
Jericho The game god

Jericho was known as the most wanted man on the planet, until he died. Now equipped with the gamer god system he goes 1000 years in his planets history. will he change it for good? Or will he change it for his selfish desires? Only time will tell. I own the plot, the characters, world and etc, any references to any anime or other things goes to their rightful owners. . And feed back is welcomed! Tags, OP MC, overpowered MC, God MC, reincarnation, and Magical world

DraciBloodsworn · Fantasie
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32 Chs

Sulcan 14 the end of an ark

"A mortal who has the power to fight gods?" the Voice gained a curious tone as it spoke.

"No that doesn't make much sense I would have heard of you before. Maby a demi-god going through his rebellious phase perhaps?" 

Ariock said nothing.

"Not quite right then. What could you be?...Ahhhh I know."

Out of nowhere a hand grabbed Ariocks face and slammed him into the floor with enough force that it made a crater three times the size of the one Gora's clone died in.

The sensation of pain ripped threw his head as he groaned in agony from the force of the impact. He felt numbness spread throught his body and his vision went blurry. He felt blood trickle down his face and oozing from his head. Clearly his skull had been cracked.

All that was from one attack which wasn't even a punch.

As his eyes regained clarity he was meet face to face with the real Gora.

Her hair was pitch black and short, her eyes being the same color but with a crazed glint in them that radiated pure insanity, her skin if it could be called that anymore was a tar like substance that would drip pieces off occasionally, and finally her face was a disgusting mix of human and something else.

All in all Gora was an ugly son of a bitch.

And currently she was smiling.

Not a kind one mind you, but a sadistic and twisted one.

As if she had sensed Ariocks thoughts Gora tightened her grip with her slime-like hand, making Ariock wince.

"It's not nice to judge a lady by her looks you know" Gora said with a pout that would have looked cute if she wasn't so, well...Slimey.

Growling Ariock tried to force himself up but was denied as Gora increased the amount of force pushing him down immediately.

"Were do you think your going? Trying to leave little old me? You should be ashamed. I hadn't had company in the longest time. I'm sure you can spare time to have a little fun can't you, little godling?"

Gora said while licking her lips.

Ariock paled considerably  when he heard Gora figured out he was a god, but then calmed himself.

He would not let some crazy ass goddess get the better of him and he sure as hell wouldn't die by one either.

Sensing the amount of power Gora currently held  Ariock couldn't help but gulp slightly. Even when she was weakend she was at the peak of mid-tier gods.

He himself was a high tier god, but there was no way in hell he'd resort to using his full power.

If he did the god's would be on his ass not even five seconds after he released his power.

So instead Ariock released one of his final limiters.An: will explain in info chapter

Right after he released it Gora felt a large build up of energy from Ariock and jumped back to avoid what ever he was doing.


This was a good call on her part as not even a second later a large a large explosion of energy came out of him, creating a large dust cloud.

Gora swiped her hand dispersing the cloud and raised an eyebrow at Ariock's new look.

The wounds that previously littered his body were healed, his eyes that were original different now both are reptilian, his skin turned super pale, and his mouth which was formed into  a bloodthirsty grin had sharp fangs and a forked toung.  

Gora didn't get to even say anything before Ariock was in her face winding up a powerful kick.


Gora was able to block it with no damage to her self but she couldn't say the same for there environment as that single kick made a crater at least 100ft in diameter.  

Ariock noticing this growled in annoyance and using his remaining momentum tried to slash Gora with his Epee.


Gora just smiled teasingly as she caught the sword between her fingers.

"You have a good weapon Godling but compared to my old one's it's nothing but a toy." She said while smirking.

Gritting his teeth Ariock silently casted the highest tier speed and power enhancement he could do in his current state.

(Speed boost x 100) (power boost x 100) !


In a instant the ground beneath Ariock shattered as he vanished. 

*Blam*Blam*Blam* Boom*

With some slight difficulty Gora was able to block most the incoming attacks, however a nasty roundhouse kick landed on her back.

This gave Ariock enough time to cast a powerful magic spell, one that can give him the chance to re-seal Gora.

(Perfect clones x 1000)

The whole floor was filled to the brim with Ariock's a second later.

The real Ariock dropped to his knees in pain. Usually a spell like this would barely take anything from his reserves, however this wasn't like normal spells. Instead of taking energy from his mana it came from his soul.

This is too make a perfect clone that is exactly the same as the original down to the soul.

As you would imagine this spell takes it's toll.    

Ariock didn't have time to rest up though as he had a goddess to seal.

Ariock commanded all except 10 clones to distract Gora as he set up the seal.

