
ʋօʟʊʍɛ 2, Part 8: Happy Years - Behavioral Anamoly.

Author's Note -- We are soon approaching the "Turning Point 1" for our MC's Julian and Rudeus.

First of all, I want to thank everyone who read this shit, vote and comment. And that's it. Hope you enjoy this chapter. If you like it, leave a vote, leave a comment and you'll be abducting Asians and abusing tranquilisers in no time.

11,001 words

And I'll see you all next time. No-peace.


After days of relentless journeying through rugged terrain and beautiful landscapes, Julian and Sylph finally arrived at the heart of alcohol production, known as Milbots region, under the firm control of the enigmatic Notos Greyrats.

The sky over Milbots region had transformed into a canvas of vibrant colours as the sun began to retreat behind the horizon.

The setting sun casted long shadows over the landscape, embracing them in a gentle coolness that provided relief from the day's sweltering heat.

Shades of gold and crimson merged with the fading blue, painting the heavens with a mesmerizing spectacle.

But Sylph had little time to appreciate the beauty around her; exhaustion had gripped her like a vise, making her senses dull and movements sluggish.

Sylph----her eyes heavy with exhaustion, couldn't help but sway like a delicate leaf in the breeze.

As they approached the heart of the alcohol production hub, the scent of fermenting grains hung heavy in the air, mingling with the earthy aroma of the surrounding fields.

Julian led the way, reigning in the horse, its hooves mingling in with the bustle of evening market.

"Have we reached our destination? Please say we have," Sylph pleaded, her voice tinged with both weariness and a hint of shyness and anxiety, as she saw the group upon group of people glance over in their direction.

Sylph certainly was a beauty. And now that she was wearing a hood over her head to hide her hair colour, she seemed to attract the attention of many males.

"You should've stayed at home." Julian replied. He glanced at her with a stoic expression, but behind that seemingly emotionless facade, he had been taking enough care to not let her fall sick due to the long travel. "But yes, we're here," he replied in a more reassuring tone than before.

The weariness in Sylph's eyes turned to frustration, her grumpy mood bubbling to the surface. "You're making me toil endlessly. It's so unfair! You should do your share of the work too!" she protested.

During their last camp, Julian had assigned her to guard duty while he rested, leaving her drained and fatigued.

His response came coldly, yet it had a tinge of playfulness, "I do not need you. You need me. If you want to continue on this journey, you must prove yourself."

Sylph just let out a tired sigh. It has almost been 3 years since Rudy left and Julian came back. During the course of these 3 years, she trained earnestly under Julian. Unlike Rudy, he was quite strict with her. His methods were harsh yet effective. However, one thing she learned over this course was that no one can win an argument against him.

If you won an argument, it probably means he was tired and couldn't bother to argue more.

"We've reached the city. Why are we still riding?" Sylph asked, peaking her head from the side of his shoulder.

"We need a place to stay," he replied lazily, "if you don't want to, I can leave you in the fields."

She deadpanned at him, "Yeah, sure. Leave me there."

"Hm. Ok." He said and started turning the horse around.

"Hey, hey, wait a moment..... I was kidding." She whimpered and hugged him from behind, trying to not make him turn around.

Julian looked back, confused. "I thought you wanted to sleep in the in fields."

"I was kidding!" She replied. However, her face flushed in a crimson shade as she saw other people leave their work and look at her with smiles on their faces. She was talking in a much louder tone, making others divert their attention to her.

"See? You spell trouble." Julian interjected, rubbing salt into her wound. Clutching his robe, she buried her face into his back.

"Ok. Ok. Please go from here. Please!"

Without replying, Julian signaled the horse and they finally left, leaving a few people laughing in their wake.

Sylph was a mess, feeling extremely tired and agitated. However, she couldn't quite put a finger on what was wrong with Julian. His personality seemed to get more and more complex with the passage of time. The more she grew close to him, the more she gets to know about him more, the more confusing he got.

He jokes around, make fun, socialise like normal people. Yet she can't say that he is normal.


'I hope Rudy is ok.' She thought.


After making Kalajav in a nearby barn and paying the man for caretaking of him, Julian and Sylph made their way to an inn. It was now night-time and going towards the nearby village at this time was nothing short of madness.

As they moved towards the inn, Julian suddenly started feeling something.

A gaze. Something he hasn't felt in a long while. However, this time he was confident of facing his stalker. Paying no visible heed to it, he continued walking. However, it wasn't only one person who was following them.

"Julian?" Sylph spoke, closing in towards him as she tugged on to his sleeve, "I think someone is following us." Her tone was a bit scared but the mana swelling around her showed that she was ready to engage.

"Hm. I know. But drop your guard."

"Eh.... why?"

"Do as I say." Julian repeated himself and she obliged, letting go of the spell that was ready to be unleashed at a moment's notice.

After a while of walking in circles, they finally lost them, and Julian directed her towards the predetermined inn. One look from outside and you could already tell it wasn't anything like an ordinary inn.

The fancy inn stood proudly on the cobbled streets, catching the eye of every passersby with its charming presence.

Its walls, constructed of sturdy stone blocks, bore the marks of time, with ivy and moss gracefully clinging to their weathered surfaces.

The masonry work showcased the craftsmanship of skilled artisans from long ago, each stone carefully placed to ensure the inn's lasting durability.

Everything in this world was imbued with mana, hence the reason why despite looking so old, it still stood proud and sturdy.

Small wooden windows, fitted with leaded glass panes, added a touch of elegance and allowed soft rays of moonlight to filter through, casting alluring patterns on the worn wooden floor inside.

Above the door, a hand-carved wooden sign proclaimed the name of the inn with pride, its lettering adorned with subtle flourishes.

"The King's Rest Inn" it read, evoking a sense of regal welcome.

"Are you sure this is the place? It seems too..." Sylph's voice trailed off. With her mouth agape, she looked up at the towering building in awe, carrying stars in her eyes. It was her first time seeing an inn or any establishment this huge.

"Eep--" Without replying, Julian pulled her by her arm and entered through the door.

Stepping through the heavy oak door, they were welcomed by a rather cozy and inviting interior. The low ceiling, supported by wooden beams, gave the inn an intimate atmosphere.

A large hearth dominated one wall, crackling with warmth and offering respite from the chilly winds outside.

The walls were adorned with modest tapestries depicting scenes of medieval life, woven with care and skill. Wooden tables and benches were arranged throughout the common room for weary travelers to rest their feet.

The air was filled with the comforting scent of freshly baked bread and hearty stews, prepared by the inn's skilled cook. Soft candlelight flickered gently, casting a warm glow over the friendly faces of patrons and creating an ambiance of merriment.

