
Journey Of Ben Tennyson

This Is The Story Of Ben Tennyson. He has become bored of his life in the Omnitrix Multiverse. And then he decided to travel to different Multiverse. But there is a surprise waiting for him, because there he is going to faced many situations. Will he able to overcome the situation, for k knowing it, please read it. This Is The My Story, which is little bit linked to Beginning of Multiverse Saga.

Sharky_Monster · Anime und Comics
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Chapter 54 - Skrull Invasion

Sharky returned back to his mansion, beside him Carol was seated, she didn't know why he brought her to his mansion. After he parked his Interstellar Harley, "Follow me," He commanded her.

Carol followed him, but she wasn't able to keep calm, "Why are you bringing me here? Do you want something from me?" She asked.

After coming inside the room, Sharky turned towards her, he gave her a hug, he gave a peck on his lips. "Yes, I want something."

Lemon Warning

Carol started blushing, "What do you want?" She asked in a shy voice. Sharky carried her and put her gently in the bed. She didn't understand why he brought her to his bedroom.

Sharky licked her lips, "You know, your dress is so slutty; I just want to throw you on the bed, and give you the taste of my dragon. After all, you are in your 30s, and I like to make you beg for my dragon until you can't get enough." Sharky replied, he felt his dragon was roaring at the thought of Carol's slutty dress. "So, Undress yourself," Sharky commanded her.

Carol was shocked; she knew he had caressed her cheek and kissed her. But being naked in front of him was unthinkable. And hearing his dirty thoughts was more unimaginable. "I think we need some time spent on dating, so our relationship becomes stronger before crossing this line." She tried to give a reason.

Sharky didn't reply to her, he just looked at her, noticing Sharky's stare she wanted to show some backbone. But just in a few seconds, she found her hands started undressing herself. "Well, whatever, I think. I also need to enjoy this, just fucked me," Carol thought, and in few seconds she was just in a bra and panties. Sharky noticed many scratches and cuts on her body, although she had healing powers, but it took One-Two days for them to heal completely. He used his Swampfire powers and healed her in just a few seconds.

Amazed at seeing how easily he healed her, Carol praised inside her mind. But before her thoughts could be completed, Sharky caught her in his arms and started kissing her passionately. His hands began playing with her oranges while his other hand reached down between her legs and started stroking her sacred forest.

In just a few seconds she was standing naked in front of him. After playing with her and making her horny, he undressed himself to be naked.

"Suck it," Sharky commanded and pointed towards his Dragon. Carol hesitated for a moment, but then she started kissing, then licking and finally she took Sharky's Dragon all in her mouth, started giving him a blowjob.

Carol couldn't believe it, how could she be doing these slutty things, but in just a few minutes, she was experiencing the dragon. And she also started heating up, she now felt, her sacred place needed the dragon more than her mouth.

He noticed her situation and gently threw her onto the bed; as he was already an experienced virginity broker, he adjusted her into a comfortable position.

"Ready?" he asked one last time. Carol nodded as she noticed Sharky's dragon was nearing her sacred forest.

Getting the signal, Sharky pushed his dragon into her Sacred Forest, claiming this territory with a bloodbath.

And of course Carol felt pain, noticing the bed sheet had wetted with her blood. But after the pain subsided, she started cooperating with Sharky on every strike of his dragon inside her sacred forests.

And she started enjoying her sex life; they did it all night until Carol was satisfied.

Carol woke up in Sharky's arms; she recalled last night when she had left her virginal life behind. Now, not only was she a woman, but she also liked Sharky. Just like that, Carol felt conquered by love.

Lemon End

"How are you feeling?" He asked her gently. "I am very good, my king," Carol replied.

"So, you want to live with me, or see the Avengers adventures from here," Sharky said, as he pointed at the holographic display. Carol finds she can see all over the Earth from this display, she was amazed.

"My King, I want the same device on my Damocles," Carol made a puppy eyes, and looked towards Sharky.

Sharky was really amazed seeing her tactics. Although her age was not like the need to do something childish, still he nodded. Love changes anyone. "So you want to go back to your work," Sharky asked.

"Yes, I need to save the Earth from different - different problems." She replied. "Ok, then fresh yourself, and go to your job, but remember to come back at night

And I will give you a present," Sharky said to her.

"Ok, my King," Carol replied, she was happy, after feeling how to be loved. She then freshens up, and goes back to Avengers, since Avengers has invited her, and she promised, while Sharky again focused on the event of the Earth. He wants to know what Kree is planning.

