
Jitsuwa, watashi wa zen pawafuru kunai

In a world where supernatural powers are the norm, Naboru, a young man without any special abilities, survives a life-changing trauma. One night, awakened by an explosion, he discovers his parents murdered by a demonic creature. Six years later, he lives under the protection of a kind old man who has taken him in. After his protector is brutally killed by hostile villagers, Naboru, overwhelmed with grief and guilt, decides to leave his hometown. He embarks on a journey across the world with a singular goal: to avenge his parents and his protector with his own hands. Along the way, Naboru encounters a plethora of unexpected allies and formidable enemies. Each of these encounters shapes his destiny and thrusts him into the heart of an epic quest to uncover his latent powers and save his imperiled world. Amidst betrayals, revelations, and epic battles, Naboru must navigate through fantastical landscapes and complex political intrigues to achieve his ultimate goal. But how can he hope to succeed without any magical abilities? Will he manage to defeat those who took the lives of his parents, and if so, through what stratagem? Dive into the heart of this adventure, where each page leaves you wondering: what will be Naboru's fate in a world ruled by magic?

kytsuu · Aktion
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29 Chs

Chapter 11 Checkmate

...I was desperate. I kept searching for him, but it was futile; he had vanished. I stopped calling out for him; after all, it was pointless. He had abandoned me.

-Abandoned... I'm exaggerating, he didn't come for me, I just imagined things.-

I left the bathroom and gently closed the door behind me. The coldness of the handle seemed to seep into me, chilling my already dark thoughts. I headed towards the stairs, each step echoing like a sentence. But instead of going downstairs to break the news to my master, I decided to go up to my room. I turned towards the stairs leading to the upper floor and climbed them as quietly as possible. My mind was filled with one thought: I needed to get a whip. Maybe by showing even more obedience and submission, my master would have a bit of pity. The door to my room was slightly ajar. Intrigued, I approached slowly and opened it gently. To my great surprise, Naboru was there, sitting on my bed.

"M-M-Monsieur Nabo-"

Before I could finish my sentence, he stood up abruptly and rushed at me, placing his hand over my mouth to silence me.

"Shut up! Do you really want to alert your master?"

He stepped back after a moment, sitting back on the bed.

"Ume, right? I don't have time to explain. Take this and be careful."

He took something out of his leather jacket, something I couldn't clearly see, and hid it under my pillow before leaving to find my master.

"Ume, don't come downstairs unless your master calls you. I'm going to stay alone with him for a while."

I stood there, speechless, still in shock from what had just happened. Naboru seemed rushed and worried, but his words were mysterious. What had he hidden under my pillow? Why had he come to see me in secret like that? I slowly approached my bed, my heart pounding. I carefully lifted the pillow and found a small object wrapped in a fine cloth. My hands trembled as I picked it up, but I didn't dare unwrap it immediately. Naboru closed the door behind him, leaving me alone in my room. I stood there, unable to move, my thoughts swirling around the mysterious object he had left.

☆*: .。.Naboru. .。: *☆

I descended the stairs with calculated ease, each step measured to maintain an impression of calm and control. Upon arriving in the living room, I found the noble seated, his fingers tapping nervously on the armrest of his chair.

"Ah, Monsieur Naboru, I hope everything is alright?"

the noble asked, his tone betraying barely concealed impatience.

I bowed slightly, a polite smile on my lips.

"Everything is fine, thank you for your concern. I just needed a few moments to collect myself."

The noble squinted, his suspicions evident.

"I hope our humble abode suits you. Did you manage to find the restroom after all?"

"Yes, perfectly,"

I replied, my smile widening slightly.

"And allow me to thank you once again for your hospitality. Your home is as impressive as the reputation that precedes you."

The noble raised an eyebrow, intrigued by this remark.

"Really? And what do they say about me, exactly?"

I approached the table slowly, observing the still-steaming cups of tea.