"Erm... what is this place?" Sylph asked, not entirely knowing where she was but the atmosphere suggested at something rather...intimate.

"I have no idea." Julian replied with a deadpan look. Of course, he knew where they were. It's just that it was not his plan to stay at this particular hotel. As one would guess it, it was a resting place for new couples where mostly newly-weds used to come and enjoy their time.

Of course, it wasn't an obligation for someone to be married to stay here, since this wasn't the original purpose of the hotel, but over passing time, it became some sort of custom to be "mostly" visited by either old couples or newly-weds.

"Eh? You don't know!?" Sylph asked frantically, her head bobbing left and right as her gaze alternated from Julian to her surroundings. He just looked down at her and grabbed a hold of her head, shaking it.

"When did you started to talk so much?"

"O-Ouch...." She held her head in her palms as he receded his grip over her.

"Let's go and get a room. I don't think we will be able to lose them if we went outside again." He suggested. A wave of horror washed over Sylph as she realised that they were being stalked. She almost felt her legs tremble. However, Julian placed his hand on her head, nodding subtly.

Somehow, all the fear subsided instantly.

After that, both of them made their way to the counter.

In the corner, a minstrel was playing a lute, his soulful melodies filling the air with sweet music. The innkeeper, a stout and jovial figure, moved from person to person, ensuring that each guest in the dining area was well taken care of and had their fill of ale and mead.

"Erm, Julian. Are you sure you can afford this place? I do not think I have much money on me." She spoke in a sullen tone, checking the inside of her pockets and turning it inside out, only to find a single Asura Copper Coin.

"Hm. You're at least worth a single gold coin. At least I can stay a night here." Julian spoke in an extremely serious tone, resting his chin on his index and thumb finger.

"Yeah su- What!?"

"Why else do you think I brought you with me?" Julian asked as he looked down at her, condescendingly.

"I--I, n-no...."

"Excuse me. I'd like to have two rooms." Looking away from her with a mildly amused face, he directed the woman at the counter. She was a human, in her early twenties. As expected of a counter receptionist, she had huge knockers that could've been used as a punching bag if not for their tender nature. She had long black hair and brown eyes.

Sylph's eyes were plastered over her bosoms, greedily watching them.

She looked over to Julian and then down at Sylph who looked like a toddler while standing beside Julian. "Where are your parents?" She asked, gently, with a smile on her face.

"We are here on our own. I'd like 2 rooms." Julian replied, keeping his voice calm despite the irritation bubbling inside him because of the presence he kept feeling.

The receptionist thought they were poor kids, despite his clothing, and decided to shoo them off. "A night is 1 Asura Gold Coins per night. I don't thin--"

Before she could talk, Julian placed 3 Gold Coins on the counter. "Give me the keys."

Realising why he tossed in an extra coin; she nodded and gave out 2 keys to him. "Here you go. I hope you enjoy your stay, Mister."

Obtaining the keys, both of them made their way to their rooms.

At each corner of the inn, quaint wooden shutters adorned the windows, painted in a rustic hue that complemented the earthy tones of the stonework. These shutters not only added charm but served practical purposes, providing security and insulation during colder months.

As the night grew darker, the corridors were illuminated by flickering torches strategically placed along the exterior, casting dancing shadows on the stonewalls. The warm glow was welcoming, enough for them to take their robes out even when its not even the inside of the rooms.

Sylph stayed silent, not questioning how he got that money. She knew he was a rather successful adventurer, but she had no definite idea.

"Why did you buy 2 rooms?"

"Do you want to sleep with me?" Julian asked, raising a brow.

"Uh, I mean.... you wasted so much money." She replied as a matter-of-factly.

"Hm. I did. I'll just have to work you to the bone again." Julian spoke with a nonchalant shrug of his shoulders while Sylph grimaced, a shiver running down her spine as she remembered how much Julian made her work during their travel to Milbots region.


"It was your choice to come with me." Julian remarked.

"I know, I know. I don't mind." She replied with potent enthusiasm.

Glancing over his shoulder, in her direction he gave her an affirmative nod. "Good. Take this." He handed over a key to her room and went over to his own. "I am in the room just around the corner, just in case. However, do not disturb me."

"What if those stalkers attack me?"

"Fight them off, I guess?"

With that, Julian disappeared.

"Ugh.... this guy," Sylph muttered, a mix of irritation and fear swirling inside her. She stepped into her room, closing the door behind her, ready to face whatever challenges the night had in store. With Julian nearby, she knew she wasn't entirely alone, even if he remained an enigma.


The night was still and silent as Sylph lay in her spacious, moonlit room at The King's Rest Inn.

She had been severely exhausted after the day's journey, but sleep seemed to elude her, as if some unseen force was tugging at her subconscious mind. Tossing and turning, she finally succumbed to slumber, only to find herself trapped in a haunting nightmare.

She was back in Buena village -- a quaint and idyllic place where she had grown up. The sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the village square.

There, she saw three boys, faces obscured by the fading light, their figures hazy yet unmistakable. She recognized them immediately as the ones who had tormented her during her early years.

As she approached, her heart pounding in her chest, the boys accused her of being a demon, an ill omen for the village.

Their cruel taunts and jeers echoed in her ears, reopening old wounds that had long since scarred over.

"No one wants you here, demon-girl! Go back to where you belong!" one of the boys sneered.

"N-No. I am not."

But the boys persisted, hurling hurtful words like poisoned arrows, making her doubt her very existence. The fear intensified, and she felt an invisible grip tightening around her throat, suffocating her.

"Get out, you filthy demon!" The other one grinned.

Her pleas for them to stop fell on deaf ears as they surrounded her, their accusations escalating into vile threats.

"You deserve to be burned, demon girl!" they yelled, a wicked gleam in their eyes. Her eyes widened with fear as they revealed an ominous plan, to burn her at the stake to cleanse the village of her so-called evil influence.

"No, please, you're wrong! I'm not a demon!" Sylph cried, her voice trembling with desperation.

But her pleas only fueled their anger, and soon she found herself tied to a stake, the flickering flames dancing menacingly around her. The smell of burning wood filled her nostrils, and her skin prickled with the scorching heat.

Panic consumed her, and tears streamed down her cheeks as she struggled against her restraints, feeling the suffocating weight of injustice pressing upon her.

"You really are a demon." A voice.... an all too familiar one spoke. Looking in its direction, she saw the boy her heart skipped a beat for every time she laid her eyes on. He turned his back, following by his brother who also looked down at her in contempt.

