
Journey Of Ben Tennyson

This Is The Story Of Ben Tennyson. He has become bored of his life in the Omnitrix Multiverse. And then he decided to travel to different Multiverse. But there is a surprise waiting for him, because there he is going to faced many situations. Will he able to overcome the situation, for k knowing it, please read it. This Is The My Story, which is little bit linked to Beginning of Multiverse Saga.

Sharky_Monster · Anime und Comics
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Chapter 51 - Michael Korvac

Despite the Avengers gaining ground against Kang's forces, the conqueror himself remained a formidable adversary, confident in his ability to outmaneuver his enemies. In a sudden surge of his temporal abilities, Kang masterfully evaded the Avengers' attacks, momentarily disappearing from sight. Just as the heroes believed they had gained the upper hand, Kang reappeared, unveiling a startling revelation.

Iron Man's adapted armor, once perceived as a trump card against Kang, had unknowingly played into the conqueror's hands. Kang, with his unparalleled mastery over time and technology, had anticipated Iron Man's modifications and devised a countermeasure of his own. In a calculated move, Kang unleashed a devastating energy surge, specifically tailored to exploit the vulnerabilities of Iron Man's armor. The once-mighty suit, a symbol of innovation and resilience, now stood temporarily incapacitated, leaving Iron Man exposed to the whims of his temporal foe.

The narrative took an unexpected turn, emphasizing Kang's cunning and the intricate dance between technological innovation and temporal manipulation.

Iron Man grunted in pain as his armor systems flickered and failed, the weight of his realization echoing in his voice. "I didn't see this coming."

The Avengers, now left vulnerable and disheartened, found themselves at the mercy of Kang's might. The conqueror reveled in his triumph, his superiority evident as he taunted his defeated foes. The once-mighty heroes, now facing the stark reality of their failure, stood battered and demoralized in the aftermath of Kang's calculated move.

Amidst the chaos, Sharky recognized the urgency of the situation. "It looks like I need to go there, Jet Ray," he declared, activating the power of Jet Ray, propelling himself towards the looming threat of Damocles.

As Sharky soared through the expanse, Kang's triumphant laughter echoed, resonating with a chilling confidence. "Ha ha ha ha, I have won the fight. Now, I just only need to kill Captain America, and my timeline will be saved," Kang The Conqueror gloated, his words carrying a sinister determination that set the stage for the final confrontation.

Hawkeye, though weighed down by sadness, defiantly proclaimed, "No, you have not won," injecting a glimmer of hope into the beleaguered Avengers.

Kang, reveling in his apparent triumph, mockingly retorted, "I have not won? Who is going to defeat me? You are all here, useless fallen junk."

Thor, a beacon of resilience, countered Kang's arrogance with a revelation. "One person has not come down. We do not know much about him, but he will come if you are going to destroy New York." Thor's words held a mysterious anticipation, alluding to the enigmatic figure yet to enter the fray.

Kang, skeptical of their claims, dismissed them with arrogance. "I am also going to see who can stop me from killing Captain America." With a menacing intent, he unleashed Energy Swords aimed at Steve Rogers, ready to carry out his dark agenda. However, in a sudden turn of events, someone intervened, catching the deadly blades and disrupting Kang's sinister plan.

"Who are you?" Kang bellowed in frustration as he beheld a brown-haired figure stepping into the battlefield.

"I am Sharky Tennyson, the guy who is going to defeat you," Sharky declared confidently, his body undergoing a transformation into the colossal form of Humungousaur. Towering over even the Hulk, Sharky's enlarged figure loomed ominously, a force to be reckoned with. With a powerful strike, he shattered the Damocles in multiple places, disrupting Kang's grand design.

Unfazed, Kang defiantly retorted, "I will also defeat you," summoning his minions to engage Sharky in battle. However, Sharky effortlessly dispatched the minions with powerful punches, showcasing the might of his alien abilities.

Undeterred, Kang attempted to turn the tide using the Chrono Blaster, a weapon of temporal destruction. Yet, Sharky, drawing upon the powers of his Clockwork Aliens, exhibited a mastery over time that rendered Kang powerless.

"Kang, now you will also cease to exist in this time. I will send you back to your own time," Sharky declared with determination, preparing to enact the temporal expulsion.

However, Wasp intervened, her urgent plea cutting through the tension. "Stop."

Sharky, perplexed, questioned, "Why?"

Wasp directed his attention to a girl, "The point is this is Princess Ravonna, Kang's love. She is in suspended animation. If you send Kang back to his own future, Ravonna will also be in danger of being erased."

