them collapsed on the bed, and each one girl had two personal Sharky now. Both of their Sacred and Nether Regions were now filled with Dragon Tonic, and each of them giving the satisfied looks. They themselves understand, even though they have so much pain, Sharky one stroke is able to calm them down.

After calming them down, Sharky started explaining the reason why he was going to leave them. "Since I am a Multiverse Traveller, I decided to experience every Universe adventure by myself. So whichever Universe looks interesting to me, I will leave them one of multiple," He said, while five of them nodded.

"So, why did you want to take back your multiple now?" Jean asked.

"It was because, a few months ago, one of my multiples, Sweet Sharky from Universe 12041, connection has broken away from my mind, even though my multiple was dead, he will return back to my body. I feel he is alive, but how can the connection be broken? And if someone has kidnapped it and wanted to read it DNA, or clone it, so I needed to stopped him, but since it was unknown, I am going with my full powers, that's the reason, I am leaving all of the four some times, till I didn't understand the situation completely," Sharky explained them.

Each girl nodded with understanding, they now knew Sharky was so strong, and if someone was able to kidnap him, and make clones of him, it's a very dangerous thing. They agreed with him leaving them, but with a promise. That he will be returned back to them, which Sharky agreed with them.

In the morning Sharky, when the sun rays falling on them, gives them goodbye kisses, also farewell the mutants before activating his Interstellar Harley, after he hopped on it, he leaves for the Universe 12041, leaving the Universe 11052 behind.

Please be don't confused

This time the Sharky came back

And he merged with his multiple

If you guys knows about the Echo-Echo, then you knows about it, Each multiple has different personality.

Sharky_Monstercreators' thoughts