
Itachi The Mage With Sharingan (in TBATE)

Itachi dies for good after saying goodbye to his brother. But will he find peace or rather, will he have a second chance ? He is in TBATE (the beginning after the end) for those who don't know. ITACHI WILL NOT BE THE ARTHUR DOG'S. Itachi = Arthur's adopted big brother temporarily and will be more powerful than him. No chakra, just mana and talent. For harem, I don't know because we have to rebuild the Uchiha clan. There will be hearts for him but he will have Tess and for Arthur, I will see in the future. I would follow the original plot but there will be new things too and changes. Chapter sizes: 1500-3000 worlds (or more) Characters and cover are not mine. (Read the webtoon or the novel if you dont want spoils)

TrueDarkin · Anime und Comics
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13 Chs

Chapter 10

A few days later, Itachi had come out of the forest and then went to the city of Xyrus. He had his usual clothes which he also wore in Konoha. Mikoto wanted to walk with him in the city before the start of the academy so he did not refuse. He might be spoiling her, but he didn't mind.

He ignored the looks on him and continued to walk normally until he saw a group of students harassing a Dwarf on the ground.

He understood that it was students from the academy he was telling him to go to who was racist at a Dwarf at their own school.

He also didn't understand why people judged other races when they were all the same. He was angry with the people of this genre. He had walked over to them and grabbed the boy's hand, which was about to strike the Dwarf again.

"Who are you ? Get out of my way where you'll be like him, disgusting commoner." he said trying to pull his arm away but couldn't.

"A commoner like me has more power than you. And bringing down my Uchiha clan so down is clearly a bad idea." Itachi activated his Sharingan by releasing a slight kill intent to scare the students.

They were afraid when they saw his eyes and the pressure he surrounded them. The boy in command of the group did not accept this and was going to punch Itachi but he only looked him in his eyes and then plunged him into a Genjutsu.

After a few seconds, the student who attacked him fell unconscious to the ground.

"Take it with you and get out of here I won't repeat it twice." He looked at them indifferently.

"Who do you think you are, you commoner!" Another green-haired student pounced on him with an iron stick.

He just dodged his punches by looking down on him. They were weak to him so it was just a game.

"You bastard..." He finally used fire magic in his fist and then sent it to Itachi with a kill intent

"So you intend to kill me. Being an innocent civilian, I will die by this curse. The world is always so difficult no matter what." He was going to cast an ice spell at him to freeze him but another figure appeared in front of him to stop the fire spell.

'This person is familiar to me...The princess of the this Kingdom ? What does she want from me ?' Itachi thought as he saw the students kneel down in front of the brother and sister. They were trying to get away with lying that the Dwarf had used magic and they were using their family's influence.

Itachi thought it was cowardly, he was going to do the same with such a cowardly method just as just to destroy their ego. He took a communication scroll and called the head of the academy.

"Itachi ! It's been a long time ! You've grown taller and more beautiful in the meantime ! What do you want from me?"

"I am calling you to make a disqualification request from a certain Jamiel Trident and his group of friends for racial harassment and for using deadly magic on me. I advise you to accept for the best of your academy." Itachi said, surprising those present.

"No problem. They are excluded. See you soon~!" He closed the parchment then left without saying a word, leaving the others there. But the princess suddenly called out to him.

"Hmm...Would you like to have some tea together sometime ?" she asked, staring at him.

Itachi had a moment of thought in his head. Why did she want to have tea with him ? Is it a habit here ? Should he reject it or accept the request? He did not know what to do.

"Yes I guess...?" He hesitated in responding but said what he thought was right.

"I'll see you at the academy." she said with a smile before reverting to a neutral expression and leaving with the cart while her brother was stunned beside her.

'He is really different from the rest.' Kathyln thought as she watched Itachi's face go away.

"Mikoto, why did she invite me for tea ?" Itachi asked, caressing her in his arms.

"It's because she's surely attracted to Daddy !

