
Jjk: Pocket Hunting and Gaming Dimension

Rogi reincarnated into the world of Jujutsu Kaisen as the son of Ogi Zenin and the secret brother of Maki and Mai, whom they didn't know about. At eighteen years old, Ogi took him to the Zenin clan, hoping that he would at least have curse energy, but he didn't. So Ogi decided to give him some money and throw him out of the clan, as Ogi was afraid that he himself might slice the head of his own son. Perplexed, Rogi decided to return to the location of his home on real Earth just to check it out, and to his surprise, he found an old house that was very similar to his own. He decided to purchase it and thoroughly inspect every nook and cranny. To his shock, he discovered that the house was almost identical to his own. Rogi hurriedly went to his room to check the cabinet where his Playstation was, but to his surprise, he found only a mysterious marble.

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Rogi could feel the scorching heat coming from the air, sending waves of warmth that pricked his skin as the system transported him to the Flame Elemental cursed Island.

His eyes scanned the vast expanse, searching for any signs of lurking danger, while also taking in the surroundings, trying to familiarize himself with this new place.

"So, this is the dangerous realm of cursed spirits."

Rogi thought aloud, his voice filled with a mix of wonder and disbelief.

The blue sky stretched above him, a sharp contrast to the stories he had heard of this treacherous world.

He hesitated to admit his surprise, cautious not to appear ignorant, yet the undeniable beauty of the place was unmistakable.

It was a stark change from the monstrous horrors that plagued the Jujutsu Human world.

Suddenly, the mysterious system that had guided Rogi to this cursed spirit realm reappeared, its voice resonating with an otherworldly tone.


[ Before your journey begins, dear StupidLove, you will be given the chance to summon a single shadow. Please choose one of the following endangered creatures:

[ 1. Burning Lil'zard shikigami cursed spirit.

[ 2. Dancing fire phoenix shikigami cursed spirit.

[ 3. Fire Beetle shikigami cursed Spirit. ]

As Rogi let out a relieved breath, he had worried that his lack of skill in the Ten Shadow Technique would leave him stranded in this unfamiliar realm, vulnerable to the hungry appetites of native cursed spirits.

"Please tell me, what kind of creature is this Burning Lil'zard Shikigami?"

Rogi asked, his curiosity sparked, hoping to gain insight into the nature of the shikigami cursed spirit that would be his companion.

Fortunately, the system responded promptly, its pleasant chime echoing through the air.


[ The Burning Lil'zard shikigami cursed spirit possesses a powerful and destructive path of cursed spirit evolution. It is a rare and potent entity, known for its proud and overwhelmingly arrogant nature.

[ Be cautious, as many of these creatures meet a tragic end due to their own hubris. Do you select this mysterious shikigami cursed spirit? ]

Rogi felt a shiver run down his spine, a tingling sensation that filled him with excitement. His hands trembled with a mix of emotions.

However, he quickly regained his composure, focusing on the other option presented to him.

"And what about the second cursed spirit?"

He asked, his voice filled with anticipation.

Once again, the mysterious system provided Rogi with an answer, its ethereal voice echoing like a distant sound.


[ The Dancing fire phoenix shikigami cursed spirit embodies a formidable presence, characterized by grace and mystery in its path of cursed spirit evolution.

[ However, similar to the Burning Lil'zard, it is burdened with pride and arrogance. In their early stages, if they have siblings, they engage in fierce battles to the death, leaving only one survivor or resulting in the demise of both spirits.

[ Will you choose this captivating shikigami cursed spirit? ]

Rogi's gaze shifted between the two formidable options in front of him, a noticeable gulp escaping his throat. The weight of the decision pressed upon him, causing a flicker of uncertainty to dance in his eyes.

"Please enlighten me about the last option, the Fire Beetle cursed spirit," he requested, his voice carrying a hint of hesitation.

Though the idea of acquiring another powerful shikigami cursed spirit intrigued him, the mention of an insect-like creature stirred an unexplained irritation within him. Unsure if this final choice would align with his preferences, he sought further clarification.

The ethereal voice of the system echoed, providing its assessment of the Fire Beetle shikigami cursed spirit.


[ The Fire Beetle shikigami cursed spirit possesses impressive versatility, serving as a valuable asset in providing diverse support.

[ However, it lacks direct combat capabilities, rendering it unable to assist the host in battle.]

The system relayed the information. Rogi's gaze shifted to the Fire Beetle shikigami, his brows furrowing as he contemplated the implications.

The idea of having a companion that could only observe from a distance, offering insignificant aid, seemed unwise.

Especially considering his limited battle experience, he desired a partner who would be indispensable in the face of adversity.

