
Jayden King - Rise of The Reegan

A young charming yet mean student bullies a student to his death and suffers consequences he never imagined he would and triggers a curse now he has a destiny, the only path to redeem himself, and the only way to find peace is to follow the path.

Mayali1512 · Fantasie
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50 Chs

The Beginning

Carrying millions of tears in her eyes Rose kept running until she reached her home, there was a bench in front of her home where she'd sit often, this was the place where she used to video chat with Felix often and this was where she used to sit whenever she felt down, but this time she saw Hawkbone sitting there.

She slowly approached him and sat beside him, she wiped her tears.

Albert handed over an envelope in her hand "Open it just then, when you are ready" He stood up "Open it just when you think about giving up, even when you are holding a knife to your throat, or you are pointing a gun at your own skull!" He walked away.

Rose was surprised because she felt like giving up multiple times, every time when she felt down Felix knew how to bring light into her darkest times but this time, she was on her own.

She wanted to open the envelope but she was scared and confused, she was not ready to hear something that she never expected, she's been through so much already.

Afterward, she was sitting in front of her mirror "I can't do it right now" She placed the envelope in the drawers when she heard someone knocking.

It was her grandmother "How was your party?" She asked but she noticed redness in her eyes.

"What happened?" She asked.

Rose placed her chin on her granny's shoulder when she wrapped her arms around her "Oh my little Rose" She sighed.

"I miss Felix" She whispered.

Rita was ranting about what happened between Jayden and her with her roommate Claire who was preparing lunch for both of them.

"What a normal person does when someone snatches something from them?" She poured the beaten eggs with the rest of the ingredients in the frying pan.

"They let go!" Rita blurted.

Claire patted her on the shoulder "Exactly! And this is exactly what you should do! You need to let go?" She said smiling.

Claire was just looking out for her friend, she had no clue that she actually gave her an idea, an awful idea that she wasn't even aware of.

Rita hopped on her toes and kissed Claire on her forehead "You are the best" she grabbed her bag.

"At least eat something?" She stopped her but she didn't stop.

"Not hungry!" She yelled from outside of the door and left.

After waiting for a long time, the day of the competition finally arrived, Jayden always hits his target with a cool mind but this time he was nervous, maybe because he never performed in front of the entire school. But he was not an ordinary teenager. He knew how to handle pressure, but something was really off with him today.

This wave of excitement and nervousness kept hitting him from time to time until it was time for him to go out in the field, it was like a small stadium, they usually save it for sports and competitions.

There were students, and their families cheering up for the contestants.

His heartbeats were raising, and he kept telling himself that he can take it but it wasn't working for him, he was standing side by side with 4 more students including Jayden's true competition, Xavier.

If he wins all 3 rounds he will qualify for the greater tournament that will be held between Deep Lake High School and a few more schools from different states.

He held the bow tightly and looked around, everyone was cheering for him and other students.

There were 5 targets in front of each contestant, and behind those targets was a wall at a lot of distance, a strong wall, to avoid any accidents.

As the countdown began, all of the contestants aimed for the target.

When they released the string arrow went straight toward the target which had 7 circles, few of them were successfully hitting under the third circle, Xavier's arrow landed straight across the bullseye, while Jayden's arrow was nowhere to be seen, instead there was a hole on the bullseye.

Everyone was shocked including the coach and participants, the arrow not only landed on the wall but it was also burning, no one could understand what happened.

"What the hell did you do?" The coach grabbed Jayden with his arm.

"I don't know sir it seemed slippery" Jayden lied because he knew it had to do something with him being a wolf.

They postponed the match, it was something that couldn't be shaken off, so they needed to investigate what happened, and before they could find an answer they had to cancel the upcoming matches.

Xavier gave him a stare of horror while throwing away his bow.

All the participants were called into the office after waiting for a while the detective arrived, Jayden saw him through the window, it was his first meeting with Jayden.

"Shit!" one of the boys murmured.

"What is it?" Jayden asked when the boy answered him.

"It is Hawkey the crazy man who claims to be a ghost hunter" His words terrified Jayden, but he stayed calm.

"Supernatural Hunter" Albert cleared his throat, as he entered the office.

"How could he listen to my whispers?" The boy got scared.

"And can see in the dark!" Hawkbone smiled gently when the Principal walked in.

His eyes were stuck on Jayden, after all the questions and answers he asked for the arrow.

"There's nothing left of it! Nothing but the ashes!" Principal Julian Grey exclaimed.

"Show me where the ashes are?" He asked when a female teacher lead him all the way to the stadium.

He crouched and took out a flask from his pocket, he gathered the ashes, as much as the flask could carry, and walked back to the principal who was standing in the distance with all five of the students.

"It has no oil on it!" He always had this annoying smile on his face that never goes away for a second.

This made Jayden uncomfortable, it burned because of its speed, and it was the fastest arrow ever shot.

"What?" Principal turned his head toward Jayden who was staring at the floor and had a lot of sweat all around his face, he couldn't believe what he heard "So this means no more cancellations?" He asked.

"Of course not!" He smiled.

"I am sorry for wasting your time!" Principal tossed his head.

"An apology wouldn't make up for my time?" Albert's eyes were stuck on Jayden's face.

"I'm sorry?" Principal bent his head as if he misheard something.

"Perhaps! You can let me borrow your fastest archer for 2 minutes?" He smiled.

Jayden knew he's in trouble but everyone who was worried before was now proud of Jayden.