
Who is good? Who is bad?

Despite my clumsy attempts on the dance floor. I managed to catch on pretty quick and I'm currently in the middle of a nice slow dance with Kim. I'm staring into her eyes while listening to the melody of the music and no words needed to be said. We both knew that this night was amazing and that we wanted it to last forever. When did I get to be this lucky? Hands locked with such an amazing woman out on the dance floor. I think that this is the first party I've been to since my reincarnation that I enjoyed going to. It's not surprising since every other time I went to a party I was working as a butler serving food and drinks. Trying not to let those awful memories ruin the night, I push them to the back of my head as I hold Kim in my arms and we danced. I honestly felt complete and happier than I've been in a long time. I leaned forward and lock my lips with hers. She's surprised at first but accepts the kiss. I release her lips and a beautiful blush appears on her face. Kim looks at me meaningfully and asks if that means that we are officially boyfriend and girlfriend. I nod in response as I pull her closer into my embrace. Not noticing the stares of my comrades around me.

Olga: Eve, we can't let them outdo us. Let's kiss.

Eve: I'm not your date and even if I was I still wouldn't kiss you.

Olga: So harsh, my angel.

Jaune: I thought he would've gone out with Eve.

Olga: Over my dead body.


Ruby: A kiss seems so magical.

Blake: It's only special when you're doing it with someone special.

Yang: I remember my first kiss.

Ruby: Yang, you need to spill everything.

As everyone was in a frenzy about something, I heard a voice that I didn't want to hear.

Dark Phantom (CD): It's time to make the switch. Cinder's making her move.

I reluctantly separate from Kim and told her that I'll be right back. I went to the meeting spot and found Dark Phantom.

Dark Phantom: I hope you had your fun because it's time.

He transformed into me and left to return to the dance hall. I can only hope that he doesn't screw anything up. I quickly remove my tux and change the armor so that it's covering my entire body. I make it so that my appearance is exactly like one of a ninja. I leave the room and dash toward the tower that Cinder was heading for. When I arrived, Cinder had already knocked out some of the guards and was heading for the elevator. I quickly intercept Cinder and start attacking her with my fists since I don't have any weapons. Cinder dodges or blocks my first set of attacks and jumps back. As she jumps back, she materializes a bow and arrow out of thin air and fires it at me. Instead of dodging the attack, I rush forward and absorb the attack. Cinder surprised that I managed to make her attack disappear summoned a pair of blades instead and lunged at me. She slashed both her blades down at me as I sidestepped to avoid her attack. She used that opportunity to kick me in the side, but the armor absorbed the damage so I didn't feel anything. I grabbed her leg and tried to throw her onto the ground, but she flipped over in an instant and regained her footing. This girl is good at what she does, but I'm better. I enhance my body capabilities with my aura and rush to attack her. Cinder was caught off-guard by my sudden change in speed and couldn't avoid me as I tackled her to the ground. Cinder tried to attack me to escape but I grabbed both of her hands and pinned her to the ground so she couldn't escape. Plus, even if she managed to attack me, the armor I was wearing would block it anyway. I had her right where I wanted her. My goal for this night was to take away the thing that Cinder needed the most. I used my devouring powers to absorb her maiden powers. As I was absorbing her powers away from her, Cinder started to wail in pain. Coming this far, I couldn't allow anyone to hear Cinder's screams of agony as I took her powers away from her, but I couldn't shift my attention away from absorbing her powers to block the sound. In an instant of fear and shock, I quickly moved my hands from her arms to her throat. I squeezed down enough where she could barely breathe, but not have enough oxygen to scream as I continued absorbing her powers. Cinder flailed a lot and was desperately attacking me in any way she could to no avail. In this position, I thought about all the terrible things that she would do if I let her go, Pyrrha's death, the destruction of Beacon, and the many lives lost in the final battle. Anger clouded my mind as I squeezed a little harder as I thought about my own life growing up in an abusive household. Does Cinder even deserve mercy? Mercy. Why should I give her something that I was never given? I did nothing wrong yet I was punished day after day for it, but what has she suffered to make her do this. I squeezed even harder and thought that the world would be a much better place without her in it. Before I even realized it, all of the maiden's powers in Cinder were already inside my body and my goal was complete. Even though that was the case all it took was a little longer and Cinder would be dead. It was then that a shot was fired at me and was repelled by my armor. I look up to see team RWBY, JNPR, JOKE, and Ozpin standing side by side with weapons in their hands. Well, everyone except Jack (Dark Phantom) since he doesn't know the code to retrieve my weapons. I did notice that he was smiling a little when he saw my hand on her throat. Seeing them clears my head a little as I let go of Cinder's neck. She is still breathing, if not very weakly. The group tells me to turn myself in and explain what I'm doing since I'm surrounded. I can't let them know that it's me and that means that I can't use my devouring powers either otherwise Eve will know that it's me under this disguise. I could use the maiden powers I just got, but that would essentially turn myself into the person that there looking for that tried to kill the maiden and it wasn't me. I don't know how I'm going to get out of here, much less get out without exposing my secret.