
Dating again

Wulan who was confused with dating again or no, chose busy with clean up books. One bye one Wulan clean up books with sometimes watching phone cells may be Leo texting or calling.

After the clean up is finished, Wulan gets the call from Leo and it's true Leo asks again to want to pick me up and then goes to the cafe for dating again.

Instead of Lia in the office, trying to calm down for the presentation of the project. Breathe so deep with praying, Lia presents with confidence without mistake or else. All as long as good.

Finally after 2 hours, Lia can presentation well. The boss gives a standing ovation and is so proud of Lia. Lia is happy to but not with Giselle which looks like not happy.

"Good job Lia, I am so proud of you. The client is so happy and will contract soon we will do," said The boss with always smiling.

"My decision is always right and tonight you have planned?" ask The boss suddenly.

"I don't have but I have rule time not late to go home after 10 Pm." answered Lia shy.

"I guarantee just 5 minutes no more, promise, I will get something from you."

Instead of Wulan in the book&cafe, Leo suddenly comes to the store without saying sorry because suddenly it comes. Wulan is ill feel because like recklessly and Leo doesn't understand if Wulan is IL feels

Wulan is busy with the books and customers which come to cafe&books. Wulan feels not comfortable and wants Leo to go away from she's face.

10 minutes Leo recklessly follows Wulan and finally Wulan is mad and then asks Leo to go home. Wulan can't handle Leo, finally Wulan texting Jessica for help.

"Lan, what happened to you?" ask Jessica busy with a new novel.

"Come here without talking no more," asked Wulan while trying to calm down.

"I am late ok, and Leo is still in your cafe&bookstore?" said Jessica with a whisper.

5 minutes later, Jessica comes to the cafe and bookstore while looking for Leo and Leo here. Jessica directly asks what the problem is. Wulan with a whisper says il feel with Leo which is a reckless coming cafe& bookstore.

Jessica is shocked and confused why this happened, Jessica looking for Leo and asking Leo to go home together with Jessica. Jessica says sorry because Leo makes Wulan il feel.

Leo confused Jessica pushing Goes to the car and introgression more deep. Instead Jessica is mad and confused why Leo does that. Leo just answered not to do it, Jessica finally explained if Wulan IL feel with Leo.

Instead Lia confuses coming alone or does finally come with the Wulan event though Wulan is in a bad mood with Leo. Lia came to the cafe and invited the boss Lia.

"Hai boss, she's my elder sister Wulan," said Lia which introduced Wulan to the boss.

"Hi Wulan nice to meet you and sorry I am following Lia I'm in a little bad mood."

"Lan, why say that?" said Lia with a touch shoulder Wulan.

"Oh it's ok, whatever the brilliant my staff."

"Ok I have a meeting after this dinner, so I will do a point . Your little sister wants to be leader tim creative changed the senior Giselle?"

"I changed Giselle which is senior and leader?" said inner Lia.

"Lia why freeze? I am wrong or you don't want to do the position?" ask The boss with confusion.

"Sorry boss, I just feel not comfortable because Giselle does the job well and I think my little job is not a big job," said Lia to trying to calm down.

" I am the boss, so whatever I do."

Instead Lia just thinks and asks discussion with the family too Giselle. Even though Lia still feels weird, Wulan after Lia thinks. Wulan talks so deep with the boss, Lia just can breathe with things again.

In the car, Lia thinks we will discuss Wulan but Wulan instead talks about the boss. Which is a more nice person to Leo and has to change numbers.

Finally Lia thinks self with push Wulan accepted even though the answer. Lia is thinking in the room while trying texting Giselle but back home screen saver. 5 times like that without solution, finally Lia suddenly sleeps.

"Lia wake up, what time is it now?" ask Wulan with a touching body Lia.

"7 Pm? , oh my gosh, I am still confused for answers like what and say like what with Giselle."

"Hi, Giselle, finally I can hear your voice, hmm have you time now? , I want to tell you something?" ask Lia suddenly when Giselle is the leader calling Lia.

"Oh no, I am in your house. can you open the door?" ask Giselle.

Giselle comes to the house Lia with face calm down, Instead Lia worries and looks pale. Giselle to do point talk with Lia, Giselle asked Lia for not inviting the boss because Giselle still prepared for interviews at other offices.

Lia agrees with Giselle but Lia wants Giselle to meet with the boss and say this conversation, instead Giselle doesn't want a reason which Lia can't understand with that.

"I really can't understand with you Giselle but if something happens I still want you to resign before I changed your position. Because I feel how the process will be the leader and process to be the leader," ask Lia to Giselle with thinking.

Instead Sinta who is in a bad mood with a senior in the school, decided to give information about bullying a few months ago. Even though Sinta feels late but needs to do it, friends Sinta support to give information to the headmaster.

5 minutes later, the Headmaster asks all students to reach all the teachers in the hall of school and ask all people not to bully again. If this situation's headmaster is hearing again, all people can get punishment or else.

Everyone in the hall was shocked and worried because this is the first time there are some brave people who give information to the headmaster.