
it rains in August

I cupped his face in my hands and looked him in the eye, those midnight eyes that have held my heart for the past 6 years. "I love you" A tear rolled down my eye as I waited for his reply... I hope this was enough to get your attention Hope you enjoy my book. You can follow me on inkitt, Wattpad and Instagram for more information about the book, also I'd love to know what you guys think about the book

BenitaIgil · Urban
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23 Chs

chapter 7

The alarm kept ringing

"Argh, 5 more minutes" I wasn't ready for another hectic week.

"Fine fine I'm up" I sat up with my eyes closed, my hands traveled round my bed but I couldn't find my phone.

Being a mother was no joke. I forced my lazy bones up and walked to the bathroom.

"God take control" I whispered and began my daily routine. I went to August's room and woke him up, apparently he didn't feel like getting up from bed like he normally does.

"It's all your fault George" due to George's crazy sister antics we stayed long than I planned and even had family game night.

I picked his Monday uniform and other things he needed for school I bathed him and dressed him up. Once I was down with August, I hurried downstairs to make lunch for him, all the while dozing off a couple of times.

Once I was done with my boy I went upstairs to get ready for work.

By the time I was downstairs, August was sitting on the dinning table having his breakfast,

"Good morning mommy"

"Good morning baby, do you like your meal" August nodded and took a full spoon of his milky oatmeal.

I sat beside him and dished some for myself.

My phone was ringing, it was the grey client.

"Good morning Mr Grey"

"Good morning Mrs Gwendolyn, I wanted to remind you about our meeting this morning..."

"By 9am I know, I'll be expecting you at the plaza"

"Alright till then" he hung up right after, I haven't known this man for barely an hour but i could tell he would be difficult to deal with.

"Let's go baby"


Darren had his eyes glued to the projection screen. He listened to the board presentation without sparing a glance at the people who sat beside him. Everyone in the room were tensed to their bones, why won't they when thirty percent of their colleagues were sacked.

The man who was in charge of the presentation had beads of sweat rolling down his face. "So the..., I emm you see".

Darren sighed heavily which made everyone in the room hold their breathe."Just stop..."

"I was away for just 5 years,my company has skyrocket in this time span, yet what baffles me the most is the fact you guys completely destroyed my father's years of hardwork determination and commitment" Darren leaned back on his chair " I was planning on sparing a few competent workers but sadly there was no one qualified enough" he snapped his fingers and a dozen workers who were dressed in black suits stepped in quickly.

"Who are these people" the man in charge of the presentation yelled furiously.

"Replacement" Darren replied "now I want you all out of here before lunch break"

"Yo-you can't sack us, we've been working in this company for over a decade, who would assist you with the dealings of the company" another worker stood up challengingly.

"Yes we have rights too"

"Good since you all have rights let's start from the money you all embezzled. I'm sure people with rights also have responsibilities too" he stretched out his hand and a man handed him a file. " let's see, Donald embezzled 40.5 million dollars from the state rails project, Vance embezzled 32 million dollars from the water pipe project. Well non of these guys are up to your standards Simon, you embezzled a total of 1.9 billion dollars including the bridge, seaport, airway and goverment monument project..." Simon who was in charge of the presentation had a face as pale as paper. His eyes looked hallow and his body shook violently."... No worries with the help of my team we were able to recover 4.6 billion dollars from your accounts, which happens to be  32 percent of the total amount of embezzled money. So you have a total of 9.8 billion to pay, this amount excluding the public tax and funds you still owe but I'll let that slide" just then the door banged open and the cops matched in.

"Take them away" on Darren's command the board were arrested.

Simon kept yelling like a mad man as he was dragged out of the office.

"Already sacking people on your first day" German walked inside. He looked much more matured than before, his blonde hair was longer and had a stylish bangs.

"German" Darren stood up and hugged his friend. " it's been awhile"

"Look who grew taller" German rubbed Darren's hair and scattered it "so when's the party"

"What party?" He walked to his seat and slumped on it.

"Your coronation party" German sat beside him and picked a mint from the bowl at the center of the table." Your master now come on, knock yourself out a little you earned it"

" I'm just an heir who inherited my father's wealth, nothing fancy about it"

"Heyyy, look who's sounding all grown up, big baby"

"Stop acting like a kid, I believe you've got Dwagan's luxury suit  to supervise"

German hummed a few things before smiling revealing his shinny teeth.

"We are having a business proposal today so it's my day off actually part day off, there's a meeting later off with some foreign investors so you know I need someone to tag along"

"Not interested" Darren declined and picked his phone.

"Come on, it's been 3 months since we last saw each other and your acting so cold to me, oh my heart" German acted like he was in pain and fell on the chair.

"Do you know you talk a lot?" Darren sighed and glared at his best friend.

"Of course I do, Lisa likes that about me so I'm satisfied" he rolled his eyes at his friend's reply.

"Fine I'll g..."