From the holographic display Sharky sees, Nick Fury urgently makes his way to the S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier to warn Maria.

"Maria," Nick Fury's voice carried a sense of urgency as he leaned in, "Earth is in danger. You can't trust S.H.I.E.L.D. or the government. A.I.M., Hydra, and even some superheroes have been infiltrated."

In a lively pizzeria, Tony, Steve, Clint, and Jan gathered to celebrate the new Avengers recruit, Carol. Amidst tales of college years and military service, they marveled at Sharky's extraordinary powers—growing twice the size of the Hulk, passing through buildings with intangibility, absorbing cosmic attacks, and even the Super Ultron robot.

As the conversation flowed, the revelation that Carol had become Sharky's girlfriend became a topic of amusement. Jan, in her playful manner, teased Carol, adding a lighthearted touch to the celebration. Meanwhile, in a twist of events, a waitress approached Tony seeking justice for his notorious playboy past. The others left Tony alone with her, only for him to realize, as the encounter unfolded, that the waitress was none other than Black Widow. With a swift strike, she rendered Tony unconscious, leaving the Avengers in a momentary state of shock and uncertainty.

Tony awoke disoriented, finding himself in an unfamiliar locale. As his vision cleared, the figures of Black Widow and Nick Fury came into focus. Perplexed, he voiced his confusion, "What's going on?"

In response, Nick Fury guided him to a secluded back room, where the trio confronted Madame Viper Skrull. Tony, still bewildered, questioned how they discerned the Skrull's identity. To his surprise, Fury revealed a high-tech communication device that had successfully traced the source to both the Helicarrier and the Avengers, leaving Tony in a state of shock.

Turning to Mockingbird, Tony inquired, "Mockingbird, have you noticed how suspicious the Skrull in the Avengers are?" She elaborated, "Hawkeye and I were taken hostage, and Madame Viper suggested keeping him alive, which makes me suspect Hawkeye might be a Skrull."

Shaking his head in disbelief, Tony asserted, "I know Hawkeye well," and promptly exited the safehouse.

Meanwhile, in the heart of the city, Captain America took Griffin to the skies. The remaining members of the team followed suit, launching a coordinated assault and urging Ms. Marvel to take command of the situation.

Back at the Avengers Mansion, Iron Man keenly observed the team's return, noting the weariness etched on their faces. The Hulk, however, seemed more preoccupied with the noticeable absence of any substantial food provisions they might have brought back.

Black Panther, attuned to Iron Man's unease, inquired, "What's wrong?" Sensing the gravity of the situation, Iron Man proceeded to relay Nick Fury's account and the unsettling suspicion looming over Hawkeye possibly being a Skrull.

"You've got to believe me, I'm not the mole," Hawkeye pleaded earnestly with his teammates. Ms. Marvel, however, remained skeptical and insisted on personally checking on Hawkeye aboard the Damocles.

Wasp, attempting to mediate, urged them to cease internal conflicts, emphasizing the need for unity. Despite her efforts, tensions continued to escalate until Iron Man, sensing the urgency, intervened. The atmosphere grew tense as trust wavered within the team, each member grappling with the uncertainty of whether a Skrull had infiltrated their ranks.

Unable to bear the weight of suspicion any longer, Iron Man made a difficult decision – he couldn't trust anyone, fearing that any of them could have been replaced by a Skrull. In a move that reverberated through the Avengers Mansion, Iron Man resolved to leave the team, his departure leaving an air of uncertainty and fractured trust in its wake.

Witnessing the departure of Ms. Marvel and Black Panther, the remaining Avengers found themselves in a state of contemplation. Wasp and Captain America, the latter unknowingly a Skrull imposter, argued vehemently for the importance of maintaining unity. Hawkeye and Hulk, their trust wavering, reluctantly acquiesced.

In the shadows, Nick Fury and Quake observed the unfolding drama. Fury astutely remarked that Iron Man's departure had cleverly placed the Skrull in a precarious position, potentially forcing them to reveal their true nature.

Meanwhile, in the heart of Wakanda, Black Panther ascended to his throne and issued directives to the Dora Milaje, preparing the nation for a potential invasion.

In the dimly lit warehouse, Captain America confidently reported that their intricate plan was unfolding seamlessly. However, the air grew thick with tension as Mockingbird, previously a trusted ally, emerged from the shadows, revealing herself as the Skrull Queen.

"So, Mockingbird was actually a Skrull Queen; she was the one who infiltrated the team first," Sharky remarked, his laughter echoing through the dimly lit space. The irony of the situation wasn't lost on him—just days since Carol had joined the Avengers, and the team now stood fractured.

