
Journey Across The Infinity

IMMORTAL. When we hear this word we normally only see it as an extremely good blessing but those who have experienced this word, only think of it as a curse. The reason for such a description of immortality is that after a dozens of years immortal lose their meaning in life, have nothing entertaining to do but also would have to watch your loved ones die. Our MC is also an Immortal who lived who knows how long and lost his sources of entertainment in life. Then he gets an idea which could somehow make him again experience the joy of living. Follow our MC in his journey across the infinite verses which would include multiple anime, LN worlds. =========================================================== Warning : The MC I am making would be Cunning, Manipulative, Ruthless with low moral limits. He is a little anti social as well as a battle junkie. Though I am making it a harem but don't expect the mc to run after each and every girl. There would be R18 scenes but only a little later and it wont be too much that it derails the story. This is my first time writing so expect mistakes(including plot holes, grammatic ones) but if u point it out I'll try to correct it, thus suggestions are welcome. =========================================================== I do not own anything written in this fic including the images except my OC characters

Researcher12345 · Anime und Comics
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4 Chs

Magic Training

When Shin returned to the spot where he had created his first summon, i.e. Abby, he saw his summon waiting for him there. After seeing his master coming, Abby knelt down " Hope you had a good time hunting, master." To this shin did not know what to say and thus was speechless.

After a small amount of awkward silence between the two, the summon and its master, shin coughed and said " From now on you shall not kneel in front of me, Abby as well as start being informal with me." To which Abby hesitated " But master.." which was interrupted by Shin who said in a very commanding tone " No Buts, Abby, This is my final decision." This caused Abby to look a little disappointed but a resolute glint appeared in his eyes as he replied "as you wish master."

I will try to be more informal with you but please don't take away my right to call you my master. This caused Shin to sigh " fine, fine, keep calling me that, now start taking out the corpses you collected and I will make you stronger." Shin said while dumping out his entire inventory, which was full of goblin corpses.

Abby heeded to his wish and took out a large number of corpses which was easily more than a double of what Shin had collected. This caused Shin to ask "did you count how many you killed." "I don't know master, If I probably do an approximation it should be around 600." "Did you find any other variations of goblins." "Yes master. I fought many variations of them especially goblin mages and hobgoblins. I also came across the goblin lord, but I immediately hid and made sure it didn't notice me."

Shin was surprised about the types of battle his summon fought but he became serious when he heard that a goblin Lord was there with the scout team, leading them. " is there something I'm missing. Are they preparing for a battle or something but if they are with whom? Are there tribes which can give the town of goblins a fight."

Thinking this Shin started to move around in circles. 'This forest is even more dangerous than I thought but why would Zeus keep Bell near this forest and go away. Did he put up a protection or something. Did he even know about it.' Shin start to go in deep contemplation, which was broken by Abby when he said "master, my upgrade." Which caused Shin to realize that he was overthinking useless stuff. He could think about such stuff when he's stronger. 'That's right my first priority should be strength' as he turned towards the corpses and intended them to merge with Abby which caused a little light show or should we call it a dark show, as specs of shadows formed out of all the corpses as these corpses turned into wisps and went towards Abby and fused with him.

After the process was over Shin could feel that Abby was a lot stronger than before 'probably high or peak level 1 strength'. After this he order Abby to enter his shadow to which it followed. Then Shin started running towards the river, which he crossed easily and went back to his house as night had begun. Reaching his house, Shin open its door and went into the house, not before telling Abby to stay guard outside the house.

After shin entered the house, he went to the garage and started polishing his weapon which had started to chip away from some parts. After he was done with polishing and repairing, Shin directly went to the kitchen, ate fruits and took out a bottle from the inventory, drunk water from it and dashed towards the bedroom and laid on the bed "Aaaah….. so comfortable. It was a tiring day." muttered shin before he dozed off.

On the next morning Shin awakened from his sleep and went to take a bath after which he was completely refreshed. He then walked towards the plain field in front of his house, where he used to train. 'I should start meditating and feel my magic.' Shin sat down in a cross legged position and then told Abby who was guarding his house from yesterday night. "Guard me, make sure nothing disturbs. If there is an emergency, only then you need to wake me up."

After this shin closed of his eyes and started breathing in and out rhythmically and tried to sense the mana that should be present inside him. At first he didn't feel anything and even after waiting for an hour for something to happen, nothing happened, just when he was about to give up he sensed something. Shin couldn't really describe what he felt, if someone asks him about it he would say that he was feeling something tingling near his abdominal area. That must be where my mana is stored.

This caused Shin to focus on that particular area which allowed him to slowly feel some sort of gas like substance revolving around in there. 'now that I sensed my mana, I should try to move it around maybe it would strengthen my body, it also could increase my efficiency, I don't know but I will try it.' After this Shin tried to focus on the gaseous substance i.e. mana and move it out of his abdominal area and flow around his body.

It took some amount of patience and practice until shin was successfully able move his mana throughout his body. From the abdominal area, where them mana was stored, the gaseous substance split into two and then it flowed through each of his arms, then it moved back while converging in the head where it again split into two and flowed through his leg and finally converging at his abdominal area. This was entire mana rotation and Shin made sure that every part of his body would come in contact with the mana every circulation. This entire process, or Mana rotation as shin called it, took him about 1 minute per rotation.

