
Journey Of Ben Tennyson

This Is The Story Of Ben Tennyson. He has become bored of his life in the Omnitrix Multiverse. And then he decided to travel to different Multiverse. But there is a surprise waiting for him, because there he is going to faced many situations. Will he able to overcome the situation, for k knowing it, please read it. This Is The My Story, which is little bit linked to Beginning of Multiverse Saga.

Sharky_Monster · Anime und Comics
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Chapter 23 - Welcome To Asgard

Sharky with his son Ethan and daughter Maria flew towards where the Bifrost just opened a few seconds ago. He reached there and found that Thor was present there, rain was also happening, and Jane Foster was also there.

She visibly slapped Thor in the face, demanding to know why he had taken four years to visit her on Earth, especially considering the events of the Battle of New York.

"I don't want to keep you in trouble, but I am wrong, I forget, I need to take care of you," Thor, showing remorse, quickly apologized and was forgiven by Jane as they were going to kiss each other.

"Hey, isn't it a little too cliché to dance in the rain like this?" Sharky teased Thor and interrupted their kiss.

Thor and Jane were surprised by the interruption during their time together. However, as soon as Thor saw who it was, he became excited.

"Sharky! How are you? What are you doing here?" Thor asked eagerly.

"Well, I came to play with my kids, Ethan and Maria. Then I saw the Bifrost light around here, so I decided to check it out," Sharky said casually, pointing toward his 28-year-old son Ethan and his 8-year-old daughter. He then teased Thor about Jane, making the couple a bit flustered. Just as the police arrived and asked what had happened, an explosion threw the police back.

Sharky, Thor, and Sharky's kids weren't thrown away, as they were strong enough to withstand the impact. However, as they saw the source of the explosion, Thor was surprised to see that Jane was starting to float.

"Now, you better take care of your girlfriend," Sharky teased Thor, as he saw Jean floating.

Thor immediately walked toward Jane with Mjolnir in his hand. "Jane, give me your hand! I will take you back to Asgard to cure you," Thor said as he tried to calm Jane down.

Jane reached out for Thor's hand, but as she got close enough, a bunch of red particles came out of her hands and sent Thor flying due to the explosion of the red particles. Jane flew toward Sharky quickly.

"Sharky, look out!" Thor shouted. Sharky used his Diamond Head powers, and, since diamond is tough, all the red particles of the Aether returned to her, instantly knocking her out.

Thor immediately flew to Sharky to thank him for stopping Jane.

"Thank you very much, my friend! I will take her to Asgard immediately so that she can be cured of her ailment," Thor said in relief.

"Thor, I want to ask one question. Why has Sif not come out to meet me until now?" Sharky asked, addressing the more important questions. Four years ago, after Sif left him to ask the permission of Allfather Odin, she didn't return.

"Well, how should I answer that?" Thor hesitated for a moment, unsure of what to say, but eventually decided to show him, "Why don't you come with me to find out the situation?" He ultimately decided to bring Jane, Sharky, and their children, Ethan and Maria, back to Asgard.

Sharky noticed the curiosity of Ethan and Maria, and he agreed to it. "Heimdall, open the Bifrost," Thor shouted, a minute later, a beam of light shot down from the sky once again, and the five of them were transported to Asgard.

Only Jane's intern was left on the scene. Darcy Lewis stared at the sky where the light came with envy. She also wanted to go, but she knew that none of the superheroes earlier would want to bring her.

On Asgard, Thor, Jane, Sharky, Ethan and Maria come inside the hall where Bifrost and Heimdall are. "Welcome to Asgard!" Heimdall said with a serious face, then looked towards Sharky, clearly surprised. "Who are you? Why haven't I seen you before?"

"Well, you can see every place in all nine realms, but just like when Jane disappeared, and you didn't know where she went, think of me like that," Sharky chuckled as he, with his children, followed Thor.

For the first time, Sharky witnessed the glory of Asgard. He saw many beautiful ladies walking about in the distance, and the buildings were all adorned with gold and painted in white, radiating grandeur.