"Thank you!!" German stood up immediately and pulled Darren up "now let's go"

"I find it hard to understand you sometimes" Darren complained as he was pushed out of the board room.


  I sat in front of my client, just as I predicted this man was difficult. He literally turned down every style I presented to him.

"Listen the grey family has been in the spotlight for decades long before Titanic sank, these styles won't do if I want to really make an entrance" he relaxed on the cushion and grazed through my body with lazy eyes. "I know you are more than this Mrs Gwen, just try harder hmm..."

"Maybe it would be a lot easier for me if you tell me what exactly you are looking for, listen I can't just pin down an offer on Louis Vuitton or Gucci without an ideal picture or sketch at least" I turned to the dust bin beside me filled with paper.

"Well then just pick a style you think suits me" and I thought I have seen all shades of Mr Grey. "You're a fashion icon aren't you, I've gone through your page and the styles you post are always dazzling in the fashion planet, I know working with you is the best decision I've made"

"How I wish I could say same" I sighed in frustration, Grey laughed out loud like I cracked a joke. I was literally pouring out my frustration.

I looked at my watch and felt depressed, it was almost lunchtime and I still haven't gotten half way with this guy.

"Fine, I want a design worth 10.5 billion" I snapped my head at him. Did he know how heavy those words were "... and I know you can do it"

"10.5!" I sat up straight " the most expensive style I've ever sold was 6.1 billion and that was after a long week of meetings with God and man"

Grey laughed once more and some how I found my face itching to smile. "I know you can do it..." he stood up from his seat and so did I "...so Miss Gwen do it"

We both shook hands and he left my office. Right after the door closed I sat on my chair and growled in anger. What was I going to do.


Can't I just have a few minutes to console myself.

"Hey Gwen, what's up with you?"

"Please go away George" I goaned in frustration, I've had enough of difficult people this morning.

"Em... I'm actually here to get a dress" I sat up slowly and scrutinized George

"A dress?" I raised an eyebrow something wasn't right. George was a sister freak in other words a Lolita lover. Did he finally repent.

"Why are you so quiet aren't you going to attend to me" he rolled his eyes but I could see his flushed cheeks.

"Oh yes yes I'll attend to you, this way sir" I couldn't believe it, George had actually found himself a girlfriend.

We walked into the gown section, a staff of mine did the display while I chipped in some words.

"I like that one the navy blue" George pointed at the gown in the staff's hand and I was about to scream in shock.

"That's a complete set, it comes customized" George nodded slowly and gazed through the gown.

"This would fit her perfectly" oh I was so proud of my brother I wanted to cry. "I'll take it"

"I haven't told you the price yet" I held his hands, was he really going to buy a gown for a lady without asking the price. Who was this mysterious lady that caught my brother's eye. Curiosity moled on my insides."who is she?"

George turned to me and gave his usual dashing smile "I'm at mist as you are, but I'll know her soon"

Darn it, that's not enough."how much is the outfit?"

"3.4 billion, this is one of my favorite Hermes collection" I thought George would complain at least but what he did next surprised me.


My account was just credited with 3.5 billion dollars. "GEORGE!!!!" I couldn't hold back the shock wave. "Who is she, oh my God George you're really going to spend this much on a woman..." I began blabbering all out,

"This is munmmblmyb..."

"Please keep shut" I was astonished by his calm demeanor, was he in love with this mystery lady. "Get my order ready please I'll be leaving soon" the staff who was assisting me hurriedly left.

He let go of my mouth and stepped back " finally, don't tell Mom or d-, Don tell Mom or Francis about this" I nodded excitedly. "Good I'll talk to you tomorrow"

George left hurriedly and deep down I felt happy, overjoyed. I felt like wiggling my little bum all over the plaza.

I spoke to soon, I stood at my door staring at my brother who was dressed in a shinny tuckcedo and his hands stretched out to me. It was past 7 and I  just got back from work, August had assignment to do I had a 10.5 billion dollar project to start and here he was.

"Are you sick George or did she dump you" I rested on the door. George smiled so sheepishly that I felt like being a bad wolf.

"Nope she didn't neither has she accepted to be my date to the ball"

"You liar" I kicked his leg and he flinched backwards.

"What was that for?" He whinned

"You bought a gown in my shop deceiving me, making me believe you have found true love"  I yelled at him in annoyance.

"I never said I found a girl" he retorted "didn't Mom teach us not to jump into conclusions"

"Didn't Mom also teach us to be open and truthful to one another"

"Hey don't act like the victim here, I'm the one you kicked" he stood up straight and smiled warmly, a smile I'll henceforth be wary of."go dress up, August would be staying with Mom"

"Ha, you think you can deceive me and then take me out to God knows where, you lie" I glared at him intensely."I am not going to wear that gown and you can't force me cause I'll never ever wear that dress which is meant for my future sister inlaw, and there's absolutely nothing..."

I sat in George's limo grumbling and staring at the window. I was dressed in a 3.4 billion dollar dress and was all good for a ball or date. "I really need to be a principle person" I signed sadly.