Sharky replied with an air of indifference, "Whatever you can do with your mind is not my concern. I'm not your nanny. I've saved all of you, and my work is done."

Turning his attention to Ultron, Sharky inquired of Hank, "Hank, did you create this Ultron?"

Hank, with a touch of pride, affirmed, "Yes, this is a good robot. It played a crucial role in today's fight."

Sharky, muttering to himself, remarked, "Okay, Ultron, interesting. Looks like I'll get one more Ultron—Big Chill." With a swift phase through the remnants of Damocles, Sharky soared back to his mansion, leaving the stunned onlookers in a state of bewilderment.

Steve Rogers inquired, "Who is he? I have never seen him."

Tony Stark provided an explanation, "He is Sharky Tennyson. He announced his name, but before that, I had only seen him once. I tried to find him, and even S.H.I.E.L.D. tried to locate him, but we were unsuccessful."

Hank, still perplexed, asked, "Why did he mutter that he's going to get the next Ultron?"

Stark, equally puzzled, replied, "I don't know," as a collective sigh of relief swept through the group after the successful capture of Kang.

With Kang securely in custody, S.H.I.E.L.D. assumed control of the Damocles, delegating its care to the newly established S.W.O.R.D. organization. Thor, awakening from his coma, added his godly insight to the ongoing investigations. Reed Richards and Hank collaborated to study the enigmatic Princess Ravonna, their scientific minds delving into the mysteries surrounding her.

In the background, Ultron ominously loomed, a silent observer of events, perhaps fully cognizant of the role it would play in the looming battles ahead. The episode concluded with a foreboding threat from the imprisoned Kang, echoing within the confines of Prison 42.

Kang warned of Captain America's actions being the harbinger of the planet's downfall, leaving a lingering sense of uncertainty and anticipation and the enigmatic presence of Sharky Tennyson, his mysterious abilities, and the cryptic mention of acquiring another Ultron left the Avengers and their allies grappling with unanswered questions.

After Kang's capture, the new morning dawned, and Sharky found himself once again immersed in Avengers adventures. However, a hint of boredom lingered. His attention shifted to the Avengers Mansion.

In the vibrant Bethesda Fountain Plaza, the aftermath of an otherworldly event unfolded as an energy orb plummeted from the sky, carving a colossal crater into the ground. The bustling scene immediately drew the attention of the police, who approached the site with a mix of curiosity and trepidation. As they neared the massive indentation, their astonishment peaked upon discovering a naked blonde man seated at the epicenter. His expression reflected bewilderment and desperation, his plea for assistance echoing through the urban chaos. When questioned about his origin, the man could only gesture upwards, pointing to the sky as if the heavens held the key to his mysterious arrival.

Meanwhile, within the hallowed halls of the Avengers Mansion, Wasp, designated for villain-watch duty, found herself entangled in a lively conversation with Carol. The two heroines were immersed in a dialogue that transcended the mundane, exploring the intricacies of their shared existence. However, the serenity of their exchange was abruptly shattered by the ever-vigilant JARVIS. An unexpected visitor had arrived at the mansion's front door, disrupting the peaceful interlude.

Wasp, ever ready to address unforeseen developments, swiftly left Carol's company to investigate the disturbance. At the mansion's entrance, she was met by the police, who presented the disoriented naked blonde man as if he were an enigma to be unraveled within the confines of the Avengers' sanctuary.

Diligently, Wasp scrutinized the intricate markings on Michael Korvac's back, her keen eyes tracing each mysterious symbol. Inquiring about S.W.O.R.D., given Michael's bizarre claim of extraterrestrial abduction, Wasp's mind raced with possibilities. The police, recognizing the gravity of the situation, relinquished custody of Michael to her care. As she delved into the unfolding mystery, Michael, now under Wasp's guardianship, began to recount the bewildering tale of his ordeal.

Identifying himself as Michael Korvac, he detailed how an ordinary drive had transformed into a surreal encounter. A spaceship and an ominous sentry robot had intercepted him, spiriting him away into the unknown. The ensuing narrative unveiled a chilling sequence of events — a confinement to an experimental bed and subjected to the whims of scientific experimentation.

As Michael's account veered towards desperation and erratic behavior, Wasp found herself facing a crucial decision. With no alternative, she summoned her formidable abilities, delivering a controlled zap to subdue the agitated man. Seeking assistance, Wasp called upon the expertise of Jane Foster, urging her to examine Michael's condition with a mix of concern and urgency.

