
Jobless Reincarnation of The Magic God

((Spoiler Warning! for Mushoku Tensei Anime Enjoyers)) After many years of suffering, Future Rudeus Greyrat gets reincarnated into the other world again. This time he gets reincarnated as a High Elf Noble Family in the world of Danmachi.

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40 Chs

Entering The Dungeon

"Master…. Master…"

"Hm,... Orstrid?"

I read the book that Riveria gave me; it was fascinating. I read almost every page that night because of how curious I am about the monster that inhabits the dungeon.

"Thank you, Orstrid, for waking me up. How long till we gather?"

"Two Hours from now, Master, I have already prepared the equipment that was delivered last day."

The equipment itself only had two pieces of chest armor to protect my chest, the same as Orstrid's. I have memorized the things that I have to know before I do my first dungeon dive.

'It's not my first-time dungeon dive, but I can't help but feel a bit nervous.

' I spent the remaining time preparing what I needed, but I excluded potions and food. I know the existence of the healing potion, but the ability of the healing scroll that had to make it is far too different. In my mind, the only benefit of the potion is that it does not consume my mana to heal. To create a healing scroll, I need a piece of paper that can contain the mana and isolate it. I found that the paper from the secret tree was the best paper to use, but sadly, Mother and Father told me that the elven kingdom has a law that forbids any material from the secret tree to be sold outside of the Kingdom.

'There's probably some Moster skin I can use as a replacement.'

"Ortrid, is everything ready?"

"Yes, Master."

"As always, Orstrid, I will leave my back on you, and please don't think to protect me alone; please consider the other."

"I- I understand, Master."

"Thank you, Orstrid. Now shall we go? I am just so excited to see what this world's dungeon looks like."

From what I know, the dungeon beneath the Babel Tower was not fully explored. The dungeon itself has many floors, and the deepest dive that has ever been recorded was held by Zeus Familia and Hera Familia. It is said that they have not reached the bottom of the dungeon yet, which means more floors are not yet being explored. Then we left our room and headed to the meeting room, where we should get a short briefing from Goddess Loki and Loki Familia executives. When I arrived there, I saw Loki, Riveria, Alicia, and Captain Finn.

"Oh Oberon, Orstrid come take sit."

"Thank you, Goddess Loki."

Then I took my seat beside Alicia, while Orstrid sat beside me.

"Everyone is here, hm, okay, I will start... Oberon, it's not your first time dealing with a monster, right?"

"Yes, I have dealt with them, but I'm not sure the Monster on the surface and the dungeon are the same."

"You were right. Indeed, the monsters in the dungeon and on the surface were different, but I wanted to know that you were not panicking when you were facing a monster. If you make the wrong move, you are not only endangering yourself, but your team can be endangered too."

"I understand goddess Loki."

"Good now, Finn, you can take it from here."

Then Finn took a scroll and laid it open on the table.

"Oberon, Alicia You both will explore levels 1–9 floors. The guild wants us to explore nine floors because there are many missing adventurers on that floor. Alicia and Riveria, I am sorry, but we have to let six of them go. They need to level up quickly... because we just learned that Evilus will do a big operation in the near future."

"Did that information come from the Evilus members Ottar and Orstrid's capture yesterday?"

"Yes, Oberon, they give us information that Evilus will start a big operation and the dungeon will become less safe than before because the Evilus member tries to kill new adventurers. That's why Gareth, Noir, and Dain stay behind to help Ganesha Familia secure the dungeon."

'This is bad. Not only did I have to deal with a dungeon Monster, but humans—why did they do this? Oh, I see.'

"They try to weaken Orario's strength by targeting low-rank adventurers... But how did they gain access to the dungeon? I know that the entrance is heavily secured and watched by the guild, right?"

"That exactly what we are still don't know. The dungeon entrance is well secure, but somehow they still manage to sneak to the dungeon."

'That means most likely no it must be there is another entrance to the dungeon I know that Finn and others already know that must be the case.'

Riveria that keeps silent start to stare at me with a worried expression.

"Oberon, I want to ask something and please answer it honestly."

"What do you want to ask Riveria-san?"

"Can you… Can you take life other than a monster?"

'I see…. She tried to avoid using the word 'kill', but I know what she meant.'

" I am not naive to believe that being an adventurer will only allow me to deal with a monster, Riveria-san. So yes, I can kill other than a monster; if I must kill someone to protect my Family or people that I care about, I will not hesitate to take somebody's life for it, because if I did hesitate in a moment, there is a chance that the enemy will take advantage of my naive way of thinking not to kill."

I am done playing nice if somebody endangers my loved one, but I know if only my hand was forced to do so.

