
JJK: The God of Fire

A guy suddenly wakes up in the body of a Kamo clan member with what is essentially ace's devil fruit ability with a few changes to fit the world. With this new found power he starts to think he's him. Find out if he will be able to survive or get go/jo treatment from Sukuna. He won't be overpowered from the start but will at least put up a stand in all the fights he partakes in. Expect some original arcs. No Harem. Fair Warning I am worse than gege, hehehehehehehehehehe......

Thecentipede · Anime und Comics
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18 Chs

Omake 1


The battlefield fell silent as Kamo vanished from Sukuna's sight. In a flash, he reappeared behind the King of Curses, his heart pounding against his ribcage. Sukuna's muscles tensed, sensing the sudden shift in the air. As he whirled around, his arms poised for attack, Kamo had already disappeared again.

Sukuna's eyes narrowed, scanning the area. The air crackled with tension, charged with the opposing energies of the two combatants. Debris from their earlier clashes littered the ground, a testament to the ferocity of their battle.

This time, Kamo materialized directly in front of Sukuna. Time seemed to slow as the Kamo clan member saw his opening. Without hesitation, he channeled his cursed energy into his leg, flames licking at his skin as he prepared his attack. In a move that would have made his ancestors proud (or so he thought), he launched a devastating kick straight at Sukuna's groin.

The impact resonated through the air, the sound of foot meeting flesh echoing across the battlefield. Kamo's triumphant grin froze on his face as he realized something was amiss. Sukuna's face remained impassive, those terrifying eyes staring down at Kamo with a mixture of amusement and annoyance.

Kamo's mind raced. How could this shitheaded demon not even flinch? Had his training been for naught? Had he sacrificed his balls in some binding vow?

Suddenly, a high-pitched squeal pierced the air. It wasn't Sukuna's voice, but rather... a cat? The sound emanated from within Sukuna's pants, growing louder and more frantic by the second. Kamo's eyes widened in disbelief, his gaze dropping to Sukuna's waistband.

Before Kamo could process what was happening, a white blur shot out from Sukuna's waistband. A cat, its singed fur standing on end, sailed through the air before crashing unceremoniously to the ground. It lay motionless, its tongue lolling out dramatically, paws splayed in every direction.

Sukuna grunted, clearly annoyed by this unexpected turn of events. He glared at the prone feline, muttering curses under his breath that would have made even the most hardened sorcerer blush.

Kamo, meanwhile, felt his jaw drop as recognition dawned. His mind struggling to come to terms with what his eyes were seeing.

"Gege?" he sputtered, his voice a mixture of shock and utter confusion. The name escaped his lips before he could stop himself, memories of a peculiar encounter from his past flooding back.

As if responding to its name, the cat's eyes suddenly snapped open. It sprang to its feet, shaking off the apparent death with alarming ease. Kamo stumbled backward, his mind reeling, nearly tripping over a piece of rubble in his bewilderment.

The cat stretched languidly, its white fur gleaming in the sunlight. It seemed utterly unperturbed by its recent brush with death, as if being kicked out of an ancient sorcerer's pants was a regular occurrence.

"Thank god cats have nine lives," it mused, its voice dripping with nonchalance. The cat's tone was oddly sophisticated for a feline, with just a hint of a posh accent that seemed wildly out of place in the middle of a life-or-death battle.

Kamo's brain short-circuited. He pointed an accusatory finger at the feline, his voice cracking as he demanded, "What the fuck are you doing here?" The absurdity of addressing a cat in the midst of his showdown with Sukuna wasn't lost on him, but at this point, rational thought had long since left the building.

Gege began grooming itself, pausing only to fix Kamo with a condescending stare that seemed to say, "Oh, you poor, simple human." After a moment, it deigned to respond, "I always have Sukuna sama's dick in my mouth," it explained, as if this were the most natural thing in the world. "In exchange, I pull things out of my ass to bail him out."

Kamo's mind raced, trying to make sense of this information. He glanced at Sukuna, half-expecting the King of Curses to deny this ridiculous claim. Instead, Sukuna's irritation was palpable. He glowered at the cat, his voice a low growl that seemed to shake the very air around them. "Get back in here, you damn cat."