You are beautiful and strong so it's no wonder ! She is also a candidate to be my Mama !"

'Attracted to me ? Why wrap up so quickly when she just invited me for a drink. I don't see where the problem is, you're wrong Mikoto.'

"Papa is a baka ! You really don't understand anything! "

Itachi didn't understand why she was saying that and just sighed and walked over to the academy to witness the boring opening.

He had arrived after a few minutes. The academy was very large and there were a lot of people from all over the world attending the ceremony which took place outside. The kings and their queen had appeared in a large transparent image made by magic and began her speech...(lazy and boring to write)

There had been the announcement of another continent which had shocked everyone present. Itachi was slightly surprised because he didn't find it very surprising that there are other continents besides Dicathen.

They also announced the Lances which would represent the races. Itachi watched them with his Sharingan to know their approximate strength.

They were all white core, which didn't shock him as the artifact given to the Lances allows for easy switching from Silver to White Core.

He knew that by fighting them with his current strength, he wouldn't stand a chance except if he used Tsukoyomi to torture the spirit. His Susanoo can also compete but his magic will be over before he can continue the fight any further. Amaterasu will not work if they are moving or some sort of barrier. His beast will can work on all people whether they are strong or not. But that will not be enough to fight physically or with magic.

After the opening ended, he left the city to redirect himself into the forest. It had become his usual place with a small house made of earth and wood.

"The academy will start in a good time, I still have time to train. I hope the academy uniform will not be embarrassing, I have also requested to have it personalized with the Uchiha logo. I should get it before the academy. "

A few months later in front of the academy.

(No spoiler on what he's been up to in the meantime)

It was his first day of school. He had the academy outfit with a touch of personality on his chest that had the Uchiha clan symbol on it. He walked into the school while waiting in the student check queue.

He had signed up as a Scholar Mage with just his fiery affinity to hide from the public. He wasn't in this school to get attention but he just came to be Tessia's supervisor and to train. It will show itself to the public maybe later in school but not now. If the situation demands it, he will obviously use all his strength even if he does not think that there are people capable of doing it in the academy.

After that, he was gone to sit in the great hall for the presentation. He didn't bother with the seats and went upstairs into a corner.

The headmistress had appeared on the scene to speak. She had seen Itachi looking indifferent at her and Arthur and greeted them with a wink. She used the magic of sound to make her words audible to everyone in the room and then she started her speech...(lazy)

She ended by introducing the members of the student council. The last to come by was Tessia. All the students admired her beauty except Itachi who looked at him calmly and thoughtlessly. He could see that she had grown and grown strong over the years.

Mikoto got excited in her arms when she saw a potential candidate to be Mama, who was also her Daddy's childhood friend.

The students were talking to each other about her. Tessia was also the headmistress's direct disciple. She was popular for her beauty and her talent, it was natural.

She also started her speech ...

Everyone applauded after she finished. Tessia had tried to search for Itachi. Knowing his character, he would surely have placed himself at the top, she said to herself. She looked all the way up and then noticed the indifferent eyes she hadn't seen in years staring straight at her. Itachi stared intently at her for no reason, she blushed slightly then looked away and walked away.

After the speech was over, the students finally went outside for the break. Itachi was walking around quietly looking at his surroundings. He didn't have any friends so all he had to do was go for a walk. He couldn't train right away so he had to wait for the first day. He saw a group of students who had made a circle to watch a duel. He came over to take a look, he had nothing to do after all.

It was a human and a dwarf who had gone into a duel. The human with the red core while the Dwarf was still with the black core.

'This academy is weaker than I thought. But that's not my problem, I'm not here to improve the academy.' Itachi thought when he saw the dwarf that had been beaten.

He walked indifferently past it as he was no longer interested in this but felt a tap on the shoulder.

It was the human who had fought with the dwarf staring at him arrogantly.

