
Its a world of blending with group chat

I do not know English, so I used the translator to translate the story, and now this is a vulgar embodiment story in the anime world with a group chat and travel between the worlds of anime and novels . For more chapters please visit my patreon p@treon.com/Akasaki_Ryujin

Akasaki_Ryujin · Anime und Comics
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94 Chs

Chapter 47: Sao world

It's 4 pm.

It's been a few hours since the mission was launched and Asuna's first day of school is over and it might also be the last day.

"Asuna, do you want to play?" - asked Tozawa Misumi, Asuna's playmate.

Mitsumi was a beauty with purple hair and red eyes, had a well-proportioned body, and had a tomboy personality.

"Sorry, I have a meeting date with someone today" - Asuna apologized to her friend from middle school who taught her to play games.

"Is it a date with a man?" - asked Misumi, her eyes shining with curiosity.

Although Misumi is a gamer, she is also a girl and has reached that age where she is interested in the opposite sex.

"You're wrong, I'm going to see some friends I made on the Internet" - Asuna shook her head in denial and was very calm.

"Okay, but don't forget that tomorrow we'll play sao." - Misumi left with disappointment visible on her face, but she didn't forget to remind Asuna to play together tomorrow.

"..." Asuna didn't say anything, but her facial expressions obviously got worse when sao was mentioned.

"Better go now," Asuna shook her head and decided not to think about it because nothing would happen.

No matter how much she wanted, she couldn't stop the world's will that wanted to break through to the higher level.

Although Asuna didn't know why the world's will would take the risk of destroying the world in order to evolve, there must be something extremely important in this development to withstand such a high risk.

Asuna left the new school and headed to a secluded place in order to summon the others.

Asuna walked out of the school gate and headed to a nearby river because she decided to call everyone under the bridge over the river because it is a rather isolated place.

Asuna reached under the bridge, took out her mobile phone, and entered the group chat.

Asuna: "You can come at any time."


Akira: "Has everyone finished getting ready?"

Akira asked upon seeing Asuna's message.

Akira was sitting now with a bag full of clothes and his laptop next to him.

Akira didn't know why, but he felt that doing so was better than putting them in the Babel Gate.

Rimuru: "At any time."

Upon seeing Akira's message, Rimuru transformed into his human form and replied.

Shin: "+1."

Shido: "+1."

Seeing everyone's messages, Akira pressed the accept mission button and was enveloped in a white light, disappearing from the world whose time was frozen.


SAO World.

Asuna was looking at her phone until a bright white light appeared, causing her to close her eyes because of its intensity.

After the light disappeared, Asuna opened her eyes to see Akira and the others with incorrect expressions.

"What happened?" Asuna inquired upon seeing everyone's strange expressions.

"Disappeared" - Akira mumbled in disbelief as he looked at his body.

"What?" Asuna asked, not hearing Akira's mutter well.

"My strength is gone" - Akira replied and it was clear that he didn't believe what was happening.

"That's right, I can't use any of my skills, even Great Sage," Rimuru added, feeling abnormally weak.

'Akane!! Explain to me what's going on." Akira thought, not seeming to be in a good mood.

Akira felt as if there were chains tying his soul and body, preventing him from accessing his strength.

[Ding, the strength of Master and the other members have been sealed by the group chat while retaining strength twice that of an ordinary adult human.]

' Why !! ' - Akira asked, ignoring what was around him.

[This is a normal procedure because a first-level realm cannot tolerate the presence of your strength and the others in the chat group, except for Yuki Asuna, so your strength is completely sealed when you go to a first-level realm.]

'Then why wasn't our power fully sealed?' - Akira was puzzled as Akane was contradicting herself.

[This is because the World Will petitioned the Goddess to evolve into a Level 3 World without having to become a Level 2 World, and her request was approved on the condition that the Gods be entertained, so the monsters from SAO might become stronger than the original, and thus your strength is not fully sealed.]

'Okay, I understand, but why wasn't there a note about it?' - Akira inquired in bewilderment, since the chat group didn't mention this.

[Ding, a request has been submitted by the group leader... The request is being analyzed... The group leader's request has been approved... Notes will be added with knowledge of Level 5 and below.]

"Akira!!" - At this time Akira heard a familiar but strange voice.

"…" - Akira and the owner of the voice silently looked at each other.

"Shido?" - Akira inquired uncertainly because the Shido he knew was 10 years old a week ago, but it seems that the young man they took is 14~15 years old.

"That's right." Shido nodded and asked seriously. "Is your strength sealed too?"

Honestly, Shido felt uncomfortable because the feeling of his strength disappearing made him feel as if his hand had been cut off or his aunt had suddenly been hit.

"That's right" - Akira nodded and began to explain what Akane had just told him.

"But after completing the first mission in the new world, a link will be established with the chat group, allowing us to use our powers freely," - Akira completed the last thing Akane told him.

To simplify the last thing, it must be said that he must enter the worlds that cannot bear his strength as an ordinary human being and complete the tasks, and when he wants to go to this world again, he can use his full strength because a link will be established between the world and the chat group after completing the tasks.


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