

Jisoo: are you not hungry? 'asked Jennie'

Jennie: u-uhm not really.

Jisoo: *stand up and go to the food counter* *go back and handed an ice cream to Jennie*

Jennie: huh, for me? An ice cream?

Jisoo: ne, you look so sad that's why I gave you that.

Jennie: thank you *scoop an ice cream* *smile to Jisoo*

Jisoo: you like it?

Jennie: ne, it's my favorite flavor.

Rosé: *looked at Jensoo and feel jealous*

Jisoo: do you like milk?

Jennie: ne but for the ice cream only.

Lisa: *copying Jennie in sarcastic tone * nye, but for the ice kyem onye.

Jennie: *death glare to Lisa*

Lisa: *ignore Jennie*

*Time skipped -at the nightclub-*

Jinyoung: hey Lisa, do you see that girl at the counter?

Lisa: *drinking beer* *looking at the girl from her back* yeah, what about her?

Mark: come on bro, you know what he mean.

Lisa: *smirk* tss…

Mark: just invite her to join us since she was alone there.

Got 7: go Lisa! *Cheering*

Lisa: okay, okaaay fine! *Stand up and walk with charm towards the girl*

Girl: *notice a pretty girl who looks very cool and charming in her suit who sit beside her*

Lisa's POV

I walk straight and sit beside that girl. Pull my hands out from my pocket and sign a 2 glass of champagne to the waiter. Give an eye contact and a charming smile to the girl and offer a handshake. The girl seductively hold my hand pull me to the dance floor and start dancing around me with seducing eye contact. The upbeat music ends and the next song is a slow-paced type. I wrap my right arm around her waist while holding her right hand with my left hand and her right hand on my shoulder.

You seem pretty cool, huh 'I said it softly into her ears'.

You look so handsome in your suit 'she said'.

We exchange conversation throughout the song and go back to our seat. I give her a glass of champagne *notice my friends waiving at me and I ignore them*

By the way I haven't introduce myself to you *chuckle* I'm Lisa and you are?

*tasting her champagne and then touch her lips* I'm Momo, nice to meet you Lisa *wink*

A-actually I'm with my friends, would you mind if I'll introduce you to them?

I would like too but it will be better if we get to know more each other first *seductive tone*

She kissed me and there's nothing I can do but to respond. I can see my friends cheering up on me like they've seen a couple kissing on the screen in a baseball game.

*Pull from the kiss* I-I think we need to get some room.

You want some more huh…. I like that, okay let's go to my place *seductive tone*

Oh shit, what did I just have said? Oh Fuck….. So we leave the club and go to her place. When we arrived to her place we went straight to her room while we are kissing. She push me on her bed and take off her dress. She was so hot and seductively getting me. She go on top of me and we aggressively kissing each other while I'm caressing her boobs. I take off my suits, leaving my underwear and continually kissing each other. My hands slowly go down and caress her slit and I heard her moan. She continually kissing me go down to my neck while she's removing my underwear. She go down to my boobs and suck it. She started licking my chest down to my abs, down to my clit. I'm holding my breath as she was sucking and licking my clit. She's getting faster and I can feel the burning sensation. I moaned and gripped her head closer to me. Damn good it was paralyzing, she was about to enter her finger into my slit but I stop her. I told her that she's the only girl who made it this far but I can't still let her to fully get me. I was back in my sense, she looks more seducing and thirst. She stood up and get a glass of champagne.

I'll let you go now but I promise I'll get you no matter what 'she whispered and lick my ears'.

I stood up and get my clothes, I didn't mind what she have said. I wore my clothes and leave her house.

*Time skipped -at the school-*

Lisa: *sit on Jennie's chair*

Jisoo: *confused* why are you there?

Lisa: why? Am I not allowed to sit here? Just let me sit beside you just for today unnie coz I have something to ask you about our lesson *convincing eyes*

Jennie: *ignore Lisa and sit on Lisa's chair* *mumbling* I'm so done with you.

Lisa: Chong-ah careful there's a mad cat beside you, she might bite you *chuckle*

Rosé: Lisa stop that…

Yugyeom: eeeey…. How was your last night? You didn't introduce her to us and you just leave us. So how was it? *Teasing Lisa*

Jackson: well I guess it was intense *look into my neck*

Lisa: *death glare to both of them telling to shut up*

Jisoo: *put some bandage on my neck*

Lisa: thank you unnie *take a glance on Rosé who looks disappointed and I said it was nothing*