"They speak of your generosity, of course. Of your ability to recognize and cultivate the talents of others. I've heard you have a keen eye for discerning potential in those you meet."

The noble seemed to relax a bit, flattered by these words.

"You are well informed, Naboru. But tell me, what are you really seeking here?"

I locked eyes with the noble, a calculating gleam shining in my gaze.

"I seek to learn from the best. And it just so happens that your reputation as a mentor is legendary. I thought there would be no better place to perfect my education."

The noble remained silent for a moment, evaluating the apparent sincerity of my words.

"You are an ambitious young man, that is clear. But know that under this roof, loyalty and obedience are just as important as ambition."

I inclined my head slightly, my smile taking on a respectful tint.

"Loyalty and obedience, you say? These are virtues I deeply appreciate and respect. And I am ready to prove my worth and my fidelity, if you allow me."

The noble seemed increasingly intrigued by me, his suspicions mingling with a certain admiration.

"Very well, Naboru. You may stay here for the time being. But remember, every move, every word is closely watched."

I smiled, a glint of triumph hidden in my eyes.

"I have no doubt of that, sir. And I am ready to prove that I deserve your trust."

The noble nodded, seeming satisfied for the moment. But I knew this was only the beginning of my intricate game, a game where every move had to be calculated with perfect precision.For me, every interaction was an opportunity to weave a web of manipulation, to delve deeper into the vulnerabilities of those around me. And there was nothing more delightful than watching them struggle, unaware of the invisible hand pulling the strings.

I observed the noble, pondering which thread to pull first.

"I've heard about your business ventures in the region, sir. You have considerable influence, don't you?"

The noble, flattered, replied with a touch of pride.

"Indeed, my enterprises are thriving. But why do you ask, young man?"

I gave a slight smile.

"Let's just say I'm always curious to understand how men of your stature manage to maintain such a balance of power and respect. It's a quality I aspire to develop."

The noble seemed to appreciate this response.

"The key, Naboru, lies in understanding human motivations. Knowing what each person deeply desires allows for subtle influence."

I nodded, feigning admiration.

"You have a fascinating perspective. I would love to learn more from you, if you permit."

The noble pondered for a moment, then nodded.

"Very well. I will give you a chance, Naboru. Show me that you are worthy of my teaching."

I concealed my satisfaction behind a mask of gratitude.

"You won't be disappointed, sir. I promise you that."

Suddenly, he pulled out a magnificent chess set from under his seat and gestured for me to play with him. I understood that this game would be like a test, so I began the opening with confidence, pleased to see that my plan was unfolding as I had hoped.

1. e4 e5

2. Nf3 Nc6

3. Bb5 a6

4. Ba4 Nf6

5. O-O Be7

6. Re1 b5

7. Bb3 d6

8. c3 O-O

9. h3 Na5

10. Bc2 c5

The noble reacted cautiously, defending his central pawns while I reinforced my position. The tension mounted as we progressed in the game.

11. d4 Qc7

12. Nbd2 Nc6

13. d5 Nd8

14. Nf1 Ne8

15. g4 g6

The noble seemed increasingly tense with each move, his eyes fixed on the board with growing worry.

16. Ng3 Ng7

17. Kh2 f6

18. Rg1 Nf7

19. Be3 Bd7

We continued maneuvering our pieces, each move calculated. The noble occasionally spoke, trying to maintain light conversation to mask his growing stress.

20. Qd2 Qc8

21. Rg2 Kh8

22. Rag1 Rg8

23. Ne1 f5

Moves followed one another as the tension heightened. I kept my composure, observing the noble's reactions.

24. gxf5 gxf5

25. exf5 Nxf5

26. Nxf5 Bxf5

27. Rxg8+ Qxg8

28. Rxg8+ Rxg8

Each move brought me closer to my anticipated victory. The noble began to sweat slightly, his hands growing clammy as the game approached its climax.