".......Please...please, not you too. Please don't leave me....." She screamed out loud, or so the idea of screaming crossed her mind. The smoke from the rising flames was suffocating her and all she managed was a choked sob. She extended her hand towards their back, trying to stop them but their forms blurred.

Just as the fire completely engulfed her, Sylph jerked awake, her heart pounding like a war drum in her chest. Her body trembled, and cold sweat clung to her forehead. She sat up, gasping for breath, as she realized the horror, she had just experienced was nothing but a cruel figment of her imagination.

Her surroundings slowly came into focus, the dim light of the room providing some comfort. But the nightmare's grip lingered, refusing to release her from its haunting clutches. She felt small and vulnerable, overwhelmed by the dark memories from her past.

The emotions that had been buried for so long now surged to the surface, threatening to drown her in their intensity.

In her turmoil, Sylph's gaze fell upon the closed door of her room. She contemplated seeking solace in Julian's room, knowing that despite his stoic exterior, he had always been there to protect and guide her during their travels.

But the fear of rejection gnawed at her, a voice inside telling her that she should not burden him with her troubles.

She knew Julian had his own demons to battle, and she didn't want to be a burden to him. Yet, she also knew that he had shown her kindness in his own way, like the time he covered her with his cloak when she shivered in the cold, or when he shared his rations with her during their journey.

In that moment of contemplation, a realization washed over her. Beneath his aloof demeanor, Julian cared for her in his own unique way. Perhaps he was not one to express emotions openly, but his actions spoke volumes. The thought of his silent support emboldened her, and she made up her mind.

With a newfound determination, Sylph slipped out of her room, tiptoeing silently through the corridor towards Julian's door. Her heart raced, not from fear, but from the bravery she had found within herself. Never had she ever thought she'd be going to a boy's room in the middle of the night. But he was Rudeus' brother. Rudy would understand.

She hoped he did.

She knocked softly, waiting with bated breath for a response.

The door creaked open almost instantly, and there stood Julian, his expression calm and collected as ever. His gaze met Sylph's, and for a moment, she felt her nerves falter. But then, a hint of recognition softened his features, and he stepped aside to let her in. "Nightmares?"

"Mhmm." She nodded meekly.

"Hm. Come inside." He replied and let her in. Sylph stepped into his room, feeling a sense of warmth and security wash over her as soon as she entered. His room was rather simple, much like Julian himself, but it felt like a sanctuary to her troubled soul.

She moved towards the couch, but Julian motioned for her to sit on the bed. She was reluctant but did so anyways. Julian sat a few steps away from her in a single sofa, resting both his arms on the soft armrests.

For a while, he remained silent, respecting her need for space and time. Slowly, the weight of her nightmare began to fade, replaced by a newfound sense of peace.

"So?" Julian raised a brow at her.

"I...." She paused, not sure how to describe it. She was embarrassed as well. After all, she deeply respected one brother and had fallen in love with the other. One had made her heart flutter and the other had sone so much for her. However, her shy nature didn't allow her to say it out loud. Not because she was a tsundere, no, but rather it was too hard for her to say this stuff out loud.

"It's ok. You can sleep on the bed." Julian interjected.

"But you.....?"

"I've had my share of sleep. I would be reading a book. Get some rest. We leave early." Julian commanded as she looked back at the bed. The pillow and sheets were as they were, not even touched. Nor was any other accessory around the bed disturbed. She knew he was lying but decided to stay quiet.

Stay quiet was better than irritating him.

"Good night."

"Good night."

Sylph smiled and covered herself in a quill. Julian looked over his book, and into her direction, watching her sleep silently. The moon illuminated half of his face, his eyes gleaming in an ominous shade of green.

"What is this that you and Rudy share?" He asked himself, before looking outside the window, "And how long are you planning on seeing me from afar?" He spoke to his stalker.

Behind its yellow fox mask, its expressions suddenly stiffened as it saw his eyes, probing deep into its core. His golden hair swayed, "This human....."


As the night wore on, Sylph found herself drifting back to sleep, this time without the torment of her dreams.

In the darkness, Julian watched over her, a silent guardian in his own way.

And the presence that had been stalking him for so long, finally disappeared, again.


After experiencing various things, I'm about to reach 10 years old.

I spent the entire year on learning languages, Demon God Language, Beast God Language, as well as the Fighting God Language.

The Fighting God Language is similar to the Human Language, learning it isn't very difficult, and it feels like it is English mixed with a little German in it.

The only differences are the vocabulary and the way of how things are expressed. The grammar is basically the same as the Human Language. This world's languages aren't very hard. Once you remember one thing, the others are easy to apply. Perhaps it's affected by the fact the world has been deeply involved in war.

But there are no literary contributions to the Heaven God Language and the Sea God Language, along with no people who know how to use it, so I am unable to acquire them.

In regard to using the sword, I'm finally at the Advanced rank in Sword God style. Eris has also risen to the Advanced rank within less than 2 years. But even now, I'm not her match. I experience a distinct difference in talent.

I was only able to reach Advanced Rank because of some training scrolls especially made by Sword God users.

In regards to Magic, I am training in it to the extent by making figurines.

I'm capable of making minute details so I should have improved.

But even if that's the case, I have certainly reached a bottleneck.

Well, since I'll be going to the Magic University to study, there's no need to hurry.

With all things considered, I have already been here for nearly 10 years and I feel deeply moved.


Just before a month away from my birthday, Eris and the people in the mansion start becoming busy, did something happen? Something like an important person visiting, or some person in the Greyrat's family, or Eris's fiancee...

No, surely not, that can't really be. How can Eris have a fiancee (Laughs).

But I still felt a little uneasy, so I started to investigate. I tailed behind Eris magnificently, and found her happily talking to the maids. Ghislaine was also there as well, and it seems that she didn't notice me, staring at the food (fresh meat) meant for dishes.

"I want to see Rudeus surprised, he will probably be overjoyed in tears!"

"That's difficult to say, even if Rudeus is surprised, it is unlikely he will show it on his face."

"But he will be happy right?"

"Of course, he has probably had a lot of great hardships since he's from the branch family." Actually, I didn't go through a lot of hardships...

But what are they talking about? Are they talking behind my back? Even though I'm confident I did pretty well, but perhaps I'm the only one who thinks that way. Did I affect the members in this house? If I did that, I'll be confident that I'll cry.

"We won't be in time for Rudeus birthday!"

"But if we hurry too much we won't be able to do it well."

"If we don't do it well, he won't eat it?"

"No, if it's Rudeus-sama, even if it turns to cinders he will eat it."


"Yes, if Sauros-sama is there."

Oh, so that's what it was? Preparing for a birthday party?

"If Rudeus wasn't born in that family..."

Eris says with pity in her voice.