"Yes, master," Gege purred, sauntering back towards Sukuna with its tail held high. The cat's strut was so self-assured that Kamo half-expected it to pull out a pair of sunglasses and don them dramatically.

As Gege sauntered back towards Sukuna, Kamo's mind raced with questions. Unable to contain his curiosity any longer, he blurted out, "Wait! How long were you in there for?"

Gege paused mid-stride, turning to face Kamo with an expression that somehow managed to convey both amusement and world-weariness. The cat's tail swished lazily as it considered the question.

"I don't even remember," Gege mused, its voice tinged with a hint of nostalgia. "It's been so long, Sukuna-sama turned my brown fur white."

Kamo's jaw dropped even further, if that was possible. He glanced between Gege and Sukuna, trying to wrap his head around the fucking shit show going in front on him.

As Gege approached, Sukuna's pants seemed to shift of their own accord, creating an opening for the feline to slip back inside. The sight was so bizarre that Kamo briefly wondered if he had been hit with a particularly potent hallucination technique.

As the cat disappeared back into Sukuna's pants, the King of Curses turned his attention back to Kamo. A sinister smile played across his lips, transforming his already terrifying visage into something truly nightmarish. "Even in my two-fingered state," he declared, his voice resonating with power, "if you wish to defeat me, you'll first have to kill Gege eight more times."

Kamo stared at Sukuna, then at the slight bulge in his pants where Gege had nestled itself. The absurdity of the situation crashed over him like a tidal wave. He'd trained his entire life for this moment, honed his curse technique to perfection, studied countless scrolls detailing the history and powers of Sukuna. And yet, here he stood, faced not just with the King of Curses, but also... a seemingly immortal cat?

"Bitch, I'm done," Kamo announced, his voice flat and devoid of emotion. All the fire and determination that had fueled him moments ago evaporated, leaving behind only a profound sense of "what the actual fuck."

Without warning, he ignited his curse technique. Flames erupted from his feet, the heat so intense that it melted the rocks beneath him. Instead of launching into an attack, however, Kamo did the unthinkable. He propelled himself headfirst towards the ground, moving so fast that Sukuna didn't have time to react.

The impact sent tremors through the earth, leaving Kamo buried up to his waist like some sort of human ostrich. Dust and debris billowed around him, slowly settling to reveal the bizarre sight of his legs sticking out of the ground, occasionally twitching.





As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the battlefield, an eerie quiet settled over the scene. The once fierce confrontation had devolved into complete silence as Sukuna lost hold of Yuji leaving his dead body behind.

Hours passed, and still no one came. The moon rose, bathing the area in silvery light. Nocturnal creatures stirred, their calls punctuating the night air. Yet the human ostrich remained firmly in place, a testament to the day's absurdity.

Finally, as midnight approached, a muffled voice broke the silence. Kamo, still firmly planted in the ground, his voice barely audible, pleaded, "Can someone please pull me out? I think I found a settlement of moles down here, and they're not happy about the new skylight in their living room."

His words echoed across the empty battlefield, met only by the chirping of crickets and the distant hoot of an owl. It seemed that the Kagura would be spending the night in his earthen prison, contemplating the strange turns his life had taken.

In the ruins of a detention center, shouts of Megumi, Nobara, anybody help, carried on the cool night breeze. And deep underground, a family of moles grumbled about property values and unwanted house guests as they tried to sleep around the Kamo-shaped hole in their ceiling.


Author note-

Oh god, what did I just write!

The thing is I hit a roadblock and with me still not feeling well, I am just not able to write to save my life. I posted a chapter from Patreon leaving only 2 extra there instead of there that should be. Well I still have 0 members so not that it matters. I will have to probably now write 2 chapters again and post it on Patreon. Probably at the same time.

I wrote this to increase word count and basically free my mind. I apologise for this brain rot.

Anyway, if you want to read ahead of everyone and support me, you can join my Patreon (2 chapters a day before it reaches 8 chapters for 5 dollars - changed it cause hell with it 15 chapters is too much for the me right now.) www.patreon.com/Thecentipide

English or Spanish those who don't give powerstones

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