29. Nf3 Bxc2

30. Qxc2 Rg6

31. Qf5 Kg7

32. h4 Rf6

33. Qg4+ Rg6

34. Qd7 Kf8

The tension in the room was palpable, each move a new step toward the noble's defeat.

35. h5 Rf6

I continued the chess game, focusing on the rising stress of the noble. He started showing obvious signs of nervousness.

36. Kg2 Nxh6

37. Bxh6+ Rxh6

38. Qf5+ Rf6

39. Qxh7 Ke8

40. Qg8+ Rf8

His hands trembled more, his eyes darting across the board, desperately searching for an escape.

41. Qg6+ Kd8

42. Ng5 Bxg5

43. Qxg5+ Ke8

44. Qg6+ Ke7

45. Qe6+ Kd8

I remained calm and focused, knowing the game was soon to be in my favor. The noble was now visibly perturbed, speaking less and losing his initial confidence.

46. Kg3 Rf4

47. Qg8+ Kc7

48. Qh7+ Kd8

49. Qb7 Ra4

Every move I made seemed to intensify the noble's discomfort. He sweated profusely, his voice trembling as he moved his pieces.

50. Qb8+ Kd7

51. Qb7+ Kd8

52. Qc6 Rxa2

53. Qxd6+ Kc8

54. Qxc5+ Kd8

55. Qd6+ Kc8

I noticed he hesitated now, his movements becoming slower and more uncertain. His breathing was rapid and

56. Qxe5 Rxb2

57. d6 Rd2

58. Qe8+ Kb7

59. d7 Rd3+

60. Kf4

The noble was on the brink of collapse. His posture weakened, his gaze vacant and fixed on the board, realizing he was now cornered into an inevitable defeat.I prepared to make my 61st move, sensing victory within reach. I looked the noble directly in the eyes, a slight smile stretching across my lips as the tension in the room grew.

"My good sir, you seem quite fatigued. Would you like to take a break?"

My voice was calm, gentle, almost sympathetic, knowing that every word I uttered amplified his distress.

He suddenly collapsed onto the table, his fingers gripping his hair, his desperate eyes locked onto mine. Beads of sweat rolled down his tense forehead, his breathing becoming labored.

"No, no, we continue!"

He managed to articulate the words with difficulty, a hint of fear piercing through his trembling voice.

Without another word, I rose from my chair and approached him, leaning slightly so our faces were almost at the same level. My eyes bore into his, intensely.

"Are you sure? You don't look well. You should rest,"

I murmured, each syllable spoken with calculated precision, further amplifying the uncertainty tormenting him.

His mouth opened, searching for a response, but no sound came out. His wavering gaze betrayed his thoughts in a heavy silence, the internal struggle between his pride and the reality of his exhaustion visible only to me. I waited, listening attentively to the small sighs escaping his gasping mouth. I stared at him intensely for a moment, then stood up with an exaggeratedly cheerful smile.

"Very well then! Let it be so. After all, I'm in a delicate position, I don't need to give myself a chance to win, do I?"

My voice conveyed a false surrender, a feint to make him believe he still had a chance, even though the game was practically over.

My smile widened slightly, playing on the ambiguity of my words. I knew that every word, every gesture, every expression on my face had to be perfectly calibrated to maintain the pressure on him, to make him doubt, to lead him into making the fatal mistake.I focused intently on the board, calculating each move as we neared the conclusion of this intense game. The noble, increasingly tense, seemed to struggle against the growing pressure. His hands trembled slightly, his eyes fixed with growing anxiety on the pieces that seemed to move of their own accord under my assured fingers.

My move was precise and determined, pushing his pieces into a corner. The noble's forehead glistened with sweat as he tried to think of an adequate response.

He took a moment before making his next move, a desperate attempt to cling to the game slipping from his control.

61... Re3+

His move was defensive, but I saw him hesitate, his eyes desperately searching for a way out as I continued to apply relentless pressure.