The Fire Beetle shikigami, in its current state, appeared to be nothing more than an unnecessary addition to his arsenal.

"Please inform me of the specific support abilities possessed by this Fire Beetle Shikigami."

Rogi inquired, his mind exploring the possibilities.

Considering the potential usefulness of its supportive role, he wondered if this particular shikigami might prove to be a better choice than the previous two options.

However, to Rogi's surprise, the system's response diverged from his expectations.

As Rogi's brow furrowed, he focused on the display before him, processing the simple response:

[ Random. ]

A moment of contemplation passed, and a resolute realization crystallized within his mind.


Rogi muttered softly to himself, a sense of conviction permeating his voice.

"I was correct in my initial assessment. This is not the shikigami I should choose."

With unwavering resolve, Rogi wasted no time in announcing his decision.

"I choose the first option, the Burning Lil'zard."

He declared, his voice laced with an undeniable sense of confidence.

As a person of planet Earth, Rogi had always been captivated by the allure of dragons and dinosaurs.

Even in infancy, children on his home planet gravitated towards these mythical creatures, their fascination ingrained in their collective consciousness despite never having encountered them in reality.

The essence of dragons and dinosaurs held an indescribable allure, transcending the boundaries of knowledge and experience.

In response to Rogi's resolute choice, the system emitted a sharp beep, acknowledging his decision.


[ The host has selected the Burning Lil'zard shikigami cursed spirit! ]

Rogi's surroundings transformed in an instant, as if he had been engulfed by a swirling vortex of vivid green hues.

His hand tightened into a determined fist, and his eyes gleamed with anticipation.

"This is it."

He murmured fervently, his excitement palpable.

The prospect of summoning the mighty lizard-like shikigami cursed spirit fueled his every fiber, igniting a fire of eagerness within him.

However, contrary to Rogi's expectations, instead of summoning the Burning Lil'zard shikigami cursed spirit, the system propelled him skyward with an unexpected force.


Rogi's senses were overwhelmed by the sudden acceleration, leaving him bewildered and disoriented.


He managed to utter, his voice tinged with surprise.

As he began to comprehend his situation, panic gripped him.

He realized his descent was imminent, but it was too late to brace himself.

With a jarring impact,

Rogi's body collided with the unforgiving ground, splattering into an unrecognizable state.

The air filled with a cloud of dust, obscuring Rogi's vision as he struggled to regain his bearings.

Cough! Cough!

Coughs racked his body, his throat raw from the inhalation of debris.

Gradually, the dust settled, revealing a peculiar sight before him.

Through watery eyes, Rogi spotted a baby lizard gazing back at him, its tiny eyes meeting his own.

Confusion mingled with astonishment as Rogi tried to make sense of the unexpected turn of events.


Rogi awoke from his daze, his mind still reeling from the impact. His face contorted in confusion as the system's voice once again resonated in his ears.


[ Sorcerer StupidLove, please convert the Lil'zard shikigami cursed spirit that has manifested into a shikigami by surviving with a mere one minute duration, and if you fail to do so… StupidLove will die. ]

The system's request to convert the creature left Rogi feeling uneasy and apprehensive. And that laugh, he couldn't help but be scared.

It's like it was toying with him.

"What do you mean convert?"

He asked, his voice barely above a whisper, hoping not to startle the creature that stood before him.

As he gazed at the shikigami, he couldn't help but feel a shiver run down his spine.

The creature was massive, easily the size of a ten-wheeler truck, and as he sized it up, he noticed something crawling on his back. Was it the creature or just his imagination?

Despite his fear, Rogi maintained his composure and tried to gather more information.

"What the hell is this?"

He muttered to himself.

Hoping someone could tell him.

His eyes darted to the creature, which was busy gnawing on something.

He couldn't help but feel a sense of unease, as if he was in the presence of something otherworldly.

Unconsciously, he took a step back, his heart racing in his chest.

As he looked at the creature, he couldn't help but wonder where the fire was.

The system had instructed him to convert the creature, a burning lizard, but all he could see was a normal pinkish, light brown house gecko.

Was he missing something?

Suddenly, Rogi's heart skipped a beat as the creature lifted its giant gecko head and gazed directly at him.

As the creature turned its lizard face around to face him, Rogi unconsciously took a step back, his body trembling with fear.

The creature's innocent expression belied its massive size, and Rogi couldn't help but feel like it was staring right into his soul.

As Rogi tried to gather his thoughts and speak, the creature opened its mouth, revealing something burning inside.

The fire grew bigger and bigger until it was all Rogi could see.

At that moment, he knew he understood why it's called Burning Lil'zard.


He tried to speak, but it was too late.

The burning ball of fire consumed him, and everything went black.


[ You died StupidLove, game over. ]