"Good, but you need to know YOU ARE NOT ALONE. As your goddess, I will do whatever I can to protect you and my children, and Oberon, I warn you, let gods deal with gods the same way with goddesses."

Then Loki opened her eyes and stared at me with a serious expression.

"I-I understand. I will keep that in mind, goddess Loki."

After that, Riveria explained what I would likely encounter and the battle formation. She asked me which position I would like to be in, and I said I could do both support and front assault. So I am always in the middle to support whoever is ever in trouble for Ortrid; she will be by Alicia's side because of Orstrid's ability to detect enemies before we can even see them.

"Then Loki-sama, Captain, and Riveria-sam I will take our leave. I promise to protect Oberon and others."

"I leave everything to you, Alicia, and if Oberon does something stupid, don't hesitate to scold him."

"I will put that in mind, Riveria-sama. Then I will take my leave, Loki-sama."

"Hm, Take care, Alicia, Oberon, and Orstrid."


"Everyone, I will say this before we head to the dungeon: follow my order and keep watch of each other's blind spots."

We are nodding firmly and agreeing to follow Alicia's order and watch each other back. Along the way, we saw many adventurers heading in the same direction as us. All of them, from different races and different Familia head in the same direction as us.

"OY! Alicia!"

When we arrive at the entrance, we are welcomed by a woman wearing a traditional Japanese outfit. When we get closer, I can see her more clearly; she was a human with dark hair and tan skin, and she was wearing an eye patch covering her left eye.

"Oh, Tsubaki, are you going to the dungeon too?"

"Yes, because the material gets scarcer, we can't stand by and make our customers complain about the heavy price tag."

Then she lay her eye on me with a curious gaze; she did not stare at my face but at the twin blade on my wrist.

"You are… hm, indeed the rumors were true."

"A rumor?"

"Two elven races just arrived at Orario, and one of them had handsome golden hair, being so handsome that two goddesses wanted him as their child... At first, I thought you would fall into goddess Freya's hands, but you chose goddess Loki instead. Can I ask why?"

"My reason is that there is someone that I need to protect in Loki Familia. At first, it was only one person, but after yesterday, I want to protect and help Loki Familia members."

"Ho, and that blade can I see it close?"

Then lay my gaze toward Alicia and she nod in approval.

"Hm, The blade is forged from high-carbon steel, giving it a sharp edge and a durable structure. The blacksmith has skillfully hammered and tempered the metal, creating a smooth and balanced blade that glints in the light. It is a weapon worthy of admiration and respect."

Then she gives the blade back to me.

"Thank you, I just learned a new thing. I know that blade forge is from the country of the far east."

'She is right, which means she is most likely a blacksmith.'

"Tsubaki if don't have any need then excuse me."

"Oh, Take care Alicia and I am sorry I forgot to ask your name."

"Oberon Aendryr Wishe that's my name and her name is Orstrid."

"Oh nice to meet you Oberon, and Orstrid my name is Tsubaki Collbrande, just call me Tsubaki no need for formality."

"I understand Tsubaki."

Then we continued to the entrance there we need to report or do security clearance before we can get inside the dungeon.

"Let's go everyone."



The entrance to the dungeon is on the first underground floor of Babel. In the center of the room is a ten-meter-long hole that leads straight into the dungeon. Within the circular room are multiple columns at equal intervals and above is a beautiful azure painting of the sky that resembles the real sky.

The book Riveria gave to me told me that from 1-12 floors are categorized as upper floors and it is an easy walk for most of it. The first floor to the fourth floor has walls that are light blue colored.

"It should be a monster around here right Alicia?"

"Most likely the adventurer just uses the same road as us and they are the ones who clear the monster."

When I look behind me I saw Lola had a fearful expression and look around.

"*sigh* don't need to worry Oberon that's always the way she is, even if you try to give reinsurance she keeps scared about going to the dungeon."

"T-that not true Claire that just mean!"

I can't hold back my chuckle when I see those two interactions. Seeing how calm I am when we are at the dungeon, Lola can't help her curiosity.

"Oberon-san, it's your first time in the dungeon, right? How did you stay so calm?"

"Hm, I can say that I have trust in my companion and my ability so much that I can feel easy, but if I said that I had no fear at all, it would be a lie; being an adventurer is exploring the unknown, and it is normal to be afraid of something that unknown. Maybe when we spend more time together, you can trust me to protect you all so I can make you all feel as at ease as I am."

Hearing my answer Lola feels like she just realise something.

"You are right Oberon-san what I lack is trust for my companion I will try my best to trust my team more."

"It's good to know I will try my best not to disappoint you."

After 30 minutes, we descend deeper, and according to Alicia, we are now on the second floor, where goblins and kobolds should spawn more frequently.

("Master, something is coming.")