62. Kd6

I responded quickly, capturing a minor piece with a barely perceptible smile, reinforcing my dominant position. The noble, now almost out of breath, tried to hide his growing frustration.

62... Rxe8

His move seemed almost resigned, a last-ditch effort to regain the initiative, but I knew the game was sealed.

63. dxe8=Q+

I promoted my pawn to a queen, a move that definitively sealed my advantage. The noble looked at the board, his face showing a mix of disappointment and resignation.

63... Kxe8

He accepted the new reality of his imminent defeat, his hands gripping the edges of the table as he observed the piece he had left.

64. Kc7

I continued to advance confidently, each move reinforcing my inevitable victory.

64... Kf7

He tried to resist once more, but his moves now bore a clear mark of mental fatigue.

65. Qf5+

My queen began to hunt his king across the board, a final dance before the end of the game.

65... Ke7

He moved cautiously, but I knew his time was running out.

66. Qe5+

My queen continued her relentless pursuit, her moves slowly enveloping the noble's king.

66... Kf7

He moved his king once more, his options diminishing with each passing moment.

67. Qf5+

I continued to press, maintaining complete control of the game, my confidence in my strategy shining through with each move.

67... Ke7

He now seemed almost resigned, the final moments of the game ticking away slowly.

68. Qg6

My queen approached the end of the game, her overwhelming power palpable on the board.

68... Kf8

He was about to be mated. His hands were now visibly trembling, his face showing the burden of imminent defeat.

69. Qh7

My queen found a position of complete dominance, an unstoppable threat.

69... Ke8

He seemed almost resigned, his eyes avoiding mine as he looked at the board, perhaps searching for a last escape, but in vain.

70. Kd7

I advanced, putting the noble in a position of inevitable mate. My face remained impassive, my eyes never leaving the board as we approached the final move.

70... Kf8

He made his last move, his shoulders slumping slightly, finally accepting the reality of his defeat.

71. Ke6

My final move was checkmate, ending the game in a crushing victory. I looked at the noble, seated there, resigned and silent. The silence stretched out in the room, broken only by the soft sound of the fallen king, sealing my triumph in this chess match where every move had been calculated to lead to this inevitable conclusion.

The man remained seated, his gaze still filled with surprise and confusion after the abrupt end of the game. His voice trembled slightly as he attempted to find his words:

"Monsieur Naboru, you are..."

I quickly interrupted him, aware that any word from him could disrupt my carefully crafted strategy.

"My dear sir! You are truly a chess genius! Each of your moves was remarkably precise! If you hadn't been so kind as to let me win, I would never have dared to hope for such a brilliant victory! I am infinitely grateful to you."

My praise seemed to ignite something in him, likely bolstering his already inflated self-esteem. He straightened up slightly, a satisfied smile spreading across his face.

"Ahah, indeed, I let you win. But next time, it won't be so easy!"

I took a deep breath; maintaining the charm was crucial.

"Yes, sir, but above all, may I have the honor of knowing the name of the man who pushed me to such a wonderful game?"

He took a moment to reflect, then replied with assurance.

"I am Octavius Lysandros. A pleasure to play against such a skilled opponent."

To be continued...

Hello everyone,

Thank you so much for reading and for your ongoing support. I sincerely hope you enjoyed this chapter and the intricacies of the chess game between Naboru and Octavius Lysandros. Imagining and translating that chess match into words was a monumental challenge. Naboru is a character who finally reveals the extent of his manipulation skills, and writing his strategies required reaching a very high level of thinking.

I had to ensure that each move was plausible and that every interaction reflected subtle tension and manipulation. It was exhausting but incredibly satisfying. Hopefully, Naboru won't manage to manipulate me too in my future writings, haha!

I apologize for this rather short author's note, but I'm really tired after this intense writing session. Thanks again, and see you soon for the next part of our adventure!

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