I see, after I grasp the contents of the conversation, I leave the place.


AUTHOR"S NOTE -- Point to note. If you are confused about the timeline, here it is. The date of Julian and Rudeus birthday is the day when Julian would start returning home. Hence, he is not able to celebrate it with his family. Back to Rudy POV. Julian POV after this. Before skipping, read the ending paragraphs of Rudy POV since there is a major change there.

On that day, the mansion was busy. After classes were over, Ghislaine came to my room. It was rare to see her to be so tense, her tail was standing up really, really high.

"Well, I have some questions that I want to ask in Magic." She shifted her eyes away. Looks like she's sent to keep me in the room, OK, OK, I'll follow along with this card.

"Hoh~ What's the question?"

"Can I see a saint-ranked magic?"

"I can do it, but the city will be in rubble if I do it."

"What? What type of magic is that?"

"The saint-ranked magic is violent winds with lightning storms, pouring too much power into it will drown this city."

"That's really too powerful, I need to see that the next time."

I rarely see such praise from her, this is probably a trick for preparing the battle. Alright, I'll tease her a little.

"I understand. Since you already put it that way, alright. If we travel on horse for 2 hours, we will be able to go outside the range of the magic, let's set off now."

Ghislaine's face vibrateed like a string.

"N, no, wait. If we set off now it will be late when we come back, there are monsters in the wild, and it's very dangerous out in the plains."

"Is that so? But it should be fine with Ghislaine, you said the beast race is very sensitive to sounds so it should be okay in the night."

"B-being overconfident is forbidden."

"That's true, using saint ranked magic also requires a lot of mana, we will go on the next rest day."

"A, ahh, that's good, we will do that the next time."

Things ended naturally. It's quite interesting to tease Ghislaine who doesn't normally react to things. When she's panicking her tail will stand up with a swoosh, when I say something her tail will move, just looking at that alone makes me feel happy.

"Ah, come to think of it there are no drinks here, except hot water..."

"N, no, there's no need, don't move. I'm not thirsty."

"Is that so."

Well, I can create hot water, but if she doesn't discover that I won't say it. Very good, with this rhythm, it seems like she's still not prepared to let me go out, I'll do some sexual harassment.

"You know what, I'm making figurines nowadays."

As I say that I take a 1/10 Ghislaine figurine out. Compared to the earliest product, I'm confident I have improved a lot. The outlines of the muscles can be said to be on a professional level.

"Hoh. Is this me? You did it quite well, compared to the figurine you made of Eris ojou-sama... Eh, where's the tail?"

"I don't have enough knowledge on that area, and I always based it on my imagination to make it. This time this one came out well so I'm particular about it to make it life-like."

Ghyslaine seems to fall into deep thought as her tail wags.

Hah, I'm looking forward to what expression she will show.

"Can I look at it? The tail and the area where it's connected."

"That's easy."

With that, Ghislaine stands up straight and let me see her butt, without any hesitation. Amazing! As expected of my Ghislaine! You're so manly! I can't win against her!

Wait, don't back off! It's not over yet, being able to do a little bit of erotic things to the usually alert Ghyslaine, this is a chance.

"C-can I touch it a little?"

"Ah, go ahead."

I almost grab it by slamming it down. Hard! Eh!? Wait, this is the butt right? Butt? What exaggerated muscles, you can say it feels almost as hard as an iron board. But I feel like there's some softness to it, how should I put it, the ideal type? But it's still quite hard to think this as erotic. The muscles that one will yearn for. This is the ultimate kind of muscles that any male would yearn. The pink colored type muscles that has both types of red and white colored muscles! This is a blessed existence of super-bro and ero-goddess! Please grant me this kind of muscles...

"Okay, I'm done." With the feelings of utter defeat, I move my hands away from Ghyslaine's butt.

"I once saw Eris hiring an artist to do her portrait. I also want to leave behind an image of myself, I look forward to your complete works."

She smiles with delight. I feel like I lost. In being a man. In being manly.

Dammmmn it, can't I win against Ghyslaine......

"......... It's about time for dinner."

"H, hmm, I think it's still early?"

I still want to see her tail go up in shock, but the maid comes in to inform the food is ready.


The moment I entered the dining room, applause rings. This was the first time that everyone has gathered. This of course includes Sauros and Philip, and the rarely seen Hilda.

"T-this is...?"

I turn back and Ghislaine was also clapping.

"Ehh? Ehh?"

The acting of being flustered.

"Rudeus! Congratulations on your birthday!"

Eris carries a large bouquet of flowers and says to me. She's wearing a fiery red dress.

I receive it, with the acting of being flustered.

"Ah, is that it. I'm, 10 years old, today..."

After saying the words that I prepared for today, my face darkens.

I bring my sleeve up to cover my eyes, and use water magic at the same time to create tears to overflow from them. Not long after, my nose is stuffed.

"S-sorry. I, I'm... like this...... for the first time...... I come here... always thinking I can't fail...... and I'm unpopular...... If I fail, I'll disgrace my father... I, I never thought... I'll be cong...ratulated."

I move away my sleeve, and Eris looks dumbfounded.

Philip and Sauros and everyone else in the mansion stop clapping, and everyone blanks out.

Uhoh, my acting is too poor...?

N, no, it's probably the opposite. The acting is too darn real, what an epic failure, I simply want to stop at a reasonable area. Haaa. When I think about this, have I become a hateful adult...

Well, whatever. I'll keep on carrying on acting. Eris asks the butler in panic.

"What should we do, what should we do?"

Looks like it's a big thing for me to cry.

She's so cute that I hug her. I softly whisper a thanks in her ears with a stuffy nose.

"Eris, thank you..."

"I, it's totally good! Rudeus is, is family, that's a natural thing! G, Greyrat's family member right, Otou-sama, Ojii-sama!"

If it was the usual Eris, she would've said "You should be grateful!".

But it seems like she's trying to find a reason to get Philip's agreement. But I only see Sauros roaring.

"T, to battle! We're going into battle with Notos! We will kill Philemon and install Rudeus as the family's head! Philip! Alphon~~se! Ghis~~laine! Follow me now!! Gather all the troops!"

And just like that, the war between Boreas Greyrat and Notus Greyrat raises its curtains.

The blood feud drags the remaining two Greyrat family in as well, and pulls the Asura kingdom in a long chaotic civil war, recorded into the annals.

...... Something like that, of course didn't happen.

"F, father, restrain! Please restrain yourself!"

"Philip, are you trying to block me! Just look at it yourself! Compared to that sheetty idiot, don't you think Rudeus is more suitable?"

