
Tutorial Finished

"When will we go out, I want to go outside, come on Jorgun, I will let you rub your dick with my butt cheeks if you want, just please let me go outside, this caves sticks of goblins and there, even more, hornier than you, so if you don't get me out of here I will shout..." Volis kept rambling and rambling, he wondered if he should just burn her to crisps, the only thing he enjoyed in her is the knowledge and handjobs.

About the knowledge, it turns out he isn't on earth anymore, or at least so far away he never heard of this land, Togoross is covered entirely in land, no sea, no lakes, these people never even seen fish, FISH!, that made Jorgun groan, his life was mainly at sea, now that he couldn't even see the mistress anymore, he almost cried, almost.

And it turns out Jorgun is a blessed hero, people from other worlds who have skills that defy logic, but the most important information is about the awakened, Volis, the dryad, would claim that the scroll was in fact, invisible and that only the user can interact and see it, and from their discussion, it turns out that the first 10 levels are like an introduction, where the user gets adapted to using the system.

So now Jorgun was exploring a cave system, looking to smash heads and finally using the new talking shield he got.

Walking down the eerily silent burrows was an experience by itself, the glowing moss lighting up the ceiling and casting shadows, making them move in slithering patterns, glistening like scales, ah nature...fuck that's a snake, and a horned snake.

"Brute, look its rare snake, it can be contracted to become very fearsome... ok ok, I guess killing it counts too." Volis tried to be helpful but the brute only knew to kill, though common sense sometimes crosses his mind.

"I think that should be it, level 10, what mystery do you hide." Jorgun with his new and upgraded vocabulary was more 'proficient' in his manner, but he still liked to rape and fuck.

[Level 10 reached]

[Choosing Class]

[Beserker Choosen] [Skill Revamp Required]

[Tier: 1 Level: 1

Strength: 30

Agility: 15

Intelligence: 10

Wisdom: 12

Charm: 10


[Ax Mastery level 8][Advanced Instincts level 2][Overhead Strike level 6][Heat Resistance level 2][Minor Regeneration level 2][Rage level 1][Sacrifice level 1][Unavoidable Strike X]


[Hero from another world][Blessed By Madness][Blessed By Pride]

Jorgun smiled at the new and improved skills, it just looked better and could rid of those useless numbers, those skills now gave knowledge and power, but looking at the titles made his eyebrows raise, checking them, he found out the gist of it, [Hero from another world] helped his skill gain and XP gain significantly, The blessing gave him double the effectiveness of rage and a power that can activate to make one of his strikes quadruple the strength, this could only be used once per day.

'I could now fully called a beserker, a rightful rank if I do say myself, those cowardly men back home will flee the moment they even smell me, hehe power, but it does suck that there is not a single maiden here in these stupid tunnels.

Continuing to dive deeper, he encountered a team of 20 scaly worms, each the size of his leg, Jorgun swung his ax from the distance, dealing blow after blow, a single overhead strike from his ax cut them in half, by the time they reached him 7 have already fallen.

"Brute why don't you retreat and strike, you wouldn't even be scratched by the Scale worms, and please don't let their disgusting fluid splash on me," Volis said.

"I want to test my skills, and see if you can be a worthy shield," Jorgun said

Right after he swung his ax at the first monster who got close, activating the rage skill, a slow and simmering fury risen in him, it made his blood boil, his entire self felt full of power, his mind already losing reason, but not before activating sacrifice.

Another burst of strength flowed through, he felt like he could punch rocks to dust, and he did exactly that, making a punch mark in a one-meter tall rock.

Seeing as the rock hasn't exploded to his wishes, his anger boiled over his common sense, he looked for something more squishy to his hands, and the scaly worms were in the right place and at the right time, he lunged at them with a fervor bordering on madness.

Not even his ax could handle his strength, it started to bend when he simple swang it, it didn't even make it through the first opponent before snapping in half.


ran towards the dryad, picking her up like a club, he swung her at the scaly bastards, the way they exploded made him chuckle, his rage slowly faded away after he killed them all.

"HAHA, what a wonderful skill, that was amazing, I felt like the ancient giants," Jorgun said

Jorgun looked at his masterpiece, guts, and teeth of the former scaly bastards, he even saw a wooden arm sticking out an organ, indeed even Volis wanted to inspect the masterpiece, even though she was a bit touchy.

Jorgun picked Volis up, her wooden body was riddled with crack, her once blabbering mouth was mangled with fluids and the carapaces of the worms.

"You look mighty fine Volis, at least you seem to be able to satisfie those worms in death, and now look at you, such a beautiful body riddled with the shit of the lowest life form," Jorgun said while smiling, anyone could tell he was laughing inside.

Volis looked at him with a glare that could evaporate his very existence from reality, Unfortunately, she can't even talk after her mouth was smashed with shit, she could tell that this would happen often, she sighed and conceded herself to the hell hound named Jorgun.

Ah, I just didn't like the skill system before, numbers doesn't really work for a story, it would really depend on me and how the character fights

NamelessOBriencreators' thoughts