
Journey Into One Piece

A story of a One-Piece fan who is reincarnated to the One Piece world as a compensation for being ACCIDENTALLY KILLED by God...-_-!! Enjoy the story as he travels through the vast sea encountering various events, fighting pirates and navies, meeting beauties of the pirate world, finding ONE PIECE and many more.....

Devil_Riez · Anime und Comics
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36 Chs


#East Blue:

A few days have passed after leaving Cocoyashi village and black pearl is heading towards the nearest island...

On the deck:

"296...297...298...299....huh.huh..300...*bump*...haha..captain let me rest.."

"ok rest for now...Albedo bring two juice please.."



In Sabaody Archipelago...Rip-off Bar...

*door open*

An old man with a spectable , white hair, and tathered clothes entered...

"hoh...what have we have here, Shanks long time no see kid.."

"I say old man...do you know how many days I have been wasting my time here waiting for your return.."

"hoo..sorry²..I was imprisoned as a slave and waiting for the auction..thats' why.."

"huh..what a freak..the Captain would vomit blood if he know that the Vice-Captain 'Dark King' of the Pirate king is cheating money being slave.."

"hehe..kid you are too young..you don't know the idea of earning money without hardwork.."

"well...don't tease the kid, Rayleigh.."

"oh..by the way how's your journey on East Blue and where is your hat...?"

Shanks: " haha...it was very nice..as for the hat I have left as a bet to a younger generation...oh by the way I met a very interesting person.."

Rayleigh: "hoh...who might that be?"

"Its the Captain of the current God-Hunter Pirate, Lucifer. D. Ian"

Rayleigh: " hmm..that 'D' kid huh!! So how is he?"

Shanks: "Strong! and Mysterious! thats all I can say..I think another superpower will rise after few years..."

Rayleigh: "hehe...hearing you I suddenly feel like meeting him.."

Shanks: "don't worry...I think he will be joining soon.."

" So Shanks are you going back to new world...."


"Master we are about to reach the island.."

"ok find a safe place to dock....lets go and check if we can find anything interesting..."

Soon, the ship docked on a safe side...then Ian's group started walking inside the island..

On the other side of the island, a warship with a seagull sign docked and a figure jumped down from the ship....

" boys..all load down and start patrolling the island

and see if we can meet the God-Hunter..."



Inside the dense forest, Ian, Albedo and Sabo are strolling around...

Ian:" hehe...so they have come...."

In Ian's map several blue dots appeared in the scanning range..

Sabo: "this island looks like unhabitat..we have been walking around not a single animal is seen except some insects..."

Albedo: " Its uncomfortable and humid here.."

"huh!!" Suddenly Ian stopped as he could see a black dot in his map..

"whats with the luck...another devil fruit.."

Then, they go to the marked location and saw a spiral brown fruit hanging on a coiling branch...

"hum..I wonder what this fruit will be.."

Ian plucked the fruit, after the fruit is seperated from the branch, the branch suddenly withered and died..

"ok..so thats how devil fruits are grown..its impressive"


Suddenly, an air blade shot towards the place where Ian is standing from afar..

"hehe...suddenly attacking others is rude you know...it looks like I need to teach some manners"

Before Ian move his hand, a shadow flew in front and block the blade with hands...


On the navy side...

"what!!! blocked with bare hands!!"

"Are they that strong??"

Then the air blade disperssed and Albedo stood there with his hand covered with a black armour...

"Ian-sama....let me teach this maggot some manners....Ian-sama needn't dirty your hands on this scums"

"ok..leave it to you, Albedo" Ian directly agreed as he hadn't seen Albedo fighting..so he could level her strength..

"ok??..wow sis' Albedo..so cool"

???:"Hoh...so even the maid is still strong..I think the HQ has underestimated you.."

" When did such strong peoples pop out suddenly in the East Blue..?"

Ian: " hehe...you are flattering me so much, I am very happy, Vice Admiral Momonga...I was getting bored with the current style of this world so decided to change a little"

Momonga: "hmph..even though you are strong you know that there are several powerhouse in this world..you think you can outrun them??"