"I think that too, but please calm down! Today is supposed to be a joyous day! Having a war is also bad, we will be enemies with Eurus and Zephyrus!"

"You fool! I'll win this on my own! Move away, move away!!!!!"

With that Philip drags Sauros out of the scene.

Everyone's dumbfounded.


Eris coughs.

"L, leaving Ojii-san things aside... Today is specially prepared for Rudeus!"

Eris raises her chest, her face blushing.

Lately her chest has grown so she she started to wear a bra, and she's quite cute when she puffs her chest out.

Sennin once said that it's now very cute, but once she grows up it will become brazen.

Thank you, sennin.

"About that, is there, a surprise?"

"What do you think it is?!"

The things that are a surprise.

What are they.

The things that I like.

Computer and Eroge. No, no.

Eris is thinking about my circumstances. I have left my family, been alone all these years, and must feel lonely. On this birthday, if it's Eris herself what sort of gifts will she be happy with?

Ghislaine and her grandfather by her side, celebrating.

If it's me......

"Could it be, Julian is here as well...?"

Eris' face darkens, and not only her, the butler, maids and everyone else's expressions change to a sympathetic look.

"P, Paul... san, is, he said, the monsters in the forest have started becoming active recently so he couldn't come, b, but he said if it's Rudeus even if he's not here it will be fine...... Zenith-san also said that the children have a sudden fever and she couldn't come..."

Eris replies, perplexed.


"What about Julian?"

"He has gone on a monster extermination quest in Paul's hometown." This time Philips replied. Why are you stalking my brother, eh?

"I, I say, about that, Rudeus, I..."

Eris can't seem to find the words and frets once again, the cat who's usually so confident is really cute when she encounters something troubling.

Don't worry. You might even say it's better if Paul isn't here.

"I see, Father and Mother didn't come..."

I pretend I didn't mind, but when I try to do that, I sound quite despondent because of the nasally voice and teary eyes.

At this time, there is someone amongst the maids who starts to sob, what a failure... I didn't think I would make the atmosphere to be this terrible.

My apologies, I, really can't read the mood after all...

Just when I'm thinking of that, suddenly Hilda runs over to me and hugs me tightly, and the flowers slip out of my hand accidentally.


I almost never speak to Hilda.

She has the same fiery red hair like Eris, and she's like a beautiful young woman that carries an air of [The Widow].

Like one who appears in the Eroge or a married woman who got widowed at a young age.

Of course, if Philip is alive she's not a widow.

But the important thing is...... That is, her chest is amazing!

Is it possible that Eris will grow up to this level...!?


"Don't worry Rudeus, you can be at peace. You're my son too!"

Hilda hugs me tightly and uses a voice that's almost at the level of shouting.


Doesn't this person hate me?

"No one will object to it! Adopted child... No, marry Eris! That's it! A great idea! Let's do that!"

"O, Okaa-sama!?"

Hilda suddenly lost her cool.

As expected Eris is also shocked.

"Eris! Are you unsatisfied with our home's Rudeus!"

"Rudeus is only 10!"

"It has nothing to do with age! Stop finding excuses and polish up on being a proper girl!"

"I'm doing that!"

The rampaging Hilda.

The retorting Eris.

Even though she married into the family, this person is also a Greyrat's member, she is the same type like Sauros.

"Alright, we will talk about this later!"

"Kyaa! Dear! What are you doing! If I don't save the poor child!"

Philip who just came back, controls Hilda and exits the place with grace.

Even under a chaotic scene his heart is serene, calmly observing the situation.

That's so cool, he's definitely a great wizard. A reliable man, and he can be seen as a reference for all guys.

Well now, time to pull myself together.

"W, what is it? About that, surprise?"

Eris brings out her arms, puffs up her chest and raises her head, her chin protruding out a little.

I haven't seen that classic pose in quite some time.

"Hmph hmph! Alphonse, bring that!"

Eris snaps her finger, making a crisp noise.

Eris has her face red, but Alphonse doesn't pay attention to it, and brings out a wand from behind the statue's shadow where I couldn't see it.

This is similar to the wand that Roxy has.

The wand is made from a rough and bony wood, with the tip of it adorned with a large Magical stone that appears to be quite expensive.

I know from the first moment I see it, this rod is very expensive.

A wand's rank is determined by the wood and the Magic rock.

The properties of the wood will affect the affinity of each Magic system.

The Fire and Earth system is good with the Kurogaki,

The Wind and Water system is good with the Injyuga material.

But even if it's not compatible it shouldn't reduce the strength of the magic, so any material is fine.

The most important thing is the Magical stone, with Mana transforming into a Magical stone, it's not known why the power of the Magic is greatly increased even if the output of the Mana is the same.

Comparing the price, the wands that I gave to Ghyslaine and Eris, have a Magical stone that costs 1 silver each.

Even though there are cheaper ones, I remembered back then that Roxy gave me a wand with something about that size, so I chose the same.

It's about the size of the front tip of the last finger.

With this fist sized Magical stone, it's at least over 100 gold coins.

Furthermore, the Magical stone is slightly blue colored and it has water affinity. With this there will be a very strong enhancement of the magic used.

How much does this really cost......

To add on, the crystals that you get from dungeons are also a type of Magical stones, but the difference is that it doesn't add the enhancement effect.

To that aspect, that Magical crystal is holding Mana in it, and it's not used for making a wand but creating magical items and Magic spells that use a lot of Mana.

Eris watches me who's looking at the wand, and nods her head with satisfaction.

"Alphonse, explain it."

"Yes, Ojou-sama. The material is from the Milis continent, in the eastern region of the large forest where a tree called the <<Elder Treant>> grows. The wand's body is made from that arm. I believe the well learned Rudeus-sama must know that it will become a subspecies after drinking from the fairies' spring. It will be capable of using water-ranked magic, an A rank monster. The magical rock is from a stray dragon located in the Begaritt continent, an A rank gem. The maker is from the Asura's kingdom palace's Magic team, a wand maker "Rod Director" called Chein Procyon."

Woah, that's amazing. It sounds like it specializes in Water Magic.

But it should be really expensive right?

No, now is not the time to think about this.

Even though I keep teaching Eris not to keep spending money, I'll let it go for today.

This is specially made for me, it will be embarrassing if I refuse this.

"The wand's name is called <<The Arrogant Water Dragon King>>."

When I prepare to receive it, I stop my actions in an instant.

Just then, did I hear something about Chuunibyou?

"Take it! This is the gift of the Greyrat family! I requested with Otou-sama and Ojii-sama to get this! Rudeus is actually an amazing Magician, if you don't carry a wand it will be too weird!"