In a bid to unravel the cosmic enigma, Wasp swiftly communicated with the Avengers, relaying the startling revelation that Michael Korvac, once an unwitting subject of alien experimentation, harbored a fervent desire to return to a human named Corrina.

Wasp, fueled by determination, embarked on a mission to locate Corrina, who, unbeknownst to many, was diligently working in a quaint restaurant. As the news of Michael's discovery reached Corrina, her expression morphed from the mundane routines of everyday life to one of profound shock and disbelief. The restaurant's ambiance shifted as a group of onlookers mysteriously materialized, drawn to the unfolding drama like moths to a flame.

Meanwhile, Jennifer, her voice tinged with amazement, remarked, "Now the Guardians of the Galaxy have entered the scene." Beside her, Sharky, engrossed in the holographic displays, continued indulging in grapes, both captivated by the spectacle playing out before them.

In another corner, Tony Stark, the epitome of focused determination, paced around the kitchen. His brow furrowed with concentration as he endeavored to unravel the mysteries behind Michael's unusual energy signature. To his surprise, Hulk, a towering presence nearby, offered unexpected insight. "Tony, that energy... it's cosmic radiation," Hulk declared, injecting a new layer of complexity into the unfolding puzzle.

The Avengers, ever vigilant and quick to reassemble, awaited Wasp's return with Corrina in tow. As they gathered, Hawkeye couldn't help but voice a lingering concern, "Where's Steve?" The unspoken question echoed through the room, leaving a palpable sense of anticipation as the Avengers prepared to confront the challenges that lay ahead.

Tony let out a heavy sigh, "Steve's gone with his veterans."

As Michael stirred, he found himself in the company of Corrina, who gently informed him that two years had passed during his mysterious absence. Their emotional reunion, however, was abruptly disrupted when the Guardians of the Galaxy materialized, seemingly appearing out of thin air. Their demand for Michael Korvac's surrender resonated through the room, creating an immediate rift. The Avengers, firmly believing that the Guardians were linked to Michael's prior captivity, adamantly refused.

The inevitable clash ensued, the room becoming an arena for superhuman skirmishes. Heroes paired off: Hulk grappled with the towering Groot, Iron Man engaged in a technological showdown with Quasar, Black Panther found himself locked in a cerebral duel with Adam Warlock, and Hawkeye squared off against the charismatic Star-Lord.

The outcome of these dynamic confrontations varied. Warlock, with an uncanny ability to delve into minds, swiftly gained an advantage over T'Challa, intensifying their battle. Simultaneously, Hulk, confident in his strength, thought he had Groot at his mercy, only to be confronted by a raccoon sporting a distinctive cockney accent and dual imposing pistols.

Following the intense clash, the Avengers regrouped, their resolve unwavering in the face of the Guardians' insistent demand to apprehend Korvac. "He's killed thousands of sentient beings across the galaxy, and he won't hesitate to kill us if given the chance," the Guardians stressed, laying bare the gravity of the situation.

In the midst of this standoff, Carol Danvers, serving as the S.W.O.R.D. liaison, arrived to assess the escalating conflict. As tensions heightened, Michael Korvac, feeling the threat looming, began emanating a powerful energy glow. The room fell into a sudden hush as the radiant force incapacitated everyone present, including Corrina. Only Carol, resilient against the overwhelming energy, remained standing, setting the stage for a formidable confrontation.

In the eerie silence that enveloped the room, Adam Warlock, utilizing his telekinetic powers, initiated a unique form of communication—a telepathic conference that transcended the boundaries of physical incapacitation. In this mental space, the Guardians took the opportunity to unravel the grim truth behind Michael Korvac's enigmatic past. "Most of his story is true," they disclosed. "He was once an ordinary person, abducted by aliens. However, the Kree transformed him into a lab experiment, bequeathing him unstable powers that eventually drove him to the brink of madness. His devastating rampage led to the obliteration of an entire space station teeming with sentient life."

The revelation echoed through the minds of the unconscious heroes, laying bare the tragic narrative of a man transformed into a cosmic weapon.

"Korvac, you've killed thousands of sentient beings throughout the galaxy," Carol confronted him sternly. "We can't let you continue this rampage."

A somber gathering of Avengers and Guardians ensued, their collective efforts focused on reasoning with Korvac. Adam Warlock, his voice carrying both sympathy and resolve, asserted, "You've gone insane, and we want to help you. Your story is tragic, but we can't allow your destructive path to continue."

