
Jobless Reincarnation of The Magic God

((Spoiler Warning! for Mushoku Tensei Anime Enjoyers)) After many years of suffering, Future Rudeus Greyrat gets reincarnated into the other world again. This time he gets reincarnated as a High Elf Noble Family in the world of Danmachi.

Mistka · Anime und Comics
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40 Chs

Preparation and Celebration

"*Hoam*… I had a good rest. What time is now?"

A day has passed since Oberon left his home and went to Orario. Thanks to Riveria, who probably knows from my mother about my interest in coming to Orario.

"It's two hours before the sun rises Master."

Orstrid as the high spirit summoned by Oberon did not need sleep like him, but still, Orstrid could feel exhausted when they both had their training.

"Good morning, Orstrid. did you rest well?"

"Good morning Master. yes, I had a good rest."

"I am glad to hear that. Now shall we start the training?"

"Of course, Master."

Then I put on my training clothes to make my movement far easier, and Orstrid wore the clothes that Mother gave us for both of us to wear. When we leave our room, it seems we are the ones who are first awake this early morning, and Oberon can feel the climate of Wishe much colder in comparison to Orario in the morning.

Before I start, I cast Gravity Magic to increase my body weight, then I start with running in a circle until I reach 4 km and then push up, then stand up 50 times each. After that, I continued to swing a sword and practice my sword technique until my hand started to get numb, and then I took a rest for 5 minutes.

"Let's start Ortrid."

"Yes, Master.

After putting up some distance from each other Oberon and Orstrid start facing on each other and ready their sword stance.


This sparring rule is simple: any use of any magic is forbidden; no dirty trick like throwing sand at your opponent. Oberon dashed forward using his right leg and kicking the ground as strong as he could to gain the speed needed to attack his opponent. Orstrid starts to use one of the stances of the water god technique using both hands and the sword tip face backward and the right leg forward.

From their opponent, they looked like Orstrid had an opening, but it was only luring their opponent to drop their guard.

Orstrid is well aware that her master already knows her way of fighting after all she learned from Oberon himself and his memory, but at the same time, she knows when and how Oberon will swing his attack. As she predicted Oberon swung his sword at her side Orstrid let open to attack.


Orstrid using flow redirected his attack toward her left and started to move her right legs and used her raw strength to kick her master weist. Oberon shouldn't be able to avoid her kick because he doesn't have the footing to avoid it,


Even with less strength, Orstrid's kick still greatly hurt and sent him flying a few meters away from her. The first clash is always to test the speed and strength of each other, for today Oberon is the one testing his speed while Orstrid is the defender.

"Master, I think your speed was increased close to sage-level swordsman."

"Huf, I thought you were right. I can feel my speed increasing. There is a chance that maybe through Falna I can use Touki."

Touki is the ability to enhance the strength and speed of the user's body. People said that Touki came naturally to every human that had mana, but I can't use Touki for some reason. I do have some speculation that, because of my large amount of mana, I can't use Touki. I draw that conclusion because the most powerful demon in my former world, Lapalance, can't use Touki, and he does have the same amount of mana as I do, according to Badigadi.

'Through Falna, I probably don't need Touki to become stronger, but still.'

"Let's continue, Orstrid."

"Yes, Master,"

'I still have to re-learn my former world sword style.'

(Riveria POV)



It was still early in the morning, and I was woken up by the noise of swords colliding with each other. She knows Loki Familia is not under attack because the barrier she put up can alert her if there is an intruder inside the manor, and the voice is coming from the training ground.

"Who woke up this early to train?"


Then I left my bed, put on my clothes, and brought my magic staff, just in case when I left my room I was heading to the source of the sound of the sword chloride getting stronger. Then she saw the Loki Familia all gathered, watching some spectating from the training ground.

"Riveria, Good Morning."

Riveria was welcomed by a woman with tan skin; her name was Bara, and she was an Amazoness, the late member of Loki Familia. She was a veteran adventurer, and compared to Finn, Gareth, and Riveria, she had plenty of knowledge about being an adventurer and a warrior.

"Good morning, Bara. Why is everyone gathered here?"

"Ah, see yourself."


