
Journey of A Reincarnator

Matthew, an orphan, and a bastard child ever since he was born, died during a war protecting his fellow orphans and caretakers. Now, being brought into a more dangerous world than he used to live in, how will he use his second chance? --- Warning! I haven't written anything for the past few months, so don't expect anything good. Don't read it if you don't like it... I have no writing schedule since I'm in the 'busy' year in high school now... so don't expect an upload every day.

Solstice_Guardian · Fantasie
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18 Chs

System Info (Slight Spoilers)




I might forget the info I wrote about my own system, so I'm going to list some stuff here about it. If you also forgot about some stuff, you can come here to check.

1. System Functions:

{Status} - A large panel showcasing the information of the Host. It may include stats, realms, levels, skills, conditions, and overall rating of the Host.

{Quest} - The goals and desires of the Host are put into one panel. This function will only activate when the Host wills it, or has a strong subconscious thought about it. Will usually have harsher punishments to the Host for not completing what they wanted to do in the first place.

{Mission} - Similar to the [Quest] function, however, these are tasks created by either the System or other people to be done by the Host. Usually, the punishments here are less severe than [Quest]s, however, there will be some situations where it will be unavoidable.

{Inventory} - An incredibly large panel used for storage, stopping time for non-animate objects. Depending on the system, or the level of the system, the boxes will only hold a certain number of items in a stack before transferring to another box. There may even be different versions of the [Inventory] as the system is upgraded.

--- Added in Ch 7 (Rewards!) ---

{Idle} - Using the system's farm, any dimension, dungeon, labyrinth, and other mystical places are able to be farmed without the use of a single finger! This will be constantly active, and will only reset once the Host claims the item. There are certain limitations for idle, which can somewhat lift after upgrading this function. The limitations are...

-Each run will produce only 50% of the loot than normal.

-You will have 5 chances of rerunning after the first clear.

-Maximum of 10 spots for idle mode.

{Fusion} - Allows the Host with this function to fuse two or more items together. There are certain limitations for fusion, which can somewhat lift after upgrading this function. The limitations are...

-You cannot fuse an item that is two minor realms higher than you before fusing.

-You cannot fuse living beings.

-You cannot fuse anything at and above the size of a building.

-Maximum of 3 items per fusion.

{???} - Nothing here for now. Please wait for more chapters to come!

2. Unlocking the System:

{Awakening} - The main function to start operating a system! A certain requirement that goes from individual to individual, but only when met, will the system awaken. Because of this, many realms actually have multiple system users, some cooperate and live and harmony, while others kill each other for domination.

{Functions} - These are some of the most important parts of the system. Usually, the functions [Status] and [Quests] or something related to those are unlocked first. Although [Inventory] is also unlocked many times with just the awakening, most of the time they can only store system-related items. To unlock more functions, the Host needs to level up their system or just get the approval of the system itself, either by suggestion or [Mission]/[Quest]s.


{Points} - Just doing your [Missions] and [Quests] would allow you to gain enough of whatever system currency or points needed to level up, instantly granting you new items and functions. This is the main method of unlocking parts of the system.

{Leveling} - Increasing your own power, which allows the system to unseal another part of themselves as it means you are qualified to learn more without having your body being burdened as much.

{???) - More as the story continues... maybe...


