
Jarchie One Shots

Different Jarchie moments. Some maybe with their fathers to.

Ryder_Rex_18 · realistisch
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17 Chs

Happily Ever After

Jarchie One Shots


Chapter Fourteen- Archie Andrews

I've been trying to date this person for a while now yet they don't know I exist. I try to talk to them but I chicken out. I've had a crush on this person for years now and there friends with Betty.

"Come on Arch ask him out or at least say hi to him." Kevin said.

"No what if I make a fool out of myself?" I asked.

"But you did talk to him before what happened?" Kevin asked.

"That was before I developed feelings for him." I said.

You maybe wondering who is this him? Or why I don't really talk to him now. His name is Jughead over the summer we went to a party and had sex when we were drunk. He wanted to talk about it but I didn't that's why I'm not really talking to him.

(flashback). We went upstairs to one of the rooms. We were really drunk but we wanted one another. I closed the door and lock it as he kissed me. I kiss back obviously I have my arms around his neck.

He has his arms around my waist. I walked backwards as he was walking forwards as we are making out. My legs hit the back of the bed. We broke apart from our interest and heated make out session.

I unwrap my arms from his neck than I took off my shoes and socks quickly. He takes off his socks and shoes along with his hat. I get back on the bed with my back hitting the back board. I'm use to calling people daddy.

So I don't know if he wants me to call him that or not. He gets back on the bed on top of me. He goes back to kissing my lips. I kiss back as we had another intense and heated make out session. I pull away when we needed air because we kept kissing til we needed air.

"What do you want me to call you?" I asked.

"Call me daddy." He said.

"Okay." I said.

He got up and went to his pants to get the lube and condom. I sat up on the bed and took off my shirt than my pants. After he found the lube and condom he took off his shirt pants and boxers quickly.

He got back on the bed as I was laying down. He kisses me again and to be honest right now I want his cock in me really bad. I kiss him back than we start making out again. He takes off my boxers in the process of our make out session.

My cock springs up from it's restraints. I gasp when the cold air hit my dick. I moan a little in the make out session were having. He bites my bottom lip as he growls in my mouth. I pull away from our make out.

"F-fuck." I said.

"Wow your huge." He said when he looked at my dick.

"Y-yeah." I said.

He starts jerking me off a bit. I bite my bottom lip trying my best not to make any sound but that was hard. He looks at me and let's a growled moan pass his lips. Fuck that was hot. He stops jerking me off.

I love when people do this. When there really dominate to me. It's really hot when men are dominate to me. I get so turned on from that. Plus I get turned on when they call me a good boy. I pout because I was close.

"Is that a habit to lick and or bite your bottom lip?" He asked.

"Yes." I said.

"Well that's hot. Now get on your hands and knees while trying to be a good boy for me." He said.

I get up while getting on my hands and knees. He's right behind me as he slaps my ass a little bit hard. I put my head into my pillow and muffled the moans and groans that pass my lips. He keeps smacking my ass because I think he knows I love the pain.

He keeps licking me out as he gets up to get something than he comes back. He puts something cold on my dick. I think it's a cock ring I groan and moan a bit loud in the pillow. as he smacks my ass.

He lines the tip with my hole. He groans because how tight my ass is. I groan at the new pleasure he's giving me. He spanks my ass when I groan to load. I think he knows that I love pain so much but I don't know.

"Daddy so good." I said with a whimper.

"Is the pain making you close?" He asked.

"Yes." I said.

"That's why there's a cock ring on your dick." He said.

"I got to cum when daddy tells me?" I asked.

"Yes baby boy you have to cum when I tell you to." He said.

"That's kinda hot daddy." I said.

He turns my head to capture our lips into a rough yet passionate kiss. He licks my bottom lip. I open my mouth and he explores every inch of my mouth. He's so hot as he thrusts in and out of my ass fast.

I moan in his mouth as he's thrusting faster with each thrust and our tongues find each others. I love being a bottom i'm so submissive when I'm a bottom. He find's my prostate as I groan loud in his mouth.

He thrusts hard and deep on my prostate. Fuck I'm so close I'm also surprised my dad is still not home. Jughead thrusts faster, deeper, harder, and rougher. As he keeps hitting my prostate and I love it.

"F-fuck J-Juggie." I said.