All 990 clones nodded before charging at Gora whom had a smile on her slimy face.

As that was happening Ariock and his ten clones got to work.

(With Gora)

Gora smiled as she thrusted her hand through another one of Ariock's clones killing him instantly.

"This is the most fun I've had in ages!" She screamed  happily while kicking a clone in the chest caving it in killing him.

She had already killed around 50 clones and she was enjoying herself thoroughly. She couldn't wait to show her thanks by killing the original!

Gora's mad fantasy was interrupted when a literal tsunami of blue fire came spiraling to her.  

Grin widening Gora decided to have some fun.

Putting her hand on the ground Gora pulsed her magic energy and watched in glee as a similar sized tsunami of stone formed and shot straight at the blue fire tsunami.


When the two tsunamis of magic hit each other it caused colossal explosion that utterly demolished the area.

Seeing the destruction Gora laughed loudly in joy.

The explosion not only caused a nearly 500ft crater to appear but it created a giant mushroom cloud.

After calming down from her destruction high she Looked around herself and smiled even wider than ever before.

Hundreds of clones came running from all directions ready to kill her and end this long fought battle.

Gora simply held her hand out as if she were grabbing something.

"Because you have entertained me godling I will show you what a true goddess of murder is like."

With that a unreal pressure came into being as Gora summoned her weapons Aku and Hao, but this time they were the real deal.

Gora's power shot to the moon as she gripped her weapons in both hands.

"Now then godling let's dance."

Then she was gone.

No cracking of the ground, no swoosh, just gone.

The clones were confused, did she leave?

They got there answer when heads started to fly, literally.

One by one the clones were beheaded not even knowing how they died.

It was a one-sided slaughter.

That didn't stop the clone from trying though.

In the end it was futile because no matter what the clones did she bulldozed right through them with ease.

(Back with Ariock)

Ariock and his clones had finally finished the seals required to stop this fight.

The seals where on a rectangle shaped piece of paper and had the Japanese symbols for transfer, suppression, coma, full counter, and protection.    

The problem was getting the seals on Gora to get it to work.

But he had a plan.

Looking at his clones they nodded already knowing what to do.

The clones ran off into the decreasing hoard of clones while giving a thumbs up to the original.

Ariock could only hope that his plan would work.

(back with Gora)

Gora was getting bored with her new playthings. At first it was all fine and dandy murdering clone after clone but it became bland rather quickly. She tried to kill each clone in a unique way but she eventually ran out of ideas.

She was dissapointed and decided to destroy her new toy.

Gathering a large amount of energy Gora stabbed her swords into the ground.

The swords pulsated with raw magical power as Gora pumped more and more magic into them.

Then with a cruel smile Gora said" It's been fun but I  really must finish this up. You understand right? The duty of a goddess never ends. I've got chaos to spread, murders to do, and gods to kill."

Right before Gora had the chance to destroy the rest of the clones the ten clones that were with the original busted out of the ground and slapped all ten seals on the ground in a circle. 

Each clone directed there remaining magic into the seals destroying them and activating the seals.

Ten beams of energy pierced the ceiling and went into the sky before connecting and forming a hollow rectangle around Gora and reducing in size.

Gora's however wasn't worried in the slightest. In fact she was laughing.

" Do you really think you can re-seal me godling? Last time it took three of the oldest, wisest, and best sealing gods in god plane to get rid of me. So you a godling that barely has any true understanding of their god powers think they can seal me. Cute, but stupid."

Finished with her rant Gora casually slashed at the barrier thinking it would break upon impact.


Instead of breaking like she thought it actually deflected the attack making her stagger backwards.

"The hell" Gora said in confusion.

Gora attacked again but with much more force.

*Boom*Swoosh* Boom*

This time there was a reaction just not the one she expected. The full force of her attack and then some was flung right back at her in the form of a blast of invisible energy.

She tanked the blast but grunted in pain when she did so.

"Okay first of all ow. Secondly the fuck is with this barrier." She said in a pissed off tone of voice.

Frustrated at not being able to destroy the barrier easily she decided to use everything she had. 

Gora's magical energy suddenly skyrocketed and the ground around her began to crack under the pressure.

Then she reigned all her power into two points, her swords.

Gripping the swords tightly and putting them parallel to each other she said one word.


  In a flash of light so bright one could mistake it as the sun the two swords became one.

When the light dimmed a new sword was held in Gora's hands.

In a word it was magnificent.

The sword was a mixture of pitch black darkness and a pure white abyss. The sword did not radiate power but instead dominance.


