
Journey of A Reincarnator

Matthew, an orphan, and a bastard child ever since he was born, died during a war protecting his fellow orphans and caretakers. Now, being brought into a more dangerous world than he used to live in, how will he use his second chance? --- Warning! I haven't written anything for the past few months, so don't expect anything good. Don't read it if you don't like it... I have no writing schedule since I'm in the 'busy' year in high school now... so don't expect an upload every day.

Solstice_Guardian · Fantasie
Zu wenig Bewertungen
18 Chs





In a vast space of darkness, there laid a small silhouette of a human child, floating around limp, as if it was dead.

There was no sound, in fact, there was no light either.

The child's eyes that were closed, had begun to open.


Huh… Where… Am I?


Who… Am I?

I used to be human... How did I even die? I remember being at home, ugh, memory's getting fuzzy...


I… Can't feel anything… No wind… No pain… Nothing... I'm sure I have a body at least, right?


Am I… Dead? So there's no such thing as Heaven or Hell…?


How… long… Have I been drifting… Like this?

Days? Weeks? Months? Years?

... Mnnnn... Too troublesome… Whatever, I guess I'll just sleep… For a bit...

He went back to sleep as near-instantly, and as his eyes closed, another small transparent sky blue light appear just behind the child.

Without any warning, it entered the child, seemingly integrating with it. There was no reaction, no pain from the child's expression, actually, he smiled, as if he found warmth for the first time.

As the child was sleeping peacefully, a small crack appeared close beside it, sucking the child in.

- - -???- - -

In a small bamboo forest, appeared the same spacial crack, plopping out the child it just sucked in.

"ARGH!!!! My head!" The child groaned in pain.

Slowly opening his violet eyes, he hissed at how bright it was.

"Ugh... Too bright."

Leaning on one of the taller bamboos for cover, he examined himself.

The child-no, the boy had short jet black hair with serene, yet, sharp violet eyes, able to make anyone nervous if they were started at like that. His face had already seemed to lose most of its baby fat, making him handsome and adorable with his serious face looking quite cute.

For a boy, he already seemed quite fit, yet skinny at the same time. Although it wasn't that apparent, there were already some transparent 6 packs on him. His hands were too big to be a newborn or a toddler, but too small to be seen as a teenager, probably around eight or nine years old.

He could tell that he was naked as well but moved on to something more important.

"Where am I? I was just about to get some good sleep too..."

Looking around, there seemed to be nothing other than bamboo in his sight.

"I'm... going to starve..." He sighed.

'Man, I should've gone to a wilderness survival course or something...'

There was no use complaining now, he needed to find food fast. As a child who was going to go through a rapid growth phase, he knew he was going to need food and water, immediately.

Before he could think about a plan on how to survive, a small, but robotic voice interrupted him.



[System has returned to master!]

[Reintegrating memories...]

[...0.7%...13%...27%... 57%...85%...97%...99%...100%]

[Please brace yourself, master, this process will sting for a while...]

[Begin memory integration...]





Hello, my readers!

I'm finally back... except I underestimated how much work I was going to get this year. Since I'm also going back to school again, I have less time to write now, sorry guys for the wait! Today's chapter is a bit of a prologue, so it's a bit short, I might only be able to upload around 2 ch/week, I'm too stressed for this, but thank you for reading, bye!

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