
Jayden King - Rise of The Reegan

A young charming yet mean student bullies a student to his death and suffers consequences he never imagined he would and triggers a curse now he has a destiny, the only path to redeem himself, and the only way to find peace is to follow the path.

Mayali1512 · Fantasie
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50 Chs

Left Alone

Jayden got straight to his home, in the bathroom he was standing in front of the mirror.

He was breathing heavily, he was angry his skin was burning inside and his jaws tightening, he grunted like an animal when he faced the mirror he saw his eyes were glowing green, his bones were cracking, and there was rage boiling with his blood inside, if he hadn't left this could be Benjamin's last night.

He unlocked his fists and saw blood coming out of his palms, in anger he didn't know his nails grew up and they cut his palms deep enough that they started to bleed.

He stepped away from the mirror and looked at his hands "What is happening to me" As he whispered he realized he wasn't talking in his own voice, there were two voices coming out of his mouth as if a monster is speaking with him inside his throat.

When he realized he might have become a monster last night, he felt dizzy knowing if he had killed someone he could do it again.

"What am I going to do?" He thought and for his mom's safety he left the house through his window, he ran over the hills.

He kept running until he reached an area covered with woods, there was an opening underground, and when he entered he realized it was a cave.

He spent all night there waiting for the morning so he could go back, he was even afraid to be near anywhere around people, especially his family.

In the morning when he entered his home, he found his mother sitting on the sofa with her hands folded around her stomach.

"Mom I.." He had just opened his mouth but his mother stopped him from speaking.

"I know what you did…" She spoke.

"You do?" He was confused, how could she know what he did when no one else knew, maybe Benjamin turned it all on him, he thought.

"Yes, and I am not mad at you!" She continued.

"What?" His jaws dropped with surprise.

"Yes, he was scaring a poor girl, and making fun of someone's death, he deserved it!" When she spoke further he realized she was talking about what happened with Benjamin last night "But honey…" She stood up and approached him patting his face with her fingertips "We can't go around strangling people, don't do that again" She politely warned him.

"Mom!" Jayden was Mama's boy he never kept anything from her, he wanted to tell her what happened but he didn't, he was afraid to lose her, he thought what if she never love him again, knowing the fact that he killed someone and he is a monster now, so he decided to stay quiet for now.

"What?" She asked.

"I love you," He said and his mom hugged him.

"I love you too honey"

Felix's death turned Jayden's world upside down, he was a completely different person now, the guy who used to walk with his head high kept his head down in the school today.

"Hey!" Monty came out of nowhere when Jayden was lost in thoughts in the canteen "Wassup buddy?" he smashed a slap on his back, "Don't worry I am not staying with them I don't like making fun of the dead either" He winked.

He had no one else but his mother and Monty, Jayden's father left the town for some work, so it was just him and his mom, his absence was another reason for Jayden being this wild and mean.

Anyway, that day Jayden didn't talk much, he mostly listened to Monty talking about his video games "I have an idea! Let's have a game night" Monty's offer wasn't right according to the situation but Jayden took his offer, he wanted to escape his thoughts.

At night they both had so much fun playing video games, after an hour Jayden decided to rest, he had no sleep last night and his head was spinning.

"What if we get…." Monty was not mentioning it but he wanted drugs.

"No! Not today" Jayden refused within a second.

"Come one man just one…" before Monty could say what he wanted to say Jayden turned his head toward Monty with anger.

"I said no!" He kind of scold him, and that scared him.

"Okay okay calm down" He left the room.

Jayden was getting angrier easily, and more than usual, the word drugs reminded him of Felix's death, his face wouldn't get out of his head and eyes, "No!" He yelled and a growl came out of his mouth, he felt his hands cracking and bones shifting from one place to another.

He fell on his knees and his bones started cracking, he jumped out of the window and stumbled all the way to the same cave where he spent last night.

He hid there, his body was hurting so much, both his skin and muscles were stretching, and his bones were breaking, he couldn't bear the pain, in the end, he fainted.

He woke up when the sun was rising, but he was not in the cave, he was again in his bedroom, he had no clothes on but he was covered with a bed sheet.

When he caught his senses he rushed out to see his mother, she was in the kitchen she was drinking coffee, Jayden wrapped the sheet around his body tightly and walked toward his mother with heavy feet.

"Mom!" He called out to her.

She slowly turned her head his way "Good morning" She said.

He didn't respond, he lowered his head down and started crying, and fell to his knees.

His mother approached him and sat beside him, he rested his head on her shoulder "Mom! I've done something really bad!"

She stayed quiet so he could take it off his chest, the burden that was crushing him "Mom! It was me… I killed Felix"

"Ssh, It's alright." She calmed him down gently while her own eyes were flooded with tears.

"Did you know?" He noticed she was calm.

"When you turned into a wolf I was the one you came to first, I recognized your clothes, I was scared. I saw you coming inside through the door, you stared at me, I was so sure you are gonna tear me apart but… you didn't!" She patted his forehead with her palm they stayed quiet like that for a couple of minutes, he kept crying until his heart was at ease.

"I didn't want to kill him mom, I had no idea things would go that far and I swear if I could do anything to bring him back I would" He was sobbing breathlessly.

"I know my sweet little boy, I know." She gently patted his cheek.

Talking about it made him feel better, and now he knew he was a werewolf, but he was never as human inside as he was now since after turning into a wolf.

The surprising part for him was that his mother knew everything and still tried to keep it to herself, just to wait for her son to open up.

Jayden's father was loving and caring but he was really busy and Jayden wanted him with his family that's why he was never close to his dad but his mom was everything to him, best friend, mother, sister and what not.