As the confrontation unfolded in the battleground of Central Park, Korvac, sensing Carol's Kree origins, misconstrued her intentions, believing she sought to capture him. The combined might of the Avengers and Guardians coalesced in an attempt to halt his destructive trajectory. However, Korvac, fueled by determination and a sense of injustice, fought back with unwavering resolve.

In the midst of the turmoil, Corrina, her eyes brimming with tears, bravely stepped forward. "Please, Michael, stop this madness," she pleaded with heartfelt desperation. "You're the real monster here." The weight of her words bore down on Korvac, his powers surging as the gravity of his actions and the perception of his beloved weighed heavily on him.

A moment of hesitant contemplation hung in the air before Korvac, fueled by inner turmoil, unleashed a furious shout, "You will all die!" The revelation that even Corrina, his anchor to humanity, perceived him as a monster intensified his rage.

Suddenly, Korvac's Energy Sensing abilities alerted him to the approach of a powerful entity. "Who are you?" he demanded, his focus sharpening as he noticed Sharky soaring before him. Feeling a perceived threat, Korvac swiftly activated a force field through Cosmic Energy Manipulation, augmenting his already formidable power.

Facing the cosmic maelstrom, Sharky, undeterred, calmly spoke, "I understand your pain, but you can't harm innocent people, Feedback." Unbeknownst to Korvac, Sharky activated the powers of Feedback alien.

"You've also come to capture me!" Korvac roared, projecting potent energy beams from his hands and eyes using Energy Projection. The powerful beams inflicted significant damage on Sharky, creating an aura of crackling energy around him.

"You need to calm down," Sharky asserted, his posture unwavering as he absorbed all of the relentless energy beams into his hands, a testament to his formidable power.

A collective sense of amazement swept through the ranks of the Avengers and the Guardians of the Galaxy, including Korvac himself, witnessing the seemingly impervious nature of Sharky. His resistance to Korvac's energy onslaught became a focal point of both astonishment and concern among the cosmic combatants. Even Korvac, with his Energy Constructs abilities at his disposal, realized that his conventional powers were rendered ineffective against this unexpected adversary.

Undeterred, Korvac shifted tactics, drawing upon his Superhuman Strength and coupling it with Telekinesis. With a mere thought, he manipulated the environment, gathering heavy objects through the power of his mind. One by one, these cosmic projectiles were hurled towards Sharky, their trajectories guided by the potent fusion of Korvac's physical and telekinetic prowess.

"I know you're not thinking clearly, so sorry for this, Gravattack," Sharky calmly uttered as he tapped into the power of the Gravattack Alien. With a deliberate gesture, he pointed his hands towards Korvac, invoking the gravitational force. In an instant, both Korvac and the once-menacing heavy objects were suspended midair, frozen in defiance of gravity's pull. With an effortless hand motion, Sharky manipulated the gravitational field, subjecting Korvac to a relentless series of impacts as he slammed the cosmic antagonist repeatedly into the ground, each impact resonating with the force of justice until Korvac succumbed to unconsciousness.

As the dust settled, Peter Quill, ever the inquisitive Star-Lord, approached Tony Stark with an eager inquiry. "Wow, that was amazing! Who was he? Where have you been hiding him?"

Tony, reveling in the victorious moment, responded with a smirk, "Well, it was our secret since you didn't tell us about any other threats we should expect from beyond the stars. We won't share his information with you either." The playful banter underscored the delicate dance of alliances and secrets within the community. Tony, ever the strategist, couldn't resist the opportunity to boast, wearing a victorious smile that spoke volumes about the prowess of the Earth's unsung hero, although Sharky has not any connection to them.

The Avengers, familiar with Tony's strategic mindset, tacitly played along with the idea that Sharky was part of their team, weaving a narrative that seamlessly integrated him into their ranks. Even Sharky himself couldn't help but be amused by the charade as he patiently waited for Korvac to regain consciousness, enjoying the camaraderie forged in the crucible of conflict.

At the Avengers Mansion, where the Guardians and the Avengers had convened, a sense of anticipation hung in the air as Korvac slowly stirred back to consciousness. Gazing at his surroundings, he absorbed the gravity of the disturbance he had caused earlier. His eyes met Corrina's, revealing a mix of shame and love, his emotions silently conveyed in the solemnity of the moment.

"So, have you cleared your head now?" Sharky inquired, his gaze fixed on Korvac, a subtle acknowledgment of the internal struggle the cosmic being had endured.

With a solemn nod, Korvac responded, "Yes, I apologize to everyone. My mental disturbance caused you all pain," his voice carrying the weight of remorse for the havoc wrought by his inner turmoil.

The air in the room shifted, the drama now transitioning into a moment of reflection and reconciliation.

