

Yow wassup! Fellow Readers

I'm new here and is just about to make Chapter 1 and I just want to introduce the MC and other characters

So yeah! Let's go!

Jack Hellfire- The main character of the story.

16 years old and very skilled with melee combat but doesn't have Skill Power or Magic . Only Son.

Lucifer Hellfire- The MC's father! The king of hell. VERY Powerful and Smart but always busy at work. 66666 years old.

Alice Hellfire- A loving mother and a monster in the bed! Always advices her son and supports him. 66655 years old.

Trinhill Otunhiem- Best friend of Jack and Sparring Buddies. A tall muscular ogre that likes wolves. 16 years old.

Lily Stark- A witch that is very smart and the lover of Jack. Very skilled and has high mana capacity. 15 years old. Loves making potions.

Mark Arkenson- A fire element magician user. Hates Jack for not having Magic.

Ok Guys! That is the end of our intro now let's start the Story!