
Jinv The Vtuber System

-This novel is a fanfic novel. In terms of place, background, characters and everything is made by me and has nothing to do with reality- -Platforms, characters, and things that exist in the real world are all not mine, remember that I'm only making fanfics, not making original works- Short story : Yejin who was crossing was suddenly hit by a luxuriously decorated truck. When only a week came to Parallel he was fired from work and not paid by his boss, Yejin didn't know where else to look but suddenly he met a woman and talked a little, she gave him the same job as Vtuber. When he wanted to audition, he got a System which turned out to be a week late for him. On his journey to become a Vtuber, he meets his moon goddess, Zombie, the peacock goddess, and others. _______ | I'm still a beginner in writing and please if there are shortcomings, please comment suggestions and criticisms! | Don't give a review first, when it reaches 20 chapters please give a review. - Have a nice day!

Aztecs9 · Urban
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17 Chs

Blue Rabbit

Yejinv knew very well that the stranger was sent by Krystal's mother. She thought that this company would go bankrupt if someone else bought this company, but Yejinv bought this company. And Yejinv had to clean his shit.

Everyone was silent when they saw the evidence, those who accused the slander immediately trembled and said that they were only following other people and not on the side of the employee.

Yejinv was disappointed with their nature, he didn't want to waste time arguing with them, he immediately called the police and then the police came, Yejinv checked their minds and it turned out that 30% were people who embezzled company funds and 25% were bribed to follow. 45% of people work here for two years and obey the chairman's orders.

But even though they were obedient and obedient to the previous leader, they also followed other people's words that ignited Yejinv's emotions, their attitude was good and Yejinv would leave her here, but he was disappointed when he saw people looking at him only his child's age.

When everyone left Yejinv and Laura was still at the company, Yejinv fired them all, when they got home they just booed Yejinv which would not make this company move again.

Yejin thought about the name of the company she would manage, after getting a good name in her mind she stood up from the chair and looked at the window of the company saying to Laura, "Laura, change the name of this company to...Everlast..."

"All right, Chief."


"Is it necessary to recruit new employees, Chairman?" Laura said, according to Yejinv Laura is like an obedient robot, she doesn't care if Yejinv wants this company to be destroyed, she can destroy it right away.

"Not for now." Yejinv said calmly.

'Stock prediction'

[June 30 will see a spike in shares of Props group companies]

June 30th means a week later, System said that it is 98.5% accurate so he will buy it without hesitation, he asked Laura beside "What is the total assets of the company?"

"Currently, the company's total assets are 500 billion rupiah."

"Take 450 billion to buy Props group shares, wait a week then sell immediately, don't wait until the next day because it will immediately jump back down again."

"This..." Laura hesitated a little, because she only saw Yejinv think for a while then utter a sentence that took her by surprise.

"Do not you believe?" Yejinv smiled glancing at him.


"I'll be in charge."

Laura sighed saying, "Sure."

Laura left Yejinv alone in the office, Yejinv who was left alone finally finished his work. He stayed in the company until the sun was about to set.

"Laura, are you done?"

"That's all, Chief." Laura nodded her head.

"Let us go home."

Laura drove Yejinv to the gate of the community, and he had to walk back again, halfway he saw a familiar car coming towards him.


"Eh? Aunt? Uncle?" Yejinv saw that he was surprised, he didn't expect that it was Nabila's parents who approached him.

"It turned out to be really you, come on in." Ibu Nabila said, Yejinv didn't hesitate, he immediately got into the car and was asked a lot of questions.

"Where did you come from?" Said Mrs. Nabila.

"From Orchid street."

Nabila's mother was surprised, "Why did you go all the way there?"

"That..." Yejin didn't know how to explain, Nabila's mother saw that Yejin was awkward and felt that this was her secret so she didn't have to interfere.

"Don't talk about it, it's fine."

Yejin felt guilty for not answering, but somehow she had to keep it a secret until her name was recorded in history.

Arrived home after chatting a little with Nabila's parents. Yejin saw that there was only Lulu in the living room and not Nabila.

After greeting Lulu he went up to the second floor and entered his room, he saw the door was slightly ajar and was afraid something would happen he went straight in.

He saw Nabila sitting in front of the computer while eating snacks. Nabila who heard the sound of the door opening immediately looked back and her face was cheerful again.

She jumped from the chair and came to Yejinv with a hug, Yejinv caught her and stroked his hair, his hair smelled so good, "Why are you in my room?"

"I was waiting for you to come home." Nabila rubbed her chest with her head.

"Isn't it just a few hours?"

"Just a few hours, but for me a week."

"Nabila, since when did you become spoiled like this?" Yejin said to Nabila, Nabila just remembered then she let go and threw all the mattress pillows at Yejinv, they fought until someone called them.

"You guys come down, don't make children first!" Nabila's mother shouted, it was heard throughout the room until the two people who were fighting stopped.

Nabila ran out of the room after throwing all the mattress pillows, she argued with her mother because of a misunderstanding, Yejin also came down but she calmly played with Lulu on the sofa.

Nabila's phone rang on the sofa while Nabila was with her mother in the kitchen, after a debate she helped her mother, Yejin took her cellphone and saw her contact name, it turned out that it was the blue rabbit. Yejin tried to pick it up.

"Hello?" Yejin called.

"Hello, who?" The blue rabbit answered in Japanese.

"I'm a plumber." Yejin changed him voice to an ordinary man with a Japanese accent.

"Please, can you call the owner of this cellphone?"

"Okay wait."

Yejin got up and walked towards the kitchen, when he got there he gave the phone to Nabila.

"Who?" Nabila took the cellphone from Yejin's hand.

"Blue rabbit." Immediately Nabila understood, Yejin went to the living room again, eating snacks with Loli who accompanied her.

Every now and then he even kissed her cheek and touched her like a doll, "Lulu, when Lulu is big, will Lulu leave Big Brother?"

Lulu who was wearing a calm expression while watching tv suddenly turned to Yejin and put on a sad expression.

"No, Lulu will still accompany older brother, even though Lulu is an adult." Lulu hugged Yejin, Yejin who was hugged felt happy, her body was very soft and her appearance was like an innocent doll.

Nabila suddenly came from behind and whispered to Yejin, "Come on, they are already waiting at the Terysu hotel."


I updated one first. Uh, I have an exam tomorrow, but I'll try to update.