
Journey Of Ben Tennyson

This Is The Story Of Ben Tennyson. He has become bored of his life in the Omnitrix Multiverse. And then he decided to travel to different Multiverse. But there is a surprise waiting for him, because there he is going to faced many situations. Will he able to overcome the situation, for k knowing it, please read it. This Is The My Story, which is little bit linked to Beginning of Multiverse Saga.

Sharky_Monster · Anime und Comics
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100 Chs

Chapter 13 - Sophia Genes

After his cosmic encounter, Sharky found himself back at his Crown Haven Villa. As he looked around the familiar surroundings, the reality of being Sharky Tennyson, the multiverse traveler, settled in.

Within the confines of Crown Haven Villa, Sharky noticed that Sophia was not in the bedroom. Pondering her whereabouts, he speculated, "Maybe she's visited the Alexander's Mansion," assuming she had gone back to meet with her family.

A mischievous grin played on Sharky's face as he contemplated how to surprise Sophia upon her return from the family visit. Little did he know that the unexpected was about to unfold.

Suddenly, as if conjured by a magic trick, Sophia appeared before him with a look of panic on her face. "Sharky, Sharky, help me. Something really strange is happening to me!" she screamed, her voice laden with fear.

Before Sharky could react or inquire about what was wrong, she vanished abruptly, leaving him baffled by the mysterious nature of her appearance and disappearance.

With a sense of concern and curiosity, he couldn't help but wonder, "What is happening to her?" The tension in the room was palpable as he anxiously awaited Sophia's return.

Unexpectedly, Sophia reappeared in front of him. In that moment, before anything else could happen, Sharky reacted swiftly, catching her in his arms. The mysterious occurrences left them both on edge, searching for answers to the inexplicable events that seemed to be unfolding around them.

As Sharky's comforting touch calmed Sophia, she found solace in knowing that she could face anything as long as Sharky was with her. His presence had a unique ability to make her feel comfortable and satisfied, grounding her in moments of uncertainty.

Realizing that this was no ordinary occurrence, Sharky decided to leverage his Pesky Dust alien's Sleep Dust Manipulation powers. With a subtle wave of his hand, he released a cloud of sleep-inducing particles, enveloping Sophia and guiding her into a deep, peaceful slumber. In this state, he hoped she might reveal more about the mysterious events unfolding around her.

As Sophia gradually awakened, she found herself in an unfamiliar setting—a peculiar combination of a tub and a doctor's stretcher. The room was adorned with an array of equipment that added to the mystique of her surroundings. Notably, an unknown device was connected to her hands, suggesting that some form of examination or monitoring had taken place while she slept.

The reassuring presence of Sharky by her side alleviated any immediate fears, and she felt a sense of trust in confronting whatever challenges lay ahead. The unspoken connection between them became a source of strength as Sophia braced herself for the unfolding mysteries that seemed to be intricately woven into the fabric of her reality.

As Sophia gradually awakened, she found herself lying in what seemed to be a combination of a tub and a doctor's stretcher, surrounded by an array of unfamiliar equipment. She was naked, and an unknown device was connected to her hands; it was connected to her while she was asleep. However, the reassuring presence of Sharky by her side made her feel that she could endure whatever might come her way.

"Oh, you've awakened," Sharky said tenderly, his touch gentle as he caressed her face. His voice carried warmth and relief, and his reassuring smile conveyed a sense of comfort.

Sophia, still feeling a mix of curiosity and concern, asked, "Sharky, what happened to me? Do you know?" She sought understanding of her situation, hoping it was nothing harmful. Yet, her concern for Sharky's well-being was evident, and she was prepared to take necessary actions if needed to ensure his safety.

"First, tell me what you've experienced so far," Sharky requested, his eyes reflecting both affection and curiosity. He was eager to comprehend the events that had unfolded around Sophia, emphasizing the importance of communication in navigating the mysteries that surrounded them.

