
-The Tickets-

"Liv, Liv, HEY OLIVIA !", Olivia Emerson heard her friend yelling her name at the top of his lungs from across the courtyard, she grimaced and wished he wouldn't yell, everyone was looking at her now and it was very embarrassing. She sighed heavily as she reached him and said " Hey A-Adam, what's up?". Adam was bouncing up and down on on the tips of his toes excitedly, "Well, so you know the way we both really like that band BTS?". 

Liv nodded slowly, wondering where this was heading. Adam cleared his throat then continued,  "Well my cousin's older sister had tickets to go to their concert and fan meet next week, but she's got the flu so she can't go, so she gave them to me and I want to go, but I was wondering if you wanted to come to...." Adam blushed slightly at this and looked down. Liv felt like something inside of her building up and then just exploding, she rushed at Adam and hugged him tightly while squealing, albeit rather quietly, "Yes, I'd love to!! ".

Adam grinned happily, "You really mean it?". "Well of c-course I mean it Adam, oh m-m-my God, thank you s-so much!!!". Liv was so happy at that point she made a mental note to some how pay Adam back for his generosity, every day for the rest of the year. As she and Adam made their way back to the University Flats they both were eagerly discussing what the concert would be like, Adam reckoned it would be just musical bliss while seven handsome men danced around a stage singing beautiful songs. Liv thought about it but she couldn't really wrap her head around the idea of HER of all people going to a concert, she would have to look up BTS concerts when she arrived home at the Flats, all she knew is that she would never ever forget it for as long as she lived. She sauntered along happily (something she hardly ever did), until like usual, her mind began the whispering again.

What if, at the fan meet, she messed up completely and said the wrong thing, dropped something, stuttered (like she usually did) or, and her insides curled into a ball at the thought at this, she tripped over her own feet (something she did quite often) and landed flat on her face (she had never really down that before but there was always a first wasn't there?). Liv tried not to think about those worrying thoughts and attempted to focus on something she usually thought about at University, such as homework or levels and grades, or job opportunities but she couldn't so she resigned to the fact that she would probably not be able to sleep for the next few days regardless of how much homework she had, but then again she never really did sleep, she was to busy doing third, fourth and fifth drafts of homework so she could get it perfect and receive excellent grades. Anything below a B- felt like an average, rather disappointing grade.

"Hey Liv, you OK?, you've been really quiet, well more quiet than usual", Adams concerned voice sliced through Liv's racing thoughts like a dagger and she hurriedly stretched her face into a watery smile. "I'm fine, j-j-just thinking about h-homework...…."  She wrenched the door to the apartment block open, her walk with Adam was drawing to a close, he lived on the bottom floor while she lived on the very top floor.

"But-" Adam began grabbing her shoulder, "I'm fine!!" she snapped, then in a much softer voice she said "Again, thanks a m-million for the tickets, I'm sure we'll have a brilliant time together, see ya tomorrow". With that she whirled around and stomped up seven flights of stairs and down a hall to her Flat. Liv fumbled with her keys before unlocking the door and stumbling into the hallway, dumping her bag and portfolio onto the floor then tottering into the wide room that was her home, her flat consisted of two rooms, the bathroom and the main room which was split into a kitchen, dining area (more like work area) and the sleeping area (in other words, the cave).

She had no homework that day, so she decided to study for the mock exam at the end of the month, then have some salad for dinner, possibly play some Skyrim on the PlayStation, then she would so called 'turn in for the night' even though it was never until the early hours of the morning when she eventually drifted off to sleep, and that was only when she didn't have homework, when she had homework, sometimes she didn't get any sleep at all and only made it through the day by drinking cup after endless cup of coffee. 

Liv sighed, even though she would be missing a whole weekend of work due to the BTS concert, she was still, very excited, she wondered, if she would get to see him, her bias, maybe if she was lucky she could speak with him, she felt delighted at the very thought of even catching a mere glimpse of him. All she had to do was wait for the day to arrive.

-Thanks for reading!-

Yeah, so that was the first chapter, what do you think about it?

Crystals_Chancreators' thoughts