
Chapter Eighteen: Itachi's anger

This story switches between narratives, is done in segments, and will sometimes be taken from the character's pov (point of view). Thank you for reading, and I hope you enjoy this story.


 Itachi: Reincarnated as the Demon King.


Chapter 18: Itachi's anger. 

Henry escorted Leona and Allen back to the mansion, ensuring their safety.

The moment Leona saw Itachi, she rushed towards him, shouting, "Papa, papa!"

Itachi picked her up, his relief evident, and asked, "My daughter, are you hurt?" He carefully examined her and noticed the cut on her knee. 

"Who did this?" he asked.

"I fell while running." Leona replied.

Itachi: "I See."

Itachi used his powers to heal Leona, ensuring she was no longer hurt.

Later that evening, around eight o'clock, Yuki's parents called her into the study room to deliver some unsettling news.

"We have received a message from the Shibuya family. The Grand Duke said the engagement will not be canceled." Mr. Hayashi said.

"I'm sorry, sweetheart. What will we do?" Mrs. Hayashi added.

As they contemplated the situation, a voice suddenly spoke up. Itachi stood by the door.

Itachi: "I know what we will do."

Mr Hayashi: "My lord."

Itachi proposed a plan to Yuki.

Itachi: "Yuki, we're heading to the Grand Duke of the South now."

Yuki agreed and nodded her head. 

Yuki: "Yes, my lo— I mean, yes, Itachi."

Itachi turned to Mr. and Mrs. Hayashi.

Itachi: "I'll be leaving Leona in your care."

A few minutes later He and Yuki boarded his royal carriage, with knights gathering to escort them to the Grand Duke.

However, before their departure, Leona ran outside and hugged him. 

Itachi looked at Leona surprisedly and said, "I thought you were sleeping."

"I was, but I had a feeling something had happened and woke up." Leona replied.

Itachi kissed her on the cheek and used his Tsukuyomi genjutsu to gently lull her to sleep. He then handed her over to Henry and instructed, "Put her back in her bed."

Yuki expressed concern about Itachi using Tsukuyomi on leona, noting, "Isn't Tsukuyomi dangerous? I saw you kill people with it."

"Tsukuyomi allows the user to make his victims see whatever he pleases. I put her in a land of fun." Itachi explained.

As they entered the carriage, Yuki waved to her parents, and one of the knights signaled the horses to start moving, setting them on their way to the Grand Duke's domain.

After a long night's journey, morning had finally arrived. Yuki glanced at Itachi, who was tossing and turning in his sleep. Suddenly, the carriage jolted, and Itachi awoke with a yawn. His stomach rumbled loudly.

Itachi: I'm straving.

Yuki chuckled and replied, "Perfect timing! Let's stop the carriage and enjoy a good meal."

While they were eating, Itachi noticed a wild boar nearby. "I definitely want to feast on that," Itachi said boldly.

 He borrowed a bow and arrow from one of his knights and skillfully fired, striking the boar and bringing it down.

With their meal finished, Itachi and Yuki returned to the carriage. Yuki fixed a transportation crystal to it, and in an instant, the carriage was teleported to the Duke's mansion.

Upon arriving at the Duke's mansion, Itachi and Yuki found themselves encircled by guards.

The guards' suspicion turned into surprise as they noticed the Demon King emblem on Itachi's clothing. One of the knights asked, "Who are you? Do you work for the Demon King?"

Itachi: "I don't work for the Demon King; I am the Demon King."

As he uttered those words, Itachi activated his Sharingan. The knights immediately bowed and one of them said, "We're sorry, my lord."

Itachi: "That's all right. Can one of you go and call the Grand Duke for me?"

Guard: "Yes, my lord."

The guard hurried off to summon the Duke, and a few minutes later, Duke Elijah and his son Leon arrived. Upon seeing Yuki, Leon rushed over to hug her, but he was stopped by Itachi.

Leon: "And who might you be?"

Itachi smirked and replied, "The Devil."

Duke Elijah: "My lord, what brings you here?"

Itachi: "I want you to cancel Yuki's engagement with your son."

Upon hearing Itachi's request, Leon became angry and grabbed Itachi by the arm, demanding, "What did you just say?"

Yuki: "How dare you grab onto the Demon King's arm like that."

Leon: "Demon King? He's the Demon King."

Leon let go of Itachi's hand and walked away, but Itachi wasn't going to let him walk away after such disrespect.

Itachi: "Aye, boy, where do you think you're going?"

Duke Elijah: "My lord, my son is very sorry."

Itachi teleported, grabbed Leon by the back of his head, and slammed his face into the ground. The guards wanted to help but couldn't interfere because Itachi was the Demon King.

Itachi: "Grand Duke Elijah Nightly, your son will be imprisoned for going against royalty."

Yuki, not wanting to see her childhood friend imprisoned, suggested, "My lord, why don't you settle this with a duel?"

Meanwhile, Itachi released Leon from his grip.

Itachi: "A duel to the death."

Itachi let Leon get up, and Leon shouted, "I will kill you."

Itachi began to laugh and said, "I'll give you a death so cruel even the devil will weep."