With a single motion of the sword a wave of energy so powerful that it made the clones feel small impacted the barrier and shatterd it.

Well at least that's what Gora thought was gonna happen.

To her surprise and horror the barrier not only survived but didn't even have a scratch.

To make matters worse for Gora it sent her attack right back at her stronger than the original.


Gora was slammed into the ground when the redirected attack hit her, leaving her dazed and very pisses off.

When she snapped out of it Gora sat up and glared at the barrier.

"I've got to say they don't call you the goddess of murder for no reason do they?" The original Ariock said as he appeared via teleportation.

Switching her glare from the barrier to Ariock , Gora snarled before talking.

"What the hell kind of barrier is this."

Ariock smiled and wagged his finger as a parent does when their scolding a child.

"That would be telling and even of I did you wouldn't be able to get out anyway. But you never know. However I will tell you it's name."

Gora listened closely hoping this might give her a chance to escape.

"(God's prison) is the name of the seal. It's of my own creation. Pretty nice don't yah think." 

Gora Frowned.

"What does it do exactly". Gora asked.

"Well i- ha you think I'd tell you? What do you take me for some cliché villain from a comic? Like hell I'd tell you how it worked." Ariock said with tone of voice that suggested he really disliked stupid villains.

Gora couldn't help but be astonished at the fact he said that. Previously every time she asked for a person's plan they'd just tell her, then she'd figure out a way to get around it.

So why didn't this guy do just that.

While Gora pondered why she couldn't get him to tell what the barrier does, Ariock was ordering his remaining clones around so that they could repair the temple to the best condition possible.

After a few minutes of clean up the temple was good as new, and  decked out with booby traps that could kill anyone less than a god.

Ariock tapped on the barrier to get Gora's attention.

Glaring at Ariock she growled before asking what he wanted.

"what do you want Godling"

Raising a eyebrow Ariock said" nothing really just gonna tell you that I'm leaving. And that even if you did somehow figure out how to escape you'd have to do it ten different times."

Gora's eyes widened in anger.

"Fuck. You."

Ariock faked being hurt before teloporting back to Sulcan.   

(Meanwhile pov ???)

A man stood atop the tallest building in Sulcan looking over it's  citizens as they delt with the remaining parasites with a snarl.

The man had glistening black hair that reached his shoulders, brown eyes that held distaste, a rough looking face with a slight stubble, white skin, a average build, a height of 6"1', and a mouth that was curled down into a frown.

He wore a black T-shirt, black pants,a large brown trench coat that went down to just above his black shoes, a black fedora, and a pair of black fingerless gloves.

He held no weapons.

Over all he looked very edgy.

Moving on the man suddenly snapped his head east and stared for a while.

Like I said edgy.

The man frowned even further as he said in a deep intimidating tone  " It seems both Kumo and Gora had failed to carry out the plan. Disappointing but not completely unexpected."

Turning his head to look behind him he spoke" don't you agree Xavier?"

A figure suddenly shimmered into existence behind the black hair man.

The figure wasn't very tall, he stood at 5"7' and most of his appearance was hidden because of his attire.

He wore a very dark blue to the point of being almost black, ninja gear. Like you'd expect of a ninja his face was hidden and his voice muffled. The only thing that showed were piercing blue eyes.  

Blue eyes staring into brown ones the ninja named Xavier spoke" I do, it seems that your theory was correct, Lex. Sulcan really does have it's own guardian deity."

The man now named Lex just nodded before saying" So what does this mean for the plan? Are we changing it?"

Xavier shook his head.

"No. We're sticking to the plan but we will need something to distract the resident god or goddess."

Lex thought for a moment before getting an idea.

"You know about the hero summoning ritual that is used every so often right?"

Nodding Xavier repiled " Yeah every one does. What about them?"

Smirking Lex continued" Think about it the hero ritual only summons the most good and best people from other worlds , times, etc. But here's the thing most of the time when they are summoned there both naive and weak given only one random ability."

Xavier raised an eyebrow.

"I don't think I'm following you Lex. Why would we summon a hero?"

Sighing Lex went on.

" We can use them. If we can convince the hero that this god/Goddess is evil then we can get them to fight."

A look of realization crossed Xavier's face before he frowned slightly.

"Wouldn't the god/Goddess just kill them instantly and be done with it?"

A grin stretched across Lex's face.

" Have you ever heard of the relics of Sulcan the items capable of hurting a god?"

By the way guys the new chapter will be out fornTrue instant mastery tomorrow.

Anyway P.E.A.C.E. and leave a suggestions.

DraciBloodsworncreators' thoughts