
It Started With A Free Coffee

A young girl finds herself in a precarious situation after being kicked out on her birthday.

Dr_Fluff · Teenager
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4 Chs

Chapter 1: Life Isn't So Good

"I want you out by tonight!" Those words hit me pretty hard. My father's long-neck beer in his hand didn't make the situation any better. "Do you hear me!?" He screams again.

"You can't just do that!" I scream back, though my scream isn't filled with anger, it sounds more like I'm a cornered animal trying desperately to sound like it's not terrified. "Yes I can! You're eighteen now!" he says, slurring his words. I had forgotten, it's sometimes easy to forget your new age when you don't celebrate it. But to kick your kid out on their birthday, talk about bad parenting, just before Christmas, nonetheless.

"And what if I stay?!" I say back.

"I'll call the cops on you! That's trespassing!" Even though he's drunk, I know he's serious. We don't exactly have the best relationship. He hates me, I hate him. Ever since Mom died, he became the worst father ever. The only thing that doesn't do is hit me, which I guess I have to be thankful for. I'm trying my best right now not to cry, but it's a little hard when your middle-aged, beer-bellied father is screaming at you. I can't even make out what he's saying. The noise is starting to be drowned out by my rapid thoughts. I don't know where I'm going to go. I don't know what I am going to do. I don't have any money. I don't have a job. "Are you even listening to me?!"

"Get out of my room!" I scream. I just want him gone so I can collect my thoughts.

"You mean my room? Fine, but remember you have until tonight!" He slams the door shut.

I wanted to leave anyway for the longest time, but I wasn't exactly ready to be kicked out. I wanted to get a job and find a place to stay first. I guess it doesn't matter now. I'm just glad Dad didn't sell my car that mom got me before she passed. Maybe he's just sentimental and doesn't want to let go of her, or maybe he wanted me to go far away and never come back. Though at the same time, maybe I remind him of her and that's why he hates me. I don't know, I don't care anymore, I just need to leave. So, I start packing, putting all my favorite clothes in my travel bag that's a little too small. I grab my phone as well, though he'll probably cut off my service as soon as possible after I'm out. I make sure to grab some essentials, like snacks and water since I'm kind of short on money. I check my wallet, I have $20 to my name, I have a dingy car, and I'm soon to be homeless.

I get all my things together and start leaving the house, I don't see him anywhere. Maybe he's passed out in his room. Maybe when he wakes up he'll regret this. Maybe he'll try to contact me and tell me to come back. I don't care what he does, he told me to leave so I'm leaving. I get in my car, and it takes a couple of tries to start it. I start driving, I don't know where to, but as long as it's far away from here.

This was originally an English project for a short story. I liked it so much that I decided to upload it. Hope you enjoy!

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