Thor didn't take Sharky for sightseeing; he led him directly to the palace, where he ordered some guards to bring medics and took Jane into the sickbay. Asgard had many excellent witches who had mastered healing spells and possessed a modern understanding of the human body. Thor's mother was one of them.

"What is happening to Jane?" Thor asked the witches who were examining her, he cared about her.

"We don't know yet. The energy coming from her body is totally different than what a Midgardian should possess," the witch said solemnly.

As Thor was about to ask another question, a stern voice interrupted him. "Did you not heed my word? Why are you still doing whatever you want like this?" Odin said as he entered the sickbay.

"She was sick, father! She needs my help!" Thor said confidently.

"She is mortal! She is sick! But nonetheless, she is not welcome in Asgard. Bring her to Midgard immediately!" Odin said rudely.

"No, father, Midgard has no solution to her problem," Thor said, he didn't want to send Jean to Midgard now.

"This is not our problem, Midgard people has their own problems, we don't care about them," Odin shouted, as he was going to send back Jean to Midgard.

"I am sorry, but I've always thought that Odin was a wise and calculative god. But my first impression is not that good. All I saw just now was arrogance," Sharky said casually.

Odin never expected to hear such words from a Midgardian and grew furious. Thor was equally surprised because he had never seen anyone go against his father like this before, at least not besides him and Loki.

As Odin was about to confront the one who had taunted him, he noticed Sharky, and his expression changed from anger to confusion, then gentleness. "Why didn't you tell me you brought Sharky?" Odin asked Thor angrily. "You are welcome here, Sharky."

"So, Sharky, just for you, Jane will stay here to be cured," Odin changed his decision. He also noticed that some guards had approached Jane, but a wall of red particles was created as the Aether inside Jane's body recognized them as a threat.

"Stop, retreat!" Odin ordered the guards as he recognized the red particles that had attacked them. "This is impossible!" Odin said as his expression became more serious.

"The energy inside her body was trying to protect her!" The witch who had diagnosed Jane earlier said in fascination.

"No, it was trying to protect itself," Odin said with a knowing look on his face. Then he turned towards a maid. "Prepare a grand welcome for my son-in-law," he shouted, and everyone started preparing a big buffet, even though they didn't quite understand what had just happened.

In the grand hall of Asgard, a lavish feast was in full swing. Odin, the Allfather, stood at the head of the table, his regal presence commanding the room. By his side was Frigga, the queen, radiating warmth and grace, and in her arms, she held a two-year-old child, the newest member of the royal family.

Sharky Tennyson, a guest from another world, stood beside Odin with his children, Ethan and Maria. Ethan looked around the grandeur of Asgard in awe, while Maria was filled with a sense of wonder. Sif, the fierce and loyal warrior, stood nearby, her usually confident demeanor giving way to a hint of shyness.

As the festivities continued, a familiar face appeared in the crowd. Loki, the mischievous god of mischief, had been released from his confinement and was observing the gathering with a curious expression, uncertain of how he would be received.

It just happened, when Loki was thrown in the prison, after attacking Midgard. But Frigga started crying for her release, and she pleaded many times to Odin.

Odin was strict, but when Sigurd was born, his strictness started turning gentle, and on the birthday of Sigurd, he succumbed to his wife's demands. Then Loki was released from the prison, but he was still in trial period, if does one mistake, he would again be thrown back in prison.

Three of Asgard's mightiest warriors, Fandral, Volstagg, and Hogun, were seated at a table, feasting and regaling the crowd with tales of their heroic exploits. They laughed heartily, their voices carrying through the hall.

Guests from realms near and far turned their attention to Sharky and his children. Whispers of curiosity filled the air, and a ripple of excitement passed through the crowd.

A group of Asgardian revelers approached, clad in ornate armor and adorned with celestial accessories. With genuine enthusiasm, they greeted Sharky, Ethan, and Maria. "Welcome, travelers from Midgard! Your presence adds a spark to our festivities," one of them exclaimed.

Others joined in, extending warm congratulations. "Hail to you, Sharky, Ethan, and Maria! May your time in Asgard be filled with joy and celebration," another guest cheered.

