
Jjk: Pocket Hunting and Gaming Dimension

Rogi reincarnated into the world of Jujutsu Kaisen as the son of Ogi Zenin and the secret brother of Maki and Mai, whom they didn't know about. At eighteen years old, Ogi took him to the Zenin clan, hoping that he would at least have curse energy, but he didn't. So Ogi decided to give him some money and throw him out of the clan, as Ogi was afraid that he himself might slice the head of his own son. Perplexed, Rogi decided to return to the location of his home on real Earth just to check it out, and to his surprise, he found an old house that was very similar to his own. He decided to purchase it and thoroughly inspect every nook and cranny. To his shock, he discovered that the house was almost identical to his own. Rogi hurriedly went to his room to check the cabinet where his Playstation was, but to his surprise, he found only a mysterious marble.

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Shadow Techniques

Rogi had always dreamed of becoming a sorcerer.

He had always felt a pull towards the world of curses and spirits, and had spent countless hours lost in the pages of ancient texts and books of the Zenin clan.

And finally, after years of waiting and hoping, it had happened - he had awakened to the power of curse energy.

As Rogi celebrated this newfound power, a sudden realization hit him like a bolt of lightning.

"Wait, the mysterious marble?"

He exclaimed, his black eyes wide with shock and wonder.

His hands roamed to his chest and belly, searching for some sign of what he had seen in his dreams. But there was nothing there, nothing to indicate that what he had experienced was anything more than a fever dream.

"Are my dreams real?"

Rogi thought to himself, feeling a sense of disbelief that threatened to overwhelm him.

"Or maybe I only dreamt of those gaming in the cursed spirit world because I unexpectedly awakened by curse energy?"

He said aloud, hoping that he could convince himself that this was the case.

But there was no denying the truth of what had happened.

Rogi had awakened to a power that he didn't know was within him, and now he could feel it coursing through his veins like a river of fire.

With a sudden surge of courage, he stood up from the bed and made a stance, a stance remembering the way his father, Ogi Zenin had taught him when he was still a part of the Zenin clan.

As a member of a branch family of the Zenin clan, Rogi's father had always pushed him to master all of the techniques of the Zenin clan that were available to him.

However, despite his best efforts, Rogi had always struggled with the complex and intricate techniques that were required of him.

He simply did not have the talent or the innate ability that was necessary to excel in this world.

Plus not having a curse energy was the banger of his confidence to become low.

And yet, despite all of this, Rogi's father, Ogi had always held onto a dream - a dream of mastering the signature technique of his clan, the Ten Shadow Technique.

This was the one thing that his father had insisted on, the one technique that his father believed every member of the clan should know.

He even remembered when his father threatened to cut his limbs if he didn't master it. And now, with his newfound power, Rogi finally had a chance to make that dream a reality.

"Ten Shadows, haha!"

Rogi laughed out loud but he quickly composed himself.

He closed his eyes and focused all of his energy on the task at hand.

He breathed in slowly, feeling the warmth of the energy that was flowing through him.

His hands were relaxed at his side, not clenched or opened wide, as Rogi concentrated on the task at hand.

His right arm shot out in front of him, and with a sudden burst of power, he sent a wave of energy towards the newly bought glass table.

Suddenly, from the shadows, something emerged - a flat, thin black strings that enveloped the table and bound it in place.

Wishiwk! Wishiwk! Wishiwk!

With Rogi's control, he clenched his hand, and there was a loud bang as the table shattered into a million pieces.

Crack- Bang!

For a moment, Rogi simply stood there, basking in the pleasure and delight of what he had just accomplished. But as the realization of what he had done sank in, a tiny bit of regret began to creep in.

"I just bought that table."

He mumbled to himself, feeling a pang of sadness at the loss. But in the grand scheme of things, he knew that this was just a small price to pay for the power that he now possessed.

And with that thought in mind, he allowed himself to revel in the ecstasy of his newfound abilities.

However, it only took a few seconds, Rogi's excitement knew no bounds as he realized the full extent of his newfound powers.

He had already mastered the basic of the Ten Shadow Technique, but he knew that there was still more to discover. And so he decided to push himself even further, to see just how far he could go.

Rogi closed his eyes and focused all of his energy on the shadows that surrounded him. And then, with a sudden burst of power, he entered the shadow itself.

It was like stepping into a small container, but he could see the outside world as if he was watching from a third-person point of view.


He whispered to himself, marveling at the sheer power of his abilities.

"Shadow binds, hides, and what more?"

But Rogi was not content to stop there.

He stepped out of the shadow and closed his eyes once again, reaching for something on his left side. And as he did so, he realized that he could not feel any air on his left hand.

When he opened his eyes, he felt like his soul was coming out of his body.

"Shadow storage."

He exclaimed, almost jumping out of excitement.

Rogi's joy knew no bounds as he realized just how powerful he had become. But there was still one thing missing, one final piece of the puzzle that he needed to complete the Ten Shadow Technique - summoning.

"I don't have it yet."

Rogi muttered to himself, scratching his head in frustration. But even as he spoke, he knew that he would not rest until he had mastered this final technique.

And so Rogi went back to his bed, ignoring the shattered glass that lay scattered on the floor beside him.

He spread his arms and legs wide, feeling relaxed and at ease as he stared up at the ceiling.

"The last time I went there was through a dream, right?"

He asked himself.

"Then I will just take a nap."

Rogi's plan did not take long to execute. Within moments, he was snoring once again, lost in the blissful slumber that he so often craved.

It was a habit that had caused him trouble in the past, and one that his father had always despised. But Rogi could not help himself - he was a sleepyhead through and through, and nothing could change that.

Meanwhile, back in the gaming and hunting dimension, Rogi found himself growing increasingly bored.

The system repeated itself over and over again, and he found himself longing for something new and exciting.

In a moment of whimsy, he had named himself StupidLove again, a nod to his own foolishness and his endless search for love and adventure.

And then, finally, after what felt like an eternity, the system spoke once again.


[ The player StupidLove will be sent to a random location. Please brace yourself, StupidLove, and try not to die too many times. ]

Rogi furrowed his brow, still unable to fully comprehend the strange and cryptic messages that the system sent his way. But he was not afraid - he was eager to see where this new adventure would take him.

And then, before he could even finish his thoughts, he was whisked away to a new location.

"Wait, a random place?"

He exclaimed, his voice trailing off as he was shot through the air like a rocket.

He had been hoping to return to the Flame dimension, where he had chosen the fire breathing Lil'zard that killed him.

Just like last time, the world around him distorted and blurred as he tumbled and spun through a cosmic maelstrom.

After what felt like an eternity, the chaos subsided, and Rogi found himself again, standing in a strange, unfamiliar place.

As he expected, a sudden notification appeared.

[ Ding! StupidLove was sent to the Cold Water Cove Cursed Island. Do you want to swipe? ]