
JoJo's Bizarre Demon Slaying

Jonathan just wanted to live a happy life, one of peace and quiet. One where he could keep his honor as a gentleman. One where he didn't need to fight vampires and zombies. One where he didn't need to fight and kill his own brother. But he never got that wish. There he sat, on a burning boat, cradling his brothers decapitated head, as he did nothing but hope for Erina's safety. And as he took his final breath, he passed on, fully accepting the end of his short life. But that wasn't the end, but the beginning. In the next moment, Jonathan jolted awake as he heard a crashing noise. Why was he on a train?

Brutality · Anime und Comics
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The Train

(Disclaimer! There are a few things you should know before reading this. First, Hamon is not very well defined in the show, so I am going to be coming up with my own rules and limitations to make it a little more balanced. Second, Jonathan is a JoJo character, and as such he has an unnatural level of I.Q when he is fighting and he can talk without time passing, so don't complain when it happens. Third, this is something I will probably only write when I get bored of writing other things, so the schedule will be terrible. Okay that's all.)

February 7th, 1889

"LET GO! JOJOOOOO!" A deep voice yelled. The voice came from the disembodied head of a blonde haired British vampire.

This head was currently being held by a massive man. He looked to be about 195cm tall, though he was sitting down so it was hard to tell. He was built like a truck with muscles the size of a childs head. He had blue hair and eyes and was wearing a suit.

"LET GO OF ME! Think this over again JoJo! You can live forever too! Your wounds will heal... and you can spend eternity with Erina... JOJO!" Dio continued to plead, trying as hard as he could to convince the man holding him to let go.

"JOJO?!" Dio yelled again, but then he stopped, and his expression froze as he looked at his brothers face, or more specifically, his eyes. His eyes that were once filled with fire, and passion, were now completely devoid of all of that, leaving them completely soulless.

"H-He," Dio's voice quivered a little as the realization of what had happened fully hit him. "He's dead!"


Fire raged in all directions as the engine of the boat finally gave out. And finally, the boat exploded.


'I can hear you Dio, but even if I could move, I would still decline you offer. This is the end of our journey brother. Both of our journeys. Now is not the time to try and escape the end, now is the time for us to rest.' Jonathan thought as he held Dio. He was satisfied that his life had ended saving others, rather than some natural cause. He then closed his eyes, or, he closed his spirit eyes, as he was currently looking at his Dio through the eyes of his soul, since his body had already died.


Jonathan's eyes shot open again, startled by the sudden crashing sound that he heard. But this time, his physical eyes also opened. Weird, how did they close in the first place?

AS light once again filled his vision, he took in his surroundings. His new surroundings. 'Where am I?' JoJo thought with confusion as he looked around. He seemed to be on a train, one full of sleeping Asian people. But how did he get here? Wasn't he on a boat that was heading towards the America's?

Unfortunately for him, he didn't have time to think about it, as before he fully understood his situation, he felt something large, strong, and gross feeling grab onto his shoulder. He hurriedly looked over, only to see that it was some sort of mass of muscle, veins and skin. He actually didn't know what to call it, but it was living, and it seemed to be trying to eat him.

He hurriedly jumped up and out of the way, moving his arm up and chopping the creature, but his hand was stopped. Jonathan was strong, very strong, and he knew this, and yet despite this, the creature in front of him managed to stop his hand.

"I guess it would only make sense for a monster like this to be as strong as it is. I will just have to give it my all then!" Jonathan yelled as he adjusted his stance and put as much strength as he could into his chop. This change in stance allowed him to use much more strength, and it showed. His hand immediately flew through the tentacle creature, slicing through it like it was made of butter.

However, that didn't stop the creature, as it immediately regenerated. 'How? I've never seen a creature regenerate as fast as that in my life! That's not true, Dio was like this wasn't he?! Wait! Is this thing a vampire?!'

Jonathan quickly came to the conclusion that whatever it was that he was fighting, was almost definitely a vampire, or a zombie, or at least something related to them. However, once again, before he could think about it any further, he noticed that more of the train seemed to be turning into this tentacle creature, as if the train itself was the vampire.

He then noticed that one particularly fast tentacle, was charging straight for the lady that was sitting a few seats in front of him. Without hesitation, he dashed forward, ready to protect the women and everybody else here from that monster.

'Fine then, if this thing is a vampire, then it should be weak to sunlight! That should stop its regeneration!' Jonathan thought as he landed right in front of the creature and adjusted his stance, he then raised his arm and chopped down, all the while exhaling.

"HOOOOOO" As he exhaled, a yellow aura erupted around him, and yellow sparks surrounded his arm.

"OVERDRIVE!" Jonathan yelled as his arm collided with the tentacle, immediately vaporizing it. He heard the train itself shriek as it pulled all of the tentacles in the car Jonathan was in back, seemingly out of both shock and fear.