Despite the chaos, Sharky's laughter concealed a profound confidence in the Avengers' ability to overcome adversity. He pondered the unknown path ahead, unsure of how Carol would untangle the web of deception. In the midst of uncertainty, he took solace in the resilience of Earth's mightiest heroes. If the Avengers couldn't resolve the situation, he remained ready to lend his support.

Focused on the unfolding drama, Sharky eagerly anticipated how the Avengers, despite being at their most vulnerable, would rise to the challenge and restore unity to their fractured team.

"Welcome, General Ross, Mr. Talbot, and Doc Samson," Agent Clay Quartermain greeted them with a salute as their aircraft smoothly landed on the imposing S.H.I.E.L.D. helicarrier. Leading them through the high-tech labyrinth, he guided the trio toward Acting Director Hill.

"Maria, you know I need Hulk's blood," General Ross asserted with an air of urgency, his demand cutting through the ambient hum of the helicarrier. Hill and Samson exchanged wary glances, the latter accusing Ross of harboring ulterior motives. Despite the tension, Hill reluctantly conceded, handing over the vial of Hulk's blood to Ross. Samson couldn't help but voice his concerns, a frown etched on his face.

In a quieter, more serene setting, Banner and Hawkeye found respite by a tranquil mountain lake, their fishing lines cast lazily into the water. Banner, enjoying a rare day off, broke the peaceful ambiance with his words, "It's my one day off this month, and I really wanted to spend it fishing with you." The simplicity of the moment offered a stark contrast to the complexities unfolding aboard the helicarrier, as two friends sought solace in the midst of the tumult surrounding the Hulk's unique predicament.

Back on the helicarrier, the Winter Soldier meticulously administered a combination of a mysterious red serum and Banner's blood to a willing volunteer. The immediate effects were catastrophic as the transformed figure, now the Red Hulk, erupted into a destructive rampage. The chaos unfolded as the Red Hulk, fueled by newfound strength, wreaked havoc on S.H.I.E.L.D. systems, setting off alarms that reverberated throughout the colossal ship.

"Maria Hill sent out a distress call," Captain America Skrull urgently explained to Wasp. "We need to recall Hawkeye and Banner to the Mansion for their safety and evacuate the Helicarrier."

Arriving at the Helicarrier, Captain Skrull and Wasp were met with the alarming sight of the Red Hulk tearing through Mandroid battlesuits. "Wasp, we have to stop this Red Hulk," Captain Skrull declared as they engaged in a fierce combat against the formidable adversary. The Red Hulk, demonstrating astonishing strength and pyrotechnic powers, proved to be a formidable foe.

Amidst the chaos, a distressing message arrived – Falcon had failed to secure Banner, and the Red Hulk abruptly departed, leaving destruction in its wake. Meanwhile, back at the Mansion, the ominous presence of the Red Hulk loomed as it forcefully infiltrated the premises. In a swift and unexpected move, Hawkeye was incapacitated, and Banner was kidnapped, marking a turning point in the unfolding crisis that would demand the Avengers' collective prowess to resolve.

Away from the Mansion, Banner fought off the effects of the tranquilizers, triggering his transformation into the formidable Hulk. A clash of titans ensued as the Hulk and Red Hulk clashed in a furious battle. "I'm an Avenger!" Hulk declared defiantly. Sensing the escalating threat, Wasp, Hawkeye, and Captain Skrull America swiftly reentered the fray. Together, they managed to overpower the Red Hulk, who, recognizing defeat, made a hasty retreat.

Just as a sense of victory settled, Glen Talbot and the Hulkbusters arrived, their intent clear – to arrest the Hulk. Captain Skrull America, adopting a diplomatic stance, persuaded the Hulk to revert to Banner and surrender to the Hulkbusters. The Avengers, undeterred, vowed to work tirelessly to prove Hulk's innocence.

Reporting back to the Skrull Queen, Captain Skrull America conveyed, "The Hulk has been dealt with, and the Avengers are now seemingly powerless."

"Captain Skrull America is adept at using Steve's position. He even manipulated the Hulk to serve their agenda." Sharky comments on noticing the Banner situation.

"But I don't want him to be captured. He should sit with us and watch his teammates fight on the screen," Sharky declared, taking to the skies and approaching Glen Talbot and the Hulkbusters. Unseen by their eyes, he swiftly employed his intangibility powers to liberate the Hulk from their grasp and transported him back to his mansion.

