
Journey Beyond the land

Johan1975 · Fantasie
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15 Chs


"Wake up, Noro, wake up.

Elric, go and bring Mr. Hains; he is the doctor."

Elric rushed towards Mr. Hains' house and asked for his help, then brought him to his home.

Elric's father said, "Look, Mr. Hains, Noro is not waking up; she suddenly collapsed."

Mr. Hains said, "Let me take a look." After examining Noro, Mr. Hains said, "She is breathing fine, doesn't have any fever or any other kind of disease, and there is no sign of infection to the best of my knowledge. I have never seen someone just collapse, looking pale and sick without any disease. Did she not eat properly?"

"She is eating fine, but suddenly from two days before, she looked a little sick. I asked, but she said she was fine, and now this is happening. Please do something."

"It's not in my hands. I don't know what is happening to her."

"Should someone in the capital know about this?"

"As a doctor, I can say that even in the capital, most doctors don't know about it, and the top doctors may know, but they charge a wholesome amount."

"I will pay any price."

"Control, man! out from this village, there are people richer than you can even imagine. They charge enough that all yous land will be sold, and it will not even complete her cure. You need approximately 5 times the money."

"I will work hard to earn this much. There is no value to these lands if I can't save the one I love."

"Me too, Father. I will work hard and save Mother."

"What is this noise outside?"

Slowly, villagers come to see the condition of Noro.

Mr. Sandil, the head of the village, asked, "What happened, Mr. Hains?"

"Situations seem to be out of my control."

"I don't know about this, but I know a person who might know about this."

"Who, Mr. Sandil, who?" Elric father asked.

"You know, out from the village, there is a broken temple.There lives a priest. He once saved my life from a disease which doctors don't know. Maybe he can help you."

"Thank you, Mr. Sandil. I will go and ask for his help."

"Go, Father. I'll take care of Mother."

Later that evening, Elric's father brought the priest with him.

The moment he touched Noro for examination, he said, "This is not a disease."

"What is this?" Elric's father asked.

"This is a curse."

Everyone was shocked.

The priest asked for all people except Mr. Sandil, the doctor, and Noro's family to leave the place.

"Why did you let everyone out? Is there any problem?" Mr. Hains said.

"It's more than a curse; it's a trade between the devil and her."

"A trade? I cannot understand. Please tell in simple language," Elric's father said.

"Look, like you don't know anything. Now, I am going to tell you. While entering the village, I saw there is only one farm with prosperous crops in this bad year. I checked the soil; it's dead around that farm. It's not possible for that soil to produce this many crops. Don't you think it's odd? From this condition and the aura coming from her, I can say that it's a deal between her and the devil for the prosperity of that farm, which most supposedly is yours. Isn't that yours?"

"Yes, but I don't believe it."

"Whether you believe it or not, it's the truth."

Elric asked, "Can't we do something?"

"I can't say for sure because I don't know on which condition and demand this deal was made. Without that, there are only two ways: if the devil undoes the deal and changes conditions, and the second one is to ask for someone's help who is stronger than that particular devil who made the deal. Which means pray to God because God is stronger than all eleven devils. If God hears your prayer, he will definitely break the curse. May God help you, but remember one thing: while taking care of her and praying to God, keep your mind and feelings stable. Don't lose focus. Now it's time for my prayer; I'm taking my leave now."

On that day, Elric's life turned upside down because he didn't show it, but he was very attached to his mother. He kept thinking about his old memories of his mother that he couldn't even sleep. From That day, he didn't eat properly for weeks; he couldn't see his mother in that state.One night, he decided that there should be another way, some medicine or some kind of cure that we don't know. He believed he would definitely find it in the search for a cure. He decided to leave home and departed to the city of Ignos.

He left quietly without telling anyone, leaving a note behind for his dad.

After 3 Days.

"Oh! Finally, I can see the damn city. I never thought it would be that far. Now I ran out of food; I hope I can find something to eat there other than books.

This seems to be very crowded; I thought people just read books here, but it's quite the opposite.

'Hey kid, come here,' said a shopkeeper.

Elric - 'Do you want something from me?'

Shopkeeper - 'I can see in your eyes; they are finding something, and I know what they want.'

Elric - 'How do you know about that?'

Shopkeeper - 'I know everything. This ball contains infinite knowledge; look in it, and you can see words.'

Elric - 'Yeah, I can see it, but what language is it? I can't understand.'

Shopkeeper - 'It's the language of knowledge; it will take a little bit of practice, and this ball will show you everything you want to know.'

Elric - 'Everything?'

Shopkeeper - 'Yeah, everything.'

Elric - 'I want it.'

Shopkeeper - 'It costs only 50000 jule.'

Elric - '50000? I don't have that much money; I only have 500 Jule in total.'

Shopkeeper - 'Okay, as I can see you want it, so only for today and only for you, I can give you this for 500.'

Elric - 'Thank you.'

'Stop there! Again, you are fooling the visitors. Guards, let him show the way of outside.'

'Are you alright, boy?'

Elric said, 'Is he a thug?'

'Yeah, he generally fools village or small town visitors because they don't know about these weird things.'

'Thank you for saving me; my name is Elric Shawn; I am from Eirini village.'

'Do you usually come here?'

'Why? You think so?'

'Because it's the nearest village from here, that's why.'

'Oh! Nearest.' (Elric gently smiles.)

'You didn't tell me your name; what is your name?'

'Sorry for my late introduction; I am a native resident of Ignos city, name Julius Windsor