Then I saw two elves—none other than Oberon and Orstrid. They both fought each other, and I can see that Oberon has a blood stain on her clothes and face. All those watching were impressed by the spectacle both of them provided in their fight. All of the Loki Familia are well aware that the two elves that fought each other are the two new members that just joined yesterday.

'Is that Oberon and Orstrid? Why did they fight each other?'

Seeing blood on Oberon's clothes made Riveria feel worried.

"Riveria, you don't need to be worried from what I see, they only spar if you watch close enough they both avoid aiming at vital organs or anything that can threaten their lives."

Riveria started to observe more carefully the unknown yellow sword they used; it indeed had a dull edge because of the injury suffered by Oberon, mostly from heavy pressure, not a slash wound.

"I see. Ah, now I remember his Mother telling me that before the sun rises he always woken up and started training."

"Hm, so those two elves named Oberon and Orstrid... It's my first time to see a level one fight with a speed of level three or maybe higher."

Riveria knew that if Bara said so, it was true because Bara possessed a great deal of fighting experience, which helped her determine the enemy's strength at a single glance.

"From what I saw, Oberon and Orstrid use their instincts and experience. Riveria, can you tell how old that elven boy is?"

"He was fifteen yesterday."

"Hm, that's weird from what I look at; he had a fighting experience like me, but he lacks guidance. I bet whoever his sword master is a terrible master."

Then Riveria watches again how Oberon moves closely.

"From what I've been told, Oberon doesn't have a Master that teaches him a sword skill, and Elven Nobles rarely learn any sword skill because we already have great magic ability, so Oberon is a rare case."

"Hooo, he is just a gem that is yet fully polished by a master; if Dain and Noir were here, they both probably wanted to take him as their student, because I felt the same."

When Riveria saw Oberon for the first time, she felt that he was a man of dedication and great intelligence because of his posture and calm, collected demeanor. She believes that with the right guidance, Oberon can become more powerful.

"Yes, you were right. I hope you all can guide him to become a better adventurer."

Oberon may be strong, but he is still inexperienced, and he needs all the guidance he needs to survive. "My instinct is itching to join their spar. I will put him to the test a bit, and I need to make sure about something."

"*Nod*... Just don't make him suffer too much, Bara."

"Fufufufu sure."

(-Oberon POV-)

"huff... huff... Ha!"

I had many bruises on my body and there a couple of slashed wounds that probably came from the sharp edge. This pain is nothing to me because the adrenaline in my body makes every pain bearable. Orstrid was amazing in close combat. I did ask her how she learned to swing a sword as she did, and she told me that she watched and learned every encounter and fight that I had in my memory and tried to imitate it, so she managed to teach herself how to swing a sword.

'Orstrid was a terrible teacher, but she was a great sparring partner.'


I felt the disturbance in the atmosphere, so I cast Gravity Magic to increase my speed to avoid whatever was heading my way.


I see somebody just punch the ground and make an explosive sound like someone is just cracking nuts.

"Ho ho... Your speed just increased, and your reaction time is not bad at all, but I suggest you counter the attack, not avoid it."

"Well, that force of habit of mine is to try to avoid an attack from an enemy that I don't know."

After the dust starts to settle, I see a tan-skinned woman in revealing clothing. I can sense danger in her.

"So you are the type of person who just likes Finn, I guess."


"He was our Familia captain; you are the newcomer, right? At least learn who your Captain is."

"I will put that in mind."

"Good, your name is Oberon, right? I will like to put some test a bit."

"a test?"

Without answering my question, she dashed forward, and I did tell Orstrid to stay and do nothing. When our distance got closer, she tried to lay a punch on my stomach, but I blocked it with my blade. but...


Her fist managed to shatter the blade, and my brain was thinking of a way to avoid her fist. I remembered her advice of trying to counterattack instead of avoiding the attack, so I quickly stabbed my left blade to the ground, then pushed my leg upward using the blade handle as my footing to gain momentum and aim at her head.


It felt like I just landed a kick on Hard Metal. She even wouldn't budge after I landed my kick on her face. After that, I quickly pulled myself back and was prepared for whatever came.

'This woman is hard as a rock!'

"Hooo, nice move, kid, but your kick was still too weak. Well, I can't blame you I am level four after all. Is that white-haired elf your master?"