"It's okay. I understand your pain. I've created a device that will help stabilize your mind and powers, but there's a condition," Sharky calmly stated, revealing a band-like device designed to address the instability that had resulted from Korvac's recent escape from Kree experiments. Recognizing that Korvac needed time for the device to take effect, Sharky outlined the condition that came with it.

"I agree to every condition," Korvac swiftly replied, his determination fueled by the prospect of a stable existence alongside Corrina, free from the shackles of turmoil.

"You don't need to involve yourself in anything dangerous anymore. You're still in danger, so my condition is that you leave Earth with your wife, Corrina," Sharky explained, his words carrying a genuine concern for Korvac's well-being. The condition, though clear and imperative, held the promise of a safer future for the once-tormented cosmic being. Understanding the gravity of the situation, Korvac readily agreed, recognizing that this compromise was a pathway to a life unburdened by the threats that had haunted him.

"Now that everything is settled, I need to go back," Sharky announced, preparing to depart. However, before leaving, he cast a meaningful glance at Ms. Marvel, a lingering connection from a previous universe echoing in his mind. Approaching Carol, he gently caressed her cheek, his words carrying a sincerity that resonated, "You are amazing." With that, he soared back to his mansion, leaving the assembled heroes once again in awe.

Carol found herself momentarily speechless, her hand instinctively touching the spot where Sharky had left his gentle caress. The weight of his words lingered, leaving her with a mixture of curiosity and a blush that betrayed her otherwise composed exterior. As Sharky disappeared into the unknown, the promise of something enigmatic hung in the air.

Meanwhile, Korvac and Corrina vanished from the scene, embarking on an entirely new and unknown adventure, their destinies unfolding beyond the immediate gaze of the heroes.

The Guardians and the Avengers, having gleaned newfound insights into Sharky's extraordinary powers, dispersed, each group going their separate ways. Wasp, in a moment of knowing, exchanged a glance with Carol, a subtle smile playing on her lips. The unspoken understanding between the two heroines hinted at the mysteries yet to unfold, leaving Carol to blush even more at the enigmatic path that lay ahead.

As Sharky soared back to his home, the triumph of defeating Korvac was tinged with an awareness that the Avengers had solidified their status as recognized superheroes in the eyes of Earth's people. The countless times they had thwarted threats had instilled a sense of security among the citizens, a realization that wasn't lost on Sharky.

Contemplating his next moves, perhaps even contemplating exploring other realms, Sharky's thoughts were abruptly interrupted by a warning from Super Ultron. Activating the holographic display, Sharky's attention sharpened as he discerned the urgency of the situation.

The holographic scene unfolded before him, revealing a shocking event. Captain America, having gone to meet an old acquaintance, fell victim to a surprise attack. A mysterious injection, wielded by an apparent Skrull infiltrator, left the iconic hero unconscious. The gravity of the situation resonated with Sharky, the unexpected turn of events setting the stage for a new crisis that demanded the attention of Earth's defenders.

The holographic display continued to reveal the sinister turn of events as the Skrull assumed the appearance of Steve Rogers. "The infiltration has begun," the imposter muttered, casting a chilling shadow over the unfolding crisis. Sharky, ever perceptive, recognized that the invasion had taken a dark and dangerous turn.

Contemplating the gravity of the situation, Sharky voiced his observations, "It seems the Skrulls are attempting to take over Earth, and they've already taken down Steve." The realization hung in the air, a stark reminder that Earth faced a formidable enemy within its own ranks, and the heroes needed to unite swiftly to confront this insidious threat.

As the gravity of the Skrull infiltration sank in, Sharky's thoughts raced. A conviction formed within him that he needed to alert the Avengers about this dire situation. However, a calculated idea began to take shape – a notion of capturing all the Skrulls in one fell swoop.

Despite the urgency of the situation, Sharky hesitated to immediately disclose his strategic plan. A flicker of concern crossed his mind, questioning whether revealing his intentions prematurely could jeopardize the element of surprise.

Meanwhile, a persistent doorbell rang throughout the grandeur of the Avengers Mansion. Hawkeye swiftly answered it, expecting the unexpected. To his surprise, it was Thing and Johnny who stood at the threshold, ready for a game of poker.

Hawkeye, wearing a grin, greeted them, "Well, look who's here! Thing and Johnny, you're up for a poker game tonight?"

Thing, with a confident nod, responded, "You betcha! We thought we'd swing by and see if you guys were up for some cards," Johnny chimed in with an agreeing nod, the Fantastic Four coming to meet.