"Alicia, something is coming."

"Understand everyone, keep the formation!"


("How much is heading our way, Orstrid?")

("There are four of them, Master.")

I pulled both blades from my wrist and prepared myself for whatever was coming. The stepping sound gets closer and closer.

"huff… huff… Help somebody!"

Without a second thought, I sprint forward as quickly as I can, and then I see a cat person running from two monsters that look like Kobolds.


I cut both of them in an instant, and the monster turned to dust. All that was left were purple crystals.

"'That monster's skin is thicker than the kobold that I encounter on the surface.'

After making sure there was no monster left following the cat person, I can now see who the person is that I saved.

"You okay?"

Before waiting for his answer, I went closer and healed his wound. The person was still in shock before he started to speak. Alicia and the others arrived, and I can see that Alicia was a bit irritated by my action.

"I want to scold you, but... I will overlook this, but next time I will smack your head for sure."

"I understand, Alicia."

Then Alicia laid her gaze toward the person that I just saved. Then she asked him which Familia he came from; he said he was from the Ganesha Familia. He was just doing his patrol with his group, but they got separated by monsters.

'He most likely escaped and left his group in a panic.'

Knowing why he is alone, Alicia asks him to guide us to his remaining group because she knows that if we let him alone, there is a chance that he will be killed by the monster. After twenty minutes of walking, we are arrive at a big corridor where I saw a group of adventurers.

"Ah, that bastard!"

Out of nowhere, someone just sprinted to punch the man that I just saved; sadly, I am right behind him, and that makes our bodies collide.

'ugh… That punch is strong, but not enough to send me flying through.'

When I finally put down the unconscious man, I could finally see who sent that man to fly. I saw a beautiful girl with an azure-like hair color; she had a spear on her left arm, and I could see she was in an angry mood.

"I told you, don't run!"

Then one of the girls from the group saw his condition and put her hand on his head.

"Captain, how can you scold him if he just passes out?"

"I don't care that the bastard just disobeyed my order."

Then she finally noticed my present.

"You are. I've never seen your face before."

'*sigh*… How much time did I have to introduce myself?'

"Shakti, he is one of our members."

"Alicia… I am sorry for not noticing you here. I'm just so angry at that bastard for breaking our formation and endangering others to save his own life."

After things settled down, Shakti told Alicia that he, as the captain of Ganesha Familia, tried to recruit and help increase new member levels after the revelation that Evilus tried to gather power and the information that they would start a large attack on the city. As Orario's military police are in charge of the city's security, they must be strong enough to make the people in Orario feel safe.

'So that's why the first and second floors were empty of monsters.'

"I see good luck with that Shakti, and please thank him because if he is not quick to save that cat, that person will probably be dead."

"Thank you for saving him."

"You're welcome."

Then I tried to shake her hand. I know I had to make a relationship with another Familia captain, and the other looks surprised.

"My name is Oberon, and I'm happy to make an acquaintance."

"Shakti Varma… You are a weird elf, but I don't hate it."

"Then, Shakti, we have things to do, so see you next time."

Then we head deeper for a chance to encounter more monsters. I still have some questions in mind about my first encounter with the monster. There should be one monster left because, according to Orstrid, there are four of them.

("Orstrid, are you sure there are four of them?")

("Yes, Master, but when I try to track the remaining, they go missing.")

("I see.")

'It's maybe something about the dungeon... I hope nothing bad is happening.'


"Cynthia, prepare your magic spell! Claire protects her and stays close to her and Lola stays close to Claire. Orstrid and Oberon, help me clear the monster head our way!"


After a long, safe walk, we finally start to encounter more monsters. 4 to 6 in number, we are now at the 6 floors that still count as the upper floor of the dungeon; it should not be this many monsters that are spawned. Even Alicia was in confusion because of what just happened.

At first, we pulled the monsters into the open area to fight them more easily, but when we were in the open area, we were dumbfounded at how many were following us.


Right now we encounter many Killer ants; they have been called newbie killers for a reason. When I cut them, they leave some liquid that behaves like acid; it probably kills the unsuspected adventurer, and more often they come with many numbers. That's why they are so dangerous.

'Maybe I should use my magic instead of my blade.'

"Alicia-san they are coming from that tunnel too."

Just like what Lola said the other Ant just come out from the tunnel. I can't use fire magic to burn all of them to ashes because we are in a confined space the fire will burn the oxygen and only leave carbon monoxide which makes our breathing much harder and dangerous.

'it's only left me with one option.'


Hearing my shout, Alicia and others are well aware that they must follow my plea. When we all stood close to each other, I started to gather my mana on my blade and call.