Although she couldn't feel any changes from himself after he started magic rotation, still he held on expecting changes after a while and continued to do this rotation for an entire day. When the day was near over and sun was about to said, Shin open his eyes and he could definitely feel himself being stronger. Also by practicing this continuously, it seems that is body was adapting to this change and trying to make this process automatic.

Although shin feels that for this automation to occur it would take a lot of hard work and about a week of time if his estimates are correct this time. Shin doubted his own estimates, as his previous estimates about the strength of the goblin village was horribly wrong. He had thought that maybe the village would have a Max level 2 goblin lord as the leader but his prediction was far from the truth. 'I should not lose confidence in my own instincts just because of a mistake. I should learn from that mistake and make calculation after obtaining apt data and I should be not be confident about this estimate without going through information' As shin ended his inner monologue.

After this he went back to his house, ate and drink water, after which he took bath and went to his bed and started planning about what he should do with magic. 'I should make this basic mana rotation as an automated process after which I should start trying to use magic for the first time.' He then asked SYS to show his stats according to the current world system.




Age - 9 Years

Gender - Male

Level - 0

Strength - E 473

Endurance – D 562

Dexterity - D 598

Agility - E 481

Magic - B 799

Skills - ( Innate ) : Ultimate Adaptability, Devour, Shadow Creation

( Acquired through possession ) : Limit Breaker , Aura

Magics -

Development abilities - Protagonist's Luck (I) , Weapon Master (I)


"Hmmm.., okay one month of training and I got this much, very good, but why is my magic so high as I only started to train today right." [The user has been using other skills through magic such as your shadow creation which trains your mana and after replenishing it, mana would become larger in quantity. This, plus the fact that the user is at level zero, yet he's able to rotate his mana through his body makes it grow faster.]

[As the user body is weak right now, the body is able to absorb a lot faster. When the user body becomes much stronger it will slow down the process, which cause the slower progression.] "so that's why it is more difficult in the later stages. I should definitely increase my mana to the limit before going for the fight."

As Shin decided what to do he again viewed his status and he noticed a disparency and asked the system with an inquisitive "Hey sys, now I remember about my other innate ability, I wanna ask you why my the stars are still so low, I should have hunted over 200 goblins and with my devour ability, I should have got at least 4 to 5 stats each. [The ability has an hidden restriction.] "Wait, what." Shin was flabbergasted.

[The user will not be able to devour the stats of any being weaker than the user, you would be able to absorb from anyone who is stronger or equal to you] "and here I was thinking that I would need to fight less powerful monsters in a large number and I would get super strong. Guess that dreamed got crashed cruelly right now". Shin realized with a disappointed and saddened look.

After this small session of planning Shin got quite sleepy as he closed his eyes and slept hoping to get the best out of his further training.

The next morning, he continued his mana circulation training with trying to maintain circulation while having a spar with Abby. At first it was very difficult for Shin to move his mana across his body while fighting as during the heat of the moment, he forgets about his training and start to enjoy his fights, which he later regrets.

Shin found out that he didn't make a lot of progress because he forgot about mana circulation during this spar. He continues this routine but this time he tries to focus on the Mans rotation instead of the fight but later he again forgets it, but unlike previous times during his spar, his mana automatically starts to circulate which shows the great progress.

Then Shin thinks that he is turning a battle maniac slowly but he doesn't regret the fact as he is truly enjoyed any fight he can have. Shin also understood that these fights are bringing out his potential more and more.

Thus Shin and Abby continued their spars for an entire 2 weeks and a half where he was able to automate the process of mana circulation which in turn made his body much stronger.

He also earned a lot of fighting experienced against an opponent who has thinking capacity and somewhat able to satisfy his battle lust.

He also taught Abby a lot during this spar which can be seen in the results as Abby was able to utilize his strength in the most efficient manner and shin rated Abby's strength to have reached the peak level one but with the use of its techniques and experience Abby could stand toe to toe against early run 2.

Shin also viewed his status and was surprised to see that all his stats improved greatly where stats like speed and dexterity reached A rank and his endurance, strength and magic reached S rank.

Shin thinks about this improvement of his and concludes that the cause of this great advance in his stats was because of mana rotation which directly strengthened his body plus the spars which improved speed and dexterity.

Shin seeing all this improvement was rejoicing as he told Abby to go and have a survey of the goblin town and warned him not to go into the depths.

When the day ended Abby returned with report that he saw many goblins being grouped together and it seems like they were preparing for war or something. "It seems I was right on this assumption of mine, that this forest contains more than one species of tribes like goblins and the goblins are going for a territorial war."

Seeing this Shin realized that he had to hurry up or he would lose his prey who would fight against each other killing themselves." I would lose all my excilia if that happens. I need to learn a little magic and start confronting the goblin that's in bigger groups so that I can upgrade my stats above S class."