Ian: " hehe...how can you know before trying..I may not be now but who knows I may later.."

Momonga: " then I have to end you here before reaching that.."

Before finishing, Albedo interupted..

"shut up...maggot..who do you think you are to think can defeat Ian-sama, you need some teaching..*giggle* now which part shall I tear from you.....[Hermis Trismegistus]..."

Suddenly Albedo's whole body emit dark smoke and a full black armour covered her body..

Momonga: "?? what ability is that....'Air Slash'..


several air slash shot from his sword towards Albedo ....but Albedo didn't bother dodging and destroy all the blades with his hands..

" hehe...is this all you got...haha too weak..maggot...now lets tear your right hand..."


Suddenly Albedo's figure disappeared and appeared right to Momongo and without too much force tore his right hand...


Blood splurted out and his right hand was gone..

On the side, the navies are dumbfounded..

'what! Vice Admiral's right hand...just torn like that?? Is it that easy..Thats a Vice Admiral you know..seriously'


" ahuu...ahuu...*splurt*..it seems like I let my guard down...pirates like you in East Blue..its unbelievable..*splurt* "

Albedo: " haha...its fun...now which part shall I take next?"

Hearing the devil voice, the people present in the seen suddenly trembled...

Ian: " ok?? So harse...its the same in the original.."

Sabo: "*gulp* devil.."

"Ara-ara...don't be like that the fun has just begin..hehe now which of you shall I kill first.."


"sh-shit....ahhh run...devil...devil...she's a devil.."

"ahh...no..no..don't kill me...ahh"

"haha...now please stand still and let onee-chan have some fun...neeeeee...c'mon..*giggle*"

"ahhhh.....help mee.."

"my legs..my legsss..."


....the horrible massacre continued for a short time but for the navies it was long as helll...

"mmmmm....well I'm full you three are lucky...now go and tell your leaders not to disturb Ian-sama ....understood?? boys.."


"*giggle* very good ..now get your ass out of here.."



The three running navies suddenly stopped..

Then, Albedo slowly walked to the trembling Momonga lying on the ground with pale face...then...



Stepping on the legs of Momonga, all bones shattered..Albedo continued: " take this maggot...now f@ck off"


Soon, the three navies took the fainted Momonga and fled holding their life on a thread..

'ahhh...I am quiting navy...no more*trembled*...what a devil'

Then, Albedo's armour vanished and returned towards Ian's side and smiled innocently,

"Hehe...now Ian-sama, shall we continue walking??"


Seeing Albedo's smile...both the boys flinched..

Ian: "ahmm...lets go back..we have good harvest. Lets head to the next island"

Albedo: "Hai..Ian-sama then lets go back..."

"ok lets go.....Sabo!!come.."

"huh...ahhh!! coming².."



After boarding on the ship, Ian left the island on started sailing to the next island..

When sailing around the island, they could see the navy warship..

Ian: "hmm...hehe..lets test my new skill on this.."

Then, the eyes of Ian changed to red colour with 3 - hooks, then lightning emerges from the body..

[ Indra's Arrow ]



The three navies carrying the fainted broken Momonga , finally sighed feeling relieved when they think that they could live this hell...

but it didn't last long...

suddenly The ship of God-Hunter Pirate emerges from the east side...then they heard a crackling sound..

A huge arrow made of lightning shot from the ship, hit their warship and bombarded...


the huge warship was turned to ash..the shockwave spread through the sea causing huge waves and destroyed half of the beach...

On the deck of black pearl...

"huh..huh...the damage is good but the energy consumption is a little high...ok lets sail away.."


"captain...that was awesome"

"*giggle* as expected from Ian-sama"

"please, I don't want to hear from you, Albedo"



....On the side of the beach, the three navies are trembling in fear, one of them even leaked..

Watching the leaving pirate ship,exclaimed..

"what a freak- duo....."

(horror filled their mind)

" huuuh..at least we survive...I'm lucky to be a maggot"



ok chapter end...see you next...

*giggle* 'Ara....Ara..'