In an instant, the dungeon is turned blank white, and the atmosphere is cold, including the monster, who was turned into a white statue. The others look amazed and disbelieve what just happened; it is like they were teleported to the world of white, but they are reminded they are still in the dungeon when they look below their feet and the ground is not turning white. Then the monsters all exploded, turning to dust. All that was left was a magic crystal.

"Good job, Oberon, Riveria- Sama did tell me that your magic ability was already surpassing her maybe she was right."

"Thank you, Alicia."

To cope with the cold, I use a fire spell called 'Heat Island. It increased the area temperature to melt the ice so Lola could gather all the magic crystals for later sale in the guild. Alicia still had her concerned expression; she probably still doesn't know why the Killer Ant appeared in such a number.

"Alicia there's no need to think too much about it it's the dungeon I always expect the unexpected the most important thing is we must keep our heads on the objective Alicia."

"Oberon…. I guess you were right."

It's dangerous to stay in the same spot in the dungeon because the monster will likely respawn and attack us again.

"Oberon-sama is that Wishe forest magic?"

"Oh, Cynthia.."

She was an Elven girl that joins not a while ago she was recommended by Alicia to join Loki Familia because her magic ability was above average compared to normal elves plus she and Alicia are extremely loyal to Riveria. I already told her to not use sama in my name, but she refuse to do so.

"Not exactly. You cannot find any book mention of that magic, and I am sorry, but it's a secret I can tell or teach you about that magic."

'Plus, it will probably consume all of her mana in an instant if you are not careful.'

"I see, I am sorry. I'm just so curious about how effective Oberon-sama's magic is... Can you at least tell me what that magic spell name is?"

"Sure, I called it 'Absolute Zero. It's magic that freezes the surroundings in an instant."

"I see, the rumors were true; Wishe Forest indeed possessed high magic power."

Wishe Forest is indeed famous for its magic power and ability because our ancestors created and researched much more powerful magic, and their contribution to protecting the Elven Kingdom is well-known and respected in the Elven communities.

"Something is ahead of us."

"How many Orstrid."

"three of them, but weird their image is hazy."

Then I saw a dark Humanoid creature emerge from the shadow they has long arms with three claws that are sharp like knives.

"War shadow! Get ready everyone."

War Shadow and Killer Ant was the most powerful monster that inhabit the sixth floor they both kill many novice adventurers. They start sprinting forward and aim their claw at us before they get closer they all fall into a quagmire and can't escape from it.

"Cynthia, use your offensive magic."

"Eh, why Oberon-sama?"

"I want to see your magic ability firsthand."

Then she nodded in agreement and started to chant her magic ability because I was a bit curious about the outside forest elf magic.

"Fire, fire, burning bright, In the darkness of the night,..."

Then I saw a red magic circle appear right on top of the monsters.

'Hooo, a fire magic.'

"With your heat and your light, Bring forth your power and might. By the power of the flame, I call upon the fire's name. With this chant, I ignite, A blaze that burns so bright. Bright burn!"

Then a fire just spurns from the top of the War Shadow and burns them into ashes. Cyntina magic has the same rank as advanced magicians.

"Good work, Cynthia. What did you think of her magic, Oberon?"

"Well, control and destructive magic indeed."

"Thank you for your praise Oberon-sama."

"Lola gathers the material and we will continue to go deeper floor."


I was always amazed by how the dungeon looked on each floor. I thought we needed a light to explore the dungeon, but we don't need to light a torch to have light; the dungeon already provides the light we need to be able to see. From the 1st to the 4th floor, the walls are light blue, and from the 5th to the 7th, The walls change to a light green color. Now that we are on the 8th floor, the size of the rooms has increased, and the length of the hallways between them has become shorter.

There are no new monsters; however, monsters from the 1st–7th Floors appear again, stronger, but we can deal with them easily because we already know their movement and we already understand each other's attack patterns to take down enemies much quicker.

"Alicia, you were level two, right?"

"Yes, I am Oberon... Why do you ask?"

"How long does it take you to level up?"

"Two and a half years from now, I will level up to level two, if I remember it correctly. I need to train every day to manage to reach level two at such a time."

'Two years is too long. I know that you can gain Excelia not only from killing monsters; you can gain Excelia from training too.'

"Two years is too long."

"From what I see, you can level up far quicker than other Oberon. I don't know why you try to suppress your power. What I want to say is that I hope you are not looking down and suppressing your power for too long. Don't worry, our Familia secret will stay in our Familia. No one here will tell anyone about your ability."

"I- I will put that in mind."

"Good, we are almost at the-."



From the shadow of the emerging shadowing figure emerged not only one but seven of them, all wearing a dark cloak covering their faces. We all know who they are in an instant, and I can confirm that with my Ereshkigal Eyes, they all have a dark, pitch-black aura surrounding them.
