
Journey Beyond the land

Johan1975 · Fantasie
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15 Chs


My name is Julius Windsor.

Now, I am getting late, so I should have to go.

Listen, Elric asked,


"I want to go to the 'Hall of Wisdom.' Do you know which way it is?"

"Oh, the Hall of Wisdom. Actually, I was also going there. I will accompany you on the way. Let's go. By the way, why are you going there? What do you want to know?"

"I want to find answers to my questions."

"Actually, I also know this much. Everyone goes there to find something, but what do you want to know?"

"I want to know about gods and ways to meet them."

(Julius laughing)

"Why are you laughing?"

"No, nothing. Just try your best. But let me tell you something, information about gods is not available to commoners."

"Why is that? Shouldn't knowledge be available for everyone?"

"Yeah, I know, but many great priests decide to block information about topics like devils, some wars, etc., which include gods. But you can find stories about gods."

"So, my journey here are a waste. Is there any way to get those books?" Elric asked, sadly.

"You are in luck, my friend. Those books are not for commoners, but they are available for individuals like nobles," Julius said.

"Elric - so we just have to have a noble borrow these books to me," Elric said, happily.

"You don't need to worry because I belong to one of the 21 noble families of this city. I have access to all the books. Look, this is the Hall of Wisdom. Now, let's get inside. From there, I will allow your entry, and then I will continue my research, and you do yours. Books about gods can be found in the last second section, okay? I hope you find your answers."

Elric, grateful, said, "Thank you."

Julius gently smiled and went to continue his research. Elric started searching for something related to gods, but the Hall of Wisdom is astonishingly large. There are thousands of books in the last second section. Now, he started checking books one by one, which took the entire day, but he couldn't even complete a single shelf. As the sun was about to set, Julius came and asked, "How is your search going?" But he soon realized the situation and asked Elric, "Where are you going to live? Do you have any relatives in this town?" Elric said, "No, I don't have any relatives in this town. Will they not let me sleep in the library?"

"They will, but what about food? And even your clothes are looking miserable. Why don't you come with me to my home, where you can stay and have dinner?" Julius asked.

"No, no, I already have many favors from you. I don't want to make trouble for you," Elric said.

"Don't worry. Just come with me. My butler is waiting for me," Julius said.

After that, Julius brought Elric to his house and gave him clothes, food, and shelter. They went to the library together daily and started searching for their questions. Slowly, they became good friends. They told each other things about themselves. Julius said he was on holiday from school, researching artifacts and traditional cultures for which he had to make a report, while Elric told his story, revealing things to each other, making them closer.

One day, while searching for their answers, Elric was browsing through different shelves when he noticed a book that stood out from the rest. It was kept in a shelf secured with a chain, which piqued his curiosity. The book was untitled, adorned with a unique and simple pattern that distinguished it from the others. Unable to resist his intrigue, Elric decided to take the book.

Upon showing the book to Julius, Elric found that even Julius was surprised by its appearance. When questioned about its origin, Elric explained about the chained shelf where he had found it.

Julius informed Elric that it was forbidden to read those books and insisted that they should return it to its rightful place.

Elric questioned "If it's forbidden, then why is it easily accessible? They should keep them away or lock them completely," said Elric.

It's not easily accessible. Don't you forget that we are in a section of books exclusively available for only Nobel laureates and library top officials. The chains are just to remind us of its forbidden nature, and every person who is able to use them should not use them. Now go and place it in its place," replied Julius.

Elric asked, "Can't we look inside it a little? It's unique. Don't you want to look in it? There might be some good topics for your research."

Julius, after some thought, said, "Okay, fine, let me read it."

Once upon a time, King Ahron obtained enormous wealth and defeated all the kingdoms, making the entire world his territory. He had everything in this world, and he established a kingdom of peace after a long war.

As days passed, there was always a storm in the king's heart. In the great Kingdom full of wealth, he found himself alone. Every night he regretted his past decisions and had dreams of people who died during the war. He realized he was guilty for the deaths of people known to him or remaining unknown. One day he decided to leave the Kingdom, leaving all the responsibility to his son. He left unnoticed, suddenly, like the air.

In a land far away, he heard about a monk who was divine. He searched everywhere and finally found him at the cliff of a mountain. The monk was old now but still charismatic, and his aura was enormous. Without asking his name, the king knew he was the one he had spent 10 years searching for.

The monk said, "You are late."

The king was surprised. "How do you know about me? It's the first time I am meeting you."

"Indeed, I know you and also know why you are here. But unfortunately, I can't make you my disciple. My time is ended on this land. It's yours now," the monk replied.

Suddenly, a scorpion bit the monk. The king panicked and tried to force the monk to see a doctor in town, but the monk refused to go. "I already told you, my time is over. It's the destiny of the scorpion to bite me and my destiny to pass the will to you."

The king was deeply saddened as the person he had searched for years was now dead. He couldn't understand, but somehow he had a clear idea of what to do now.

He spent 30 years training and traveling, and finally, at the bank of a river while meditating, he opened his eyes and started walking forward. After a few steps, he was not walking on land anymore. He could see everything, feel everything, far away from emotions, and became awakened.

The rest of his years, he spent spreading his knowledge through his journey, and many people followed him as his disciples. Among all, there were four disciples who inherited most of his knowledge.

On the night of the full moon, he finally went into eternal sleep and found peace.