He didnt lower his guard however, because as he looked around, he noticed that all of the people seemed to have slept through it. Perhaps they were drugged? But if so, why wasn't he? Maybe he was and his Hamon was able to kill it before it effected him? Whatever, these questions can be answered later, he needs to focus on the battle right now.

He looked through the doors to the other cars, and noticed that there were tentacles in them as well, which meant that the entire train was probably experiencing the same thing. He then decided that he would go off to help the other cars, but all of the sudden, he saw a flash, one that seemed to be accompanied by fire, but, not fire, Jonathan didn't really know how to describe it. But after this fire that wasn't fire appeared, something appeared to emerge out of it, right in front of him, or rather, someone. The man was shorter then Jonathan, he was wearing a black uniform with a white and red fiery, cape? Cloak? What was that? Jonathan started to regret not learning more about Asian cultures beforehand.

Anyway, the man had fiery red and orange eyes, as well as red and orange hair. It was very bizarre to say the least, Jonathan hadn't met many Asian people in his lifetime, but he was sure that they normally didn't have features this colorful.

"Who are you? Do you know what is going on?" Jonathan immediatly asked, hoping that they were an ally, and that knew how to speak English.

"A foreigner?" The man said, but unfortunately for Jonathan, he didn't speak English, so Jonathan had no idea what he said.

Before Jonathan could react, the mans eyes suddenly narrowed and he pulled out a sword and slashed up, and just as Jonathan was about to dodge it, he noticed a tentacle next to him, which the man slashed at, immediately cutting it off.

Jonathan was about to try to communicate a thank you, however he was interrupted again as he noticed another tentacle growing out of the wall and aiming to grab a man. Once again, without hesitation, Jonathan pushed the man out of the way, and charged forward.

The man seemed surprised to have been pushed, but quickly got over it, turning around, ready to fight if the foreigner he met was an enemy.

Jonathan almost instantly arrived in front of the tentacle, and once again, he exhaled loudly. "HOOOOOOOOO" As he breathed out, he brought his now Hamon covered leg up, instantly destroying the the tentacle, and once again causing the entire train to shriek in pain. This time however, Jonathan didn't stop there.

"I don't know what you are, or why you are doing this! But trying to eat innocent, sleeping people is evil! And I will not hold back against someone like you!"

"Metal Silver OVERDRIVE!" Jonathan yelled again, and immediately punched the wall of the train. The yellow energy rippled in all directions around the point of impact.

"AAAAAARRRRRRRRRRG!" The train screamed as soon as Jonathan did that. Jonathan and the other man watched as flesh materialized and burned away on the trains walls and ceiling as soon as the Hamon came into contact with it. The Hamon didn't go to far though, it stopped once it reached the end of the car they were in.

Jonathan calmed down his breathing a little, making sure not to allow himself to get to worked up and get exhausted from it. He then turned to the orange haired man, who was staring at him with wide eyes. "Thank you for that just now, I had let my guard down when you entered, and if you hadn't done that I definitely would have been grabbed by this thing. I know you don't know what I am saying right now, but hopefully you understand!" Jonathan said with sincerity, he then remembered reading somewhere that Asian people bowed a lot, so that's what he did.

He then stood back up straight and looked over the mans shoulder only to see more tentacles were forming in the other car. He then smiled at the man, "Alright, I am going to take care of that car there, can you get the other one behind me?" He asked, using his flinger to point out his plan, hoping that Asian people also knew what pointing meant.

Luckily, the man seemed to understand. He quickly came out of his daze and nodded with determined expression and rushed off to the car behind him.

In the next car, he noticed that there were a many more tentacles. He could only guess that it took a few seconds for the tentacles to grow. And by the way it reacted earlier after he attacked areas of it with Hamon, it also seemed unable to regenerate after hit with Hamon, or at the very least, it took a lot longer to do so. That's good, he could work with this.

"Okay Vampire! You seem to be pretty weak to my Hamon, so all I need to do is fill every car with as much of it as I can!" Jonathan told the tentacle creature, seemingly not realizing how big a train was, or how much Hamon that would take.

"HOOOOOOO" He exhaled loudly as the yellow aura once again surrounded him. Yellow sparks appeared around his legs and feet, and ripples of energy spread across the floor, and even a little of the ways up the walls before it died out.

He adjusted his stance, and put a little more Hamon into his legs. This was a risky move as this much Hamon would definitely stick his legs to the floor, and that would make him less agile and vulnerable to surprise attacks, but if he wanted his plan to work, he had no choice.

With that, more and more Hamon spread out across the car, but it never went further then half way up the wall.

The train, of course, sensed this, and immediately focused all of its efforts on Jonathan. It started growing as many tentacles as it could as fast as it could, in hopes of overwhelming him. It didn't know who or what Jonathan was, or how he was able to so easily destroy parts of him that even the Hashira had trouble cutting through, but it wasn't about to just ignore its biggest threat. It decided that it needed to take Jonathan out now, before he dealt with anybody else, Jonathan needed to die!

To be continued