After hearing Eris's voice, I accept the <<The Arrogant Water Dragon King>>.

It's different from the appearance, this is pretty light. I play around with it with both hands. Even though the Magical stone is very big but the overall balance is very good.

As expected of an expensive item.

But the name is a little.

"Thank you, not only did you hold a party for me, and you gave such an expensive..."

"Don't care about the money! Quick, let's continue with the party! It's a waste if the dishes are cold!"

Eris cheerfully leads me, and brings me to a giant cake that's sitting in front of the front seat. If Julian was here, he would've devoured the whole cake. I wonder how he's doing.

"I helped out too!"

What did you say!?


After the party started, Eris keeps talking like a machine gun for a while. I keep listening with a, mmhmm, about in the middle of it Eris starts feeling sleepy, and finally is in deep sleep. Is she too tense? Or should I say it's because the taut strings have been cut off... Ghislaine carries her in a princess hold and retires to her room, thanks for your hard work. Sauros and Hilda also retired during the middle of the party. Sauros wanted to let me drink wine, but Philip persuaded him not to do it, and I was a little disappointed. It was Hilda who actually drank quite a lot, and became terribly drunk, her face full of smiles and laughing boisterously and went back.

Before she went back, she gave me a goodnight kiss, and walked back to her room. The food is basically all eaten up, and the maids remove the empty dishes with sleepy expressions, and the only people left behind are Philip and me. Philip is drinking quietly by himself. Is that grape wine? I got to know during Eris's birthday, that the wine drank in the Asura's kingdom are different in various regions. The wine that are made from wheat here are quite plentiful, but the wine used in celebrations are made from grapes.

"I lost during the family battles." Philip quietly says. "Do you know why Eris doesn't have siblings? Have you noticed it before?"

I nod solemnly, I notice it before, but in the end I never asked.

"The truth is there are. Eris has an older and younger brother, and the younger one is as old as you are now."

"... Are they dead?"

Philip looks at me, startled. I accidentally cut right to the point. That is rude of me. "Not long after they were born, they were taken away by my brother who's living in the capital."

"Taken away? Why did this happen?"

"The superficial excuse is to let him become an adopted son and go to the capital to study, but in truth... it's just a continuation of tradition." And Philip begins to describe the Boreas's family tradition. Boreas's family tradition is a continuous battle to inherit the head title, as well as the other traditions.

Sauros has 10 sons, and amongst them are 3 people.

Roa's mayor, Philip.

The son-in-law, Gordon, who married into the Eurus Greyrat family.

Then James who's currently holding the cabinet minister position and is considered to be too young to hold that position. There's a name that is as long as a train.

Well, aside from that. Sauros decided to let them fight each other to decide the next head.

From the conclusion, the winner and the current head is James, with Philip and Gordon losing. The first half of the power struggle. First of all, James manipulated from behind the shadows to let Eurus' daughter and Gordon be involved. With this plan without knowing each other's identities, the sparks of love burst into flames. Gordon occupied himself with love and finally married into the Eurus's family unexpectedly with James's help.

The route to Boreas' head was over for him. The latter half of the fight. At that time Philip and James were about equal, fighting each other in the dark, using all their connections to continue the fight. There was nothing dramatic, Philip simply lost. If there's something of a difference it'd probably be in the area of ability. James is older than Philip and had ties in the capital, and was the right hand of an important minister. He had connections and wealth, and holds considerable authority as well.

Even though Philip can be said as very good too, but it was hard to fill the 6 years age gap. He arranged Philip to be the mayor of Roa, and chased him away from the capital. Even if James becomes Fedoa's lord, he continues to plan to have Philip handle it. He's a cabinet minister, and doesn't plan to leave the capital. Philip's in the rural areas, and for him to rise up again will be very difficult. Later on, James made the request if Philip had male children, they had to be adopted and sent to the capital.

"Taking all the male children away, isn't that too barbaric?"

"That's fine, I don't really care, it's tradition anyway."

All the males born in the Boreas Greyrat family are raised to be the next head. This is to ensure that the people who failed in the competition will not have their sons participate again. Helping the sons attain the authority is a common thing, and this is to prevent such a problem. Gordon has their own rules in the Eurus family, but Philip must obey the tradition and hand over the males to James. Before the children have the ability to understand things, they will recognize James as their father.

"If I had won, the situation would be reversed." Philip seems to have accepted this. It might be possible that he's not Sauros' real son. But Hilda can't seem to accept it no matter what. She's the daughter of an ordinary noble who's attached to Philip. Before Eris was born her emotions were unstable, but she calmed down temporarily after Eris' birth. However she became unstable again after Eris's younger brother was taken away.

"She hates you. She said, her own son isn't here, so why is there another kid walking around in this mansion."

I always felt that she had ignored me, I see, so this is the reason.

"Plus, the Eris who's left behind is the exact opposite of a lady and is a hag. I thought it couldn't be helped."

"It couldn't be helped, refers to?"

"Using her to overthrow James will be difficult." Ah, this person, he hasn't give up yet? "But, recently, looking at you, I think there might be some hope."

"......Haa. Is that why you were after Julian as well?" Philip seemed surprised.

"He has the power to overthrow the fate of a kingdom. Although, his personality... well, its hopeless anyways. But it's surprising you were able to tell what my intentions were."

"You have terrible acting skills."

"I guess so. You even managed to cheat Father and Hilda with your acting skills."

Is it really necessary to use a word like "cheat"...

I only did some stuff so that the atmosphere wouldn't be so awkward.

"Not only do you know the importance of money, you also know flattery. To obtain someone's heart you will risk your life without balking."

Are you talking about that incident back then, or are you talking about the part where I got smacked continuously for the past few years.

"Compared to these, it's thanks to you that Eris grew up so well."

Paul said that this was not foreseen.

He has heard from Paul that I'm a excellent kid. But considering that Paul has only been flipping girls' skirts as his existence for life, his son would only be a brat who's slightly better.

If Eris interacted with a brat like him, there might be some interesting chemistry reactions. He only expected that much.

"That's really a nostalgic memory, the day that Paul cried to me."

With that, Philip starts to recite to himself.

When I ask about it, Paul needed money, a place to stay at and a stable job, but he didn't want to go back as an upper class noble, and cried to Philip.

He even kneeled and pleaded to Philip for my sake. Even during Lilia's incident he didn't do that.

Well whatever, that's something to be thought of later.

"But even if I'm not here, Eris will change somehow right?"

"Somehow? There is no way that's possible. I have considered Eris to be completely hopeless. I already thought it's impossible for her to be a noble and would become an adventurer with Ghislaine teaching her the sword."