In the lively celebration unfolding in the grand hall of Asgard, Volstagg, Hogun, and Fandral, the trio of mighty warriors, noticed the presence of Sharky, Ethan, and Maria. Their eyes sparkled with a shared history, a tapestry woven through past adventures.

Approaching with a camaraderie forged through trials, Volstagg boomed with laughter, "Sharky! It warms my heart to see you again. Remember the time we faced those challenges together?" His jovial demeanor echoed the shared laughter of friends meeting after a long time.

Fandral, the charming swordsman, joined in with a twinkle in his eye, "Ah, the hero from Midgard! Your courage in times of need is etched in our memories. How have your journeys treated you, my friend?" His charismatic presence added a touch of elegance to the reunion.

Hogun, the stoic warrior, nodded in acknowledgment, his gaze reflecting the unspoken bond formed during their past quests. "Your presence here is welcomed, Sharky. May our paths continue to cross in times of valor," he expressed, his words carrying a quiet strength.

The Asgardian guests, witnessing the reunion, embraced the shared history with a sense of admiration. "To friendships that span realms! Hail to Sharky and his family," one of them proclaimed, raising a goblet in tribute.

The atmosphere was charged with camaraderie, and the Asgardian guests, intrigued by the visitors from Midgard, continued to offer greetings and congratulations. Sharky, Ethan, and Maria found themselves enveloped in the warm embrace of Asgard's hospitality, forging connections that transcended realms.

And at the center of it all, Thor, the God of Thunder, was warmly received by his people. He greeted his friends and family with a hearty smile and raised his goblet to toast to the harmony between realms. It was a celebration of unity, with the promise of many more adventures and alliances to come in this extraordinary realm of gods and heroes.

"Mom, this is Jane Foster," Thor introduced Jane to Frigga. "And Jane, meet her, Queen of Asgard, Frigga and my mother." And he introduced Frigg to Jane.

"What a beautiful girl. You have made a good choice, Thor," Frigga praised Thor for his choice, but beneath her exterior, she felt a hint of sadness as she thought about Sif.

"You're still an idiot, and you're not even slightly worthy of my throne. If I don't retire from my throne until little Sigurd is ready to take it, then after me, my grandson Sigurd Tennyson will become the Asgardian King," Odin once again scolded Thor. But his expression quickly softened as he noticed the two-year-old child in Frigga's embrace.

"Let it go, dear. It was all destiny, and Sigurd is still a child. We should also be happy for Sharky, as he has given us such a wonderful grandson," Frigga comforted Odin, also praising Sharky for giving them a great grandson. After all, Sigurd was born from the union of Sharky and Sif.

"My dear, as you can see, I have come to ask for permission to leave Asgard," Sif explained her situation, Odin Allfather hesitated for a moment, as they all loved her, and Thor was not showing any affection towards her. So they gave her permission.

"But before I could return, they discovered I was pregnant and soon going to be the mother of your child. So they stopped me for my own safety. I hesitated a little, but it was for our child's safety, so I agreed," Sif pointed towards Sigurd, who was still playing in Frigga's arms and was now tugging on Odin's beard.

It was an embarrassing moment for Odin, but instead of resisting, he let Sigurd play with his beard. His eyes held a gentle and loving look as he watched his grandson.

Thor felt deeply embarrassed. Since the time Sif had mated with Sharky and given birth to Sigurd Tennyson, he had heard many times from his father Odin how useless he was. He often heard his father complaining about how Frigga had given birth to a useless son.

Thor had been physically punished by his father many times, often for no reason other than Odin's mood. He knew this was all because he hadn't chosen Sif. Since then, he realized that his past mistakes were forgotten because of Sif. When he chose Jane and they spent the night together, Sif had been outside crying, which he didn't know. Sharky had comforted her, and they had become a couple.

When Sif returned to Asgard, Odin was furious with Thor, but Sif had forgiven him, so Odin didn't give him too much trouble. However, he had still been subjected to many beatings.

"You really nailed it, Sharky. You've proven that you're a good friend of ours," Fandral exclaimed, thumping his hand on Sharky's shoulder.

"Yes, Sharky, you're truly amazing, brave, and daring. It's evident by how you dared to make Sif the mother of your child," Volstagg praised, giving Sharky a thumbs-up.