"Why did you release me?" Banner inquired, his surprise evident as he found himself no longer under Glen Talbot's control, now within the confines of Sharky's mansion.

Sharky gestured toward a holographic screen, displaying Captain Skrull America and Mockingbird as Queen Skrull. "You see, they're Skrulls. They've invaded Earth and want to take it over. You're in their way. I freed you from their capture so you can see their plan," he elucidated.

Eager to join the fight, Banner expressed his readiness, but Sharky cautioned, "No, just watch from here. When they need help, I'll assist them." Understanding the gravity of the situation, Banner settled in, his eyes fixed on the unfolding drama, prepared to lend his strength when the moment called for it.

Sharky and Bruce, engrossed in the unfolding drama on TV, witnessed the tense confrontation between the Skrull Queen and Captain Skrull America. The source of their tension became apparent as they learned that the real Captain America and several others had successfully escaped from the Skrull prison. The Skrull imitating Captain America swiftly adjusted their strategy, instructing the commander to dispatch invaders to key locations—Wakanda, New York City, and Washington D.C.

"So, Steve managed to break free," Banner commented, a hint of satisfaction in his voice as he observed the Skrull Queen's predicament.

"Indeed, how could they ever control Steve? He's been the best Avenger from the start," Sharky concurred, the two of them keenly watching the screen to unravel the next moves of the Skrull invaders.

In a flashback, the narrative took a revealing turn. Captain America, initially kidnapped by the Skrulls, found himself in an unlikely alliance with a captive A.I.M. member named Lyle Getz. Together, they faced relentless interrogations from the Skrulls. However, in a surprising twist, Captain America turned the tables, confronting the Skrull impostors, overpowering them, and even kidnapping one of their interrogators.

Captain America and the interrogator found themselves confined in a room with a breathtaking view of Saturn. As they navigated their surroundings, they unexpectedly encountered Madame Hydra. A brief but intense skirmish unfolded, during which Madame Hydra discerned that Captain America was not a Skrull.

The interrogator, compelled to reveal crucial information, unveiled the Skrulls' invasion plan. Motivated by a prophecy and the devastation of their home world, the Skrulls sought to conquer Earth. In response to this revelation, Skrull forces attacked the cell, triggering a fierce battle. Captain America and his allies, displaying unwavering determination, managed to thwart the Skrull assault.

Exploring further, they discovered additional cells, and to their relief, liberated the real Invisible Woman from Skrull captivity. On the bridge of the Skrull ship, a formidable adversary, a Super-Skrull, confronted the humans, showcasing extraordinary powers. Captain America and his team engaged in a fierce struggle against this formidable foe, simultaneously attempting to secure an escape on a ship.

Amidst the intense battle, the humans managed to launch a ship, but the Super-Skrull seized Madame Hydra. Undeterred, Captain America and the Invisible Woman executed a daring rescue, utilizing her powers to create a force field that shielded them from the Super-Skrull's grasp.

With Madame Hydra safe, the humans, including Captain America, hastily boarded the damaged ship and narrowly escaped the relentless pursuit of the Skrulls.

On the Damocles, a Skrull shuttle emerged from hyperspace, caught and tracked as it approached Earth's orbit. As tension escalated, Ms. Marvel rallied the Avengers to assemble.

The Skrull ship touched down in Wakanda, and to everyone's surprise, the entire Avengers team emerged. They claimed to have been ambushed by the Skrulls while returning from Asgard, subsequently captured and transported to a Skrull prison ship from Saturn's Moon Titan. Having staged a daring escape, they stole a Skrull shuttle and managed to make it back home.

"The Skrulls want the Vibranium Mound in Wakanda," disclosed one of the Skrull Avengers to Ms. Marvel. As they approached a Wakandan city, they were met with the formidable presence of King T'Challa, the Black Panther, who sternly warned them to retreat or face imminent destruction.

In this tense standoff, Ms. Marvel courageously stepped between the conflicting parties, urging for restraint. The Black Panther's troops, armed with advanced Wakandan weaponry, stood ready for a potential clash that could shatter the delicate balance.

Amidst the palpable tension, a surprising turn of events unfolded. In the midst of the intense battle between Ms. Marvel, the Skrull Avengers, and the Wakandan defense, Skrull Hawkeye, aiming to subdue the real Black Panther, found himself unexpectedly struck by an arrow. The tide swiftly shifted as reinforcements for the Avengers, including Hawkeye and Wasp, arrived in the Quinjet.