Continuing, Philip tells me about the Episodes Of Eris. The Episodes that are not suitable for the ears. At the age of 9 years old, she had perfectly attained the status of a violent kid.

"Well, it was nice talking to you. I will take my leave now." Philip said and bid farewell as I also returned to my room. Today was a tiring day.


As the first rays of dawn gently painted the sky with hues of pink and gold, Sylph stirred from her sleep, her senses slowly coming to life.

She blinked her sleepy red eyes, the remnants of the haunting nightmare still lingering in her mind. But as her gaze shifted around the room, she found herself feeling safe and comforted, a stark contrast to the terrifying dream that had troubled her during the night.

A soft glow emanated from the hearth, casting a warm light that danced playfully on the walls of the room.

Julian sat nearby, his back against the wall, seemingly unmoved by the passage of time. His light hair cascaded down his face, his sharp features softened slightly as he glanced at her.

"You're awake," he said in his usual calm and composed manner, his voice carrying a touch of reassurance that she found surprisingly.... oddly comforting.

Sylph nodded, a sense of gratitude washing over her. She had never expected to find solace in the company of someone as Julian, who was nothing but mean to her all the time.

"Did you stay up all night?" she asked, concern evident in her eyes as she observed the faint shadows under his eyes.

Julian shrugged nonchalantly, "I don't require much sleep."

She was amazed and worried at the same time.

Rising from her makeshift bed on the chair, Sylph stretched her arms and let out a soft yawn, feeling the last remnants of weariness dissipating.

"Go get a bath. Once we have breakfast, we will leave immediately. A huge horde of monsters is said to be approaching a nearby village among the woods. We better not be late." Julian said as he slipped on his robes and gloves and got ready.

"I'll be back soon." She replied and jumped out of the bed, making her way to the bath. Midway, she peeked from the door, "Are you going to stay here?"

"The sound of you bathing doesn't arouse me. Rest assured; you can bath with an open mind."

Sylph pouted, her face flushing. "Still. Can you please go out?"

"You're in my room though." Julian replied with a deadpan face. Giving up, she moved inside the bathroom. After a while, Julian left the room as well.


As Sylph emerged from the bathroom, her green hair still slightly damp from washing, she took a moment to adjust her simple yet practical attire.

Her clothes, while humble, were well-maintained and suited for her the combat. She wore a light, forest-green tunic that hugged her petite frame, its sleeves ending just above her elbows.

She had stopped using shorts. Her matching trousers provided ease of movement, perfect for the long journeys that this mission entailed. A leather belt cinched at her waist, carrying small pouches of various herbs and trinkets. Her old brown boots, worn from countless steps, completed her ensemble.

"Hm. Finally ready?" Julian asked as he stood with his back against the wall, his eyes slowly opening, "That was 'soon?'"

"Eheh...." She scratched the back of her ear sheepishly.

"Well, never mind. Let's go."

With that, both of them made their way to get some breakfast.


Sylph and Julian descended the creaky wooden staircase to the common dining area. The aroma of freshly baked bread and sizzling meats greeted their senses, and her eyes widened at the spread laid out before them. It was a breakfast fit for nobility, with a variety of delicacies that surpassed anything she had encountered during their travels.

Julian had a neutral look on his face, given the fact he had tasted better foods on Earth.

Sylph's eyes widened in amazement as she took in the sumptuous feast before her. The table was adorned with platters of golden-brown roasted meats, juicy fruits, bowls of rich porridge, and flaky pastries. Goblets filled with fine wine sparkled invitingly, a sight that seemed like a dream to someone with humble origins like her.

"Look at her. What is he even trying to do by bringing a slave with him?" One of the nobles spoke, looking at Sylph with contempt. She didn't seem to notice but Julian looked back at the man. He was sneering down at her. Looking up he fixed his eyes with Julian. "What?" He spoke, just loud enough for him to hear.

However, he didn't reply. Instead, he kept looking at him, straight into his eyes. After a while of sneering, the man suddenly started creeps up his spine. The look in Julian's eyes were something that was oozing bloodlust. Despite his face being as expressionless as ever. In the end, the man just looked away, cursing incoherently.

Nothing much happened after that as both of them had their full and departed to the village that had the threat to get invaded by a horde of monsters.


"Stay here." Julian commanded Sylph, her sudden halt accompanied by a gasp of horror. Her gaze locked onto the blazing fields and the monstrous creatures that ran amok, terrorizing the helpless villagers.

The air reeked of blood and sweat, a thick miasma of fear and despair that clawed at everyone's lungs. The acrid stench of burning structures filled the atmosphere, making it hard to breathe, as if the very air was tainted by the brutality that unfolded before their eyes. The scene was a nightmare come alive, a gruesome tableau of chaos and destruction that sent shivers down Sylph's spine.

Julian locked eyes with Sylph, his penetrating gaze searching for any signs of trepidation. Her hands clenched into fists, but her unwavering stare met his with a fierce determination. Her red eyes shimmered with resolve, revealing a spirit that refused to yield in the face of fear.

"Do you feel scared?" Julian inquired, probing, seeking to understand her emotions in this dire moment. As if he was testing her worth in the real moments.

Sylph took a moment to gather her thoughts before responding, her voice steady despite the turmoil around them. "Yes, I am, but not enough to abandon those who need our aid."

"Hm," he replied simply, his voice holding a note of approval.

'This would do.' He thought to himself. He had a few doubts about her but now he knew everything he wanted to.

With bated breath, Sylph watched as Julian unsheathed his sword, the metallic rasp of steel on leather echoing ominously in the air. The sound seemed to reverberate through the very core of her being, raising goosebumps on her skin as if it were a dire warning of the impending danger.

It was a sight she had never witnessed before - Julian, usually nonchalant and laid-back, now stood before her, transformed into a completely different person.

His stance changed, his movements becoming deliberate and precise. The shift in his demeanor sent a shiver down her spine, and she couldn't tear her eyes away from the transformation unfolding before her.

The world around them seemed to fade into the background as Julian's teal blade caught the dim sunlight. The hazy smoke from the burning fields cast an eerie glow on the weapon, giving it an almost ethereal shimmer.

The sudden transformation made her feel like an insignificant ant in comparison. She finally realised. All this time Paul and she had been sparring against him, he was just playing around. If he was half as serious as he is now, she would've died. The enormity of the situation enveloped her like a suffocating fog, but she refused to let fear paralyze her.

With every breath she took, the air felt heavy, charged with an electric tension.

As the monsters closed in, the din of chaos reached a crescendo, drowning out all other sounds. With a swift motion, Julian lunged forward, his teal blade slicing through the air with lethal grace.

