
Before Departure

Do you remember the first time you left your home country? For many of you, it might have been a long time ago, and flying internationally isn't something exciting or new to you anymore. Well, allow me to introduce you to someone for whom every moment of this journey is like stepping into a world of endless possibilities. Her name is Naree, and she's about to embark on an adventure that will take her far from the familiar streets of Bangkok, Thailand, to the lush landscapes of Ecuador.As Naree stands at the bustling Suvarnabhumi airport terminal, clutching her passport and boarding pass with a mixture of nervousness and excitement, she can hardly believe that this day has finally arrived. The idea of leaving behind everything she knows for the next ten months fills her with both trepidation and exhilaration. She takes a deep breath, feeling the adrenaline coursing through her veins as she prepares to board the plane that will carry her across oceans and continents to her new home.The hum of conversation around her blends into a cacophony of languages she only vaguely understand, reminding her of just how far she is from the familiar rhythms of home. Yet, amidst the chaos, there's a sense of anticipation building within her—a feeling that she's on the brink of something extraordinary.As the plane taxis down the runway and lifts off into the boundless sky, Naree's heart races with anticipation. Peering out the window, she watches as the familiar landmarks of Bangkok shrink into tiny specks below, fading into the distance until they're nothing but a memory. For a moment, Naree believed that she could see her house, or at least the area where she grew up for the past 19 years of her life from the airplane's window right before everything just became just a cloudy view outside the window.With each passing mile, Naree feels herself being drawn closer to the unknown wonders that await her in Ecuador. She imagines the vibrant streets of Quito, the breathtaking beauty of the Andes, and the rhythmic pulse of life in a new land. For the first time in her life, she's stepping into a world where every moment is an adventure waiting to unfold.Naree can speak Thai and enough English to get by as Bangkok is full of foreign tourists that she had opportunity to use English from time to time. The real struggle though is Spanish which she'll need to be using in Ecuador. She has no idea if she will be able to learn it quickly enough or would it be so difficult to learn. Anyway, she will not give up easily since she wants to be able to communicate with people who will become her new friends, mentors, and family. Now, Naree will hold dear to the only words she tried to learn and managed to remember "Hola" and "Ciao".As the plane soars through the clouds, carrying her ever closer to her destination, Naree can't help but smile at the thought of the incredible journey that lies ahead. Little does she know, the next ten months will be filled with experiences that will challenge her, change her, and ultimately, shape her in ways she never could have imagined. And as the sun sets on the horizon, painting the sky with hues of pink and gold, Naree knows that this is only the beginning of her extraordinary adventure.

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