In a fierce showdown, the Avengers clashed with their Skrull doppelgangers. The Skrull Thor, initially soaring through the sky, was swiftly knocked down and exposed as an imposter. With Ms. Marvel now standing alongside the genuine Avengers, the remaining Skrulls faced swift defeat. Iron Skrull, compelled by circumstances, disclosed the truth to the heroes.

Despite Ms. Marvel's earnest efforts to persuade him to rejoin the Avengers, the Black Panther chose to remain in Wakanda, unwavering in his dedication to duty and his father's legacy. Their encounter concluded with his resolute decision to safeguard his homeland.

"Thanks, they have resolved the situation," Banner expressed a sigh of relief, observing that Wakanda had been saved from the Skrull threat.

"Yes, but it seems Carol needs a bit of training in distinguishing the real from the fake," Sharky remarked with a mischievous smile, his fingers gently caressing his Dragon. Recognizing the need for awareness, he knews Carol needs the training of taking his Dragon into her Sacred Forest.

In seclusion, the genuine Tony Stark immersed himself in creating a reliable alien life form detector. Jarvis interrupted his focused work with crucial information, "Tony, Doctor Doom has arrived, and he seems to have something crucial to discuss about the Skrull situation."

Curious yet cautious, Stark adjusted his armor and welcomed Doom into his lab. "Doom," he inquired, his tone a mix of curiosity and wariness, "What brings you here, and what's this device you've brought?"

Doom, usually a figure associated with rivalry, responded surprisingly, "Stark, this is a Skrull detector. We need to put an end to these shape-shifters. I am offering my assistance for the greater good."

Stark, weighing the gravity of the situation, integrated Doom's chip into his advanced armor. "Alright, Doom, we'll consider putting you on our Christmas Card list for this," he quipped, acknowledging the unexpected alliance forged in the face of a common threat. As the Skrull detector merged with Stark's technology.

In the midst of his focused work, Tony Stark was abruptly interrupted as Black Widow materialized, catching him off guard. "Tony, Fury needs to see you immediately," she urgently urged, concern palpable in her voice. "We've got a situation with Captain America."

Startled by the unexpected intrusion, Stark swiftly adjusted his work, a mixture of curiosity and apprehension etched on his face. The mention of a situation involving Captain America stirred a sense of urgency, prompting Stark to heed Black Widow's call and head towards Fury's office, fully aware that a new and pressing challenge awaited the Avengers.

In haste, Stark rushed to Fury's office, where he found the director deeply engrossed in studying a bulletin board adorned with images of Skrull suspects. "Tony, Captain America's been replaced," Fury explained with a grim expression, the weight of the revelation evident in his tone. "We have footage of him acting strangely and starting fights. The real Steve Rogers has managed to escape with other prisoners."

Stark absorbed the shocking revelation, realizing that the Skrull infiltration had reached a new level of complexity. As the urgency of the situation settled in, he prepared to confront the challenges that lay ahead.

Fury shared footage, revealing Captain Skrull America's manipulative dialogue with the Hulk, when he forced Hulk to surrender by using the Captain America position. And another clip depicting Captain America inciting a fight with the Kree, deviating from the iconic "Avengers Assemble!" to a suspicious "Avengers, attack!"

Fury's concern deepened as he uncovered Mockingbird's concealment of information regarding the Hulk's attack on the Helicarrier. "This imposter is Queen Veranke," he concluded, realizing the gravity of the situation.

In the midst of the Avengers' tumultuous realization of Queen Veranke's insidious infiltration, the team was thrust into a sudden and chaotic assault. With ruthless precision, Veranke seized the initiative, unleashing a relentless barrage of energy blasts. The searing beams, emanating with an otherworldly intensity, struck with pinpoint accuracy, leaving Fury, Quake, and Black Widow incapacitated in rapid succession.

In a calculated and strategic move, Veranke turned her attention to Stark's Iron Man MK 9 armor. With a surge of Skrull ingenuity, she unleashed a potent virus that swiftly infiltrated the sophisticated machinery. The once-mighty suit, a pinnacle of Stark's technological prowess, came to a sudden, grinding halt.

The dire situation escalated further as Queen Veranke, now in control of the battlefield, issued her final invasion orders. The Avengers, left reeling from the unexpected onslaught, found themselves plunged into a tumultuous and uncertain battle against the Skrull threat. The once-unshakable unity of Earth's defenders now faced its greatest test as they sought to unravel the intricate web of deception woven by the Skrulls and reclaim their world from the clutches of this cunning adversary.