Arthur and Elijah were also there to see the fight and naturally they saw Itachi who had just been arrested. The two got into cold sweats remembering the events with the Elderwood.

'This guy deserves a Nobel Prize for his courage, he's dead.' both thought.

"How dare you look down on me and ignore me?" he said in a stern tone.

Itachi activated his Sharingan and then looked at it indifferently. He wasn't going to create unnecessary problems for a student so he just looked at him with his eyes to silence him.

The student got a shiver when he saw those eyes and was going to jump on him, not wanting to be humiliated.

"You dare to look down on me ?! I defy you…" the student was about to summon his sword to attack Itachi but someone else interrupted them.

"Do you dare?" the female voice interposed between them.

"S-Student council president..." the student stammered when he saw Tessia appear with the rest of the council behind her.

Itachi watched Tessia and Lilia for a few seconds before turning to leave with Mikoto on his head.

Tessia panicked slightly when she saw Itachi ignore her. What did she have to do to talk to him first ? She knew he wouldn't talk to her first, that wasn't his style.

She berated the student first and then told the others to leave leaving the student council and Arthur's little group and Itachi behind.

"Why did you cause problems on the first day of school?" Tessia sighed.

"This student was going to hurt more seriously whoever he fought against. I caught his attention with my gaze to avoid more serious injuries as this student was going to hit the dwarf while its protective barrier was broken. It's all." He still walked away with his neutral face but felt a tap on his shoulder.

"Hold it, first-year. Were you raised in a barn ? Huh?" said the man named Clive.

"Clive, Stop!" Tessia knew what would happen if he made Itachi bored.

"I can't do that, president ! It's unacceptable for someone of his stature to talk to you that way ! It's undoubtedly because of his upbringing that he wasn't taught proper manners. His parents are surely irresponsible people" said Clive while that Itachi turned around with a very cold Sharingan.

"I accept unworthiness, but trampled on my pride and my parents are not." Itachi cast a Genjutsu at him with a shadow with a Sharingan stomping on his head several times.

The process repeated 50 times before Clive came back to reality and fell to his knees to the floor, panting.

"I didn't come to this academy to teach children. Sorry I lost my temper, Tessia." Itachi had deactivated his Sharingan and then left in the opposite direction.

Tessia had a horrified look when she saw Itachi badly take him against her.

'What did I do ! It's over, he hates me now ! How am I going to face him after this ? This Itachi baka !' Tessia had a chaotic mind in her head with panic.


'Why was I impulsive ? Insults shouldn't get to me. Is this my pride in Uchiha? '

Itachi wondered if he should be so hard on Tessia. He was glad to have seen her after these years but this student put him in a bad mood. He'll apologize later for that for his behavior.

* Sighs * He was in the place where he is supposed to sleep. He had not gone to a dormitory like the other students but to a separate place which was in the academy. He had opened the door and saw a basic bedroom. A bed, a desk and a wardrobe and a small table with a night lamp.

A shower was also in another room. That's not what he attracted her to. There was another door in his room, he immediately understood that it was the practice room. As he opened the door he saw a field of about 50 meters with several weapons to the side. Targets were placed against the side of the walls

He was happy with the training room. Simple and efficient, that was all he wanted.

* Sigh * "Tessia has grown mature, was it really necessary for Virion to send me here ? Or was it all calculated on his part ? I'm just going to practice and stop thinking." He started practicing mana overnight.

Arrived in the morning, Itachi had taken a shower and then got dressed. He opened the door to exit but the academy director was in front of him.

"If it's to ask me to join the student council or whatever, I refuse. I don't accept favors either, principal." Itachi looked at him indifferently.

"You saw right through me as I just arrived, interesting." She entered the room and sat down on a chair.

"I'm here for you to join the disciplinary committee. I know you don't want to stand out, but I think you might be interested. The disciplinary committee will be the one responsible for upholding peace and enforcing rules in our little school grounds. "

"I am not registered as a battle mage."