Sophia shared her experience with a mix of emotions; her voice trembled with concern, and tears welled up in her eyes. "It started yesterday afternoon. When I woke up, I didn't find you beside me, so I assumed you had gone somewhere. But this time, you didn't tell me where you were going. I tried calling you, but your phone was unreachable. I began to worry about what had happened to you and wanted to go wherever you were. Suddenly, I started vanishing from one place to another, as if I were teleporting. I've been to so many different places, and I didn't understand what was happening to me. I started to panic."

Sharky listened attentively to her account of the events, his concern deepening. He asked, "Did you experience anything else unusual, like bleeding, or your skin changing or falling off, and then coming back?" His inquiries were aimed at gathering as much information as possible to understand the nature of Sophia's extraordinary experiences.

Carefully recalling her experiences, Sophia responded, "No, I didn't experience anything like that. Although, there was one peculiar incident. I was in an iron factory, and while I was there, my right hand was punched by a machine. It hurt a lot, and I thought my hand was broken. But when I vanished to a different place, there was no sign of injury, and I assumed it was just a bizarre dream. I was so panicked that I quickly forgot about it."

As he listened to Sophia's account, Sharky contemplated the situation. Concerned about understanding the nature of her unusual experiences, he asked her, "Sophia, do you mind if I make a few small cuts on your hands? It's similar to what doctors do when removing damaged skin. I want to examine something."

Sophia quickly agreed, saying, "I am totally yours, Sharky. My whole body belongs to you. No matter if it's my sacred place or my nether regions, you can do as you wish." Her trust in Sharky's judgment and concern for her well-being were evident as she willingly cooperated with his efforts to unravel the mysteries surrounding her unusual experiences, even in moments of uncertainty.

With Sophia's consent, Sharky took out a small scalpel from a nearby medical kit. Gently, he made a few minor cuts on her hand. Strangely, as soon as the incisions were made, they began to rapidly heal, leaving no trace of injury.

Sophia observed the quick healing with wide eyes and a sense of awe. "Sharky, this is incredible! What's happening to me?"

Sharky then finally said to her, "Your body seems to have some kind of regenerative ability. Or maybe it's instant healing. I have some doubts about it."

Sophia nodded in agreement, still amazed by the rapid healing she had just witnessed. "I trust you, Sharky," she said. "But, why did you have some doubts? Even before today, I didn't know about them." Her curiosity mixed with a growing realization that her abilities were far beyond the ordinary.

Lemon Start

"Sophia, from the time we've been together for three to four years, and when I took your virginity, normal girls at least need to recover from the pain for 24 to 48 hours. But you on the other hand recovered within 4 hours; it was just the opening of your hymen that proved it, I have taken your purity." Sharky said as he touched her lower stomach right above her vagina.

"And, until now, my Dragon has explored your sacred and nether places two or three times a day, sometimes even four times. If this were a normal girl, her vagina and anus would already be loose, or damaged. But yours is always tight like a 16-year-old girl."

Then Sharky spread her legs and pushed one finger into her sacred place, then he took it out, and then back to her nether place. "See, your Sacred Forest is so tight."

Sophia blushed slightly; she didn't want his fingers, but she wanted his entire dragon inside of her. However, this wasn't the right time for it. "So, Sharky, what do you want to discuss?"

"So my explanation is, every time I explore your sacred and nether regions, and place my dragon's seed within you, after our love making activities, both of those areas heal instantly." Sharky explained, Sophia looking at him with even more curiosity.

"So, you are the type of girl I will never get tired of. You are always new and always tight. But I only thought you had some inner healing powers. But I didn't know you could instantly heal any wound." Sharky finally made her confusion vanish.

Lemon End

As Sharky explained the regenerative ability to her, Sophia nodded in agreement. She was surprised to learn that she had this ability since birth, with her body healing itself instantly from every scratch, cut, or bite she'd ever received. Memories began flooding back. She recalled a vivid childhood incident when she had fallen out of a tree, breaking her leg. She had fainted from the pain, but later woke up to find her leg perfectly fine. At the time, she had been too young to understand the significance of what had occurred.

