
The Start of a New Beginning

Jack- Ugh.... help m-me please....

-Random Entity Ascends to Heaven-

After 1 Minute

Lily- Oh no!

Trinhill- Fuck! Why is the Life Paper burned?


Random Guy- Ugh! Why do I have to go to work now when they said I can have a Day Off today?! Fuck this black company!


Random Guy- What is that? I-it looks so real are they filming a movie?!

Jack- H-help me...

Random Guy-Oh shit he's dying!....

Jack- Please....

Random Guy- Ok! Wait I'm gonna call 911!

-Calls 911-

Random Guy-Uhmmm... 911 please help me there is a person dying in front of me! We are in alley near Talent Academia!

Random Guy- Hang in there!


Doctors- Ok carry the patient and don't waste time!

Other Doctors- Yessir!

-Carries Jack to a stretcher and carries to ambulance-

Doctor- Are you his guardian?

Random Guy- Uhmmm...no..I'm his best friend.....

-Meanwhile in Hellfire House-

Alice- My son is late.... I have a bad feeling about this!

-Meanwhile in Hell-

Lucifer- Ah! It burns!.... N-no why is Jack's name burned? Fuck! Is this what he meant by payment?!

-Back to Hospital-

Doctor- So do you know his Guardian's phone number?

Random Guy- Yes! It's 66666

Doctor- Ok wait....


Alice- Uhhh yeah who is this?

Doctor- Are you Jack Hellfire's Guardian?

Alice- Uhhh...yes did something happen to my son?

Doctor- Your son is in our care please come to Healer Guild Hospital.

Alice- Why?

Doctor- Your son is severely injured and has %89.99 of dying...

Alice- Ok I will come now!

Doctor- Ok the mom will come here now...

Nurse- Doctor!!! The patient is dying!!!

Doctor- What?!

-Alice Arrives to Hospital-

Alice- (walks to receptionist) I'd like to visit Jack Hellfire's room!

Receptionist- Uhmmmm... He is in the emergency room now and the doctors are trying hard to heal your son... So please wait for an hour...


Doctors- Nooo!!!!!!

-Doctors Go Out of the Emergency Room-

Doctor- Uhhhh Ms. Hellfire your son has... died...

Alice- N-no...(Cries)

-Lucifer Ascends to Hospital Grounds-

Lucifer- Where is my son?!


Doctor- Your son has died...

Lucifer- Why?!!!! Fucking God!!!

-Lucifer Made the sky black and made it rain blood droplets-

After 1 Month

Cultist Priest- So we are here today for a very important person died...blah blah blah

-Every People who loved Jack cried-

-After the Prayer-

Alice- Why did you show up now?! Your son missed you, you douche!

Lucifer- I'm so sorry...(tears)

Alice- I know i-it's ok...

-Both hugs and Tears-

Lily- (passes bouquet of roses and tulips to Jack's grave then cries) Why did you leave so soon!?...

Trinhill- It was a damn good journey my friend...

-After Goodbyes-

-6 years later-


Jack's grave....

Scratch! Swish! Crunch!

-Jack's Grave Burns-

-Jack comes out of grave-

Jack- Ahhhhhh!

-Jack's hair turns white and looked pale with regenerated 7 plus 100000000 hearts-

-Jack Earned Title Jack O' Lantern-

-Jack Earned 10 Strength 99999 Magic Power 10000000000 Mana and Mana Regen-

Jack- Wtf are all these popping in front of me?! And how did I come back alive? And what the heck is This title Jack O' Lantern?

JOL- It is because you were struck by Abyssal Fire and gained Abyssal Powers and the Title Jack O' Lantern.

Jack- Woah! So it can answer questions too?

Jack- But Abyssal powers are very rare like after 100000 Centuries after 1 in a billion gets it.... So I received it huh? But let me test it...

-Jack Cast Black Fire-

Jack- Woah it's true and it is very strong too?

JOL- You can go to shop and buy items using Soul Coins. You can get Soul Coins By Killing Weak Entities. The rank is Weak Entities are the lowest next are Medium Entities next are Noble Entities and Lastly the highest Heavenly Entities.

Jack- Hmmmmmm ok.... Can you locate Weak Entities nearby?

JOL-No but you can get Locator Map at the shop for free.

Jack- Hmmm ok( Buys Locator Map for Free)

Jack- Ok there is a Weak Entity nearby....

-Jack Sneaks to Weak Entity-

Jack- (Casts Green Fire to Weak Entity)

-You have slain lizard entity-

-You have gained 100 Soul Coins-

-You have gained 50 XP-

Jack- Woah!