
127 days to go

18 week for new year and Jee exam

I created this writing site for myself to remind me of things I am doing wrong therefore it's more like a diary. So if you are not interested in Jee which is held in India then I recommend you to leave.

I am Jee 2024 aspirant. Studying from Physics Wallah. I am repeater and didn't do well in this year exam and getting engaged in useless activities this year also wasting this year. Hardly 4 months are left and 80% of syllabus is left I believe I may not able to complete but I'd rather try than give up that's what I think for now which changes every second. I feeling quite depressed lately and am here release my frustrations and set my life in stone

Intro ends

2 Sept 2023

8:00 p.m.

I am studying oc(organic chemistry) but cannot seem to focus on it. Tomorrow is mock test with 90 question. I know I can't do the test as I have not revised a lot of things so I am going to cheat.

I have cheated in lot of previous mock tests but still all questions are not answered in Google. Can't say I am trying my best but nothing gonna change tomorrow either way. I truly want to score on these tests without cheating.

I want to complete my backlogs so I made some plans but there is 98% chance of failure and only 2% chance of sucess it all depends on me if I am truly able push myself to limits of my brain.

Hmm really it looks impossible.😔 Well whatever

My next subject to read is physics at 9:00 p.m

10:00 pm

I studied physics for 1 hr still didn't complete most of the part I was imagining writing things for this diary there is lot much left .I will do it after eating I don't have time but let's see I am reviewing the notes given.

12:00 pm

Well I took my maths and physics copy with me but ... I studied nothing. I watched YouTube or act like I was asleep. Damn it I feel annoyed I have no intention of studying like this I skip my 1 hr of sleep just to sleep while studying. I just .. can't bear with this behaviour of myself