Strangely, I can see that Orstrid was angry, and when I want to answer her question, Orstrid is the one who answers instead of me.

"No, Oberon-sama was my master, please don't mistake it."

"I see. Well, if I say that was the case, I can say that you are a triable master. Hahaha."

I can sense Orstrid's anger toward her; it is like she will try to attack her at any moment if I do not calm her down.

("Orstrid! Calm down, she's just joking!")

("I see, I am sorry, Master.")

Well, what she said was not wrong. Orstrid is indeed not a great Master or teacher, but thanks to her, I can learn how to stay calm in close combat and not panic.

"I am sorry not to introduce myself; my name is 'Bara, and as you can see, I was an Amazoness. Hey boy, if you like, I will teach you how to be an adventurer and fix your delayed way of thinking."

'She has the same opinion as Gisheline.'

"I will be in your care, Bara-san."

"Just calling me Bara is enough I don't like formality. We will start tomorrow because I believe you will be busy. And your wound better heal it quick or it will make you sick, kid."

"Ah, don't worry about that. Let this divine power be as satisfying nourishment, giving the one who has lost their strength the strength to rise again. Healing."

Then a green light enveloped my body, and all my wounds started to heal without any marks left behind.

"Hm, is that your healing magic, Oberon?" I did notice that Riveria was heading to my side she had probably awoken because of my blade classes with Orstrid.

"Yes, Riveria-san."

"I thought that you could cast any magic without an incantation."

"Well, healing magic was excluded."

It is possible to cast healing magic without an incantation, but for some reason, it is hard for me to do such a thing. Sylphy can do healing magic without an incantation, and she did try to teach me how to do it, but I never could.

"Why? Is healing magic different from other magic?"

"Let's say I lack understanding in regards to how mana is manipulated to heal."

If I had good knowledge of medicine, I could probably cure any illness if I wanted to.

"I see. Then, Bara, I will take him from here, and please stop staring at him too much."

Indeed, I can feel a weird stare from her, and it reminded me of Eris when I was topless. "Ah, sorry about that. Then see you later, Oberon, Orstrid."


After I cleaned myself, I went to Loki's room to let her give Orstrid her Falna, but she was drinking plenty last night. Thankfully, I had Detoxification Magic to cure a hangover.

"Hmm, oh wow, my head becomes clearer."

"Oberon, could you explain what happened?"

"It's one of the healing magics I had that can cure the hangover."

'Well, it can do more than that, but it's a pain In the ass to explain it more.'

"I see, then Orstrid, take off your clothes, and Loki-sama will give you her Blessing."

After that, Orstid gained her goddess blessing from Loki; there is no abnormality in her status. At first, I was worried that Loki would find out that Orstrid was not an elf but a spirit that I summoned, because I don't know what her reaction would be to my forming a contract with a spirit.


Level: 1

STR: I 0

END: I 0

DEX: I 0

AGI: I 0

MAG: I 0


Skill :

"Hm, there is nothing abnormal about your servant, but well, whatever, now you should go to the adventurer guild with Riveria; after that, I will assign you a team."

"A team?"

"Yes, a team for you. You don't think to go alone with Orstrid into the dungeon, do you? *sigh* I know you are strong, Oberon, but you are now part of Loki Familia, which means you can't be selfish and level up and become strong alone, and I want all my children to be safe. I never took a chance that could endanger their lives."

"I understand the goddess Loki I will keep that in mind."

"Good, and thank you for curing my hangover. See you later, Oberon."

Then we left the room. After that, Riveria and I went to the Adventurer Guild, which is pretty far from Loki Familia's base. If we take the busy road, it will take longer than it should, so we took the shortcut. "Oberon, I believe there is plenty of magic that you are not showing to us, right?"

"Yes, Riveria-san, if I told you every magic that I have, it would take time, especially to explain it."

"I see your mother, Viska, did tell me that you are a genius magician. If you don't mind, can you teach me some of your magic knowledge?"

"I will be glad to teach you, Riveria-san."

"And there is one thing I must ask you, Oberon."

She stops and stares at me. I know that I must answer it honestly. I just cast a sound barrier to avoid anyone eavesdropping on our conversation.

