

This story follows a kid named Jade and his journey in the beautiful region of Karnia as he follows his dream of becoming a pokemon master while the plot is no way related to the anime or the manga it is a completely new system this novel's full of great plots, great characters, great evil, great design and a great story I will update the story frequently like 1chapter in 2 days sometimes I can post even more but sometimes I might not, like during the exams

Avel01 · Fantasie
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2 Chs


<p>Jade a 14 year old boy with deep oceanic blue eyes and black hairs. Quite a carefree kind of person. Three things he love the most in this world are food, his family and pokemons. He has grown in the new breeze town of the karina region. Since he was small he have had very less friends actually no friends at all except Verity. Well he had one more friend named Eric but when they were just 6 years old one day there was a News spreading in the town that a kid went missing no information whether he is dead or alive and it was none other than Eric. Since than Jade was afraid of making friends but it was Verity who got him out of that trauma and that's the reason why he believes that Verity is a true friend of his. A lot about the past let's come back to the story. Jade and Verity both finally turned 14 this month and were going to get their very first pokemon today<br/><br/>At Jade' s house<br/>"bye mom, dad I will be leaving now but before that..",said Jade and hugged his parents and also bowed towards the photo of his dead grandmother and said, "grandmother finally I'll be becoming a pokemon trainer walking on the path of becoming the very best just like grandfather. Your blessing will always be with me in the form of this pendant." He glared at the pendant (It was a small sphere with some pattern on it). He tucked it back into his t-shirt and walked away once again saying farewell to his parents. The town's kids who started on their pokemon journey recieved their very first pokemon from the town's head. He was a old clean shaved guy with a bit of a stern face, but he is actually a really kind and good guy. He was a champion during his time and his name, it's Karl. On his way to the dojo (Karl's place more like a dojo than a home built in the old traditional japanese style due to which it was called dojo) Jade met Verity who too was on her way to receiving her very first starter. She was a cute and kind girl (much of a reason for Jade to be her friend) with beautiful black eyes. She too loved pokemons the same way Jade does. They both decided to tag along to the dojo. "Hey Jade what kind of pokemon do you want to be your partner",asked Verity. "Well I like all pokemons so it doesn't matters whoever it is until it's a healthy one" replied Jade. "Well I wish I was so clear about what I want." replied Verity. They finally reached the dojo. " Hey Grandpa Karl long time no see and how are you blastoise " said Jade looking at Karl and his blastoise ( In Jade's mind- He used to be a war veteran about 30 years ago when he was still young maybe 30 years old. He had a 5 year old daughter, a new born baby and his wife. That day was his daughter's birthday. They celebrated it well and it was time to blow the candles. As his daughter blew the candles a bullet came flying and shot in his daughter's head. They were some assasins hired by a mafia whom he denied to work for back when he was 25. They were there to just kill Karl but they shot everyone dead. Police reached the scene later and he was saved. So sad that it were just him they could saved. Both his children and his wife could not be saved. I don't know the incident in much detail but they sayafter that he destroyed the mafia and his force and also killed those assassins with the help of his pokemons. He used to be quite a terrafic man but even after that when he had thirst for vengance it were professor Orchard his friend since then who told him that "pokemon aren't just meant for battles or wars they are beautiful and diverse creatures, truly magnificent and I believe that only they can fill that hole in your heart" since then he shifted here in new breeze town and just after 5 years was decleared the head of the town). Much about him haan<br/><br/>Next chapter preview:<br/><br/>finally we are going to receive our starters yeah and also next time the trainer system of the region will be explained and guess what we will be finally joining The Zesia Academy . But wait where'd this come from in Pokemon, trainers don't study and what is this Zesia Academy? hmm next time okk.</p>