
Jack Of All Trades In Remnant

Arno F. Fabian, a renowned orphan genius and self-proclaimed 'Jack of All Trades', after discovering a horrifying secret got murdered. However, when he opened his eyes once again, he was no longer on the same planet and instead he was on a new planet named 'Remnant'. This world named 'Remnant' is full of monsters and super-powered humans, how will our MC fare in an apocalyptic world filled with monsters? Well, find out in the next chapter of Dra-- I mean, Jack Of All Trades In Another World. "Mhm...You have silver eyes...", A silver haired man stated towards Arno. "No shit, Sherlock.", Arno sarcastically responded. NOTE: I don't own any characters in this novel, except maybe my MC and a few other people who I made up. ALSO NOTE: The timeline wasn't stated in RWBY so I just when with episode 1 starting in the year 4522. ALSO ALSO NOTE: I've just recently watched RWBY and since there was something that annoyed me, I will change it.

IsekaiFanBoi · Anime und Comics
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14 Chs

[Arc 1]Chapter 3

Arno F. Fabian's POV


I opened my eyes when I heard the door open, to reveal two people.

The first person was a slim - but muscular - man who had white hair and brown eyes, and the other was a man who had brown hair and green eyes.

"Nice to meet you.", I greeted the two peeps.

"Greetings, my name is Turquoise Marielle and this is my friend Professor Ozpin. We would--", The green eyed man's introduction was cut short.

"--You would probably like to know three things: one, who am I? Two, where am I from? And three, what am I going to do?" I finished his sentence for him which left him partially stunned.

"Yes, we would like to know those things.", Ozpin - the white haired man - spoke up.

"Well, as for the first two questions you probably already know because you probably bugged Mara when she questioned me, right?", When they heard what I said they both had tense faces.

"Huh, I am right.", I muttered audibly enough for them to hear, which made them relax slightly.

"How did you know we bugged her?", Ozpin asked me.

"I worked for the government for a while, back in my world. It's easy enough to assume as much.", I replied to him which made him furrow his brow.

"How old are you?", He asked me.

"I'm obviously 16, how old do I look? 50?", I said with a hint of sarcasm which made him twitch slightly.

"So, what do you plan on doing?", The man called 'Turquoise' asked me which made my face turn blank as I processed his words.

"Honestly, I dunno.", I said with a neutral tone while also adding on "I guess, I'll just research monsters."

"I see...", Both of them muttered at the same time which made me suspicious.

"You don't suspect I'm telling lies?", I inquired with a tilt to my head.

When they heard my question they looked at each other's eyes - which also looked slightly gay, but ok - and nodded.

"How much do you know about [Aura] and--", Before Ozpin finished his sentence I answered.

"--You should already know that I literally know nothing about [Aura] and [Semblance], other than the fact that they are supernatural powers.", I said with a hint of annoyance while rolling my eyes.

"Mhm... You have silver eyes...", The silver haired man stated towards me.

"No shit, Sherlock.", I replied sarcastically towards him.

Ozpin cleared his throat and then continued to speak.

"[Aura] is the manifestation of one's soul--", As Ozpin lectured me, I interrupted to ask a question.

"What about people with pseudo souls?", My question made him tilt his head as he voiced out a stupid sound.

"Huh? Pseudo souls?"

"Yeah, like zombies and SCPs.", I stated as if it was obvious.

"That... has to be taken into further investigation.", He said with an usure expression and then continued.

"Ahem. [Aura] is the manifestation of the soul which grants abilities such which have to do with standard manipulation like: barriers, enhancements and shockwaves. The amount of [Aura] someone has depends on three things.", He lectured.

"Three things?", I questioned.

"Yes. Experience, training and innate skill or innate talent."

"Aight, how do I get [Aura]?", I asked.

"No, no. Everyone who has a soul has [Aura] but only some can control it.", He explained

"How do I control it, then?"

"You have to go through the initiation."

"Be sure to let me go through the initiation after you explain [Semblance], I'll be in your debt.", I stated while also adding "And I always repay my debts."

He nodded and then continued.

"[Semblance] is--", I cut him off because I was starting to get bored.

"Short explanation, please.", I asked as I could see him visibly get annoyed.

"In short, [Semblance] is the innate unique ability that [Aura] gives you. It's like a muscle, the more you use your [Semblance] the stronger it will become.", He explained with visibly exhaustion which made me snicker a little.

'Am I an S? Am I sadistic?', I thought seriously for a while and then decided 'Nah, not possible.'

"So, let me guess. You guys believed me because one of you have something similar to a lie detector.", When I assumed this they both nodded exhaustively.

"So, can you awaken my [Aura] now?", I asked.

They both sighed while Ozpin then replied with:

"Okay... Oh right!", He exclaimed as if an idea had popped into his head.

"Tell you what. If you feel that you are able to become strong enough to fight the Grim - the monsters - then try to apply to Beacon Academy in 5 months.", He told me.

"Beacon Academy?", I questioned.

"Yes. We train young folks to become the next generations defenders by instructing them and educating them to become a huntsman.", He explained.

'Huntsman? Lemme guess M**ster Hu**er?', I thought as I slightly grinned while remembering an old game that used to exit in my previous world.

"Huntsman?", I questioned.

"Yes, a huntsman. A huntsman is someone who protects the citizens while fighting the monsters of Grim, there are also some benefits to this too. Depending on the missions you take you could earn lots of money, recognition and respect.", He once again explained while adding on "You will also be able to research the monsters of the Grim."

I thought while tilting my head and then thought:

'Eh. Why not?'

"Sure, great.", I stated.

"Splendid. Now then, I believe my friend will train you?--", He said when the silent dude suddenly interrupted.

"--I am?", He questioned to which Ozpin replied with:

"--You are."

Turquoise nodded while sighing, as if he was already used to this.

"Now then, first thing first.", He said while placing his palm over my head.

I could feel something odd being disrupted within me. It feels similar to Chinese mythology where they talk about chi or qiqong, something to do about meridians and shit like that.

'Sadly, a lot of information got disrupted for some reason in my bracelet's confidential sections... So no qiqong based weapons...'

I could visibly see my [Aura] wrap my skin in something that seemed to be grey-black in colour.

"What a monstrous [Aura]...", Turquoise muttered.

"5 months right?", I asked for clarification as I saw Ozpin beginning to leave.

He turned around and stated:

"Yes 5 months, be sure to take care of him Turquoise.", He stated but after I think he muttered something on the lines of "Afterall, he has silver eyes..."

"Okay...", Turquoise stated exhaustively.

I layed back down on my pillow as I thought:

'5 months, huh...'