"Are you the one responsible for the death of the god Apophis?"

I know that she will ask me sooner or later because when I sent the letter to King Larfal about the reason why I cast such forbidden magic and killed a god, I told him that because god Apophis just summoned a monster that could only be killed if the god who summoned that monster were dead. King Larfal sent a letter back to me and pardoned my carelessness in casting such a spell without his permission, but he warned that Riveria would likely find out about what I had done.

"Yes, I did that. I killed Apophis with the spell 'Banamathr Ooss. Of course, I asked the one who is watching our fight to keep it secret about my involvement."

Riveria can help by putting her hand on her head because of the headache she has.

"Loki was already aware that our race is responsible for casting such magic, but she didn't know that magic is created especially to force God back to heaven. This time Denatus goddess Iduun will attend, and she must explain to the gods and goddesses what happened. Loki already has you in her eyes. She may look like a careless goddess, but she was the sharpest-minded goddess, in my opinion. So be careful, Oberon."

"I understand Riveria-san."

"Good, we shall continue after all we need to buy your equipment to explore the dungeon."


After I registered myself and Orstrid as adventurers, we went to shopping districts to buy all the equipment I and Orstrid needed. We already had the weapon, so what I need now is the armor to protect my chest.

"Hm, An armor. Then we went to Babel Tower, where there is a shop that sells everything we need." "So the Babel Tower is not only used for sealing the monster from escaping the dungeon but also as a shopping center and house?"

"Yes, but all of the towers that want to reside there must have the approval of the guild, and Goddess Freya lives there."

"Lady Freya… I see."

"I heard that you met her before you came to Orario, is that true?"

"Yes, I did Riveria-san when Wishe Forest was attacked by a horde of monsters. I tried to find the reason why, so I explored the monster track. Then I met Freya Familia, and there I found out that The Grey Dragon caused the Monster behavior, so I decided to join Freya Familia to takedown that Dragon."

"I thank you for that to protect our homeland; no wonder my Father put trust in you. Oberon, what are you thinking when you meet him?"

"Hm, at first I was afraid to meet him, but when Aunt Hyrmr told me that you just need to be honest with the King, somehow I gained King Larfal's trust, and he asked me for a favor because he found out that when I reach fifteen I will leave the forest, so King Larfal asked me to watch over his daughter. when I leave the forest."

"Is he ordering you to do so?"

"No, he asks me to do it. What I see is that King Larfal is asking me as a father, not as king, and of course I accept it."

Hearing my word, Riveria went silent until we went to the elevator and went to the first twenty floors, where most Familia and merchants open their shops. When we arrive at the twenty floors, I can see a long hall; it's almost like walking in a shopping mall. Riveria brings me to the shop run by Hephaestus Familia, where most of the high-quality equipment is being sold.

'Hephaestus from my former world myth is a great blacksmith; maybe he can help me with my Magic Armor project.'

I Already drew the blueprint for my new prototype, what I lack now is a great blacksmith and Material. "Oberon?"

"Sorry, Riveria-san."

"Sigh… Which armor would you like to choose?"

I see there is armor with a price tag of 100,000 Valis to 1 million Valis. I chose the armor that is made of Mithril because I heard that it had high magical conductivity, which is why it is commonly used in the creation of magic staves or weapons used by people who combine magic with their fighting style. It will fit me well. For Orstrid, I chose the same armor as well.

"Good choice, dear customer; it will cost 500K Valis."

Thankfully, Mother gave me 600K Valis to buy a piece of equipment. Most of the money came from the magic crystal that I gathered and some from my Father and mother.


"Thank you; can you please give us the address so we can deliver it to you?"


After I filled out the form about where to deliver, we went back to the manor, and it was already noon outside. When we arrive at the fountain, Riveria asks me to take a rest on that bench. She kept quiet for a few minutes, and I could see that she was in deep thought about something.

("Orstrid, can you give us some private I think Riveria wants to talk about something. Ah, please buy that food for us I think Aiz-chan will love it.")

("I understand, Master.")

"Hm, where is Orstrid going?"

"I told her to buy some food for Aiz-chan."

"I see…. Thank you, Oberon, Aiz will love that."