Then, as she connected the dots, she continued, "But this teleportation thing I've been experiencing is entirely new. It's the first time something like this has ever happened to me. I'm not sure how it could be related to my regenerative abilities."

Sharky responded, "The teleportation power is also something you were born with, but it's unrelated to your regenerative abilities." He gestured toward a device that was connected to her hands, with cables leading to the nearby chamber, "This device is used to stop your teleportation ability for now."

Sophia, still perplexed by the situation, asked, "If I was born with this teleportation power, why did it only start happening today? Why didn't it occur before?" She wanted to make sense of this sudden change in her ability.

Sharky provided an explanation, saying, "Sophia, you know your family is wealthy, and your parents love you deeply. Three years ago, when they found out you lost your virginity to me, and were planning on living with me, they didn't stop you." Sharky explained her family situation then continued.

"But this did not mean they hadn't done anything; they had first investigated me quietly, but it took them over a year before they were satisfied that I had no bad habits and you weren't in any danger from me, so they stopped the investigation." Sharky knew about all the hidden cameras inside his Crown Haven Villa, except for his bedroom.

Lemon Start

This is also another reason why whenever he does the sacred rituals of exploring Sophia's Sacred and Nether Forests with his dragon, he always does it in his bedroom. There are times when the sacred rituals happen at other places within the villa but his father stops the camera function whenever he sees him starting to undress Sophia.

Even on their trips together, his every move was still strictly monitored by Sophia's dad, but Sophia had no idea.

"Father has seen me do this many times," said Sophia, her cheeks flushed as she wasn't sure what her parents had witnessed her doing. She has played many roles.

Sharky figured out what she was thinking. "No, they haven't seen this before," he said, giving her a mischievous smile. "But your mom has enjoyed our stepsister and stepbrother."

Lemon End

"OMG! What have I done? How am I going to face them?" Sophia looked embarrassed and also realized that she had learned many things about the world around her that she had never cared enough to understand before.

For example, when she was in school, two boys tried to bully her, even though she was a tough girl; she had bitten them until they remembered their mothers. They had a big gang, but they never tried to fight back against her afterward. She thought it was because they feared her, but now she understands. It's all because of her father.

A similar situation had occurred during her college days, and now it was happening at her own housing society, Sophia Dreams Housing Society. But everything got solved by her parents, without her even knowing about the problem.

She was really lucky as a girl; from childhood, She had great parents who showered her with love instead of spending much time on their business. Her every wish was fulfilled instantly. She was also a good girl, so she never got into any trouble. As a result, her parents were also happy with her.

Sophia Dream Society was exclusively owned by Sophia, and all the houses and villas within it were part of their domain. It wasn't a scenario where some external owner registered properties for sale; instead, every residence within the society belonged to the family. This clarified the extent of her family's influence and control over the properties, emphasizing the privileged position Sophia held within the community.

But my luck didn't stop there; my parents and Sharky also loved me so much. They both fulfilled all of my kinky desires. Even now, I am still confused, but he explained everything to me in simple terms, with such care.

"Until now, Sophia, you've never experienced an extremely distressing situation or emotional instability. But when you couldn't find me, your emotions overwhelmed you, and in your dormant state, you began traveling to various places according to your thoughts. Without proper training, your teleportation becomes unstable, leading to your unintended travels." Sharky explained it clearly to Sophia.

Sophia nodded as she understood the situation better; "Okay, Sharky, I understand that with the right training, I'll be able to control my teleportation. I've already witnessed the Hulk, Thor, and the Chitauri alien army today, so I'm not freaking out about my powers of instant regeneration and teleportation. In this world, anything can happen. But why I was born with these powers is still a source of confusion for me. Can you help me understand that?"

Gently caressing Sophia's face, Sharky playfully pinched her nose and gave her a little smooch on her cheeks, prompting a soft giggle from her. As he explained their situation, pointing to the table where he had activated his Living Planet Detector, showing images of the universe and various planets.