In the next instant, Julian was gone. He was like a streak of light. Before she knew, tens of Rank D monsters had fallen to the ground, accompanied by wet squelches as their heads fell down. She looked at him standing in the distance, giving a sidelong glance at her.

"W-What should I do?" She blurted out.

"Hm? I don't know. You know yourself the best. Figure something out." He replied, vaguely. Sylph wanted to retort but understood what he meant. This was a test. A test she couldn't afford to fail.

"She replied and understanding nod shortly and ran off in the distance.

Watching her hop off, Julian set his sight on somewhere else. Something that has been bugging Julian for a while. It wasn't the group of [Assault Dogs] attacking the nearby house. No.

[Assault Dogs] were E Ranked monsters. Julian couldn't care less. It was something else that caught his attention.

"Red Leaf Tiger. What is this doing here?" Julian spoke out loud as he turned on his heel and swung his sword towards a [Terminate Boar] that was attacking him, slicing its body in half. 10 other ran in his direction, carrying weapons in their hands. All of them launched a collective attack, hitting Julian from every side.

He let out a long breath.

[Water God Style: Flow]

The moment their weapons came down towards him, all of them were simultaneously deflected followed by a barrage of slashes that cut the Boars down in multiple pieces. Some lost their limbs; some lost their heads while the others were just cleaved in half.

Looking down, Julian activated his [Mana Eyes]. However, he didn't find any suspicious thing about their mana. It was stable and not fluctuating. It stirred a hint of confusion inside him since if their mana was not being tampered with, why were they showcasing such uncanny behavior?

Seeing their kin getting slashed, the Terminate Boars busy in killing other humans, started to divert their attention towards Julian. Meanwhile, Julian was completely oblivious to their wild charge, thinking over possibilities of what might have triggered them like this.

"Well..... whatever." He spoke to himself, letting his arms dangle to the side.

[Melded Sword Style: Sword + Water God: Flowing Sword of Light]

A seismic force tore through the earth, causing it to splinter into countless pieces, leaving behind a dark and foreboding chasm that seemed to lead into the very bowels of the earth.

Out of this chaotic abyss emerged a streak of light that shot across the village with unparalleled speed. Its movement was so swift that it left a dazzling trail of light, blurring the boundaries between reality and illusion.

In a fraction of a heartbeat, the blur travelled a staggering distance, covering nearly half the village in the blink of an eye.

The monsters felt it as well. Leaving behind the annihilation of the village, they all started to look in every direction for the source of this terror.

However, due to them having low intelligence, they started to throw attacks blindly, in hopes of catching him.

However, this was what he wanted.

A Melded form of Sword Style that Julian was using used the speed from Sword God Style and the fluidity from Water God. All he needed was someone to make a move and he could counter it at the speed of light. Whichever monster resisted, fell first. Those who didn't, died anyways.

There was no mercy. There was no time to think. Before they could process, they felt the world upside down and lost their consciousness the next moment.

The malevolent presence of the frenzied monsters disintegrated like vanishing smoke, and the grotesque creatures finally died.

At least in most of the area. The infestation had reached the general population by now.

Sylph was trying her best. The massive amount of mana inside her and her natural talent for it, allowed her to cast Chantless Magic spells in a rapid succession.

She looked back and saw a heap of corpses with Julian already gone.

She bit her lip, understanding she is still quite behind him. Focusing more mana into her spells, she started killing them in huge amounts.

Meanwhile, Julian had finally arrived to where most of the population was. There was a single monster, terrorising and killing every human in the vicinity. It was an B Ranked monster --- Red Leaf Tiger. However, the thing that bothered him was that these monsters were supposed to stay in "Ejin Forest". 

"Hm?" Looking in a certain direction, he saw around 10 people running away from the monster. It pounced on them, ready to dig its claws into them. Reaching down, it landed on one of them and squished them under its weight, followed by a clawed strike to another and catching another one in its maw. 

In a split second, it had killed 3 people. The Red Leaf Tiger was the most ferocious monster in the Ejin Forest. Julian watched as it ripped their limbs apart and the dashed towards the other ones. 

"Things keep getting more and more troublesome." Julian spoke in a tired tone. Extending his hand towards his right, he kept his gaze at the Red Leaf Tiger. Pointed boulders tore through the earth and impaled the incoming horde of [Assault Dogs].

[North God Style]

Grabbing the sword from the base of his hilt, he threw the sword with a [Touki] augmented swing and guided its trajectory with his [Wind Magic].

The sword spun in an arc and tore through the skin of the tiger, pinning it to the ground. The sword had pierced its middle section with a force that made it buckle down. Making its way from top to bottom, the sword came out of its belly and pinned it to the ground. The tiger let out a guttural roar of agony, struggling to get up while the sword put it in its place. 

He walked lightheartedly towards the group, who were watching at the spectacle with wide eyes. 

"I-Is it the Notos? Did they finally send help?" One of the men said. 

"I hope....." The other one said. 

Julian walked towards the tiger and stooped down. Placing his hand on the tiger's head, he looked down at it. The next instant, its head exploded, splatters of blood flying everywhere. A few droplets of blood stopped just before Julian's face, not a single one landing on him.

Raising up, he looked back at the people. A girl his age was looking at him with eyes full of contempt. He tilted his head, not knowing why she was acting that way. Before he could process, she lashed out on him, but the others stopped her. "You! My parents died because you were late! It is all your fault! All of your Notos Greyrats should just die!" 

"Please forgive this little one. Sh-She isn't in her right set of mind. We would never wish bad for our liege lords." An elderly man spoke, carrying tears in his eyes as he tried to contain the little girl. 

"I am not sent by Notos. I am here to repay my father's favour." Julian replied with a shrug of his shoulder and started to turn back. 

"A-Are you Paul's son?" A woman asked. 

"Hm. So, you're alive. I will let him know." Julian nodded. It was a well-endowed woman. Kind of understandable now why she had managed to gain a favour from him. 

Looking at the girl, he walked over to her. She was on her knees, crying her heart out. He got on one knee and held her by the chin, making her eyes meet with his own, "Not everyone can be saved. Instead of blaming and depending on others, become strong enough yourself." He spoke and stood up. 

"E-Excuse me.... if you are not with Notos, please, at least give us your name." The elderly man asked. 

"Hm. Julian." He gave a meek answer. The little girl was still in shock, looking at him with tear filled eyes, making his form blur. 

"At least let us pay you somehow." The old man continued. 

"Like I said, I am here to repay a favour." Julian replied. 

With that he vanished. 


Author's Note

Well, this is the last chapter of this volume. Next chapter would be the "Turning Point 1".

Looking forward to NOT write it. -_-