"Riveria-san, is there something you want to talk about?"

"It's been a long time since I left my homeland to pursue my dream of traveling to the outside world. Your Father and my Father must work diligently to protect our home. I know that you worked tirelessly to make sure our home was safe before you left. Yet here I am, the Princess of the Elven Kingdom, leaving without doing anything to protect my people."

More often than not, I believe that people who are always silent and always have stoic expressions have things in their minds that hunt them. From what my Mother told me, Riveria always wanted to venture outside the world, and her Father was well aware of it, but she kept staying in the forest because she knew that her people needed her, and yet Riveria still left her home to follow her dream. "Riveria-sama, maybe you don't notice what you've done today will save our people in the future."

"Eh, what did you mean by that, Oberon?"

"When I first arrived here, I thought people would have hateful gazes toward me, but no, they didn't; they just saw me like an ordinary person, and thanks to that, I can see the possibility that in the future our people would have a chance to have an ally."

'Well, I already made a tie with Princess Sera; all I need to do is make good on my promise.'

"So Riveria-sama, do not think that you are not doing anything for our people, Riveria-sama has already laid the starting point to clear a negative perspective of our people."

"I see… My Fear was not true after all. Thank you for that, Oberon; my mind has become clearer now." "Sure, anytime there is something that bothers your mind, Riveria-sama, just say a word. I will be glad to hear it, and of course, I will keep this conversation secret."

Somehow, what I said made Riveria chuckle and smile.

"You really reminded me of your Mother."

Then Orstrid came back with some souvenirs for Ais.

"Hm, is that Jagamarukun?"

"Yes, Lady Riveria, that's what the vendor called it, and I know it's delicious because of the smell."

"I don't know what Jugarmarukun is, but from the smell, I want to try one."

"Here, Master, I know you want some, and Lady Riveria too." When I saw the food, it reminded me in an instant of the Japanese food of korokke. When I tasted it, it was indeed the same, but not the perfect copy of Korokke.

"HHm, B+.

It needs more ingredients to make it more delicious. After we rest, we head back to Twilight Manor, which is not far from the park. We rest when we arrive at the gate, where we are welcomed by the guard, but...

"Rivieria-san, is it just my feeling that the people are less wandering in the hall?"

"It's just you feeling fufufufu. Let's head to the main hall."

'Hm, somehow Riveria's mood was really good. Well, I am glad she does; when I first meet her, she always keeps her stoic expression.'

Riveria sometimes stares at Orstrid it's like she told her to keep silent. When we arrive at the front door, Riveria asks me to open the door.



I see many people of different races, like animal-like ears, an elf, and a dwarf, and in front of them is a small boy with scruffy blonde hair and blue eyes. Then I see Goddess Loki go closer to me with a bright smile on her face.

"We know that your birthday was a few days ago, but you are now part of Loki Familia, and that means you are now one of my children. It will be awful as your goddess is not celebrating your birthday; just think of this as your birthday celebration and welcoming party."

Then Loki looked back at the crowds of people, and she took one of the wooden glasses filled with beer and tossed it up. "Let's celebrate the new member of our family! Drink and eat until you are all full, you guys!" ((WOAH!!)) I am still stupified by the situation that I find myself in. I never expected so many people to be celebrating just two new members joining Loki Familia. Then Riveria went to my side. " "Happy Birthday, Oberon.

"Riveria-san, was this party your plan?"

"Part of it, yes, and Loki wants to celebrate the success of our Familia expedition, but Loki knows in the future you will become the most influential person in Orario in the near future."

'This goddess wants me to work myself to the bone.'

"Riveria, can you introduce your friend to us?"

Then I saw a small child, but I knew she was not a child from his way of gazing toward me, and behind him was a dwarf.

"My name is Oberon Aendryr Wishe, and her name is Orstrid; we were happy to make an acquaintance."

"Hoho, so you are the one goddess Loki has an interest in... I thought you were a mage, but your body does not look like a body for a mage but that of a swordsman."

"I agree with you, Finn; he indeed does not look like a mage. Ah, Where is my manner… My name is Gareth Landrock. Nice to meet you."