"Your situation is rather simple," Sharky began, pointing to various parts of the display. "We live in a universe filled with many living planets and a wide variety of species. One of these species is known as the Kree. In the past, they conducted experiments on some humans, which granted them extraordinary powers. We call these individuals 'Inhumans,' and you, my dear, are one of them."

Sophia listened intently but couldn't help but feel a shiver of fear when she thought about being subjected to experiments by these Kree beings. "So, Sharky, you mean I was part of their experiments?" She felt a chill run down her spine, envisioning herself in a lab, subjected to invasive procedures by these mysterious aliens. Her fear was palpable in her voice and expression.

"No, my dear. The Kree conducted these experiments nearly 100,000 years ago on five different species, and humans were one of those species. They found that they couldn't control the Inhumans' powers, so they resorted to massacring them. Many of the surviving Inhumans fled to different places, and your lineage is descended from one of those Inhumans. You're part of the Emperor lineage of the Inhumans, among the most revered," Sharky reassured her, dispelling her fears about being experimented upon.

Sophia breathed a sigh of relief upon hearing that she wasn't part of any experiments. However, her curiosity was piqued as she asked, "Sharky, what distinguishes the Emperor lineage of Inhumans from the regular Inhumans? What makes them so special?" Her eyes were filled with curiosity as she awaited Sharky's explanation.

"The differences between Emperor and Normal Inhumans are quite significant. Normal Inhuman children are born without any extraordinary powers; essentially, they are regular humans. It's their parents who use the Terrigen Crystal, developed by the Kree, to transform them into Inhumans. Now, when it comes to Emperor Inhumans, they have the unique ability to pass down their powers to their children. In your case, like you, your ancestors also had the gift of instant regeneration. As for their lifespans, they exhibit some level of immortality, though the exact extent is still a subject of ongoing research. But rest assured, Sophia, as long as you're with me, no one will ever lay a finger on you for experiments. Anyone harboring such thoughts will face dire consequences, even if it means their existence in this universe will come to an end," Sharky explained passionately, his words filled with a protective tone.

Sophia felt a wave of happiness and reassurance wash over her because of Sharky's protective words. She continued to inquire, "So, does this mean my parents were Emperor Inhumans, and is Rosie also an Inhuman? If there are so many Emperor Inhumans in the world, I wonder if there's an Inhuman society out there." Her curiosity about Inhuman society grew, now that she knew she was one of them.

Sharky gave her clarification, "Yes, your parents were indeed Emperor Inhumans, and your sister Rosie Alexander is also an Emperor Inhuman. However, there aren't many Emperor Inhumans in this universe. When the Kree started the massacre, only five Emperor Inhumans escaped. Two were males, and three were females. They are divided into two groups. One couple went to an unknown planet, and I have no information on whether they survived or not, but I know their lineage is alive, though I don't know what generation it is. The other three were your ancestors, the Alexanders. Inhumans are powerful but controllable, as their powers are limited without the Terrigen Crystal. Emperor Inhumans, however, are highly dangerous because they can pass down their powers to their children. The universe strives to maintain balance, and there are rules in place. Given there were three Emperor Inhumans and they had three children in the next generation, that's how the balance is maintained."

Sophia listened intently, intrigued by the history of her ancestors and the intricate rules that governed their powers.

As Sophia delved deeper into the history and rules, she was soon struck by a revelation. Given the way the Emperor's lineage had continued, she realized that her ancestors, who were one male and two females, must have followed a specific pattern to maintain the lineage. Her shock came when she recognized that this pattern would lead to her parents, who were actually brother and sister.

While she was just role-playing with her stepbrother, her mom and dad, instead of role-playing, were actually real brother and sister.

"Based on this logic, Sharky, my lineage of ancestors were indeed siblings," she stated, seeking confirmation. Her sense of urgency was evident.

Sophia's eyes widened in surprise as she received the confirmation she was seeking; she was starting to understand the intricate dynamics of her ancestors' family structure.