Shin then abandons thoughts of going to sleep and starts to dash towards the forest after ordering Abby to follow, after crossing the river, reaching the other side and rushes to find larger groups of goblins which he can hunt. 'Since fighting seems to bring out my full potential, I can develop my magic while fighting the goblins.'

Saying this he reaches and finds a large settlement of goblins with different variations in it. After observing a bit, he concluded that there should be more than 1000 goblins there.

The high level 1s were at alert and seems ready to attack anyone and this was what shin wanted. He wanted to face this entirely alone as the fight could pressure him enormously to grow and adapt.

Thus he immediately told Abby to stay out of his fight and only alert him when reinforcements of the goblins arrive. He also told Abby to be on the lookout for any goblin Lords who could be coming here after hearing the sounds.

Then shin jumped on the nearby try and decide not to take this stealthily but take this fight head on. Not only would this fight just give him an experience and skill to fight in entire army alone on his own but also prepare him for the indefinite supply of monster he would be facing when he goes to the dungeon alone.

So Shin brings out his two swords and grasps them in both of his hands and then thinks about using magic but seems to realize that he cannot do that until one of his hands would be free.

He instantly starts to think about this problem and he gets a solution that he should focus his magic on the blades. He then did what he imagined as his swords started to shine a little and shin could tell that their durability as well as the sharpness increased dramatically.

Watching his successful attempt in using his magic, Shin jumps to the nearby trees and reaches a place which could be considered as the dead center of the entire settlement. 'If I jump down here I would be surrounded from all angles, this would be a great test for my senses and instincts which I would be relying on mostly.'

Then Shin jumps down with his head towards the ground saying "it's all or nothing."

As Shin was near the ground, He could feel his heart thumping in his chest excited for the upcoming fight, he somersaults in the air and swings both of his swords, which were enhanced through magic in a 360 degree angle like the blades of a fan, cutting through tens of goblins instantly killing them, as he finally landed on the ground with a boom.

The sound of his landing as well as killings caused all the goblins to turn towards him "keuugh" "chiiaa" as they started running at him swing their weapons and goblins who could wield magic and bows keeping their distance and throwing spells as well as arrows at him making different sounds "shuuuu".

Using his swift movement, Shin tightly grasped his swords and started to launch his barrage of swings with them, making sure at least one goblin dies with every swing.

Shin launched horizontal, vertical, diagonal slashes killing as many as goblins as fast as possible.

Whenever shin sensed an attack coming from the back, his instincts would alarm him of that, he would dodge it and then swing one of his swords, diagonally making an 180 degree angle killing of the enemy at the back.

He also made sure to use the goblins in front of him as a cover to block the magical attacks which were being thrown at him.

He also sometimes use the goblin corpses which he would throw up using his legs to block the arrows as Shin continues his decimation of the enemy, which he was sure that he killed more than 200 of goblins within a matter of minutes.

During the fight, Shin could feel the adrenaline coursing through his blood, enhancing all his senses. It was intoxicating for him.

He could feel the little bit of the sweat accumulated throughout his body especially his forehead as he was getting a little tired. But still during the entire fight Shin had a smile on his face, he really was enjoying the fight.

After continuously pummeling the goblins out of existence for a while, Shin faced a situation where 10 of the goblins attacks who were surrounding him nearby, reached his positions simultaneously and he didn't have any opportunity to dodge.

Thus Shin focused on his swords which he was swinging vertically downwards parallelly to attack the goblins in front of him, he put more force onto his swords, which directly sped up the motion of the swords killings the goblins in front of him.

After killing the goblins in the front, he used his right heel and a little push from his left toe to spin around completely blocking all the attacks which was coming at him and killing of the surrounding goblins and creating a little space for himself, but he failed to block an arrow and a slash both of them scratching his arm and leg respectively causing a small wound to appear which stung a little indicating presence of poison.

But this was ignored by shin as he was confident in his resistance to poison due to his first ability but shin noticed that the wound on his leg was a little deep.

Shin then used the gap which was created to focus on magic in his body towards his left side and imagine a flame burning on it.

Immediately all the fire magic used by goblin mages came to his mind as he realized

' FIRE in essence, not only just burns but also nurtures life. It also is the beacon of light for the living beings as well as the warmth for many. It also is representation of energy.'

As he was gaining this insight, the sword on his left hand got on fire, but the sword itself was not burning. After shin got out his realization, which didn't even take a bit of time, he saw the sword on fire as he concentrated more mana on it and also focused on the essence of fire he just realized and the flame got changed in color and became blue.

Shin smirked at this and swung his burning sword horizontally while spinning in a 360 degree angle, which caused to wave of blue flames to spread from him, which burn the goblins instantly only leaving the cores.

Every goblins surrounding him within 100m were dead, Shin could see that only a few goblins that could be seen alive and they could be counted on his fingers.

Shin smiled and was proud at this achievement of his but was'nt allowed to celebrate as he heard a shout "be careful, master!!!!" and in his instinct screamed at him to dodge, which he obeyed and jumped away from the spot he was, which was immediately bombarded with an attack that caused a loud booooom.

Sorry for not updating. Was a little Busy.

So in conpensation i have written a little longer chapter.

Hope U guys like it.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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