"I am a mage indeed, but I always train my body to be sufficient in close combat because I know I can't always rely on my magic in every battle."

Both of them have surprised expressions, and the people who are hearing our conversation were shocked by the statement that I made. Then Loki went to my side and put her on my shoulder.

"See, He is not like the other Elf that is arrogant, normally I want you to learn about the dungeon first, then you do the first dive to the dungeon, but because of our circumstances, you must level up as quickly as possible, so Alicia!"

Then a beautiful Elf with golden hair and green eyes emerged from the crowd of people.

"I am here, Loki-sama."

"She will be the one who will be the leader of the party; she has good experience and knowledge about the dungeon. She is with Claire, Cynthia, and, hm? Lola! Stop hiding and come here!"

"YES!! Loki sama! Excuse me, please open the way."

Then I see long ears like a bunny popping from the crowd, and when she manages to walk forward and through the people, I see her full appearance: she was a Hume Bunny race with her ears as the giveaway; she had yellow hair, and her ears have the same color as her hair; and she had red eyes almost identical to my eyes color.

'So there are two Elven races: one Human and one Hume Bunny, but why did Loki choose all Females as my party members?'

"Em, Loki-sama, why were all of my party members all girls?"

"What don't you like about it?"

'Of course, all the men will be happily surrounded by a beautiful woman, but I will become an enemy to all male members because of the privilege that I have. She may have a good reason for it.'

"No, I will accept it because I know there is a good reason why Goddess Loki chose them."

"Good, now all of you will be a party with him he may be a level one, but his magic and sword skills are already above average. I don't need to explain it to you right after what you saw that morning."

They all agree and do not show any dissatisfaction.

"Good, now let's continue the party."


Then I and Orstrid were bombarded with some questions about myself. They all knew that I was a strong swordsman after what they saw that morning; they even didn't believe that I was a mage before Loki told them I could cast magic. Finn and Gareth told me that they would like to spar with them, so I told them if there was a time, I would be glad to. I have a conversation with the party member that I started with Alicia. At first, she started with the Elven way of formality toward me because my race was High Elf. The same is true for Cynthia. I am asking them to drop the formality and just call me Oberon, and I will do the same so our conversation becomes less stiff than before.

"We will start the party formation tomorrow. I believe you have everything you need for tomorrow, right?"

"Yes, I have everything I need for tomorrow."

"For the potion and food, I will be prepared by Lola; After all, she is our supporter."

"I understand, Alicia-san; I have already prepared everything we need."

"Good, we will be gathered at 8 a.m., so be prepared for tomorrow, everyone."


After a long party, Before I went back to my room, I had a conversation with the Loki Familia executive about our first dungeon dive tomorrow, and Bara told me that we will start our training when I get back from the dungeon.

"Tomorrow will be a busy day for you, Oberon, so take good rest and take this."

Then Riveria handed me a book.

"That book will give you every piece of information about the monster you will encounter on each floor."

"Thank you, Riveria-san, I will memorize it."

"Good, now you can go back to your room. Good night, Oberon, and you to Orstrid."

"Yes, goodnight, Riveria-san."

After that, I head back to my room, and before I go to sleep, I try to read the book that Riveria gives me.

'Hm, it's a pretty lengthy book... Oh, and it had good detail about the monster too.'

"Okay, I will read it until midnight, Orstrid you can go to bed first."

"I understand, Master... Good night."

"Good night, Orstrid."

After Orstrid takes a rest I can hear somebody knocking on my door. When I open it I saw Ais standing there while holding something in her hand.

"Ais-chan? Why are you walking alone?"

"I want to give Oberon-san this."

Then she hands me something in her hand when I opened it I see cookies.

"Happy Birthday Oberon-san."

"Ais… Thank you I am sure it delucius."

"Um, it's Ais favorite snack so Oberon-san Ais must go back before Riveria-san gets angry."

With her tiny legs, she heads back to her room.


''Hm, it is indeed delicious.'

After what I experienced today, I had a new family. I must protect Loki. He may love to do some scheming, but

'I can see she cares so much for her children... I hope I'm included.'

"Tomorrow will be a hard day. I need to be prepared for everything."

'Thank you, Ais, Riveria. I will work hard tomorrow.'