Hogun was also amazed, saying, "I'm still amazed at how you tamed a bold warrior woman into a shy maiden."

Sif blushed bright red as a tomato upon hearing all of this. Maria and Ethan observed everything in amazement, trying to comprehend that everyone here had a minimum of 1,000 years of life. They also glanced at their new mom, Sif, who was over 1,000 years old, and noticed their third sibling. They knew that since Sigurd had decided to be the next Asgardian King, he would not live with them.

Loki was initially confused when he noticed the new Asgardian in his mother's lap. But he was thankful for this child, because for the child's birthday, he was released from prison. He thought it was Thor's child because he had been in jail since his return from Midgard. However, after hearing everyone talk, he understood that the child was Sigurd Tennyson, the son of the Midgardian Sharky Tennyson and Lady Sif. He still didn't know how his father Odin had accepted the Midgardian child, but today it was clear that Sigurd Tennyson would become the next Asgard King. Loki's own dreams of becoming an Asgard King were dashed, but he was surprisingly content.

Both Odin and Frigga couldn't help but look at Sharky, Sif, and finally Sigurd. They felt very satisfied with Sharky, as he had given them a wonderful grandson.

"Father, if you're happy with Sigurd and Sharky, can we focus on Jane's problem?" Thor's patience was wearing thin.

"Shut up, you idiot! Until now, all you've known is how to get into trouble. You've never tried to show any responsibility, and now you're becoming jealous of a little kid who hasn't even lived a fraction of your life," Odin shouted at his wayward son. Whenever he saw Thor, he couldn't help but feel angry.

"Calm down, dear, calm down. He's still our child," Frigga reassured Odin, even though she knew he was right. Thor was still her own flesh and blood.

"Well, just because of you and Sif, I've forgiven this idiot child," Odin sighed and turned his attention back to Thor. "I've told you many times. In the distant past, a cosmic event known as the Convergence occurred, opening portals between the Nine Realms. Then a sinister race called the Dark Elves attempted to use the Convergence as a way to unleash the Aether, a force of destruction capable of destroying the entire galaxy. But your grandfather Bor and I defeated them."

"So, what is the connection of Aether to Jane," Thor asked, wanting to understand the situation.

"The Aether is inside Jane." Odin explained, Sharky looked at Odin, listening to the dark history of the Nine Realms and the power of the Aether that had caused chaos among the realms.

"Are you saying that the Aether would eventually kill Jane? Is there any way to safely extract it from her body?" Thor asked with concern.

"No, I don't think the records ever mentioned a way to extract the Aether from its host. It would be much easier to secure it once the host dies," Odin said solemnly. Thor's face immediately fell, and he became disappointed.

No wonder Odin had changed his attitude; he knew the power of the Aether and was afraid that it would soon endanger the universe!

"Well, forget about it, just enjoy the party now," Sharky said to Thor, as he was enjoying the party. Sif continuously puts many different types of food and fruits on his plate.

"Sif, what are you doing?" Sharky asked while noticing the Sif hospitality.

Sif smiled, "This is all the fruit will make you strongest," After giving a reply, she also put some of the fruits inside the Ethan and Maria plates.

"You are really doing the work, as a housewife does for his husband." Sharky whispered in her ears, after noticing her actions.

Sif blushed a little, "Since, I am your wife, it was my duty, my King," She replied while accepting her duty.

As the grand welcome party comes to an end, "I am going to do some sightseeing with Thor," Sharky said to Sif, then he turned towards his son, "Ethan comes with me," Ethan followed his father's command.

"Ok dear, I am going with mom, and also taking Maria to show our places" Sif said, as she took Maria with her, from the time she accepted Sharky as her husband, she started calling Mom and Dad to Frigga and Odin.

Frigga also took Jean with her, while Sigurd was in her embrace. With Sif and Maria joining, they go for the girls' talk time.

From the time Sigurd was born, Sif usually only got to spend time with Sigurd during his sleeping and feeding times. Otherwise, Sigurd was with his grandmother Frigga and grandfather Odin, who couldn't resist playing with him.