"S-so g-good?" He asked panting.

"M-more p-please d-daddy." I said.

He starts jerking me off with each thrust. Damn I'm so fucking close yet I have a stupid cock ring on me. I think he wants me to beg him to take off the cock ring. I moan, groan and pant as he's such a dom.

"I'm getting there just not yet." He said.

"B-But d-daddy s-so g-good a-and I-I'm s-so c-close." I said while moaning.

"W-when I-I'm d-done f-from m-my h-high I-I'll t-take o-off t-the c-cock r-ring o-okay?" He asked while moaning and groaning.

"Y-Yes d-daddy." I said while moaning.

Five minutes later his thrusts get sloppy I know he's closer to his orgasm. I love when men come in me it's a great feeling. He groans out my name as he came in my ass. Fuck I'm so hard and still haven't cum yet.

"R-Ready t-to c-cum b-baby b-boy?" He asked while panting.

"Y-Yes d-daddy." I said.

He comes down from his high and takes off the cock ring. Once that was off I started cumming so hard that I think I saw white that was the best orgasm I've ever had. He slowly pulls out of my ass I moan at the pain.

Were both panting as he takes off the cum filled condom. He ties it than throws it in the trash can next to my bed. He gets up and went to the bathroom to grab a wash cloth to clean my stomach.

I lay on the bed on my back. He comes back and cleans my stomach. He lays next to me as I cuddle into his chest. Then he wraps his arms around me. We were both slowly falling asleep. I wanted to know if I was a good boy. If I did what daddy wanted me to.

"Daddy was I a good boy?" I asked.

"The greatest." He said and with that we fell asleep.

(end of flashback)

Your probably wondering what happened the next morning? Oh trust me you don't want to know. Lets just say he left before I woke up and I was hurt that he did. When I got home and showered he called me when I was getting dressed. The time was 9:10 PM.

"Hello?" I asked when I answered the phone.

"Hey we need to talk about what happened." He said.

"But I don't want to talk about last night we were drunk." I said as I tear up.

"I wanna be friends again Archie I wanna be back to the way we were." Jughead said.

"We can't be friends Jug after we fucked and you left when I woke up." I said as I cried and hung up the phone.

I put my phone on it's charger. I got on my bed and was a crying mess. When I was done crying I fell asleep. I just wanna forget him but I can't because it's really hard to. Yet I never let him explained on to why he left me there and or if he likes me.

I woke up to my phone ringing again. I got up to get my phone. I checked the time and it was 12:52 AM. I looked at the caller id it read Jughead. I saw that there was 24 miss calls and 16 messages from Jughead.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Archie I've been trying to reach you." Jughead said.

"Are you going to explain why you left me the next morning?" I asked when I sighed.

"I left because I didn't want you to see me when you woke up." He said.

"But why?" I asked.

"Because I... I like you Archie and I was scared to tell you." He said as he sighed.

"Wait you like me?" I asked.

"Yes I've always liked you Archie." He sad.

"Since when?" I asked.

"Ever since we first started hanging out." He said.

"We never actually hung out though." I said.

"Oh well can we hang out now if you want?" He asked.

"Not now it's 1:45 AM." I said as i looked at my phone.

"Maybe later?" He asked.

"Sometime." I said.

"Well nice talking to you see you at school?" He asked.

"Maybe." I said.

He hung up the call as I looked at his messages. He was wondering what happened why I was crying and why I wasn't answering his calls. After I got off my phone and turned it off I went back to sleep.

(a few weeks later). Me and Jughead have been hanging out and I think he's more than a crush. I got to know him more as we've been texting more and calling more. Kevin is proud of me that I'm talking to Jughead again.

I'm at pops with Jughead as he's working on the Jason Blossoms case. I'm helping him with it. We are talking while he's typing away just like we normally do. I want to ask Jughead out on a date but I think it's to soon.

"Hey Juggie." I said.

"Yeah Arch?" He asked as he stopped typing and looked at me.

"I got a question." I said.

"You can asked me anything you want." He said.

"Do you wanna go on a date with me?" I asked.

"I would love to." He said.

"This would be our first date." I said.

"Archie Andrews would you make me the happiest man by being my boyfriend?" He asked.

"I would love to Jughead Jones." I said.

Word count: 1,894 words