
Jayden King - Rise of The Reegan

A young charming yet mean student bullies a student to his death and suffers consequences he never imagined he would and triggers a curse now he has a destiny, the only path to redeem himself, and the only way to find peace is to follow the path.

Mayali1512 · Fantasie
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50 Chs

Back to the Beginning

After following the entrance behind the boulder, there was a staircase, going all the way to the front of the Island. The staircase was clean and newly built. It was impressive for them to see such a cleanly built place.

They headed up with their weapons armed, they were prepared for their reception by cannibals, but to their surprise, there was no one around, it felt as if the entire island has been wiped out.

Even the river was running again, there was no ice covering the river.

They got closer to the river but there was no boat left, they started hearing strange voices as if something new is coming to hunt the.

Emric got in front of them and blew a whistle with his finger and thumb in his mouth, Jayden couldn't understand what was the reason behind his whistling then in the deep silence rose a neighing of horses, from farther away.

And within the next few minutes from the right side of the river, they saw horses running on top of the water approaching them, within a few minutes horses reached, Emric proudly turned his face to Jayden.

One of those horses had long hair and it was as white as snow, it belonged to Emric.

The second one was golden and shiny as if it had a skin made of silk, this one belonged to Swan.

And the third one was black, it was tall and smart just as the rest of them but it had fur right below its knees, but very light and white fur, it had long white hair.

It walked slowly toward Jayden as if it knew it was called for him.

"Meet Pearl!" Emric touched his horse gently above its nose.

"This is Topaz!" She's mine Swan pulled the halter of her horse as it got closer to her.

"What is this one called?" Jayden never rode a horse before, he was afraid to touch it.

"We don't know you will know it once it communicates with you!" Emric gave it a back rub.

Jayden placed his hand over its jaw and somehow he knew its name "Tourmaline! That's a unique name!" Jayden smiled.

Since he stepped into the world of the supernatural, it was the first he felt proud to be a part of it.

He smiled, wholeheartedly, when all three of them rode their horses and on the body of water, they ran making small ripples, as if they are light as feather.

Jayden's eyes widened when both the siblings enjoyed his expressions, he saw his reflection appearing as clean on water as if he was watching his reflection in a freshly cleaned mirror.

He knew he will never forget this breathtaking sight. He tightened his grip on its bridle and rode proudly the rest of the way.

They returned on the third day, they even had no idea what's been going on behind their back, reaching their town was relieving, and the siblings headed straight to the sanatorium meanwhile Jayden had to see his mom.

He left his horse for Emric to get it where they keep horses, as soon as he reached his home his mom was worried sick.

She rushed and hugged him, her swollen eyes and reddened nose were telling how restless she was.

"I can't tell you how much I missed you!" He whispered.

He didn't tell her the truth, even though she asked multiple times, and in the end, he made an excuse. He lied to her, and this was the most difficult task he did so far. He'd lie to the world but his mom.

At night he woke up, his vision was focused and a lot more different than he usually sees, he woke up near the lake.

He felt as if he got shorter as if he was crawling on his knees. He didn't know why but he went to the park. In that abandoned park he used to go with his friends, there he saw a wolf that was eating something.

He got close to it and realized it was eating a dead body. He opened his mouth to make it run away but instead, he made a guttering sound, that's when he realized he was in his wolf form.

He growled when the other wolf turned back and stepped back, it growled back at Jayden with anger. Jayden approached the other wolf to make it run, and it stepped back again. He kept getting closer and closer until that wolf left the body alone.

Jayden noticed it was Felix's dead body, he pulled his shirt down to cover some of his body until he felt a flash and a sound from behind a bush.

He noticed someone was behind the bush, but when he got closer there was no one there.

He went back to the dead body and dripped a few tears from his eyes. He then felt himself turning back to normal but not completely, he was still growling and his jaws were still stiff. He took off his jacket and carried the parts of the dead body inside that jacket.

He carried it and after a blink of an eye he found himself somewhere near a bush, he watched his claws digging just under the bush and he buried the body inside it.

"Jayden! Jayden!" He heard his mom calling out to him, he turned back and saw her face closer to his, she was patting his face "Wake up!" She shook him harder.

He woke up breathing heavily "What happened Mom?" He looked around.

"You couldn't breath!" She wiped the sweat off his forehead with a handkerchief.

"I didn't eat his body!" Jayden gasped for air as he realized the dream he had was a memory from that night.

"What?" She asked with confusion.

"Felix's body mom! I didn't eat it!" He was not fine but he felt way better than he ever had.

He couldn't sleep the rest of the night, he couldn't wait to meet Emric and Swan to tell them what he just found out, and to make sure it wasn't just a dream, he decided to go to the place where he buried the body, with Emric.