
The End

Another normal day in Earth Where humans and monsters live.....

Date: August 5 Monday

Time: 5:00 AM

-Birds Chirping-

Jack- ZzzzzzZzzzzZzz

-Loud Alarm-

Jack- Aghhhhhh!!!!

Jack- Oh.... shit it was today...first day of High School huh?!

Jack- Lemme take a shower and brush my tooth you fucking alarm!

-Jack takes shower and brushes tooth-

Jack- Ok! Now to eat breakfast.

-Jack walks to Kitchen

Jack- Mom what's for breakfast?

Alice- Ham and Egg!

Alice- Here Jacky have your breakfast

Jack- Yeahh....ok.

-Jack eats breakfast-

Jack- Oh yeah! Is dad coming home today?

-Alice looks to Jack with a sad face-

Alice- Your dad is at work hun...

Jack- Oh...ok...i-is he coming home today?

Alice- Yes...He promised.

Jack- Then let's have a celebration tonight!

Alice- Yes son!

Jack- I'm going to school now mom! Byeee! Love you~

Alice- You too dear~

-Jack Flies to school-

-Jack sees Trinhill-

Trinhill- Hey yow sup Jack?!

Jack- I'm ok man! How 'bout you?

Trinhill- I'm cool man!...New school at least with my friend! My homie! hahahahaha!

-Both friends laugh-

Ding! Dong! Ding! Dong!

Trinhill- Hey bro let's go to class!

Jack- Yeah... so where is our class?

Trinhill- In Section-A

Jack- Then let's go!

-Both friends rushes to class-

Teacher- Ok class today we are going to start class. If any of you want to ask, ask it now.

Random student- Sir what is the name of our school?

-Whole Class Laughs-

Teacher- Did you not read the big sign in the front of our school?!

Random Student: Was there one?

Teacher- FYI It's Talent Academia and we teach people and monsters who are future prodigies that will help make a better future.

-Whole Class Dumbfounded-

Jack- (whispers) Dammmnnnn!...

Trinhill- (whispers) Yeah I know right?

Lily- (silently stalks Jack)

Mark- (whispers) Fucking cripple!

-Class starts-

-Lunch time bell-

Trinhill- Hey Jack let's go bro!

Jack- Yeah yeah....


Lily- Uhmmmmm hey Jack?

Jack Uhh yeah?

Lily- Would you come with me in private?

-Sudden Silence-

Trinhill- (whispers) Go get it bro!

Jack- (whispers) Ugh ok

Jack- Uhmmmm what's your name again?

Lily- (blushes) it's Lily.

-Walks to a corner-

Lily- Uhmmm....

Jack- What is it?

Lily- Would you want to make babies with me?!

Jack- (blushes and nosebleeds) What the hell?

Lily- (blushes) Please?

Jack- Hmmmmmmmmmmm... ok? But not babies yet we still need to love each other so...

Lily- Babies can wait....but do you accept my confession?

Jack- Yes!yes I do

-Jack and Lily blushes-

Trinhill- Damn! Very nice my man!!!

Jack- Damn Trinhill you were watching?!

Trinhill- Damn my homie has got a love life now! I'm so happy 😂

Jack, Lily , Trinhill- blah blah blah

(Mark silently stalking)- What the fuck?!

-Afternoon class starts-

Teacher- Ok class we will talk about magic and by the way who doesn't have mana or magic here or in short a cripple

Jack- (raises hand)

Whole class except Lily and Trinhill- What!!??

Teacher- Are you sure?

Jack- Yes Sir!

Teacher- Ok?...

Mark- (whispers) Haha fucking got exposed!

Lily- I still like you~ ❤️

Jack- (blushes)

Trinhill- It's ok bro!

Jack- Thanks bro!

Teacher- Ok we are going to practice magic except for Jack

Whole class- Yes Sir!

-Magic Class Ends-

Teacher- Ok class tomorrow we will learn about Melee combat and practice it and have a spar

Whole Class-Yes Sir!

Teacher- You may be dismissed.

Chatter Chatter

Trinhill and Lily- Let's go Jack!

Jack- Yeah you two go first I'm going alone for today.

Trinhill- Ok bro!

Lily- Is that so? Awww ok I will go home alone too.

Jack- Yeah bye guys!

Trinhill and Lily- Yeah! Bye

-Jack Walking-

-Suddenly A Meteor Crashes In front of Jack-

Jack- (looks to meteor) Oh shit is that a dude?

-Meteor Opens-

-Random Entity Walks to Jack-

Random Entity- According to my God you are the son of Lucifer or the King of Hell...Yes?

Jack- Uhhh yeah?

Random Entity- Then you shall die here because of your father, he has committed a serious crime and he needs to pay with a life of his loved ones!

-Random Entity stabs Jack with a sword in his 7 hearts-

Random Entity- Payment has been received!

Jack- Ughhhhh!

-Jack falls to the ground-