While Sharky and Ethan with Thor sightseeing the Asgard, Frigga was explaining some rules and important events of Asgard to Jane and Maria.

However, the tranquility was shattered when several stealth aircraft appeared in the sky, one after another. Heimdall managed to destroy one of them, but the rest eluded him.

Asgard's anti-air unit was deployed to combat the invaders, but they proved to be highly agile, easily outmaneuvering Asgard's defenses. The enemy even destroyed all of Asgard's anti-air turrets.

Heimdall, realizing the enemy had breached Asgard's defenses, activated the palace's energy shield, believing it would protect the royal family. To everyone's shock, the shield was shattered, the first time it had ever failed to work. This meant that the enemy had infiltrated the palace, as the shield could only be destroyed if the energy core inside the palace was damaged.

The leader of the Dark Elves, Malekith, orchestrated the invasion, and he was now present with his army at the Asgardian Palace. He brought destruction to those inside by throwing implosion grenades at every Asgardian he could find.

Malekith harbored a deep hatred for Asgard, blaming the realm for the death of thousands of his people during the thousands of years ago. After centuries of waiting for the right opportunity, he believed he had found it in the Aether, which he sought to use to exterminate the Asgardians.

When Sharky and Thor noticed the chaos, they immediately thought of their wives. On their way to the king's chamber, they encountered invaders attacking the palace guards. Thor wanted to engage them, but Sharky insisted that Ethan handle the situation. Thor agreed.

Ethan began using ice attacks against the invaders, and easily destroyed them. However, one invader who survived his initial assault threw an imploding grenade toward Ethan.

"Look out!" shouted an Asgard Royal Guard, well aware of the devastating power of the grenade. Ethan quickly reacted, creating a thick ice wall in front of him for protection. The sound of an explosion was heard, and Ethan was surprised to see that the thick wall he had created had been destroyed by the grenade.

"See, you still need training. If these weaklings can break through your ice shield, you have much to learn. Remember, you're my son, and you need to be as tough as me," Sharky said, providing guidance and correcting Ethan during their battle.

Ethan followed his father's advice, improving his skills during the fight. Thor was a bit amazed but more concerned about the attack on Asgard. Instead of swiftly defeating the invaders, Sharky was taking the time to teach his son.

Meanwhile, Loki, Volstagg, Hogun, and Fandral were also engaged in battles against the Dark Elves invaders, trying to defend Asgard.

As Ethan successfully defeated the Kursed Warriors, Thor couldn't help but be amazed by Sharky's son. On the other side, Loki, along with three warriors, was doing his part by battling and eliminating many of the Dark Elves. Meanwhile, Odin was working to destroy their stealth aircraft.

Malekith, the leader of the Dark Elves, along with his numerous soldiers, arrived in front of Frigga, Jane, Sif, Maria, and Sigurd. The young Sigurd curiously watched the unfolding scene.

"I am Malekith, the leader of the Dark Elves. Now, I would like you to give me what is rightfully mine," Malekith declared to Frigga coldly.

"Over my dead body, Malekith!" Frigga declared firmly as she pulled Jane behind her. Although Jane was a mortal, she was someone Thor loved, and Frigga was determined not to give her up.

Frigga understood that Malekith must be after the Aether. So, she used her magic to attack Malekith. He dodged her attack and ordered his men to open fire. Sif, Maria, and others fought back, slowly turning the tide of the battle in their favor.

Malekith grew increasingly furious with the way the battle was unfolding. He hurled an imploding grenade towards Frigga's position to finish her off once and for all. As the threat from the grenade loomed, the two-year-old Sigurd, born of Sharky's lineage but with Asgardian abilities, activated his Cryosapien powers and froze the grenade, reducing its damage.

Everyone present was shocked by the display of power from the baby Sigurd, but none more so than Malekith, who sensed the danger. Sigurd didn't stop there; he activated PyroPhoenix powers, generating fire and attacking many of the Dark Elves.

Thanks for the guys, whoever follows me, just keep showing your love. And whoever likes to give suggestions, you can keep giving suggestions, I will improve the story with your suggestions. Well now the story has come to Asgard, the next chapter fight is going to be interesting.

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