Sharky couldn't help but flash a mischievous smile. "Yes, your ancestors were indeed siblings. Sometimes, two females and one male were born, so it was the male's duty to plow his two sisters, and give him three children. Other times, one female and two males were born, and it was the female's duty to make both her brothers happy, and continue getting plowed by them. And they would have three children together."

He pointed to both of Sophia's sacred and nether regions, never stopping his two fingers from entering both places simultaneously; as she let out a little moan. He continued his explanation. "Your father's generation followed the same pattern, and since your parents lived together, it was a simple matter. Since your aunt Sylvie is present. You could even call her your second mother." As he pulled his fingers out of her hole.

Sharky couldn't stop himself from squeezing both of her oranges. "Your father is truly living a very blissful life. Whenever he gets moody, his two sisters go out of their way to provide him with all the comforts. You are just playing a supporting role; your father is one step ahead in this game."

Sharky couldn't hold back his laughter as he saw Sophia blush at the realization of her ancestors' unusual family dynamics. Sophia finally understood why sometimes she saw her father with her aunt Sylvie Alexander, and sometimes, both her mother Alexa Alexander and her aunt were together with her father.

She thought they were having some sisterly talks, or some family meetings. But in reality, they both, busy fueling their fields with her father's toil, sweat, seeds, and finally water.

Sophia understood the situation, and she realised when she and Sharky saw her father in his underwear, and her aunt in a bra and panties. Her father told them that he had spilled some white lotion on her aunt's in reality her aunt's sacred and nether regions, but now she realised it was his father semen not some white lotion.

She also realised her Grandfather Hawkins is not only brother but also he is the husband of her Grandaunt Elara Alexander. Her grandmother, Seraphina Alexander, is both the wife and her grandfather's sister.

As Sophia became overwhelmed with a sense of shame and excitement about her family's unusual dynamics, she suddenly had a realization that left her in a state of panic. The thought struck her that if her aunt's child was male, as per the family's tradition, she might be destined to marry him. The idea was unsettling to her.

"Sharky, Sharky, Sharky!" she cried out in a frantic tone. As you explained our family's dynamics, I just realized that my aunt's child is likely a male, and I may be expected to marry him. Please, you have to do something! I don't want that. I only want you as my husband. Her voice quavered with anxiety and concern.

As Sharky wiped away her tears and caressed her face, Sophia gradually calmed down; her eyes sought answers.

"Sophia, calm down, calm down," Sharky reassured her. "All Emperor Inhumans are incredibly precious. You know that, right? Your parents and your second mom have taken care of you since birth, just like you've seen. If your second mom child is born male, you, Rosie, and your aunt's child will have grown up together since childhood. And don't forget that your third sister is Evanthe, although you have not seen her, but you already know about it."

"Yes, yes," Sophia nodded, she just forgot about her sister in sudden confusion. Sharky's explanation comforted her, and she began to feel more at ease.

"So, Sharky, what are the powers of my both sisters," Sophia asked about it. She wanted to know about her family's superpower.

"Sophia, you asked about it the next time, now we also need to be ready for Rosie's 17th Birthday," Sharky brings her attention back to the birthday celebration.

"Oh, I have just forgotten about," Sophia remembered, today was her sister Rosie's birthday. "But Sharky, how can I control my Teleportation, since I am teleporting all over the place," She asked the important questions.

"Maybe you need some training from your family to learn Teleportation powers, but with an amazing husband like me, who needs it?" Sharky remarked with a smirk.

He then brought out a device that looked like a diamond-studded wristband with a slim red Chromastone fitted in the middle, emitting a touch of green, giving it a sci-fi appearance. Placing it on her hand, he explained, "This is the TST, Thought Sensing Teleportation. You just need to think about where you want to go, and you'll be teleported there, and it only works on you, because I adjusted your DNA." Sharky explained as both of them get ready for Rosie's birthday.

If you find anything uninteresting, please give suggestions, I will accept it.


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