"Haha, my school, my rules so no need to talk about this topic. By becoming a member, your normal life will not be disturbed. You will just have a superior statue with permission to rebuke discriminating people or the like. Private training is also allowed but you don't need it since you have a whole room to yourself. "

'If I join this committee, I would no longer be bothered by children and I would be allowed to use power. It kind of reminds me of the Konoha Police...I have nothing to lose by declining as they have stated that my daily life will not be changed.'

"I accept your offer but don't think I'm grateful to you or anything. I didn't come here to be checked but only for work and training. That's all, you can go now." Itachi said indifferently.

"A boy very sure of yourself from what I see. In this box, there is the uniform of the committee with the same logo as on your uniform. Don't leave the president of the council in her bubble, she needs you know ? Have a nice day !" she finally left.

"I hope the days won't be as boring as yesterday. But this committee title should leave me alone even though I would stand out slightly in the academy because of it." He went out to have his lunch in the canteen then came back with his dish.

He ate it in his room to avoid worries and then after that he started to go back to training until the evening on his magic.

After finishing his training, he took a shower and then went outside the academy to walk around the yard.

It was dark, enjoying the breeze, he walked around with Mikoto in his arms this time.

A few minutes of walking later, he saw Tessia on the bench in front of the entrance to the academy.

"Good evening, Tess." Itachi sat down next to her and greeted her.

"Good evening, Itachi." she replied with her head bowed in a depressed tone.

He just sighed when he saw her like that. He didn't know what to do to raise his morale. He tried to think of a solution then he remembered that when Sasuke cried a lot, he would take him in against his shoulder or directly in his arms to calm him down so he did the same with Tessia without thinking.

"You don't have to be in a state like this. I'm not angry or anything, if I allow myself to address you familiarly in public, it might cause trouble or the like."

"I don't care what other people think…I just don't want to see you mad at me with a cold expression…" She looked at him with a slightly sad expression.

"Sorry...My feelings got slightly carried away when he spoke so low about my family...Yet I'm not usually that impulsive. I know you work a lot to become fit for this advice, but don't tire yourself out too much." he said in a gentle tone that made Tessia blush.

"We should walk together to the dormitory, it's been a while since I've been so relaxed and it's still with you that it does to me. Do you have any special power or something about that?" He moved closer to her face, staring at her.

"Huh? Oh…No, I don't have things like that…" She stammered when she saw his face so ready.

"Okay. We should go, I'll tell you what I've been doing during those years if you want to even if it's not much." Itachi stood up and Tessia followed her back. Mikoto had jumped into Tessia's arms for a change.

Itachi had started telling him about the things he had done during those years. The dungeons he explored, the one with the Elderwood too. Mikoto knew Itachi hadn't said everything, he forgot to mention that he was going to have sweets every now and then at stores !

Tessia listened to the stories with a smile. He hadn't done much except training and exploration. He spoke a lot, which was very rare. She would have liked to accompany him to keep him company on his journey. At least she knows he hadn't been close to other women and was happy about that. He had grown a lot and had become very handsome in just a few years.

Itachi had noticed that she was watching intently and asked if there was a problem. She replied that everything was fine and looked away with a blush on her face.

They were in front of Tessia's dormitory. Itachi had just thought of something and pulled out a ninja scroll. He had sealed the magical core of the Elderwood inside and had just thought of giving it to Tessia as it had herbal properties.

"Tess, take this. This is the core of the Elderwood I told you about. It will serve you to become a two-element mage." He took her hand and put it on it.

"I-I can't take this..." she said in astonishment.

"It's just a gift, you can take it. It hasn't been used and the mana beast is suitable for you, it's the best thing for you. I'm going to have to go, have a good rest. See you tomorrow if there are no problems." Itachi went to the opposite side to get to his room.

'Itachi...You gave me something so precious as if it was normal...Thank you.' Tessia left for her room with a smile showing two blushes on her cheeks.